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<br /> th�P�op�rry Is w uk�n or d�map�d,L�nder�h�ll h�w tha optlon,In lu sol�ond abwlut�dl�or�ron,to appty dl wch Proc�ed��
<br /> a•`��=a.��<+..•.�., aftw d�duaGnp therelrom�II co�ts�nd sxpeme�Incurred by It In Gonnection with�uah Procs�d�,upon any Ind�bt�dn�u Mour�d
<br /> —;;,;.� hw�by�nd In woh otd�r�s L�nd�r m�y d�Urmin�,or to�pply�II�uoh Pracs�d�,�fl�r:uah d�duapom,b th�rNtor�don of Ih�
<br /> �• � ��� � '�����• Prop�rly upon wah condlGon��s L�ndor m�y dNermine.Any applla�tion of Procaod�to Ind�btedn�s shell not oxbnd or podpon�
<br /> ;� , a.��ipLd � th�du�dau of�ny p�ymm4 und�r th�Nou,or eun any dNault Ih�nund�r or hanund�r.Any umpptled funds�IuNI b�pald W
<br /> b." .. � Trwta. __
<br /> g, P��formana�b�I�.�ndK.Upon the occurrenca of an E�ent of Delaultheraunder,or Ii any ect i�u�ken or lepel procMdinp
<br /> �• '` ' comm�nced whiah m�t�rl�lly�H�at�L�nda'�Intsre�t In tha Property,Lenda m�y In la own dl�ar�tlon,but without obllpaUon W do
<br /> s.�c----••----�.�`����� —
<br /> �•, ...�•• ao,and without�otice to or demend upon Truetor end without releaslny Trwtor Irom�ny oblipoGo�,do eny ect which TrusW►ha� � � _
<br /> • y•�'��; " .t., apned but I411s to do�nd m�y al�o do any oth�r aot it deem�nsceisery to prolect the aecu►ity hereoi.Trustor shall,Immedl�tely -
<br /> "�' ��'- upon d�msnd th�refor by Lender,p�y to Lendor pll cosb and expen�ea Incurced end�ume expended by Lendar i�conneatlon with
<br /> ���„�.: the sxeralas by Lender of tho forepolnp rlaht�,topether with intereat thereon et the detault rate provided In the Note,which sholl be _
<br /> '��% �-�.��� � addsd to th� Indabtodnoa seourod her�by. I.�ndor sholl not Inour any Ilobiliry beoauae,of anylhUy It mey do or omit to do
<br /> �;'. ' � t� y huoundAr.
<br /> ' `°�i0��'� ' 9. H�sardou�M��I�.Truetor ahell keep the Property In compllence with all appliceble Iewa,ordlnancea and reyulaUone
<br />�,.:,�_` • � reletiny to Industrlal hyqiene or environmental protectlon(colleotively referred to hereln as"Envfronmental Law�'�.Trustor�hall c'c
<br /> •,•.� Y
<br />-,�wd;�.,:,,,,;:,,:.:, keep the Property free Iro�a all eubstancea deemed to be hezardous or toxfc under a�y Environmentel Lewe(collectively referred to �
<br />�a, �: .,.._ , herei�as"Hazardoue Meterlals").Truator hereby werrante and repreaents to Lender thet there are no Hezerdoua Meterial�on or _
<br /> . < .. under the Property.Trustor hereby apreea to Indemnify and hotd hermleas Lender,Its dlreotors,oHfcers,employees end apente,and —__
<br /> �;"� � any succeeeore to Lender'e intereat,irom and apaf�et eny and all claima,damayes,loeaes end Ilabilitiea arleinp In connecdon wlth �
<br /> � ' " the preaence,usa,dlepoeal or tranapoM ol eny Hezardous Materlala on,under,from or about Ihe Property.THE FOREQOINO
<br />�,, ' .:;.•.y.:��S ._ , 8URVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. ___
<br /> •,•�,�:�,�;'._ . 10.Aulpnm�nt ol R�nb.Truator hereby aselgns to Lender the rents,iesuea and protits ol the Properly:provlded that Trustor __:_
<br />���? . �••'' shell,untU the oacurrence of an EveM oi Detault hereunder,have the rlght to collect and retaln auch renta,Isaues and prolNs ae they . -�...... -
<br />�°"' � ' beoome due and payable.Upon the occurrence ol an Evant ot Delault,Lender may,elther f n peraon or by eyent,with or without
<br /> Y:1� ' .. .. �� •.�
<br />�'"�' �- � bdnpinp eny ection or proceeding,or by a recelver appointed by e court and wlthout repard to the adequecy o1 its security,enter �,�tihf:.-,
<br />+.• � ' upon and teke possesafon ot the P�operty,or eny part ihereof,In its own name or In the name of the Trustee,and do any acta which It _
<br />�wr- •- : deems neceseary or deafrable to preaerve the value,marketablllty or rentebllNy of the Property,or eny paA thereof or interast therein,
<br />!��. � fncreaee the income therelrom or protect the eecurity horeol and,with or without takfng posaeaeion of the Property,aue for or --
<br />�,.:- .:• , otherwise collect the rents,Icsuea end proflte thereof,includinp thoae paet due and unpald,end apply the aeme,leas coats end
<br />�-y•: ., e�penoea ol operetion and collection Including eltorneys'feea,upon any indebtedneaa aecu�ed hereby,all In auch order ea Lender
<br />���.`�, moy determfne.The enteriny upon and teklnq posreselon ol the Property.Ihe collectbn ol euch rents,Issues a�d prolits and the
<br />�'.. ' appHcetlon thoreof ae aforeseid,ahall not cure or waive eny defeult or notice ol defaull hereunder or Invalidate eny act done In
<br />�;i '."• ►e�pome to such defpult or pureuent to auch notice ol default a�d,notwlthatendinp the contlnuence In posae�alon ol the Property or _
<br /> , the collectlon,receipt and applicetlon ol rents,I�aues or prolits,and Truatee and Lender ehall be entftled to exercise every rfpht
<br /> 1�:�.,.: �'� ' provlded for in eny of Ihe Loen Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ol any Evenf ol 0elault,Inaludlnp wlthoul Ifmltation tho ripht _.__
<br />�� - ' to exerc��e iho power ui iwiu.FurihBr,Lsndsr's rtpht�and remedles under lhls pere�reph*nwll be cumuletive with.and in no way a �-�-^���
<br /> . '•• •�+ � Iimitetlon on,Lender'e riyhls and►emedles under eny aeeipnment ol leaees and rents racordod apel��t tha Prop�Ry.Lender,Trustee �►���•-��µ=
<br /> `'r �-� and ihe receiver ehell be Uable to account only lor those renta actually recelved. _--—_
<br />: . 11. Hwnb o1 DN�ult.The lollowlnp shall constlwte an Event of Qelault under this Deed ol Trus� --a�
<br />�� � (a) Fallure to pay eny Inatellment of principal or Intereal ot any other aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> i. ' � (b) A breach of or delault under e�y proviafon contalned In the Note,thl�Deed ol Truat,any of the Loen Instruments,or eny �,--=•-��
<br />+ cthor Ilon or ancumbrance upon the Property; iF:,.+'ria��-
<br /> (c) A writ of executfon or attachment or any simller proceas shell be entered ayalnst Trustor which shell become a Ilen on ---�—
<br />'E' � � the Property or any po�tion thereot or Intereat thereln; �r�'`0.—
<br />� •• (d) There shall be flled by or agalnat Trustor or Borrower en actlon under any present or tuture federal,stete or other ��F��+?�,��,
<br /> atatute,lew or repuletlon relating to bankruptcy,fnaolvency or other reliet for debtors;or there shall be appolnted any trustee, M `
<br /> � ' � recelver or Iiquidator of Trustor or Borrower or o1 all or any pert of the Properly.or the rents,lasuea or prollta thereof,or Trustor —___---
<br /> � or 8orrower ahell meke Any general esalgnment lor the benelit of creditora; '
<br /> Y P Y `�. =.:����:_c
<br /> (e) The sale,trensfer,lease,asalgnment conveyance or funher encumbrance ol all or en art of or an Intereat In the
<br /> . Properly,elther volunterlly or Involuntarily,without the express written consent ol Lender; provided thet Truator ahell be ��_
<br /> . . permiffed to exeeute e lease ol the Property that does not contein an opllon to purchese and the term ot which doea not exCeed _ --,�,__
<br />�_� • one year; � ''T 't
<br /> 4 , (q Abandonment of the Property;or
<br />�i`y - ° ,. (y) If Trustor Is not an Indlvidual,the Iseuance,sale,transler,asalynment conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total ��,�'_,=-
<br /> ���. --'vm=,
<br /> � pl percent o1(N a corporation)ita Issued and outstanding stock or(il a parMerahip)a total of percent of _,
<br />_ paAne►ahip interests during the perlod this Deed oi Trust remains a Ilen on the Proparty. _-__�_
<br /> 12. Fi�m�dlh;AccN�ralbn Upon DN�ult.In the event ol any Evant of Defautt Lender may,without notice except as required by '":�,.___.„
<br /> � lew, declare alt Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payeble � ; °'-"=
<br /> +. ,wr+�.-
<br /> . wlthout any presentment,demand,proteet ar notice ol any kind.Thereafter Lender may: �
<br /> (a) Demend that Tn�atee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,end Trustee shall thereafter cause Truator'e
<br /> " intereat In the Properly to be sold and lhe proceeds to be dfalributed,all in the manner provided in the Nebraaka Trust Deeda
<br /> � Acr
<br /> ' (b) Exerclse any and all rlflhts provlded for In any ot the loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event ol
<br /> � Deteulh,end
<br /> ' (c) Commence an actlon to foreclose lhfs Deed of trust as e mortgeye,appolnt a recelver,or speciffcally en(orce any of the
<br /> �:
<br />', covenante hereol.
<br /> No remedy herefn con(erred upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender fs fntended to be excluslve ol eny other remedy herefn,in ihe � •
<br /> Loen Instruments or by law provided or permftted,but each ahall be cumulatwe.sha11 be in addition to every other remedy grven
<br /> : . � ' � hereunder,fn the Loan Instruments or now or hereafler ex�sting at law or fn equlry or by stalute,and may be exercised conCUrrenlly,
<br />- � � Independently or succeasively. ;
<br /> 13. TrustN.The Truatee may resign at any time w�thout cause,and Lender mey at any Nme and without cause appolnt e
<br /> euccesaor or substftule Trustee.7rustee ahall nol be Ilable to an�r party,including without Ilm�tatlon LP�der,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> purcheaer of the Properry,for any losa or damage unless due to reCkless or wil Ilul misCOnduct,and ahall not be requlred to teke any
<br /> • ectlon In connectfon wlth the enlorcemenl of thfs Deed ot 7rust unless indemnilled, in writing,lor all costs. compensetfon or .
<br /> expenses whlch may be associated therewith.In additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudlclal or
<br /> ,�,,.�a.�ha.,.,�.,o,nt,w�w aranted heref nl: oostoone the eale o10ll or any po�tion ol lhe Property,as provided by low;or eell the
<br /> Property as a whole,or in separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretfon. �
<br /> 14. Fws and Exp�m�s.In ihe event Trus:ee sells the Property by exercfse of power ol sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> eny sale proceeds(Irat to paymenl of all costs and expensea of exerclsing power uf aele,�ncludfng all Truatee's 1ees,and Lender s
<br /> , end Trustee's ettorney's lees,ectually Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses any
<br /> rlpht provlded by lew to cure an Event ol Default,Lender shall be enlltled to recover Irom Trustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> Incurred ae a reault of Trustor's default, Includlnp wlthout Ilmltatlon all Trustee's and atlorney'a leea,to the extent permltled by
<br /> eppllcable law.
<br /> 1S. Fulur�Adv�ncH. Upon requeat ol Borrower. Lender may,at Hs option, make addltlonal and future advances end re-
<br /> edvancea to Borrower.Such advences and readvances,wlth Interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed o1 Trust.At no tlme shall
<br /> � the princlpel amount of the Indebtednesa secured by thla Deed of Trust,notJ�cl��pg��rns advanced to protect the securfty ol thls
<br /> Deed of Truat,exceed the orlglnal princ�pal pmount atated here�n,or$_ 6 � �� whichever is y�eater. � _ .
<br /> ,, � , �
<br /> . ' I
<br /> 1
<br /> . ./i ��
<br />