� � . ?. . . . . . . . .. r(;` � . . . . . . � . . .. . . . -
<br />. , , � . . � � ---.�..._"-'-�.,..�,.�._...._.._.��i.i:b;S:i.,..-u._._.,___�_..,,_---__ .. _.':...�_....�__—••__'--.__.... �.._.._�_.._..... ; ' -
<br /> ( . .�r.-��. �_ '-� . � ' i-��-+-. .• . �.;a °--_
<br /> . +v+ J �:,--
<br /> F• - � �Y��� ,.'
<br /> . � .J �-; . cati�r rrs �e .
<br /> � 1. P�ymsMV. Borrower agreos to make all pa�tments on the socar¢d dr�C when due. Unlesa Bonawer and Lender agree otAerwise, a�ny : "_ �
<br /> � paymanta Lendnr rocoivo�from Eorrovrar or for Bartowora Don4fi:v�iq tM 6Aphed first to any amount3 Borrower owea on Utg seeured debt ' �_
<br /> exdwive of irttereat or princlpal,escand to interect,�nd Yttan to grirtcipaL tf,yartiai�xkpayrrsent of ths secured de6t octuts tor any roQSOn,it v+bil • ,,r•a` •
<br /> x
<br /> noi�odueo ar eaGUSe any schedutad payment wrtil the socured dr3bt is patd irt fi:H. ` `` '� ` �'"_.` _
<br /> 2.C[alns Ae�lrtst TI�s.Bonovrer wili pay a0 taxea,asseusme�ts,and othar char,��es act�Dutebte to tho proDenY whsn dua and will Qefena titte � :, -
<br /> to th9 prope�ty aga�nst any ciaima which would impair the lien of thJO Qead at'mat.Lander may require Bortovler to assign any righta,daims or •, �' •�z.4;��
<br /> , defonso�wh(ch 8orrov�or may have againat part�ee who suppty latur ar fr•nte►ials 4t impte�a or mamtain ths properry. ',,�•G�� ; s:� .. �
<br /> • 3,tntmanao.Bonovrar witl keep the properhr irtsurod urtdrtr termis acceRtBC�e to landor ai Bonower's eup3nse and for Lendor'e bensfit. All � 5�• ' � ,
<br /> • insurancs polidas shaU inctude a standard mortgage elause in i8vor of Lnrtdar.Lnr:del wiH tro r�amed as losu payee or as ffia insured on any such . 4'�. ,• ,`
<br /> insurance poGey.Any insurance proceeds may De apptied,within l.ender'a diucreCnrs,tr,either ths restoration or repair of the damaged property ` .f'., •
<br />., or to tfia securod debt.If Lender requires mortgage msuranco,Bor►a•nvr agrakt.tc mAiaGSin such insurance for as lortg as Lender requiras. • �
<br /> '` ^� 4.PraQtriy.Bonorrar will tceep tha Droperty in good cortditian and reafce all ren3'+ru reasooabty neeessary• � `': _
<br /> � " 6.Espsnsea.Bortov�er agress to pay all Lender's expenses,inclu�ng r¢asortablo att:��vs'fees,i!Bonower breaks any coveaants in Uus dead .�
<br /> •'; of trust ar in any obligation secured by this deed of vust.Borro nor well pny�l�we 3mauma te lender as provided in Covenant 8 of th+s deed of ���.'.i� J ,, _'
<br /> � trust.
<br /> S ,.��..: � ,,_ �:
<br /> ' ' 6.Pdar Saauritjl(ntanab.Unlers Boaowot Tirst obtains lertder'a v►te+,2an�rtriert,.8nrr:�KOr will not make or permit any chnnges to am/prior �T- '� �°-"` "�"Tf:.�v=�'�.
<br /> � security i�tereats. Bonov�a� will portorm aIi ot BaROwers oDtiga�orss undor er.V�ria►mortgaga,deed ot mat or otha�securiry agresmant, . -
<br /> ' � ir�tudinp Bonowefs covenants w make payments when due. �t ' " ���: �' "" �
<br /> 7.Astt�n ant of Rarn.+and ProfiYS.Bonovrer assigns to l.er.der tt�e�6rts am!profibi at the pro�ertY.Unless Borrowar and Lender have agreed ';, ° . �::..��
<br /> otherwrse in writing, Boaovret may coltect ar.d retain the renUS as lnrtQ es 0orrc+nv��s not m dstaui�i.!f Borrower defaufts,Lertder, Lender's >, �sn�.', , _,-__ _
<br /> agsnL or a court appo'.rted receiver may take possession artd m3nagrt tte yvc�nrtY and collect th2��'s•Any reMS Lender collects shap be ' '�'�%_.; � � ,.
<br /> aDP��ed first to the costs of martagin$the proporiy, indudin covrt cosss ar.d 9tt:meys' fees, cc-m:i�s�o:�s to re�taf agents, and any cSM✓. "�,�T_ � -� -,�'
<br /> neoessary retated e�enses.The rema�nmp amount of rents�n�l then aFp1U cc�Rrrmr�MS on tha secure�aa�a:as vrovided in Covenant 1.
<br /> -+t��!�...�.�
<br /> ' 8.Leasaheids;CoctdartlNuma:Pfann�d Unft Devaia�r.,.artCS.&:rrn+ner eQt¢ea+,G�FFy witfi the pro�s:an,��s+y lease'rf this deed ot trust is o:� ...�. � ::� �'�:-
<br /> '•' a leasehold. If thls dead of Vust is on a unit in a cortdommium.<r a Ctat+nqd•��it Oevelopmsrtt, Hs•'r+v�'.vill perform aIl of Bonowar's dui'ses ��_'. :" • � � �
<br /> .��. i_'S:;� 1.•r"°rs.�y�'-i:="e.,�-
<br /> undnr tha covenants,Dy-lawa,or reguladanc of tfie oortdortcintam.cr yfarmid unit devetoament. r � -�„?+,3^•^��`
<br /> .} ;�,��. '� . �... .�.-
<br /> 9.Autlwrity of Lendor W P�rPcm tcr Qerrovrer.I4 Bscswrer�a+,s�r., yerform arry ot Bonowar's duties under thia deed of mut,Lender may i` .%' :�,�'�.
<br /> perform the duties or cau�e thom to 6o porfcm:od.G�+�..r r•tay sLlcr�onowets nama or pay any amou�t it nacessary for perfarmanee.If sny �
<br /> consUUCtion on thep�operty is discontinuod or ne*.xarrt#on in a�asonabte manner,Lender may do whatever ls necessary to protect Lendet's �"� ` . . �r: �::. �
<br /> seeurity interest in ffie property.This may inctudo ar.•�'��ng Uw eorestruetiCn. •.; � °`` 3,.
<br /> . . :��_;u:-��ell������,.
<br /> - - Len�efs faiiure to perform will rrot praduda Lendet horte exereisinQ any of its other rights under the�aw or thia deed of trust � ,�:::: -.--„=:.,M
<br /> �;,iFA�" ��,iz.;;:`•;., -
<br /> Any amounts paid by Leader to qrotact Lenders se��:nrnrast.+a:tl Oe saeured by this daed af vust.Such amounis will be due on demand .����,����.,. � �" '
<br /> and will bear interest from tho dmo of tho payr►certt unol peid in 15,iI Ht the irrterest rate io effecc aa�the seWreO dsb� °' e�` , f:. • , t���--"'''
<br /> ;£���Z'•••,�. , ...,,
<br /> ��'.' 10. O�f�ut!md Azcetaratlart. If Bortov�er faitn to make aml P35rmerrt wheo 6�c3 or breaks any covananis under this deed ot trust or any P,�t-' '>,`. ' '���'
<br /> f� �:•—.__
<br /> � obligation secured Ey thJs dood of m�t or am/�r marSyrsge.cr deed of vust, lender may accalerate tirj mativity of the searred debt nml • � ,��-.`. ,.
<br /> damand immedlato payment and rteay invo&e tho povre��f ctala and any other remedies partniited by appticabte taw. '"��"�"' ;n �.•.
<br /> . ^��,�.�`,'��.{�..-
<br /> 1i.ibe�uast far NCtiao 04 D�fst�IL h�hereDy requontad tat copies ot the notiees of defauh and sale ba sertt to each person who is a party �ti;..:':{ r.� h•z•°�..,;�gt;,. •=-°
<br /> herEto,a[the addrecs of o�ch cuch p�nn,as set ferth h�rein. 5 :� •: :'_'•`' �.
<br /> . � �i .=n�, r� f�
<br /> C �I.�'�' ,.,�•1':``�t "
<br /> 1Z �e!Sota.If the Lsnder i�vakn3 tPn povmr af ac+la.�o Trustea shall first record in rtio offite of tha regtster of deads of each counry �{ �' � `._�. �•..: ____
<br /> . wh�vrar�s truut propruty or aorrte para cr parcel tl�;rnof%$situated a notice o!dsfauft contalrtfrt9 tha intormaton required by taw.The Trustee y ',�� ��c,-.-.-,
<br /> shz!i�mail caples at the notice of dafautt te:tE�Earrcmer,to eacA Da►son who is a party here[o,and t¢atilar persons aspres�ibed Dy �;,r�:� .:.�','�• }•-
<br /> �'�l� aAP'•:ttt�5 lativ.I�1�t Iea�than one rrtorrth oftar tt�t Trutteu records the notico of dafzuft,or two rtwrtths if tias wst property Is not In 2rry � ',;.- ,_��' :.M_,.
<br /> - inoo�ss2ad city or rlfrage and is u3ed'm taminQ apr,ratiunn carriad on bY�e Vuator,tha Trusteo sh�l!give puaF�c notice of sale to the pxrse� . �d . __".�s)
<br /> and i-�the manner proccribod by apppliautlo le�v.T��ateo,without damand on Bonower,sha�l ac'-L iha property at pubtic auct�r.s to th�highest ��,,};� '� ._
<br /> hfdder.H requireA Isy tha Fsrrn Horer�axaad�otuetlon Aat,Trustse shal!offer tha property in Ar�separato eales as wquirGd b�r•i�.plicable law. ;�,�,', ; . .�_
<br /> - Trustee may poat�ooe aala oE al!ar azri Rnreol uf ttb property by pubUc annauneement frt tha tinv and place of any previousfy schadulad sala. ��.." "� .i��� , ; V
<br /> Lertdar or ita dosiflnee may p�aGhese tt;u prGpor3y at any safe.
<br /> f E y;.
<br /> Upon receipt of poym nnt ot tLe prico 6td,TrwL3e ehuU deliver to ihe purchaser Tn�teo's daed conveying the propercy.Tha recitlata conuinttd in •,'4-��:`•. --
<br /> Trustee's dood ahal!bo pdma ta�ie a�idionae of�:nx m.nh of the statements contsinad tharotn.Trusteo shalt appty the proceeds of the sate tn 4he , _
<br /> foltowEng orCor• la) to aU et�ons�ea o� tr.o an1n, including, but not Iimitad to, reasonable Trusteo's tees, reasonahle attome�Ia feus and • ,,,_,�_
<br /> � .,� reinstatemont 4eoa;(hl Co olt oumn sc.curad by tttfs deod of Vust,and lc)the balance,if amr,to th�parscna tegalfy errtitted to recalve it r'_" .-y-�__.___;-_
<br /> - 13.Fanclosurn.A4�undor's option.�hiF das�'�•trust may 6a foraclosed t�the manner provide by apgllcable law for foroclosure of mortgagas `l�-.--
<br /> " . on roal proporty. L
<br /> ��`Ef�%�%if±..:.��
<br /> 1�.tns�oedon.lortdor may errtnr tlio property a aq;act it if Lender gives Borrower notica baforeAa�d.Tho noUce must state the reasan�io [. ,r��_:
<br />' eauae for Londar'a mepuction. �'��,�:� -
<br />� s-.- ----�..
<br /> 16.Candunnatlon.C�`nnewer assrAna to Lender thep�vceeQs of any award ot elaEm!ti�damages ca�nected witf�a aondomnatio:s rr other taidr.3 — ��
<br /> of al1 or anU part ot ZY[e prcpetty.S�mh proceeds will be applied as provided in Co�r►ant 1.Th`�:�signment ia subjoct to tho norn:n of a►ry prior Gf�.,�.,,.�
<br /> socuriula�raomonL °"-"=.�,_`��"... -
<br /> 'Y�'���- ... —_:
<br /> 18.1h�iuvr.8� c+ue�Gsm anv romedv aveila6le to Lendar,Lender does not ive an ri Ms t�lata�use any other reme not exerctstn � �����_
<br /> � 0 9 �,� v a dY•Btr g �V".-;
<br /> any romody upon Botrauuvr's dofault,LenQer does not waive any rlgM to later cor,vc'„�nf the event a defautt if it Aappens agnin.
<br /> 17. dolnt�nd Suwtnl Us�t�'tr Co-�1�rs: Suec�ssora �nd Aui�s Ba�md.G.��•�L�es under thls deed of vust are joint and sevaral. Any ���=s��_
<br /> Borrawm v�hn cp.s�na thlo deed ot trust hui does not co-slgn the undefiriny-y�.�4 insaumentls) does so onty to grant and wnvey that � };.;3,qr�����ic'
<br /> Borrosarif9 intareet in tl�u property m r.'^e Trustee under the terma r�trts deed cf:vst In additto�,sucfi a Bartower agreos that tho Lendsr end ;.,•� `.,.,,...,,; ;_.
<br /> ar�ethnr Enrrower undor tfiis doed cN rsvst may oxtend,modity a rMake ar►y otAer changes irr•�re terms of this deed ot trust or the Bucu►ed ��k�ry�, • .
<br /> dobt without MnT f�uROwel's o0nsov'�'+i w3thnut releasing that�.anawer from the terMS oi ttfa roed of trust. '}; fj•`.. _ "�
<br /> " Tho dudoa and bonot'tta of this deed c:�:si shaJ Lind and bsnefrt the successc�s arr!assigns of lender and Bortovrer. '��� k.' . ��.%i'��',�$y�M1>��,`�_
<br /> i '�''t 1�.t37Uoo.Unlasa otherwise requiros:Cy law,ar.y�.r,�ce to Borrower shalt 6e���an Iry delivering it a by mailing tt by certifled meil addressed to lksl:��_
<br /> Barrow�it at the propertY addres�cc ar. other eddrs3s tfiat Bonower has give:tt:t��der.8onower will gtve arry noice to Lender by eartlficd ' ��.� _
<br /> mofl ta LBnders address on page 1 ci�is deed of trust,or to an fi c:�er address�JiUch Lender fws deuipnated.Any other noUce to londer shait �,.:.-:
<br /> bt►cerA�to Lendor's addrosa as statrai cn page t o!this Qeed of C;�r- � �"�'
<br /> Mv natice shall be deemed to have Leen piven to Bcrrower or LenCer when given in tho mannm steted above. � -
<br /> `�--�-�-T.�a..�,..,�.�,�.----
<br /> ' �.-�:_—���.-=_=_,.--
<br /> 3 1�.Tn�af�r of tM Prq:vtq ar�B�flclv Gsurcai�rr•r."re Barowv.If all ar any pun of the prcperty or aoy interest in it Is sofd or transtarr�U ,
<br /> � w)thout Lendefe prkar writton co�sent, Londer m•u�t drt:�and immediote paym�.am�nf the socured debt. Lander may atso demand lmmecL'atm .�� .
<br /> ' ;3��,. payment if the Bono•a+a +a not e natutat asracr¢r.r!a benoflcial intemst In t.'.o�arrower i9 sold or tranaforrod. However, Lendar may not , ,
<br /> � domand paymont in the above siti:a�cr.s if it is pr:!�l��n�d by federa!law ea ot the Cate of this deed of trust. .,:.-;sy.,
<br /> � _a;�'i�S�.��,a�c�W`--�--�.
<br /> 20.R�conv�yanc�.When tho oDti6atlnr. sacured by this deed of trust has been paid,and lendor has no further obtigatian to make advances ;�y4�;;'4"; • :
<br /> unAer the insUUmenta or agreements sacured E���s daed of trust, tt�o Trusteo shall,upon written request by tho Lender,reconvoy the Vust 4,Ar .-.:ri, .
<br /> properYy.Tho Lende�shall deliver to the Borrowri.�to Bonovrer's succossor in tntsrest,iho uust daad and tho noto or otfior evldence ot the '
<br /> obltgaUon so satisfied.Bonowar sha11 pay any rs.tinr�,cr.ion costa.
<br /> � 21. Sacc�saa TrostN. Lendar, at lende►'s op�or., may removo Trusteo and appaint a suacossor trustoo by first, mailing a copy of the .. :
<br /> substltuUon o!trusteo as raquired by�pplicablo law,and then,by filing tho aubntttutiun of trusteo for record in the offiee of tho rogister of deods
<br /> of eaeh eounty in whieh tho Vuut proporty,or some pan thoreof,is situated.Tho succossor trustee,viithout eonvoyaneo o!tho proporiy,shal)
<br /> ,� suaceed to alI tAe power,dutios,autP.ority ond tit(o ot tho T►u3teo namod in ffio daed of trust and of any succossor trustoo. .
<br /> ;,� � � _
<br /> ?1 • ,... � - ��,.
<br /> ',i . �-
<br /> . . � . .
<br /> t .
<br /> 1 fpoge I O/21 — �
<br /> � � ons;nau srs�vas.Q:c..sr.aow.r���sa3o�n eoo3a�-r3.+u wa,�ocv�xr�r�ensr�� `. : .
<br /> r-_:
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