_..., "Y�7C�` ______.....__.w-�-... _ �... .. � .�...-._,_._ . ... aa5. .<.t_.-_�-_.'_ ....,c .. .... . . � .. .. ... . _"_�__�10 _ � ' __ _ �
<br /> ���� . . � ���.ue\
<br /> ,��. ; .
<br /> , 98. �r�t�er'a Wapht tb Retnstm4�. M �otrOw�r t�6� c�a�i canc��na, Bo�ou�e� a� �e� �ne r�gni co nsve , .. =-i=
<br /> . . enfor�t ot Nts 3neur3y tnstrumsnt d�canthuad a!onY tmo Brbr to Ifle c�rl:r op(of 8 dava(ar aueh tiih:r p�rtotl o�cSSflL�cBb • _-_
<br /> Cdw mIIy c¢eCify tCr relns�ntj CalCt�Qai� Ot th�Rro�yl D�+n�t to any povrar o} cels cans6:es! In ths Sesurdy Insbum9nl� cr ' �" � ._
<br /> a `• • " ' —
<br /> • �p�entry p}B jud�ant sntorcirt� thi� a�ecurt4y tnSSt�ant�rt�4'hoso condHtana trs that Barrower. (�)Baya Lend,�r aD aum9 rvh6eh tnan
<br />. � would De dua unrkr thb SEeur@y tnsbur�nt end t�s Nots as B no acc�f�rnUa� fla8 accurra4:lb)euras any detwR of any otMr � � '-�°��-� �
<br /> cov�ant or sqrs..-�r,ants: (a) RaYa a9 exAmnass baurt�d h entereh8 thts Socu�Y t�ostrum�nt, trtt:E�d�fp. bu1 not CynEed to�rsasontbl� � �:�.��,�.�� '' . �.a ,�. ��
<br /> attamsys'tses:and (��sueh actlon a+i L.�B�m&y rE�BOnsbt�tequEe to es8ur8 lhat tM{ler►of thb Security InetrumQnt L�nde�G � ��' � . -
<br /> rEghts b the Property and 8omowefe obBptt6on to Day��sacurod Dy this Sascurity Inst�mant sh�9 conthua unct�rsged. Upon ��,.�:.: '� . +�,
<br /> rensffitert�ent by @orrower.thls Securdy tn�ttument and the obCagstlons secur2d Azreby shaU remutn tul>y eftacWa as B no accesratlon r , .
<br /> In.th�Case of ascelermtlon ue�Qer p?.reprtaDh 17. ,�,^ ��f• ' k
<br /> � had caxrrred. Howevar.this�iptit W rehstete sAaO not apAh � �-�; `�. • -�
<br /> 19.Sate o1 Note; Chaa�e o4 Lo��e�vicer. The No2o or a R�Rt31 fnt9nt�st fn th9 No2e (eo�ama�Y,an v,�s secu�y � ta. � . . ,.
<br /> tnstrumem)may Os sotd one ar mare times wRhout prtor nottc0 to Borrawer. A sate may�esu k in a changa h th0 en t i i y (known es the `.oi ;�•`;'i�.'f ` � •.
<br />�,;' -�pan Ssn�cef}thr�t•co� rr.enth{y p3ymsnis duo undt�r the Note and this Secnar3y ►nsbument There atso may ba ona or more ('� ����•i'+� "� � •�°
<br /> • f2•� �. . �_
<br /> - chsnges of the lcan SeiviCer unrd�d to a�c?th3 Noto. If thzte i�a cAenSa at M�e Loan Servtcer,Barmvrar vnU h�gPi�tnitisn •� ��,.�fi' _,'�--.-,---_� '
<br /> r <,_
<br /> notlts of th� cMnr,p� aseorduseo u3h sar.�r3 t4 abova and n8A"+xbl� �w. Tha noUce wi�state tha narrte and address of tha 7...�.;." -
<br /> � neu�Laan Servtcer and tha Shccess fo wPt��r+.'rr�w�¢��10o mad:�- T�e notjce will atso eontaN any other tntormsNon requtred by •,^%; •
<br /> . ��i��[, (� —
<br /> r� �� "-�•;�- ---
<br /> . - 8�1{Ii�'Lt�'i".9ISW. i.,C.�if.- - _.:- ...:_
<br /> 81 :_��_ . .
<br /> ��$. a[�sBTdOttii�5t62t'�'�"¢�. @�s.@c s.:a1.4t a�riso ar psin3 the presenco.uso.disPosa). StoraSa.ar relssse of eny rirt�°:� ,--�:� �
<br /> t'� �.�:;; _:+►�;:
<br /> �)`�"��,�, -
<br />. Ha�rdaus Substances on or In t�a ProperYf. �.^war stfatl r.�::a,:'cc r�cv enyone eise to do�&r+yt-�i�g afh,:cttng atE I�aperty thai �,�f����� ,. ' �
<br /> . ts tr► �ialatton of eny EnvtronRSntal Law. T�:a ;�cadhy twa sentar.�s s's�:l not apA.y to tha preseruxE, �;s�. aT sf�aags on tt�a ��,t�'"�*'� .,�`.�,-;a.,r��
<br />.. Property of sma8 quaist�tes of K�t�dous Substances thai ate genwaQ�recoII�iasd 4o be ar�p��oprate to acrosJ r�r�a.^�:usos end tn y`xt�,�;z..�':' s�f.
<br /> matntenance of trtse Property. ��<,�,j�=� `,;: ''• , '•��Y' __
<br /> , �{;;:•. �.��.,,,,
<br /> ' Eortower sAaD Pro�9�Y&'�m urndu wrctiten noUc:e oi eny hves�tiD$�n.cFaim,demen�, t�ssss�or oih2r action by a�y �c4�mmantat r::�y,��;:., �i�;';}`�`5,
<br /> .0 ,.�,�,... ,�;�:�� s �' � i;
<br /> cr a�guiatory aO��Y o�D�-"=�!'hwlvbiQ tho Property and a.-+y HaardA�s Substance or Envtronau�ntal Lflw of wh�C1 xrcwer has f„<.�1 �24;:� :, .
<br /> �i;�. e � ..
<br /> ,.'�; scRrai knowtedpe. if Borrawes aeams. or ts notittted by any govemmer+tal cr r�::�tory aut�o�Y. thai eny removal or ott:er ra.r.�d+�tie�s :a�°,.:i+`� r'�yn..'�
<br /> t Bd
<br /> �. �., ot �ny Haffirdous 3ubstancc� ak'ecthp the PropartY ts necessery. BottovFa sha0 promptly ffi!cA aU necasser�r rem�..�t ss'dosss rt ;�;�.rr �.. : ��,;�;�:• r
<br /> •";r c-a�~'..ance w�t►Env(ronmen�!Lew. ��,�S - -
<br /> _. � ,� � ':-=.
<br /> � �" -
<br /> �'� fi�`, �.' i'�.•:' ';�•_-,
<br /> �` /.� used in this paraQ+�h 2il. 'H�ardaus SLbstBncGS' ccs tfiose sybstences de9ined es Wx�c or hamrdous s:�CS�.�s f�i . ���t~` � , ..
<br />. ,:� z^�+s+rcr..�ental l�w end the tc3a�u:t�substanees:pesotine,�-=se.otAar Bammabte or E��alrofaum products.to��m.x�as an� .� • �,��_ ,
<br /> . ennffiindn asbestas aa l�rmaideflyde. and tadin¢c:tue�rr'�rWs. As us3tf h►t�is �.�ptaph� � ' ,< �.. �� -T:�;i
<br /> .....�� :h'?�:�ides, vo�atTa solvents. m4� 9 � � r,.4,r,___: ...,._��T,i" ,,
<br /> ` � `GG+.vtronmsnta! Law' m.earts tec�r^.,J �ws e.?� lea.s� of the JurtsdicUon where the Rropar3Y i� tcca.o� Lh�: :�ta to Aealth. safetY ' �4 y�r p, ,� s
<br /> , �:� e�vanmental protcatton. , •.
<br /> 'ifON-UNiFOFiVI COUEAlGu�IT'S. 80ltOVC��t#'L�.tGrer h:!'s8r COVenBrlt etld eytea e^a�+•�tsws: !N�(.�r: :;. +, �,•�tjy�,—
<br /> �'► ;l�fyj'..�.. . .. �li��Y-�:.
<br /> _ �1. Accete�atlo�; ��n��"fias. ��a:��Qa �=.7] �Sva noUce 40 �v�r�m�m: �Sr}�r ta ����ter�ti�� 4a..iL"�1iT:�� }rr r;; ' �y,;;�. .:�•-.
<br /> ;�r.., .. I`�.'.:r"rt�SN+�.��_•r�.r.�
<br /> ��rer'a breac�a ¢E a�y e�v�:�..a.-3 or a�.�:ar►t in this Se�c�"I2� 7�str�,^��.�2 {fsu8 r�2 �zarJr � ,;f i' , : .-�-.:{.y � ,
<br /> , ��=ratt�en r�mrd����M t��-,7�s� a���:i�9e law �e�:�1��o���r�vlse�. �uE aac�3ce s'tsa�i�c� ,�f r� "�'" ,Y�;��
<br /> ;, ,.,��4 . „�,,,_.
<br /> 1;:;'� �����dlet�saU� ttaD 3�a ����.�T�:ir�k � �snE t�e deqcuaCr� f��� ��i�, eact tesg m'�an 3�3 ��s ,:;,r �':� ..
<br /> - •'� d���.�a rmfdae 1s �ive�ta �r�a��+_r,�s��3a3��he defauQ� muat b� xiu�d;and Qd�tr.�s t��ze�ra cuve •.< , .`.` �; ::�
<br /> ��a:�,...._- • - ::�: . _
<br /> .::,.'; � �3tault on or begema �.�� �a� ��:;�c� 6m thQ nottce may ���t in aaceteratlon Qfr 4�ri� su�es ,-. _ .._. };., _
<br /> sc�ucr�d b thto Secueu Ur.�c��� and �6s of the �r�perty. Tho no�lce ahall tu��r inform ..{��,; � �� r
<br /> cy
<br /> �, ..�-.;. `�'��
<br /> Borr�wor af tEto rQght t�relnatete aiRQr acceler�tton and the rl�h4 4o brEng e cou�i uctloro tm aosert 4hQ �
<br /> nontxtaianco o!e�default et any otner de4cnsa of Borrawer to �ac�lara¢ton and sata. if 9PoQ ��tau04 i� r.� �- . � }� � . -=
<br /> not eure� on ep betore the date specifle9 in the noUce, Len6er a� Itu eptlon may reQutre imrn�dia4e �
<br /> � ' ¢ Psymen8 in tuli ot a!! �uma ��aeed by thla Security (natru�ent w6titou4 tuv94eor d�ma�e� anc9 rteay �: �`�..:.--
<br /> � Invoke the power o! ate �nd rny oth�r remediea perm[tted by applioebtQ I�w. Lenm�r aizall �� �� �� ;;�� -
<br /> entt4J�d ts colte�t �II expeo�ses Inaurred in pursutn� tiim rerree�tQa pravided In tfotu par�gnph 21, {��,;�y; � ..,, --
<br /> � inetudtn�, but na4 itmiteci to��essonsbte attomeyg'taoa Mai ca�o!titlo m�id�nee. � .. �4,�..;� .__
<br /> E4 the power of ale ls invoke�� Trustee ol�11 �ezord A notdoo ot d�faut4 in eaoh county In wfitcf� ��-• ;�: __
<br /> • ,ct�<<� ,.,�.:..
<br /> eny pert of the Property is l o c a t e d an d s h a i l ma i l cop les o f a u e h rt o t t a o i n t h e m a n o o Q r p P a s c s i�e d b q� �',f,;, =�_:-°Q r-
<br /> apPl3cabta Iaw to Borrower and to the otS�er pa►�ans pr�scritred by apDiisablQ lew. AfE�ar tloe Urn� '''`�"'�Y`'°�--�
<br /> tS
<br /> ro�aired by eppiiqble taw,Trystee sha11 �tve pu6118 atottaa ot satQ to tP�e p��ona ant8 im Uee �anrter N���
<br /> el�atl sell tho Propaety at publie p` ����
<br /> . preQCribed by appticamle taw. Trustee.wWtiout demand an Borrow�r, �'�' �
<br /> � aucLton to tho hiphest bldder at the 4Jme and place and u�Eer tho ternta d�atpcea�4ed in ttie no4tce o4 �'."---=-= -_
<br /> � s�Je in ono or more prrc�is and in u+y ader Truate� dotnrr��nea T�ust�e neay po s t pone sate of al1 �'-�=� ._
<br /> or �rry parcef of 1loe Pro�erly by publlc ennauncement at tho t�me and ptaeo of any prevtousty °1```
<br />