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I�'� . �~ '�. �� .,a_,�. r4 �'^�• �.T„ -i4 ` .'�� .......�...:� 1.,�rLlc _:�c�$ti�i.�r,r�� �� . <br /> � ,;i1y_efi��'w��'• j, V .r <br /> ,�4'� VY`."�.-.j. .w. -t_ .F..;�L.. ` <br /> _ �t� � :t" ` - � '- <br /> „rtib'_3�' . . ' � • ;�-. <br /> - w. � . .. . ",N.._ . , __ <br /> .. ,�� ��:.�• . . __. . <br /> i.. � <br /> � ���H � , � • �"�. <br /> a <br /> 1• � <br /> —i� � �u <br /> — a�-� '— .��� <br /> . _�o-:�.i� . . <br /> .. . 4 <br /> : `�- � � . �.. 92— ios74o ==---- <br /> ' ��a.:�'�:'�`'�` ' <br /> ,, .�- �•; <br /> .,.. . <br /> - �•;���.;y„�,...r ACKNOWLEDGiMENT OF DEED OF TRUST AS SECURITY INSTRUMENT � �� --•"�`�''-- <br /> =:�� ,-.�--- . ' <br /> ti. <br /> _.�' ' y��, .......__ . .,��_....� ....a o�wd� _I��w Y�r,llMV�f� Hu�band and Wih c=--�-- <br /> - - - (•Tn,ttas') �a-.---��. <br /> � , under ths folowinp OMd of Trust to b��nNnd into emonp Truetoro, N�tiond Ba11k Of COmnNr�Truat and y- --- <br />.-- � � �wdww� A��ww��taw� . ��Nf�M�1. <br />_��` ' � .na OwHmd N�ttond Bmk -� _ - <br /> � i'�,. _ ' . • . - <br /> - ., ,. (•BmNlduy') oov�rinq th�prop«ty d�safb�d bNow h�reby�oknowl�dps ih�t h Is undentood thtl(�) th� D�ed ot Trust to <br /> � . -_ " •� bo ex�wtrd by Truau io a Uuat d�d and not a mortp�pe �nd (b) the power of eete p►ovlded fa in ths Qeed of Trust i°�"�^=� __ <br /> provld�s wb�tntlWy dUhnnt dpht� �nd obYp�Gons to Ihe T�ustor tiun � mortp�pe In Ih� �v�nt of d�hud a b�poh of ��'e'.'',; <br /> . . .. obNy�don. ' �:,y, • <br /> ��.• ��:::_ <br /> � °� Trwtw taW�owNdps�Ih�t thls Aaknowl�dyment w�s rn�d�prior to ihs execudon oi the DNd of Tru�� �, t'�.� <br /> �_�:.�:.::. .. <br /> � Ex�oubd nd d�IFi�nd this 2Bth d�y of Jun� ,_�$$�_• �..::;:ILu�:-_ <br /> . ' �� �r 1�it4wJ —----- <br /> .� Tru�ta Trustu CM/II� �I. �YY�IlOr11� -- <br /> s� l� e -i— �T':,'::��_ <br /> - . r�.�o� ' �a Rhond� om H rn� l� <br /> . ���� <br /> ���.,_ <br /> � . DEED OF TRUST �w-��H����= <br /> . ��� <br /> ���: <br /> . �y�<i��•- <br /> �' THIS DEED OF TRUST('3ecurity Inetrument') Is made on Juna 2Sth , 1892 _ : ��.:..•`'�- <br /> ._ Th�waa Is Ch�l��J H�wthore� and Rhond� J��n H�wthwn� . Husb�nd �ed Wli� ""a�''`�"v' — <br /> � (•Borrowar•). ,,,;�_...,_��.= <br /> '�a.��t�`Y-�- y <br /> ' Tha wstaa�s NaN�nal Bank of CannNrc� Tru�t and 8�vinns Assocldlon ,:-„-,,_�,x,., <br /> . ,� . ('TNbt66').Tha b�neflcl�ry la ,��:;�i�: <br /> Qv�rland N�tionel B�nk . whkh la ory.ntzed and wdsdnp ' `�� _ <br /> , under iha I�wa of Th�Unttad St�t�s of Amorie� , �nd whoso�ddress ia 304 Wost 3rd Stro�t � '' _ <br /> � a�and loland NE 88801 ('�a^�'1• - ',`=?�� <br /> ��''. � � Barower owa�Lendar th�piinclpd ewn ol Forlv Ona Thousand a11d 00/100 • - '``"° <br /> �i1 j _-_ <br /> ,'r�_s <br /> • , Oollaro(U.S.S 41.000.00 1. TMs debt la widenced by Boirow�r a note �� <br /> dated the a�me dAte os Ihls 3ecurily InsWment("Nota•�, whkh providaa for monihly paymenls, wfth thQ NII dobt,N not pdd � <br /> earGer,due.nd pay�bla on Julv 1. 2007 ' <br /> Thla 3ecurity Inrtrument �ecures to Lendar. (a)rep�yment of the debt evidenced by ihe Nata, wRh intereat, and aU renewals, � <br /> exten�lona�nd ma�flcaUons of the Nole;(b) the peymmt of aA other aums, with Interest, �dvanced under pwoyreph 7 to <br /> protect lha aeauity of thla Security Inetrument;and(c)the perarmonce ot Bortower'a covenanta end eyreementn. For thla i <br /> purpose, Bortowor Inavorabty yrants nnd conveys to Trustee.In trust, wRh power o1 sale, the folbwlny deacribed praperty E <br /> IocAled M Hpll Caunty. Nebreska: <br /> I.ot Sovon (7), �nd tho SoutFwrly Four Feot (S 4') of tho Eastarly Ninoty Feot (E90') of Lot Elght <br /> (8). of Ooer Subdivialon of Lots Six (6). Sovon (7), and Etght (8►, of(iarrott'a Subdivislon of the , <br /> East Hplf (E1/2) of Saction Nlno (9),Township Elavan (11) North� Ranqo Nino (9) Wost of tho 6th <br /> P.M., In HaN County, Nobroaka. <br /> � ------ — .l <br /> � whlch h■e the�ddres� ol 1728 N. St. P�u1�Rd.�. _ , Glrand lsland ty <br /> � Nebnska 6880�l'Property Addreaa'); <br /> zq co r <br /> fam JOYB 9/9P NEBRA5IU Si�e F�m�ly FNMA/FNLMC UNIFORh1�NSTqUMENT I a i��/ � <br /> F1318.LM0(IONI) Paqr 1 el 5 ��-/yL <br /> � <br /> � '+7tlb l A1 � <br /> . �� , <br />