. - �� .. _ _ . . _. . . . , ' • ' - . �, , . . -� ` . C' < ^7 .. �- -
<br />- ' . . ' 4`- ' , c' . - .c � . . - ' .. . . � , , � -. ' - . - , -�: . ._ ...
<br /> ��_ ' ..._r._ .. . .��'�...=. . ..—_�___"._„_—_._._��-...—_.�_..,_.,._..�._.. .. - � l�, �•_ _-
<br /> . r�_.
<br />. . . ��� �v�� � .. .. -.�-
<br /> ` . IiOCififE�R WiTH all the improvaments nativ ar he�eafter e�ted an the prograty, a�nd all easem�ts,aPP�teaances.2ad ' - -.
<br /> . fx�ues uow or�a p2rt of the�rap�2y.AII repl�aeaoueats aad�ddit3ons shaU alw b.s covered by this Seauiry Tnstnmzent ,. `_
<br /> rt �.
<br /> ' All of t�e f�egamg is zefeared oo in this Sec�uisy Ins�um�at as ths"pmperty.° � . ' " ;-_
<br /> SORROW�GOVENAN'tS tLai Boao•xer is)�wfully seis�of the es�te��eby oomeyed and has the right to gcant and -
<br /> . canvey the Ptoperty and tbai the Ftopeaty is �ra�mbaed,except fa�e,ncumbrances of�ecard.Bos�ower warrants and w�l . .:�r,�;_,_'.1° -
<br /> defend generally the titte to the Pm�ty aguinst all cD�ims aad deanands,subject w any eacurnbraaces of r�cord. �_ �.
<br /> 1'EIIS SECilR1TY II�STRUMEN'I'combiaes uaifa�m covenaats for nationai use and non-�anifoim coveaants with lirniLed , _
<br /> � vaaiatians by�risdicdon w oons€iwte a uasfoim sacurity instmmeat covering real grogaty. � - - . -
<br /> - UN�ORM COVF.�1AId'ts.Hoaower and Lend�covenant aad agt�ee as follow� .• ��, .� ,_ �-�_-. �_
<br /> 1.Pnyment of Prindpal aad Interest;Prepaymeni aad La�Cha��. BoaawPa sLall PromFUY FaY when due the -- - `: --
<br /> . • ,;�rt--rac•-°�::,-�..�.�
<br /> princig�l of and intr�st oa Ihe debt evidanced 6y th�Note and anY pr�aYmvent aQd tar$chai�es due uader i�e I�iote. __--
<br /> . Z.F�iads for T�aes�Insu�nc� Snb,�ect to anp�iCabte l�w oa 9 a wtitt�t waiv�r by Le�d�, Bo:m�rcr� � p3y w �-- .:'.:;�..;� .r_�.Y+-
<br /> Lend�r on the day montLly paymeuts are dae and�s the No=�u�the lYo x is pai�d'm fuII.a sam(°FwWs'far.(a)Y�Y�� ' �.� � �` � '�' ��'
<br /> . -<yr:.�s,�ix;;s"�.�rj�3�•-..
<br /> _ aad a�enu wLicb may attain priority ovea this Securiry Iastin�.eat as a tiea on the Property;(b)YeariY teasehoYi gayments • �,�; �.��a.�..�_� :
<br /> or gcound rents on the Proyerry,if any;(c)Y�T�Y��P�P�Y���P��(�Y�rly flood enguranoe pre�nuuas,if -� �.. - ---
<br /> :t -'�,�� _���J,.
<br /> Y,(e)Yea�ty mnrtgage�mance ptemiums.if any;and(�2nY s�ns PaYahle by Botravver to Leader,in ac�cordaase widh the '.`41�` ` ':,-
<br /> pmvir"ans of paragzaph 8.m lieu af the paymemt of m�e�ce prem�n±na.'Iteese it�ns are cxlled "Escrow It�ns." •'*�� -"
<br /> a
<br /> Lendea may,at any mne,collea�d hotd F�mds in�ammmt r.a:w exceed the max�num amotmt a lendsr faz a fe�eaal�'-•related -�� -�`�����w'
<br /> r �. ;. ...z.=
<br /> moRg�Ioau may ceqai:e for Boaowds escqow x�unt�mdear tb�fedenal Real Fstate SsClement Pmr.edaze.s Act of 1974 as .�.;:.�;`:�::..' -��;�..
<br /> ai e
<br /> amended fc�m Gme tfl mne.12 U.S.C.Ser,tiion 26U1 et seq. ("RESPA"?,anless anotHer law that applies oo dhe F�ds sets a Iesses � ts,�Y --"��'¢"'.,
<br /> amounL 1f so,Lendea may,at any tisne.ooItect sud bnld Facd3 in an amonnt not m excerd the lesser amoimt Lear,ic�may � , ��. ' i�,�,r-�
<br /> est�a�the a�imt of F�ds due on the bavs of c�ment data�d mssnnable estimaYes of expea�.it�ues of fuuae E�crow�ems or •`'```f�`�i�:' ���-._
<br /> aihervr�se ut acoorda�ce with applicable 1aw. f,j`���� ��
<br /> 'IT�e Fm�ds ahall be tteld in aa ia�timtion w�deposits are ms�ed by a fedasl aS�Y ��5+. ��Y C B '� ,��;�'�,�. _
<br /> :.� ,instrum or mczudin
<br /> �
<br /> .�', Lea�der,if Lrader is such an insdniuon or in an FeQe�al Home Loan Ban1�.Leader sha}1 �`_`-''"''
<br /> a ) Y appIy tne Fc�}a�a py tI�Escmw ,.-
<br />, I�s.L�c2�may not cl�arge Borrower for hafd'mg and agrly'�a the Funds.aan�alty aoalyting the esraorr��c o,r�fying �
<br /> . r� •.�:,`•,�
<br /> . the Bsesuiv It�ms.�u,1�ss Leader pays Boaowea inte�esc a�dhv�ands and app2icable 1aw p�rmits Leadei co wabe��:�ge. ���..:..... � -��;ti;°
<br /> . . Ii�wew�rr.Leadet may t�equire B�nwer to pay a on�t�me c�sgs f�an mdependent ieal estate ta�c repanireg sezsa��sed by .��`. ,. •. T�``
<br /> _ Lender in qmnecaron with dus Ioan.a�less Irc�able 1aw vzdes oth�rarise.Unt�an - •- r j
<br /> a�p' pra ' h agr�t is made or app7icab�s 1aw :�,
<br /> . req�intaresi to Ise pad�,I.eader sha}1 not be rnqu�cf to pay Harrower any iaterest or eammgs on tI�e F�ds.Boaaaea and
<br /> I.ender mny a�ee In vrtiting.however,th2t mt�c sshall 6e�ofl the Fumds.Leatdear shall give to Barcowe�,cvi�:o�sinzc��as •, ..
<br /> �nua]a�cam�tmg cn the F�shocring�aad debits to�e Funds and the pmpose far wLicb each drbit w t�Lrtm�'s was -
<br /> �`� "" mado.'I4:eFundsare _ -
<br /> P�B�as add:tianal sec�.uiiy for all sums seaued by tl�is Secunity InsOtument .
<br /> . . If Ph�Ftmds het�by I.endea e��te a�a��reamived m he hel�1 by a�,plirable l�w,Latder shall�t to Bmrmwet foar • :�` .
<br /> . • ii�e eaczss Funds in aoo�c�3oe�:�t�a.ce�-�m�of appiicab'e law.ff tt�mmount of tt�e�tmds held t5:�G�der at a�►y dme ia ' �:�. ;��,'.�.
<br /> aoi�t to gay tmc��row L��c��^.za d�,U�ss may so caaiffy Boara�in wri�rig,s�d,in such case Banower sbaU pay - .c�.' �
<br />- �'` tu Lmder the amount c:�essaiy d caa�re up the�ef�cy. �.�rnv�er shari maYte np tbe defuaieACy in no mo�than twelv�a
<br /> m��3!DaY��•a2I.ct�'s sole disede8un. �__�
<br /> � Upan payn�t ia�of all s�s sec�ued by t�is Sec�ity Instra�aent,Leader st�all pr��ptly rcfimd to Bomawes any Fuads � _-..
<br /> held by I�If,�'er para�apb 21,Lead�rr ahatl acq�une ar sell the Prapeny,I�ader,Rior to the a�c�quisition aa sale of the S,�
<br /> : �'��Yp s�ePPIY aay Fimds held by Le,�a at tLe dms of scq�isi6an oz sale as a czadit ag�ot�e su�av stx.�red by this __ .f.•�-
<br /> <,i�;' SeauiL�JII�e�L -- -----
<br />, 3.A�C�dun oY Foy�mQa. Unless applicable 1aw provIdes ost�wLse,aU paymen�received b}�L�qde�n�par�raPl�s -�.�'s.;`�
<br /> t� �;�:x:._-
<br /> 1 and 2 a�.nD be apptied:fust,tn�nY�paYrne�t cbargev due�mdQ tbe Not�second,w amoants plyable nadrr paiagrepb 2; —� -�:9;,
<br /> ne�
<br /> thtrd,to intacesi du�fur�th,w p�anctpal du�aad 1ast,to any lare c�ges due imder the Note. �� --
<br /> ' --
<br />. 4.C�;Ltefla Barmwer sbaD p3y all t�cav.ass�aents,charges,fines�d impossiB�ons attri'Iwta6le to tP�e Pmpecty =__--- '
<br /> w��y�uaui priaTiry over tLi9 Sec�ity Ins�uneat,aad�easettvld payments�gmund neats.if aay.Bmmwtr st�ll pay these -•����
<br /> obligt�,��the manner grov9du!in parap�SpD 2.�if not paid in that manner�Boirower sball pay thcm on time di�ctty to the `*���—
<br /> petsr,,e�tswed payateat Batrowv shatl pmmpily fianish to Laider all notices of anwonts w be paid ander thIs p�yy�b.If {:;':C--'�y
<br /> � Banoe��r matces tJ�Gaymeab duectlY,Bo�rdwer sh�II P�amPdY fiunis6 tn I.enda r�ts evide�acin r�° �` ------- --l--^.
<br /> `� Haus,^+s�er sball�tiy dischacge any iiea which das ove.r tLis S �►Y�� .
<br /> { �rionity Sec�ity Insdn�mc�t unles��rawer: (a)�gaes in ���_ �
<br />� wridn�.ta t�payment of the ob�t'ian saauad by the lien i�s manner screptable�o Lead�;(6)contescs in good fairr5!he lien �"- _
<br /> � by.or el�nds agamst eaforc�.c�f tha liea in. legal Draeeedin8s which in the L�cic�'s ogmion operate W preveat the ���"-
<br /> eafar�eaaent of the 1iea;ar(c)sea��from the L-�ded of t�c lic�►an�greement satisfac�n-t�u�Le�der�.s�ordinwng the li�to �� . -
<br /> this Sewriry Ins�urneat If l�ender d�nin�t�t���art of t�:Prapeaty is suDject to a I�a�r�npi m�in priority over tUrn �`�
<br /> •� S�J InSItUmCn�Lcad�l m3y giv8 B�tOtiv�r�Pr�ce 1dCU� the lien.E�T[Owet Sh� �.
<br /> ufym8 s�:s�rY�Ci�i ar taYe oae or mare E:��-�-°
<br /> �,__ _ -
<br /> � of tha scaons set fortb above with3n 30 dQya of the giving of�ati�e. -- -
<br />. Forn� O/p0 �.:,�� �.
<br /> ��@�(tCL�t02121.01 vr.5e��r14 InRfi� _. - -
<br /> S R�'�'°rd...°�"�r'r.=
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