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<br /> , . . . . . ifl"'-�
<br /> ' ` . 4 � � - . `. � . � .. .` � .. -' . . � ' . . ` ' . . � , , � . L .. - r + 1�. � -
<br /> . `..�L 9` t—s..i�.. � . .• � w._,..�_.v-.�-.���..��—_�.�.._. _.��___�__L.a� , —.. V.�.�._ �).� ' . �_ _� : (-..
<br /> . ��t'�
<br /> L . �. _
<br /> �9�- i��9.�� � �.�,.;..r;y,;m.
<br /> �1NN0. 153921S18a � <0 .3�;�.•� �
<br /> ., � _ °'`z'r'> L
<br /> TFI1S SECU�i11f INSTRUNiENT corr►birtes unYror�s�covenar�is4or rsailortal use and�on-unff�orrn cov�a�artis wfth '" ..-�`�.:; '"-:
<br /> ' .' l[m.�ted vartatlons by�utisdktion to constitute a uni(orm securRy instrument cover�ng reai property. , , �����'.:'"�
<br /> ..,;-'.-`-,:.�
<br /> :.� UN1FOFiM COVEIVANTS.Borrowet and Lemisr covenant and agrea as foUaws: ; ' ' .�'#;'�'`
<br /> .,...,
<br /> 9.Pa�rtertt of Prlrtcipal ar�Inteiest;RrepaSt�e�ae�d Late Ct�arge�. Borrawer shall�rompUy psy when due ==°�'��s�-�-;_
<br /> • _�i 4he pfinctpal ol and tMerest on the debt evid e�c e d bY the Note and anY P��Y�t arod tate charges dua under 4 he , . ��..
<br /> � No2e. ' ';��.,
<br /> e ,4::
<br /> ��� � 2.F��a tA►Yexea att�le�uranco. Subjeai to apptic�le lativ or to a a�ritten uvaMer by Lender.Bcttav�er sha11 pay � = � . .�">i:
<br /> � ' ! to Lendet on ths day mortMy paymer�ts are dua under tha Not�.urtttl tha Nc4e fs paid In fu!!,a sum rFunds'j for.(a) `T'":.'A—�-'::�%° '-=
<br /> � ' y�gI t�ces and�s�essmerrts which may attain prioriry ovar this 3eaurity instrument as a lisn on 4ha Property:(b)Yearty , . . .,'���1::_
<br /> . .: � leasehotd p3ym��s or ground rents on tha Property,if any;(c)yearly hazrird or property InsuraRCe premlums;(d) . ��``� _
<br /> r��' '�,iY51�-..• -
<br /> y�ty flQarl insurance p�emlum�,(f any.(e)yaa�ty marigage(nswance premiwTns.i�any,ar�d(i�any sums payable by ' :',.;=,- . .
<br /> ::_,,.;�.
<br /> : Bomor,nr�t 4o Lert�er�in acco�am:e v�ith tha pravislflns of paiag�aph e.in Ilsu of the payment of mortgage tnsurartce -• :.:.-...�,,.,��.:, ='
<br /> . prom!um5.'Ph�e�ems are calSed'Escrow Items.'Lender map,ai arry 8me.coitect and hotd Funds tn an amoimt na't to .. ��-.�;;� ��L�.;;;,
<br /> um . ;:--.,��..
<br /> excaad th�rnar3mum amnw�t a lender for a federaUy retated mortg�ge tnan may require for Borrawer's escroN acco�m't ..� .::,,.,k,�;,�;:_.:
<br /> � u n d a r t h a t e d e r a{R e a l E s�t e S e tt t a m e n t P ro c e d u r e s A c t o f 1 9 7 4 a s a m e n d e d f r om tUr�e to tim e.l2 U.S.C. �2641�t ,_�.:��°�:%::����`�
<br /> '.,;; . seq.(`RESPA .un!�anottta�lav�Uiat a�pit3s to tha Funds sets a tesser amouat If so.Lendc-�rreay,at any time.ca[lect .F. : ��.-',�►r±;�:.= _-
<br /> • .�,..:;;�;�'-._:_"�`'�:.sr�-_�
<br /> and hdd F�s in an amaw�i not w exceEd tha tessev amaurrt.Leruier rr�ay estimate ttte amoimt of Funds due on tl�e ;� ,,:�.,��L,� .;�,�:_._.�
<br /> basis oE qurerR data and reasanabta estimates of expendftures of future Escrow(tems ar athenNise in acca�dance wit� ,. �•+��
<br /> . e
<br /> : appli�ahte!aw ;;��y'�����it.:��:
<br /> ��` The Funds shail be hald ir�an inst�utten whose depasits are insured by a federal agency,tnstiumentalfty,or e�ty �.���.�,
<br /> Qnduding Lender,ff Lertder i�such an tnstftutlon)or tn arry Federal Home Loan Bank Lendsr st�11 appHl the Fur�ds te �,-.�:,;,,�: �'r� . � �
<br /> �;,;`r,�L--
<br /> PaY the Escraw[tems.Lender enay nai charge Borrawer for holdtng and aPAlying the Funds.annually analyring the •'�-:�: z�:.:;,,�,_;_
<br /> . escr��u eccouret.or verifytng tha F_s�mw ttems.au�tess Lender pays Borrower t�terest on the Fund�and appttcabie lawr ,,. ��;��.."����r;��_
<br /> ,,' pemnits Lender to maKe suc.h a charge.Havrsver.Lender may�equtre Borrwferto pay a on9-time cria:ge tor an _�,..,�:4;� _
<br /> inde�tendent reaf astade t�c r,�orting sen►tce us2d by Ler�der in coru�ection wfth thTs loan.untess appllcable law :., , �L�T�--
<br /> prav�es otP�erwise.UNess�agreemant is made ar appllcahie[aw requtres irtterest to b�paEd,Lender sttal!not b� .,N,,; - �;,:.�
<br /> requIred to pay Borrawer any interest or eamtrtgs on the Funds.Bcrr�wer and L.ender may agreo tn wriUng,however, ;;.•„�:Iw:, ��_,,...::
<br /> that ir�teresi shall be on tha Fands.Lender shall ghre to Borraw�r.w�hout charge.an annua{accaurtting of the •;• �° �� : �'�"-;'''�=
<br /> P� ,.T:�; .. �:.;..
<br /> Funds.showing txediis and debfts to the Funds and the purpose for which each debft to the Funds was rtcade.The �...,;•�. .,..,. ...,:
<br /> � Funds are ptedged as add�lonal ssairftyl for aIl sums secured by thts Secur�ty InstrumeM. -:�'• " ";. ,:.,.."
<br /> .�T�`,�; . ��.
<br /> - t�the Funds held by Lender exceed the amatmis�r�.r�tted to be�eld by ap�tic�bie Iaw,Lesider shaii ac�crsamt to �-j.. ?;_(�. ..�'
<br /> . �!�wer forths excess Funds tn acco�ance uvYh t4eca r 5�s <<' �
<br /> r�ra�airemer�d applica�e law.lf the amount atthe�.ds h�Ed };�;•�.� �;',
<br /> � �� b y L e n d e r a t a r ry t i m e i s n o t s u�l c l�n t t o�t A��e�r c'Y.a m s��r�r n��e.L e r x ter m a y so nett�y 6as�ower in w7iti n g, ,, ',y;�
<br /> •,-:� and.fn such ca�a Barrower shail pay to�Y�a���urst nec�rrn�4a maka up the de�c'r�m�.l�orrower�ha11 mak�.� �;-.;.
<br /> '�` up tha de'rtaiency In no�are 4han 4�veN�marRfifY Pa1'ma�sts.at�saie di�c�sUon. . �;�.
<br /> Upon paymarrt tn t�l a6��7i�,tms secured bythis��r�ty In��t,Lendc-�r�t�li pramptry refund to Bc�rower airy ��u!`rnj�tri✓lty(;il'���.';.;:1�.�;,
<br /> Funda heid by Lender.ff.ur�rr�ragvc�ph 21.Lender�7 sccNire�r saU the Pra�erty.Lender.Prtorto the�rcc�utsWon t�ti'�;:7;���;'�rr,�r �S r'; .:.
<br /> ar safe d the Pmpert1l.shaR aAA�f►anll Funds hetd by Leruter at 9fi��,�a af acquls�tan or sate as a credft ag�tr�st tha '`Y;�,.:,..`.; ,��Y�-:��:,'=:
<br /> �";a5,:;:..:
<br /> � sums secured by t h is Se c u r ft�P In s tr u ma n t, - . . . ... r,
<br /> �APPIk�41an ot Ps rtt� Uaess a icaWe law pravides otherwtse.all paymerds recelved by Lencfer under . .,.� �.,;�. "r����-'�
<br /> Yma PP� �.�,f fi.;:.�..:`�
<br /> . p0aagraphs 1 and 2 sha11 be appiled:ftrst.to any prepaymern char�ges due Under the Nate:s$cand,to amawr�ts�ay�ist� , ��,,� ` :,�.
<br /> • untJar paragcapt�2;third,to tr�terest due;fourth,to principal dae;and last,to arry tate charges due under the No4e. ,;,��l�f�:.
<br /> �.Cha �:UMS. Borrawar sha0pay a11 taxes.assessmerns,charges,flnes and(mpos�lans amibutat�leto the N,'���;,�.,;"
<br /> . � PropaRy wh�h may attain prior�y auer this Securftyy tnstrument,and feasehdd paymerds or ground�errts.ff any. _ :
<br /> Borrower sBaO pay these obitgatlona in tha manner RrovWed In paragraPh 2,or ff�wt paid in that manner.Borrower shall ' j i;;^m�
<br /> pay them on time directiy to the persan owed paymern.Borrowrer shall prompSy fumish to Lender all na�ces of . ,=---=``.��t�t,�_____�:_
<br /> . amourrts to be pald�snderthts paregraph.If Bottower makes Utese paymerta�3m�rd9y.Borrawer sha11 promn�y fumish to '�;� � r- �x�f _ _
<br /> � Lar�Ter recetpis evidenciagt6hra paymerds. �{ �`��'�t��';:-.:
<br /> n la4f has averthts S Inatrument uNess Borrcwar. a �',,:::,���1��::-__ .
<br /> earanrarshal�promp�yr9rschargaar►y�is v�m priorihr e�uri�+ t )
<br /> t,�5,•
<br /> � . agreea U anrrft(ng to the pa nt of Ute obligaiton secured by the 1(en in a mar�ner acceptabte to Lgnder,(b�cotitests tn -�r�-;,,��,�1�;:3',,'.<,.:
<br /> nr
<br /> . good taftt�the lien by.or eferr,ds agatrist eMorcemern of the lie�tn.l proceeding�whiah tn tha Lende s opinlan ••••
<br /> �e to prevent the entorcemeM of the Ilen:or(c)securas from tl�hotder af the Ilen an agreen�eru satlstactory to -_.""�"'••:'��;�u,i V_;,—
<br /> � L�s�lar su�ordir�attng the I'�en to this Securt'dy I�estrument.if Lender detemnines ti�ai any part af the 7'�s subject to , �,�"�
<br /> a ilen whlch rt►�ay attatn pdo�ity aver thls Securliy Insirumsnt,Lsnder may ghra Borrower a natice WeM frtr�;•;f�e lien. ��.�..
<br /> � � Bo�rat shur`.�.:�ysiy the 11en or tako e��r more of the ac�lons s 4�orth abova wfthin 10 days af the glving ot noUce. � ' �'��"}"'�!�''"''°:_
<br /> � �..�•i�,� �:�'�'�:�.-
<br /> :.,,'��y 5.Haza�i ar Rroperry Insuwnca. iHr�r.awer shall keep the IR��roveme�s naw existir��or hereafter erected on the _'':� .
<br /> �;�;'��� prc�petty trtsured agalnst 1n,s by flre.[�itTy31�1C1Ud8d YIIIih�l11h9t�fII1'e�dended covezage and�ny oiher hazar6s. ,,..i+��,��'s'�`ili�`.;�
<br /> �,�������,� U�duding floods v�floaticr�:fc-,a whic;s I:,�r�zr requlres Insurance.Thts tnsurance shall be mait►tained in the amotsnts and , ,. . �..`.,:;,1ar�;,..;..,.
<br /> J.v. �;;:':�'� •- _ ...;.,,.� ._
<br /> "s;�s�i ��the perlads that Lend�r r�:c�s�73s. �n crsurance�ri:�r provtdir+g the tnsuraer�stiail be chosen by BoROwer subject 4� �..t,�.,;.�;:;,�_:.�:.:,:••.:
<br /> �'�,.";, oy F.rBngde�s ap�rovai which ss�11 nai te W��c�,Ason:�!y v.�it�field. if Borrawerfai'w t�m,aiMa(n c�erage desc�ibed abave. ; `���;;��'
<br /> �..'.�'f . • �c1Y.��4
<br /> .?�� Lendar may,&L t ender's optlon,obta=r�asvr��ge to�ratect Lender's�ighta in the Property fi.�c,r�rdance with �;t``:)c•:.
<br /> '„ - �,..rSgrepri 7. �, _ ���.,.:.a�-�
<br /> .,y,y, --
<br /> :. t�f:k
<br /> ,x.
<br /> . 9����..
<br /> �•5;�� {t�RASiG4-SIN£iLE FAMILY-1ji1�.'sA/FHWIC lE4lF1li{:W[3�.".�:PRU1lAElJT C35Y3R(J30289/d0 �'? �-ti'sw*n:M:�.�T-,'.
<br /> ::fr;�l , ISC/CIYIOTNE//0792/3028(390�d. pAtiE20F8 � .r.g�%��,�,�''.�. _
<br />. ,'/1�,.� - ..._ ' ,i`::Jt�Aj•�Jl:. - .
<br /> E.>:,
<br /> ��•'�.:
<br /> `'IS '� . . . . . .. . .:li. - . . . . . . . ' .... � .,. . .-
<br /> . - ' � . .. �. . ' . . . ' . ' _ ' .. . . ` . . . .. ., • . .`�1
<br /> ' .,. - �, .. • . . � . . �. . . , ' � . � . � -
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<br />- v . . . . ' ' _ . � - . ' .... . ' � ' . . .. , i . , . • - . l�-
<br /> . , . . . . . . ' . ' . ' . . . . .. _ . . • ' - ' ' . . .. _ .. . • ��:�.
<br /> : _ ' . . ' . . _ . . . . - . ' . ' - . . � :�. . _ . . � ��� .
<br /> . — —.�,t^ . ' - .��q-.. .._.._... - , ":` • , . , ..., -r......_.. , ;.t•, .• ' . ' ' '�'. v�`_ ,• ...
<br /> .. ' '_ . _.. , . • � _ . ' .. _. . . . • 1. �- . • � _ .. .. . . ._ . .- . .:.�. . . .. .. _ ���` .1. . - _ ... •' .. ,� .
<br />