, . , '�; '. . � . , �, . , . . . . .. . .. �,,
<br /> �' - � � . ` • �: .- , �- ` c- . ' ; y� ` ,k -` -f� : .'. .- . .. . , . ; . :'' _. r .
<br /> � E: . . . �, . � , ' ' . . . � � . - _ , .. . . � . . - ,. •. c' - . =r:w
<br /> . _. . . . •'•. , . ' �..--..�.-r.+-.�-...--�' • � . , � � . . , . . ' ' • �^• ' ° , ' p.
<br /> . ...r..,.»5.�,._- .�... �- . - .`... r..�._ ..i�, 't .
<br /> ' .. . . • �.. '" _..
<br /> � . ., aff'i� �V�di���j . ���.awrr �_..{-.- �=—
<br /> iyy— .r_�
<br />, . _ _ . . . _ . � .
<br /> imder thc cerms desigaated i�tha aotIae of sate in one oz mare paacet9�nd in suy order Trustee deterniinQS. Truste:may ' �. �.-__--
<br /> Pastpaae sale af atl ar aay parcel af thc ProP�Y bY Pablic a�a�msemsnt az 9h:tIm�aa�plas:e of anyr pr�vlousIy achaWled . � '• �
<br /> " sal�.Lender or�ts de�ignee saY gu�cfiase the Pcoperty at aay sate. . " � _.
<br /> ' T�stee s2�a11 dsliver to thr ga�rchas�Tta�s*.a'a dtsd oonvcying tLe Praptrty aithaut azry wv�nans or cvaraauty, �� ��, •
<br />' �sed or licd. The nxieais in t�e Tntstee's d�d s4�all h� nma fzcte evWea� of tha uuth flf the statem..-nts m� � . `` "�v�--
<br /> . ,
<br /> �= - thtaeia.Tx�.tt�hA a�pty ths pr�►�ts of the sa3e ia the foAo�or�eer:(�w all e�enses of the sale,insIuding.bnt aut �_�,_=
<br /> limited to,reasata�ble Tnzstee's fees:(b)w all sums�eaued by tlils��rIry Ensa�at;aad(c)anY exeESS to the p�rsaa or .< .
<br /> . � � peisons Iega]Iy eutifled to it. -, . . `
<br />-°--� 19. Ls►�se�es's R�.3 W Rdsutate. Notaithst�ing I.eadds acoel�ratton of the sums secure� hy this Se�auity : .- ��. �
<br /> . InsWffiCIIi dtte to BOIroWeY'�b�caCh.Bariative[SLall bavC ihC ri$ht t�h3ve anY P�o�in8�begun b3►Itn�tn CnYo�e Ehis _ -- �r.`:�,�".,�"` -
<br /> Saurity tns�t discontinu�i at any rimo prior eo sate of ehe Pragzity or�uy of a judgm�t enforcing this Searrity -":R.;,°,��-'`�,__
<br /> . .�u Instmmant i�(a)Bonmwer pays Lendra all sums whia�wavld bs then da�nnd�s this Sa�riry Iastrum�t and th�Note bad ao f.:.;�����-�• :
<br /> aoce2aation o�: N) Boamwar aues all breaches of a�r othsr covr�ants or agrEem2nts of Bormwea contained ia ttus �.`.��:�;�,�-�"�
<br /> ,.:,�� , y"-T""','_:_- ;_.
<br />- Saan'Ity Insuum�at;�d(c)Bo:rower pays all uastoe's fees�x.ually msaaed.not aaceeding the g�er of$S�.QO or ona half `�""`r� �-
<br /> - af one ge�eni of tLe impazd ptlntipa!s�m s�.awd canrt costs. Upon snsb paymsnt anA care by Borro�.tLis St�Yy ��ei�r �s..�.�.�—
<br /> Ias�ument aad thz ob3igations s�h�reby sha11 mmain Pn full forre and effect as if no acoel�ration had oocar�d. 'IIiis r . ' =.-��.
<br /> right w�einsta.*e sbatl not appiy,�owcver,Ia td�e case of acc�eterarion pu:suant w Paragraph 17. ,-'•. :' , `—
<br /> .,.�
<br /> 2tf. Ass�ment of R� APpointmmt ot Recdver.As addiiional security beieuader, Burrower hersby asgigns t� :.:�y.•.,� �� �_ ... ..
<br /> L�eader the zents af dte Praperty. PravIded that Borcower sball. grtor to aaeIeralion amder Paiagiaph IS I�eaf or 3,�.=,`� - ,— -
<br /> ab�dunme�of the Property.have tt�right to collect and tciain sach rents as thcy became dwe aad payable. ����;� �;:
<br /> - Upoa acceleratton ande�Paragraph 18 hereof or abandm�ment of du Progerty, I.eade�.in Pason,b3►agent er DY �-�-
<br /> I��Y�iated reoeiver,ahall be e�2ed to enies upan,tri�:�sossession of aud m�aga thc Propesty amd w oollect the "�'�.,'_
<br /> ec.,: ,. -:,,��_..,._.
<br /> rmts of thc Progeny inctuding those past dae.All renta oollected by I�nder ar the�eeeiver shall be upplied fa�st to payment of
<br /> .•�.;�r,�;.
<br /> the cosB of mamg�of the�gsrty and colloction of re�,incinding,6ut�t limited to,ioceivet's fees,Piemiums on ��._,, `�`.,�_-
<br /> � nDOeive['s bOnd.s aad r22s�ble ettoIIIeys' fees.aIId theu to thx sums serared by this S�mdty instmma,t H�ad�[aa�t$e ' ' �:'
<br /> iocxives shall Dc lirble w ascounz oniy for those�ts actualty�eaived. ^• „�
<br /> 21. Ha��o�s��irs�a�.Eoiro��s ah2ll nQt cau�e o:permit the presenee,nse, disposal, seorage.or z+elease of any .
<br /> Ha7ardaus Snbstaao�.�s an or in the Property. Bsaar�rer sBall aot do. aor alJtrcv aayons else w do. s�yikinS��S� - ,� , '�� �
<br /> Fmperty tflxt is in.abaT:�ian of�y F�vjmnm�ml La�v.lgie precediag t�va�cus�ees shall aot app2y tar ti�g�resence.use.or . =$
<br /> crorage aa thx Pioy�ty of small qu�ntities of Harardous Sabstances that ar�gxneralIy raoognized w be ag�sgri�to for n�imal . �' �:-
<br /> . rCtldenlfnA�es andfos mainunaace of the Propeny. _
<br /> •�r,r ahall Pm��Y 8ive L,�nder vrritt�notire��i�resti�ation.cla3m.demand,lawsait or oiher acz�u�ry .�.',j: .
<br /> mmY So*s�t�d � .regulato�y:ag�cy ar prl��,�e p�ty �asolving the Pro,perty mmd �►y Hazzr3ons Sabataaoe or . - - .:'��.�.,--
<br /> aso
<br /> : Bnvu�n� �vf wfiicb Boiraaer has acEngi 1mow2edge. If Bo3rowea 1�, or is uati�oa by s�3 S��� �'�.•�.;r.--
<br /> o amh�,it,thu aa �moval os other reA�ediattan of H�rdaus Substanc.e a�f�s�3n the Is :�;': :,-
<br /> ' ;� � YY 3 Y au7► ft 8 ProPertY necessaiY. � , �;�- ,, ;. --_
<br /> Bosower s�ll promgtly taZu aU neoessaty t�medial ac,tIons In acco:daaoe wIth Envimnmsai�k��T�w. �;,.,'„a�._ ::
<br /> � Aa naa�in this Paragzagh 21. °H�azdous Sabsta��"m�:those substan�es de&��toxic oz ha�rdoug sabstanoes ..: . __.-
<br /> �' EnvImnmenial I�aud t�e follnwin subst�a�ces: y p�le�un�rud�uts ' :�}y�.'`-:
<br /> bY S 8��.,P�sene.other flatnmab2e os toxde .toxic " . _ ,
<br /> � ,_'� Pesticides�ttd h�rbidi�,votar�e solv�ts,materials oont�ining ash�stos or foimaldehyde:mul iadiazc��maiesiaSs.As nsed �. — .� _`
<br /> :� in tliis Para�ta�h 21."�nvimnmc�tal Law'me�fodttal lawa and la�rs of fhe jiuisdiction whera t�e&:�perty is larated that • �"'����--•:` `-,.��.._-
<br /> mlate tm ke�Itb.safaY ar eavitenmtat�l protec�ioa .�: :,`',�_
<br /> :'� .E' 2Z. jEeoaavey�noa tJpon gaymeat of all sams aocasod Br�this Sautity Ins�ent,;L�.��det s�l ieq�at Ttustr�ta '.. •.•"
<br /> �<.� .,��: -
<br /> '. : tweauv�t�p she Pr�peny au�d s6all snrteadgr this Sec�ity�tument at�d all aotes evidgu��,debt saa�.�d by t�is Se�tity -:�''"'
<br /> .f ;
<br />�;.`'::`. Inrtniment to Trusu+e.Tr�x st�all reoonvry th�Pcoperty arithout waaanty to th$peison or pe�.I�ally ta�tttted W it. • �,•
<br /> . •:
<br /> ��_
<br /> - . ' S�ch pesana or persoas sBaU pay LeoAePa reasan�b2e charge for pieparatioa vf aqy pa�raff stazement c�otl�er docame�in `��`" —.--.,
<br /> ��Fl�S S
<br /> connealan wIth thecc�eeonveyance.anY Tmst�e reoomveysaee fee and�y aosts of�ecordation,untess aPPltcable law pmvid� , .�. ��,;�,.��:,.,_._- .. _
<br /> . otheiwise, ^� _ . ":; � .
<br /> g3. Saba4it�te T�tme.l�ender.at its aptton.may fmm dme to time appoint a saooessor trastee to sny Trusiu aypointed . �; "'-.
<br /> . ` bereQader by an hun��t exocuttd aad ac3mowladged hy Itnder aad teoo�£�!ia the affiac oi the���i tht csuuy in _ �:���i:_
<br /> �', �vhich tbe Pmp�rtg Itt.tocated.'Irie ia�rament sLaU contaia the naaoe of t�t:�rriglnal leu�er.Tnutee aud�S3onrower,and the ���_.,._ _
<br /> � • booSc s�d when tHis Seauity Instcume�t is �ecocr4ed and the a�me aad addnss of tbe suoo�ssar uoscx. WiQwut �'��'
<br /> p�e �,.�u:�.u.�,.
<br /> � � oomeyanrxs of t�e Pa►pttrty.the sueoessor trustce s�ll suoceed ua all the tItie,Puwete aad duttes confetred u�pua th::'H�tee � ��"'
<br />. � ���3►aPPlh�bie law. ��.� _ '_.
<br /> � '•( � —'y� - `=_ --
<br /> ,r . .
<br /> U . ._���_n��.....
<br /> �t
<br /> HFSRASBtA OEm OFTRU�'f�conOrigtna2 - ltecor8 ,��,:
<br /> �Q� �bd7 oo��aoag9� � ,.,.�.,�.---::-
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