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It} ;�; � y1 t �/e�, .� ;;;4;�,� ..� a.� r � . Gr..;..v,.^ a'•° . . , .. . ., �rr�..... <br /> � �` u' v�,t! �t.l�L� I I ...�:;;.�'Ri'��i`=.a. - _ <br /> _ �i�,t ,n.r r:�=' - . --° • '�' • _ -- --- � <br /> - +� M' . :... ,.. .. . �w v..rk�� . .-- <br /> li�, � <br /> . �'rr� I ,.;� <br /> . a.� i <br /> . .. . � � —�+ _ ._. <br /> _ �. -- <br /> . � �.�� �—_,�_..- _--__._ _` . _ •• - -- -�...�:...ti.:t�::_r,. <br /> " .....�. .. . '____ -- �T±__' .....-..__ _ <br /> � �.�'_.--_.-__' <br /> ��._'.It� ...__..-i'�... ��""'__ <br /> .. • �• .� ., w i"r_f., _.�.—. <br /> �:� .� � 92— �Os�S� <br /> ,�r��,,,�.;��_,..:., notifiodlon to TrustN md B�n� a�ry.In the ewnt any pollay hereunder la not renewed on or before fltteen(1d)daye prlor to �-, <br /> Ite�xpir�tlon dat�,TrustN or B�n�flal�ry m�y proaurs such Insur�ncs In�ocord�nce with tho provldon�oi Parapraph 7. <br /> '=±�� ��-� �°!� Trustor shall d�liv�r to B�nNlalary ths orlpin�l pollcl�s of(nbur�nae and rsnewala ihereof or coplss of euah pollolss �nd <br /> ° � � renewals th�raof. P�Ilun to furnlah suah Insunncs by Trustor, or renewale as requlred he►eunder, sholl,at the optlon of <br /> •• " 8ensflol�ry,constlt�te�d���lt.All uneansd premlums are hsreby aaelpned to Trautes ae addltlonal security,and a svle and �_._. <br /> �':"�'s�"=�`�•��' co�wy�na of tft�P�opert+y y th�T�ustN sh�ll opsrds to conwy to ths purah�ssr the Trustor's Interost In�nd to all pollol�s <br /> . . <br /> o�-�:'., ' vi Insuraoce upon tho Truat PropeAy. � - - --------y- <br /> �`' 't��, S.T�xq�nd A��m�nb.Trustor sh�ll pay all taxes and spealal oaaeesme�te levled or aeeeseed apalmt,or due upon,ths = - <br /> _ . . � � Propsrty befor�ddlnqu�nay�nd wlll d�llv�r to B�nellclary coplee of rscalpte ehowin�payment of ivah t�xo�and spualal � <br /> , ° us�semsMs. <br />�°' � ��• ° 8.Additlaaal Ll�n�.Trusfor eh�l l make oll paymenta of Intereat and prinalpel,and peyments of any other oharpea,feee,and <br /> ,.�. • �. <br /> � ' expenese contractsd to be pald to�ny exlstlnp Ilen holders or prior beneflala�lee under eny prlor Deed of Trust,Mortpape or � <br /> � othsr escurlty apre�m�nt,b�for� ths d�te thsy are ddinquent and to ppy Any other ctalm whlch�eopardl�es the seou�ity � <br /> "�;� , . prentad hereln. -- <br /> - • 7.Prot�atlon of B�nNlol�ry's S�ourHy.Should Truetor fall to make any payment,fell to do any aat as hareln provlded or If <br /> ,_ any action or procaedlnp le commenaed whloh materlally aifecte 8enefialary's Interest In the PropeRy, Inaludln�,but not �,:,s_ <br /> � ��,. ,' Ilmited to,eminent domaln,Insolvency,arranpemente ar proceedlnqs Involvin4 a bonkrupt or decedent,then Beneflclary or =�-- <br /> ' Truatee,but without oblipation to do so,ond wlthout not ice to or demand upon Trusto►,and without releasinp Truator from ony � <br /> �� ., olblpetlon hereunder,mwy m�ke or do the same,and may pay,purahase,conteat or compromlee any ancumbrance,cha�ge or ��_;::4 <br /> ^,,;... � �� " lisn,whlah In ths�udpment of elther�ppe�ra to Affeat eaid Prope►ty;In exeralalnp any suoh powers,the Beneflalary or Truetee - �i <br /> � � may Inaur a Ilablllty and expend wh�t�v�r amounts„I�oludinp olabursemente of reaeonable ettorney's teea,whloh in thei�ab� ���,,— <br /> � �,�� %`;';., solute dlaarstlon may be neaee�ory. In the event that Trustor shall fall to procure insurance, fell to pay taxea end apeclol <br /> • � . aeaeeementa or fall to make any payments to sxleltnp o�prlor Ilen holdere or beneticlerles,the Beneflalery may procure euoh � � <br /> ..,',�' � Inau�ance and make auah paymenta.All euma Incurred or expended by 8eneflclary or Trustee In accordance with the provi• �a ��_ <br /> 'i,'•�� @;..:i'_IS��i�_-_.. <br /> . aions oi the Deed of Truet a►e eecured hereby and,wlthout demand,ehell be Immedlately due and payable by Trustor and ahall -,��, .. <br /> bear Interest at the rats provlded for advances under the Loan Apreement; provided, however, that at the option of the . _— <br /> , � Beneflcl�ry or Trustee,euoh euma may be added to the prinalpel balanae of any Indebtednesa aecured hereby and shall bear �T•, -- <br /> .,,,�,,,_.—�_,- <br /> � � • ' the seme Intereat as auch Indebtedneaa and ehall be payeble ratably over the remelnlnp term thereot. � -:•��•�•'::�� <br /> ' � 8.AalannwM of R�nt�.Bensflclory ehpll have the ripht,power and euthorlty durinp the continuance of thla Deed of Truat to _•R.�-;�.1T;%��:^; <br /> • „ colleot the rents, Issusa and proflts of the Property and of any peraonal propeMy located thereon with or wlthout taklnQ • � : ,.:;�� <br /> „ poaseeslon of the Prope►ty affected heroby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditlonally asal�na all euoh renta,Isauea ' � <br /> � and profits to Bensflol�ry. Bensficlary,however, he►eby coneents to the Truator'e colleotlon and rete�tlon of suoh rents, t <br /> leaues and proflte ae they accrua and become peyable so lonp as Truator la not,at auch time,In default with reapect to pay -_ �.` <br /> ment of any Indebtedneae aecured hereby or In the performence of eny epreement hereunder. Upon any such default, a�� <br /> � Beneflclary may at any time,eNher In pereon,by apent or by a recelver to be appointed by e cou►t,without notice a�d without :. •._�..�:��� <br /> � ' repard to the adequpcy of eny aecurlty for the Indebtedness horeby aecured:(a)enter upon and take posaesalon of the Proper• ' �- ��:�` <br /> � ty or any part thereof end In Its own name sue for or otherwlae collect auch rents,Iseues and proflts,Includlnp those past due � +� <br /> � . . n Includln reasonable attorney fees, �,,L�",`� <br /> , and unpald, and epply the same. less costs end expenaes of operatlon and collectlo , <br /> • . upon eny Indebtedneaa eecured hereby end 1n such order as BeneHclary may determine;(b)perfo►m auch acts of repeir or pra '�`�:''�"r`��k� <br /> " teatlon ae mey be nace9dery or proper to conserve the velue of the Property;(o)lease the same or any pert hereof for euch ren• 'i;.� l"-••+� <br /> ''� tal te�m and upon such condltlons os Ita�udqment may dlctate.Unleas Trustor and Beneflclary a�ree otherwlse In wrltinp,any ' ��� �� <br /> . applloatlon of►ents,Issuea o�proflte to any Indebtedness secured hereby ahall not extend or postpone the due date of the in• h -=-= <br /> � atallment paymente ae provlded In the loan Apreement,and the applicatlon thereof as aforesold ahall not walve or cure any 1-_ <br /> , default o�ootice of default hereunder or Invalldate any ect done pursuant to auch notice.Truator also aeslpns to Beneflclary, � ; <br /> � os furthe�seaurlty for the peAormance of the oblipatbna secured hereby,all prepald rents and all monlea whlch may have <br />' been or may hereafter be depoalted wlth sald Trustor by any lesaee of the Property,to secure Ihe payment of any rent,and '( '-;,;;�;��=; <br />' . • upon default in the peHoramnce ol any of the provlslons hereof,Trustor ayrees to dellver such rents and deposlts to the I ��___,. <br />' � • Bensflclary. Delivery of wrltten notice of Benelficary's exerclae of the rlqMs flrented hereln to any tenaM occupylnp eald . �-.::.�-_ <br /> � , premlaes ehell be euff�clent to requlre aald lenant to pay safd rent to the Beneficlary until further notice. � ���'�`" <br /> ' � 9.ConA�mndlon.If title fo any port of the Propeny ehell be taken In condemnatlon proceedinys,by rl�ht of eminent domaln • ";�'"!•� <br /> � �'' �� or almllar actlon,or shall be sold under threat of condemnatlon,all awards,damages and proceeda ere hereby asalyned and � ��"-�-� <br /> � � ahall be peld to Beneficlary who shall apply auch award,damapes and proceeda to the auma secured by the Deed of Trust, � �," ;"�;t <br /> �' � wfth the exceaa, if any,pald to the Truelor. � •%----""�" <br /> 10.Futun Adv�na�s.The Loan Apreement provldea for edvances from time to time to Trustor by Beneficlary as provlded � <br /> � ' • thereln.In addition,upon request ol Truetor,Beneflclery,et Beneflclary's Optlon,prlor to reconveyance of the Property to the ' <br /> • . Truetor,may make additlonal future advoncea to the Truetor.Such future advances,wfth interest thereon,shall be secured by � <br /> • ', • this Deed of Trust when evldenced by promissory notes atating that sald notes are secured hereby:provided that at no time • , <br /> ehall the aecured principal ond future advances,not Including sums advenced to protect the securHy,exceed one hundred per- <br /> r ' cent(100°!0)of the orlglnal principot amounta secured hereby. <br /> 11. R�m�dl�s Cumul�tiv�. All remedles provfded In this Deed oi Trust are dfstlnct and cumulative to any other right or <br /> remedy under thfs Deed of Trust or af forded by law or equlty,and may be exercised concurrently,Independently or suacesslve• • <br /> �Y <br /> " 12.Acal�rdlon;R�m�dl�s;S�N.A default shall exlst in the event ot: <br /> � (A) Any fraud or misrepresentation by the Trustor In ConneCtlon with the Iine of Credlt which this Deed of Trust seCUres; <br /> (B) Any fellure on the part of the Trustor to meet the repeyment terms In respect to the Loan Aqreement and eny other ad• <br /> vancea under►hls Deed of Trust hereby secured;a�d. <br /> (C) Any actlon by the Trustor prohibited by the terms of the Loan Agreement or fhis Deed ol Trust or any tallurP of the Trustor <br /> to act a8 requlred bY the Loan Aoreement or thls Deed of Trust.each of whfch Trustor hereby aprees have an adverse et- <br /> l (ect on the Benellclary's securlty fOr the Ilne of crRdit establlsAed and the rlyhts of the Beneficfary in such secunty. <br /> and upon the I�appening ol any such event of default.Beneflciary may declare all sums secured hereby Immedlately due and <br /> , payable by delfvery to Trustee ol wrlften declaretron of de�ault.The Trustee shall have the power ot sale of the Property,and it <br /> Benef�c�ary desires the Property to be sold. It shall depos�t wfth Trustee thfs Oeed ot trust and all promissory notes a�d <br /> documents evfaencing expenditures secured hereby and shall delfver to Trustee a wrlttvn notice ot default and etect�on to <br /> ceuse ihe Prn�erty to be aold,a�d the Trustee In turn shall prepare a notice in the form req�lred by law.wh�ch shall be duly fll• <br /> ed forr�cord by Trustee. <br /> � (A1 After the lapse o�such tlme as may be requlred by law foilowing the recordat�on of sald notice of default,and notfce of <br /> default and notice of sele hevinp been given as requfred by law,Trustee.without demand on Trustor,shall sell the Proper• <br /> ty on the date and et the 11me ond plaCe desiqnated In safd notico of publiC auctlon to the hlghesl bfdder,the pur• <br /> chase prlce payable In lawlul money of the U�Ited States at the tlme of sale.The person conductfng the sale may,for any <br /> ceuse he deems exped�ent,po9lpane the sale Irom tlmo to Ifine unt�l�t Shall be completed and.�n every such Cese,not�ce <br /> ..�.,,,, •. . <br /> . 'n, <br />