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<br /> '=--_���r,�h'__"�f Charles Enke and Carol M. Enke husband and wife.
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<br />-���'-�, .7r.aa TrueCee for titw b�:�efit o! Mid City Hank, Ine. �-
<br /> _.� ���,� Zb william �. L ndeav.
<br /> ---�`"" �" the H�n�lioia:y nawsd eharein, Dat�d June 26 1989 and saaorcMd ie th�
<br /> ,�—�Y.��Y��� oliia� o! th� R�yi�ter o! De�d� oi Hal Co�nby. Nebra�ka !.n Book 89 ,
<br /> __���G_ ���� at Pag� 103272 ha� bMn paid, and •aid Ben�lioiary has requwtad in Mritinq thst
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<br /> :,,. �.}�..,�.�Yr,;j.�,r,
<br /> —_ �ts�',x�:° ' �,,. ��� an Addition to the City of Grand Ieland, Hall County, Nebraska. ■ ��
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