' . .. . • . .. . F.
<br /> � � � ' .. , � • � , ` � . . ... '. � . ` , � ; � �:. .: �
<br /> ' ; ' _ ��'r • � ,' - - � . . �. -, - � .` � • � . - • . , . . . , ', _ , . . .. ; , � ` 'e; • . �..
<br /> , ' �'. . . .. . �. . . . � �
<br /> e < . . �' < , ' . ...--------"'--'— _+.--.- 4._ . •F.. . • -
<br /> ,— __._.._.�.___.� —i:..... �,�.�._,_.__`------ —.. ......_.__��.-'--...��..._ _�__ � c =
<br />< s .. . ,
<br /> ' • tivo ��v.{.�FI ( '.. - ':r
<br /> ' � 16.Borro�er's Copy. Horrower shall be given one confonned wpy of the 1Vo�and of this 5ecurity InsUUm2at � ', �� . � F-
<br /> ; 17.Tr�nder of the Prop�rt�or a Be�¢fIsiaf In2er�st tn Boreawes. If all or any part of the Prope�cy er any intesest in ii is , . • .
<br /> sold or t�snsferred(or if a beueficial mte�est�Borrower is sol�or ttansfeaed and Borrower is not a nattualgersan)withQUt . � -
<br /> ,`' Leuder's prior writt$n cansent,LeadPa may,at its o�rion,re4uue ia,msdiare paymQat in full of all s�uns sec�ed bY this Security ..
<br /> a
<br /> Ins�ment However,this eption shall not be exe�c�sed by Lender if eaesase�s gmiu��:ed by fe�esal law as of th�dtite af this
<br /> � Security Insaumeat • • `.
<br />•-� ff Lea�tcr ex�ises t�isa�iion,I.QUd�r sha11 give Boirowea twrice of�celeaaoion'Ih�not�se sf►�11 provi��aper of not lc�s , . -
<br /> ; t�an 30 days fro�the da2e ths no�e is d$livered oz mailed within whish Bonavrea must pay all suffis secaaod hy�mis Security - -.--�- ---`-::�t-�: :
<br /> �
<br /> • InstrumeaL If Barrower fa�s Do pay these sums prior tn the expirarion of tb'ss pe�intl,Lender m3y invoke any remeriies p�cd ' �•,` .
<br /> ` by this Serauity Tnsuum�nt�vithflut fatther nots�e or deman�on Bann�rea. . : -
<br /> ' lfi.Bagemve�r"s Ftig�4 to Re3n�ta4e. If �orrowza me�is cesta�s con�itiors, Bazro�er shEll I�ve ths riQht to have i,� .T -._`='- - -
<br /> , ' e�faioera�at of this S�ty Ia4miment disrnntinued at�tia�priaz m t!�e�li�of: (a)5 days(or such ot�geaiod as �.. � :_
<br /> � applicabie law tnay�for reinstatemeat)befase sale�GL»�l pt�ni to any gawea of sale cant�inEtl m this 5xtuity ; - . �. '*
<br /> , ; Iruuum�eufi or(b)eat�Y o a JudBa�ent eaforcing Wis Seatris�.r.-...�.'fS�ose oonditions axe Wat Baanwed:(a)PaYs Leader aIi � . = - -
<br /> = sums which thea wa n l d b e d�un d e a r t h i�S e Q U�y I n s u��¢h�l Y o i e a s i f a o s x e 2 a r a l i a n h2d o�;N)��Y .�--,,_'='.
<br /> � dsfautt of any othQar oovenanis or n�reemeat�(c)PaYs���.�i m enfomag @us S�'Tns�n�3.�tcta�B,but ,.,,,
<br /> '� a�t lirnited tn,�easonable atmaneys'fee�and(�mk�s��ctioa 2s L�d�r ma�r;c�rnabiy raqnue to acsure thae the}i�of this r�'- -
<br /> c+� t, Lender's rights in the Property �x.i Bamuwer's obtig2u� raz pay the s�as secur�d b�y this Sea�ity ,y'�•��-�----
<br /> $OCtUj4y in ttnPn � . - '�.;'"�-'Y"..�..`-
<br /> Ias�nmteat shall canti�e u�ichanB,ed- UPon cemsiatemeai by Bairowea. this S L�strum�si and tpee obliga�inns seaued �',:.�-;
<br /> ' 6ereby shaU rernain fally effective as ff no asce2eaation bad ocx�rea.i�nwever,this�t to teias�.r�U Qoi aypty m the case Qf . .•;�;�--.�,
<br /> � haII
<br /> ` accele�arion ander pa�agiaph 17. '' ' E ' ' '
<br /> �.,,� 1SI.Sale olNote;CLange of Loan Services. 'I�e Note ar a �.:�t iat�st in the Note (tngether wilh this Searai�g .°`� _�`�,r"`. '
<br /> ,,�`• . .... •�
<br /> ' � r,�„ment)m�y be so2d one�maie�wit�ont gri�s a�tice ao r�*wer.A sale may resWt in a change m the enttty pmo�+n �_`._�
<br /> ` gri ..
<br />. .�5 a�s c�."L�a�Savice�t8at ooIIects mont6lypayments d�e�r��!l�te a�d this Securay Insuameut 3hese also may be a�ne or .` : 3iv� . .4 ,��r
<br /> '' �e chsnges of the Loa�►Servic�uaretaied tn a sale c�t�Na�.��e is a ch�ge of ihe Loaa Se1vioer,Ba�mwer avi'116e -=_._:-.��:�.' _
<br /> ��.2 givea writr��uce of Ws cbange m accordance aith�D Y4��e�dapplicabte law.'IUe notice wU state the uame aad .. .�,��,__
<br /> .:' addre.ss of dt2�w I.oan Seivicer and the address w whicfa pay-'�rs s�outd 6e made.'The notioe w71 aLw contain any ost� �'- "`�`-'.�
<br /> .,� T ,�;��
<br /> mfaimatian req�red by applicable taw. . ,�„�
<br /> Z0.Bs�rdaas Snbstan�es. Botcowea shaU aot c�e ar �-1.:��v pres�, use, disposal. stor�8e.or reie�ase of aary :a�t,.; . . '�' ''.'
<br />� � F7azar+dous Sabs�aoes on ar ca the Pcopeuty.Boimwet skm:�zot c�.�r alMw a�}�eLse to do,anY�S��8 the Proge�ty `x�;,s: ��.��
<br />� � ' that is�violation of any Envunnmental Iaw.The " s two�ces sh��a�ly m the pze,sence.nse.or swia8e an the �v,.;� '- �! �° .
<br /> `� p�p�ty of smaU quaatities of I�Ia�arcl�i:s Suhs�ances�at ate gers�Z3�ra�g�i�mr�e apprapriate tn noimal�iial uses ,f;,'�.��,:' ��
<br /> � and m mainoeaauce of the Properry. ',,;_ = `;''S;:;�
<br /> . y d �ansnd.�.�+snit ar other acrion b a�.y ",: l .r,.: ' .
<br /> Bauowar shall Pi'o�P�Y Sn'e Lea�n�n Eu�e of any im�on, �. �+ '�; " r: -�: `-.
<br /> � �vemmeatal or cegulatoiy age�ney a private party�c'�T��nB the RoPatY and�t"H'�ardaas Subatance or Environmea� law � . , .° �:,,�' :
<br /> '. � �� ,�:,t:•,.:�� t r (.: ,
<br /> � .;,
<br /> � c�ahich B�ower haS acmal lmowbdge.If Banoc.a il�ss,or is noti5ed by any���ta1 or regu3amry anthority,that any .;;,�.:,� : .�,���•fz:•,•t:;' , .
<br /> � �aval or ot�rumediaLion of�y I�Ynacdous S�roe affeetiag ths Pcapaty�s neeess�yy,Bonower shall psompSy talce all �•.. i��
<br /> ;� �edial actians io acoar�ance wii�Bnvua,,��.al Iaw S � �'.::=�_. ,`�`.�`� ;�`
<br /> r!',�t �Y ' ,
<br /> .;�, eys nsed i�this parag�aph?A. "H�doas Sn�" mre thnss substaaces defined as toAC or ha.�cdous snb3tances a� �,�.. F �,_��•
<br /> es '
<br />,,,3� , If��a�aa'�r7 Iaw arcd the followmg s�.,.'�stautces: �s:�e. k�rosene, other flamraab2e or toxic peuoleumo �ro�. ta�c '�- ._ ..:, �'��.
<br /> 3i� ... ���,,:. ��• ��
<br /> ��� �Sa.�ides���erb9ades.wlat�solv�,mat�ls c�g asb�7ns or fo�nal�ehyde.a���fe�.��m ��,,. ,� ;-,
<br /> ,;�a. �;-•z�..
<br /> r�"ss h?A,"Envimn�enral I�v"means fede�:�+s and la�vs of the jurisdiction wheae the Praperty 3s Eneated tbat re1a� �;,,•,..
<br /> ,.� �hsal��t�oi envlrronmental protection. ,--
<br /> i• NON-LZ+�RM COVffi�TANTS.Borrowear and Le,nd�r fimher coveusnt and agree as follows: L �,�'
<br /> �,:;.! , . � .
<br />.:-..; 21.Aeoekratbn;Semedles.Lender shaD give notioe to Bomawer prior to sooei�sntton E;�'�wing BarraW+er's 6reaet�a� ,��,,,,,,;.{�--.
<br /> a�ny ao�er��nt or agseement in t� Secarity Iastrament (bn3 not prior to �tccskratinn and¢r paragraph 17 nni� �,.�;�-'-�=:�_
<br /> �IP➢�Lx I�w pmvides other�rlse).Tlse uotice sbsd4�y:(a)the deSau[!i(b)tde act�un raryIred tm care the defaalt;(c) ��.-`'"_�-=-'"�'
<br />,';:..�;�� s�date,c�a'i�SS t�n 3fl daya trom t6t d�te the no�e is given ta Borrowtr.bp whfeh the detantt m�t be e�ed:aad(�
<br /> E�t Pai7�e r�care t�e Qefaaft on ar 6�the ds::spetiDd fm t�re notloe may resnit m�a�e7atinn af the�sea�e3 ['-�'"°'�""�
<br />�`;`';,; bq thi,Securit7 IIastiramtat tmd sab�t�3e Pra�t;+.T6e ac�re�a0 fortt�er tatosm Botct4wer of the rig�t to rda�i�te �•:---
<br />