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<br /> ' _ .�. . ` � - �l .•_�_
<br /> . • Qd� ���1�.�'(d/ - ' ,�"r' �i� .. _=_
<br /> ° ' TOGETHElt WITH all the improvemeats now or hereafter erected on thc pm�erty, and all easameata. . , � . _-
<br /> appurtenances,and�iaturas now or hereafter a patt of the property:All teplacements and additions shsll also be covered <. • � . ' --::.
<br /> by this Securitq Instruinent.All of theloregoing is referred to in t W s Security I n s t r umen t as t�e°Pro p e r t y." ; `.;�°
<br /> � BORROWER COVENEiN'TS that Borrower is lawfuily seised o4 the eatate hereby conveped aad hss the right w •��" . •�, : �`°� : ,�._-
<br /> • graitt end convey the Property aad that the Propescy ia naeucumbered,escxpt for encumbrances of record. Borrower ••�*.�-.-.;` , �
<br /> warraats and c�ilj defand generallq the tide w the Property against all claims and demends,subject to any encunnbrances , ` . �,� :
<br />- of record. _. .�:.s;.-. - -�
<br /> � THIS SECIJRTfY INSTRUlt.ffiNT cambines uniform covenaats for national use and aon-uniform covennnta with - _ ,, -_';
<br />` limited variatians bq jurssdictioa to constitute a uniform security insirumeat covering real P�F�9- . . ._.�-:=
<br /> UrIIFORM COV�NAN15.Barrower and Lea.der wvenant and agcee as follocv� : :< . ,: � _.
<br /> 1.Pa�ffieant of�siaciysal an�l Interes�-;�'���e�t s�►ici Late Char�s.Borrower shall prQ�.�3;�':'�a,V when due - - =- -_---:_,___
<br /> � � a ment and late� �r:�+._^�r3'r-x�e�dr.�. `T :.
<br /> the princ�.I ef aad intzrest on the debt evide�o�1��r:�W N.�r,�an3 anY P�P p � � . - � . �
<br /> ' a1�'��rrs Trt�2�d *�����:;=�;�c�•E�utaLS�law or to��itteu waivet b��',r�rt„�. �,�-�•�'�1 `�3 ����
<br /> { L]M--_
<br /> `-. ��M�,u�.er e�t:�+�c�lqtr�,.r�.�'��I,ps�n����c�a�ander the Note,until�,��iate is p-�:d.ia ful1,��f°Funds')for. -• ' _. ._",f�� _
<br /> n
<br /> _"'-' hs ,,. - -
<br /> :z )Yearly tsses and a�ents v:ti�?;:r.ap att��riority over this SecuritY Insut�menL as a�ien a�t�e Prnpsrty;(b� `� �,�"j
<br />-_ yearly leasehald paymen�or ground sents on the Ptoperty.if say;tc)yeurly hamtd or property insuraace premium� •' �"'""--- "°_:�:
<br /> na�tran� remiums,if an�-and(f)aay sums ble
<br /> (d)Yearlp flood insurance premiume,if aay;(e)Yeariy mortg�ge i p , PaYa .-
<br /> by Borrower to I.eBder,in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the pagmeat of mortgags iasurance � _ ,f.:;�,r:
<br /> e
<br /> � gremiumo.Thesa iteins are called"F�crow Items."Leader may,at any tima,collect and hald Funds iA aa emount not ..
<br /> to exc�ed th$masimum amount e lender 4or e federally relaud mortpgo loan may require for Borrower's eeccow ��� ���►'��.
<br /> accauat under tha fedeeal Real F.state gettlement Procedwes Ace ot 1974 ea amended ieom t6cne to ttm�� 12 U.S.C. - -
<br /> Section 2601 et�eq, ("RESPA').unless enothat law thnt applies w tDe Fur.ds eets�tesaer amount.It so�l.ender may. •� ,_. '�
<br /> � at any time�collect and hold Funds in an emount not to exceed the lcasor amount.l.en�or may estianato the amount o! r?����1`:-�-_
<br /> ��-�.-,_.�.---=
<br /> Fuads due on tha bas3o ot cutrant dat�and reasanable csumetea ot oxpznditures of futur�F.�rosv luma or otheewiBe in - - - _
<br /> accordance wtth spplicable law. �:�=�,Y., -�
<br /> The Funds ehall be held in an inatitutton v,hoso depasie�a�e insured by e tedarel agcsnay,instrumeAt8lity.a•entity � . ,�:����.:.
<br /> (i n c l u�i n g L e n d e r,i f L onder ie sucA an instituuon)or in any Ftderal Homa I,9an Banlc.Les,der shell epply the Fuade to T-.��r ,�.
<br /> " pay the Facrow Items.Lender may not charae Borrovrer tor holdiAg and ap�lying the�nds.anaually snalYzinS t he ��'��
<br /> ,,-' rscrow accoun4.or verifyittg the F�crow Itema.unle�Lender paye Bornower entes�est on�e Funds aad applicabte taw �-_
<br /> pertnite Lendcr to maYa such a chatge. However, Lettdar may requue Borrower to pay a ane^time charge 4or sa ; �.;< s,.
<br /> utdcpeadent real eytate tag reportiagservice used by Lender ia connection with this loan.ualess applicublelacv pmvides �{�:.: :�:�•<,. .__
<br /> ' � otherwise.Uutess aa agreement ie mad$or applicable!aw requires interest to be paid,Lendar ehall not be raNu�ed to "
<br /> ''�'t pay Borto�ver any interest or earninga on the Fnnds.Borro�rer aud Lender may agree ia writing.however.tt�at iat�rest ,,: .....`;�j
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds.Lender ehall giv�to Borcower.without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,ahooving ?� : , `
<br /> . credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit W the Funds wr�s�ade.The Funds are pYedged aa :�;;,;�,,_
<br /> �ra^
<br /> additionat security 4or all sums secured by this Security Instnimen� ;!;:.'.�, °
<br /> Lender shall account to . :::�=�i`:
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender esc�eed the amounts pernutted to be�eld bq applicable law, _ ,.:.:,.,,,;,�tf
<br /> :.,�',a Borrower for the eacess Funds i�a�ocordance with the requirements o4 applicable la�v.If the amount o4 the Fiaads held . '�'����'-�'�: ��
<br /> aad • �,.,„�- c5�r. :
<br /> � ;; I.ender mayr ,i.-�, �4':Si. �
<br /> by I,endea at any time ia not s�'a�i to pay the Fscrow I4¢�ns when due, �o aotify Borrawer ia writing, �� l�,fi;�,�:;.. .:.:Y;.:
<br /> ::,. + az►d�in s�case Borsa��r shalII�.r to Lender the amount a�essarq to make up the dr�'i�i,ency.Borrawer�^sake y' .�`����",`.;.";'`��;',:
<br /> .,..� ���g��j� s� °�
<br /> up the def'uiency ia�m.�re than t�reive moa�l��7 paymente,at Lend.,�r's s�'e discretia�.. .��s�:r; �,.?+: {;.��.�r��r,
<br /> " �' UPon PaYtnent is�C,.:1104 aL1 surns sec+u�Us this Security Instrnsae::�E�.3er sha1T prom�t��'m.€c�d to L�crrower rp"r�1(':,'s;; :;���t:
<br />`� :"� . any Fuade held bq I.ender. If. ��er Part►graph 21. Lender shall acqu�rs�z sell the �perty. �nder.Qriar to tfce ,� '.�Ri'c?%�$a�,},,"'
<br /> �' aoquisisioa or eale of the Propertcyf�.sfiall apply enq Funds La:d by Lender at the tirs�:�C acqattsitian or eale��credit - =<�:� • � ' -��;�� �
<br /> , �:
<br /> .. ., agaiast tho sums se�ured by this�:�rity lnstruraen� ;^f�- y". '""'�,°'°'. �,
<br />,;,;�. .,.. ' ���%.,;,,;,.;,:,',, ,
<br /> �. 3.Apglication of Psycntn3s.Ualess ag�scabla law providea otherwise,all payc^eats received by I.enBer under ,_,,, , ;
<br /> > paragraphe 1 aad 2 ehall be applied:�rst,to�y prepaYment charges due uader tha Nots;second.w amounte peyable , �r'l��j�.
<br /> �: ' vader paragraph x third.to intere,�tdu..:fourt3,w princi 1 diu;and lasE,to any late ctuu es due under the Note. �t'!`�+� '
<br /> i � g ;,,.:.,r�.,s�i��y'.
<br /> .'" } 4. C 6 u�e s: Lieas. Borrm;x�ar shall p ay ali tages�asse.ssments.chsrges.fiaes and impoaitions attrihutabla to the ri r.:..;:')..�('�
<br /> � propesty which may attaia pri�t:�over ttus Security Instrument.and leasehold puyments or gcound rents,if aap. � ' ."=='-
<br /> � ���... :.
<br /> . :•. Borrower ahall aq these obli r�"cAS�n the ma�aer rovided in a b 2,or i4 iust gaid ia that manner,Borrower r �''° . ..;,. :
<br /> F S�- P P�Br P ��•`. �.,.� ?�
<br /> ' '4 ehall pay them on time directly.tu the perec�u�-ed paymen�Botrower shal�promptly fumieh to L,ender all noticea oi �„�,r:��_.i,�,t,��•.,.
<br /> ' amounts to be paid vm�:r t]�ie ParaBraph.If�a:rawer makes these payments directlp,Bonower ehall promptly turnieh .< , `�,.1;'�M:�'`,c..
<br /> :{ to Leu�..�r receipts ec:�e�cin the paymants. � ,r, ' .'. '. 4���
<br /> } �.'�'�?,:::::
<br /> ,.. .,., -:.
<br /> .- �•��� ,:r�. ...
<br /> , $¢�wer shall promp y c"si�harge any lien which Y..�priority oves thie Security bnstrument unless Borrower.(a) r�,��,.<;.,•. . ; `,�
<br /> • „�:.ty c::
<br /> ,::.j: agrees in writlag to the paym�2�:�the obli�^on secuted bp the lien in a mannar aaaeptabla to I.ender;(b)contests in � t..,,�;,; ,,., .. . . .: .
<br /> , g o o d�f a i t h t h a l i e n b y.o r d e f e n�2��-¢e�St�as�cement of the lien in.le g a l procaediags wluch in tha Leader's ogisrioA � `�;�t ;. ;.
<br /> ' o p e r a t e t o p r e v e n t t h e e a f or c e ment of the Ti�or(c)secures fnom the holder of the lien an ag�ement satiafactoiy to
<br /> ��`" ���•'��-
<br /> Lender eubordinating the li�n ta this Security Instrument.If Lendes determines thnt any gart of tt�e Prapertq ia eubject ;;'«v.,,�T=:;;
<br /> • - to a lien wtuch muy attain priority over this Security Instrumens.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the 4��'•°
<br /> � ��. 1ien.Borroaer ehell satisfy tha lien or take one or more of the actions set forth aiwve within 10 days of the giv�ng o4 �'� �=•'_=�'Sb��_
<br /> � ' notice. ��'�•;���-
<br /> , .i Firm 8011 s/40 � ..:.. . .' _"v'.-; -
<br /> (�j� —6RQ�Dm��uo� v.a.a e�e �niti�te�� �.... �— --a-
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