� ^. `� . . •. � ' . , _ . . .- ' • � `. ` r•�. �� ' �:t�;��4Jj;�4y(^� t' • .n -_
<br /> . . . � �� . . . , _ .
<br /> -�w � . . , . . . , . , .� '� �'' - .. -
<br /> , � �' " ._ . ` • . . . . ' ` ' � _ . . ' ' - i. . � � , -_ -•• r.� -1>: . � .
<br /> _ . . .
<br /> . . . •
<br /> . ____ ��..� , ` - ` - _�. ......._..,_»..r�fi.,• ` ``�� � _
<br /> * j � 1���� , ,l � .a �_
<br /> . . r -
<br /> � 9. �.aa�Agglisa�Son Ft�ces�.Bormwer shaSl b$in dsfault w¢dr.r this Ses�uityr Insuument,if Borrower,duriflg the t�a� , +`; -
<br /> ap�llcatiom praoess.8ave mandally false or inaauiate infarmat€on or sratementa to Lendea(or fa��d to pmvide I.euder with ! . ..• �-".�`
<br /> C :.;v � :�;
<br />`: f;� any mateiial finfarma2ion diae�tIy beazinS on Iender's da3sion to cat�d ccedit to Boaowa), in wnr�tioa wIth the laan ' . .t.'.,, , _.
<br /> evideuced by the Note. . � �' �
<br /> ,
<br /> 8. Pratettfoa�t I.m�2�'s R�g[�S in the Sioperty.I8 Bormwer faiis w pezf'orm the oovenants aad a�oontained �;.:;;�:; �' �'
<br />- � in this Seciuity tn �m r_ or there is a lsgal pmreeding thas m�y sigaificantly affect Ls�der's rights ia ths Prape�y(sus�as •_.f� . . . . _m
<br /> u - - t_ ,�
<br /> �- a pm�ding in 6�SnaFYCY. .f�r��tian,farfoii�ue or w eafoms lapis or ng�ln+�ons).then I�er may do and :_,:.,-_
<br /> ' paY for wh�ever ia necessary w pratect ths valne of th=Propexty aad lender's tight�in the Property. Lendep"s actions may �. -_
<br /> , "; m r�r t h i a S a c:u r i ry Insuument, a P P�i n g ia coutt.PaY�B .
<br /> i a c l u d e P a Y�S�Y s u m s s a a r a d b y a l i� v�9 i c h h a s p ri o r i t y .
<br /> - re�oaable aitam�ys'f�sad ca�img on the Pco�xty w m�iepa�is or 2lsate�isanees.AltLwgh I�sda rstay take ar�inn - -- -- '- .__..._- -
<br /> �d e r t h i s P a t a g c a p fi 8,l�d e r d a�s n o i�t o d o s o.'I�e r l g b t o f I.e n d e r w g r o u a L e a d e r's ri g h t s i n th� p r a p e�t y ahall ..��_�%� .�;�
<br /> , :--._:�..,�
<br /> iaclude the rE g�t to obtain at Borraw7,e�r's expen's�e,,.•PmPertll insp�on�,����.��s•opinions of vatae or ott�r ':��':"�a'�:
<br /> ~'�°�r:�:�? -c .r.
<br /> "^Y�����Q��T�i fl�. ���QJIi��16p. ' �'
<br /> '.�[ �>. - 1. -
<br /> Auy�mts disbucsed by Le�.dsr under this Parag�aph�sbali heooms additlonal debt of Bosower sQauea!by thls :
<br /> . Sec.EUity IastrumQn�UWess Banovrer and I�uder�to other terms of paymeas,th�se affiownss shall beaz inteaeat fmm ths , �.F`-`'°``..-"_�,•T
<br /> .u ,,_ �.,,._
<br /> ' date af disDmrsement at the Nou rate ansb shall ix p�,+atil',with inter�st,uPon dem�d of L+tnder. ,�� �_
<br /> 9. Moitgage T�aaance. If I�eader rea�uueil mortgage insuraarz as a conditian of makIng We loan s�uied by this � �`�__ _-_ - -
<br /> ��r��. - W-"�.;�
<br /> ' Serurity Iast�tent, EQSrowet sl�all pay the gremium4 nequued w mainrain the insarauce in effert imn'1 sur�rimt as the . �--�--_�
<br /> .,�±�i�,.'`.'-��'�'-:,��:-:�
<br /> requa�ment for the insnrance tec�oes in accotd�e with Borcower's and Leader's cvritten a�t or apgl�b2a law. _=:_t•.-� .
<br /> e ='
<br /> .. 10. Iaspediou.Icnder may tau�or canse to b�mZd2 re2son�le�upon and fuapedio�s of the Progeity.Frovided �,:=., , :- _
<br /> u� 1F ,;
<br /> th�t Leader sl�ll give�aawer uot'sce prior to aay surh inspe�ton specifyIng tearanahle pase therefor as related w I.ender'a ��,.�;_.Y��` _ , - . _
<br /> inierest in tha Pcope.zty. - m"�
<br /> >. 11. Condemnat6on.'[he praoeeds of agy�u�t or clai�m for d3mages.dirxt or oonseqaeniiat, iII co��ion wiih aay ,-: �t .�,
<br /> m m
<br /> :u• .,':--
<br /> cond�sm or other ta�ng of die I�ra��terty,•or�t theieof,or for convey�ce iS lieu of saadcmaation.sue I�ebY�igned � ,�.4 y,;`__:-
<br /> ;� aad d�:lS�paid to i�sader,subject[u t�e tee�ss of any mortgage,decd of�tust or other s�uiry agieemeut with a lieawliich �,.�ijs', " �:;°{;,�".
<br /> - Isas pria�'�ii aver 8►is Scx�IYy In3utimenL � `. . _-
<br /> 3tt , ,.�`
<br /> . . ;�. Ia the ev�nt of a mtal taking of t�ftmg�rcy,the pmceeds shall Ue agplie�m the sums secazed b3►tl�is Soaa�rdtY .. ,� ..� , • `--
<br /> �'� �i r u m e n t,�v h e.t h e r o r n o t t i�e u t�w i t h a u y e x c�n p a�d to Barrowxr. Ia t3r�cvens of a partial taidng of ihe Property in ''• ,.�: . '. -
<br /> . , ��`' ' `h s;.� `r`;;
<br />, . ;, whid►��air marlcet vaiue of ths L�r.�ty imm:dis�eely before the taSting is eqaai to oz�°�ater than the ama�mt of tL�.sumv , ���f .�'¢.s ..;;...:
<br />- saaae�f ti�x this 3e�usity Instrumeut ir��azeiy Mfaxa tha taTcing,amlean Eoaawer aad L+�i�r othezwise ag��n���:tLe f�, , .. .:-;..
<br /> . snms secvmd by this Secuiity Insta�.�i s9al1 ba reduoed by the amaimt of the����/���{�l�ed by tlu followin fructiras�: •• ;�°. .,� -.
<br /> !"a°"""""'+�"u."Y g �_ F:;�. .-.....
<br /> ...�i�o-.,.,� ,_.
<br /> „ (a)du;�Qtal a�ouat of We svm4 sec�t�tl 1��irc.::Sy before the taking,dividzd by(b)ths fair masicet value of ths Fmgerty �:.�,..°::.
<br /> . '�,: �Iy�Iy befoie ttse taYing. Aay ba2auce�s�1�p�d tn Borrawer. In tIt�event of a partial taYing of ttie Prapart�►in .:.�: , .•.`_�`3 .,.,_�. .
<br /> , . �.}::,�!;;,;�.::`
<br /> - cvh��iTCx�air muYet valae of ti�e b�apercy immedia4elY Uefu��he.�u+,�bs�ess tha,n the a�ount af the snma arxau� ;.�.r�;::�<��
<br /> - i�d��tr��f befnre the taldng,���om�wes aaff Lendsr�ir��e,�.�writing or anleas appW�blc iaw o�e - '_,-�.,,• �•.::_'--
<br /> ,. .,s,......
<br /> . , . piavfd�;tit:procerds shall be app�to tht sums secured hy this Secn�€tg�fi�ment whaher or aot the s�s ate tben dne. .:���.,�..—
<br /> � �YP the Pmg�s}! is abandoned by Boixowcr.or if, after natica by I.cnr��r to Borrower that the wademaor offeis w � � .`•�'"'"
<br /> j mal�e�aarard ai c�{tfie:rs claim fca:d�mages.Boirawer fails to respon8 to�ez wIthfin 30 days after the daie�e notIc�is ,-wwr�„- ---�
<br /> ���"::�' � gfven,I�er is autharizad w an2�t amd agply the procceds,ai ics optian,ei�er to reswration or npair of the l�peaty or �?�;-�
<br /> . �ir r
<br /> " � tbG SUm.4 SCCQIOd�Yjf t�S$CCdl$iSl�`1II]�IIts W��IC�Of IIOI 1�1p1 QE26. - _.__—
<br /> � .' � UnIess Iepder aad Borrm�►�otbtawiae agcee ia writing.anY aFFdicarion o8 piaceeds to psIncIpal ah�ll not exu�d os ��� �! . _�
<br /> : •'�' postpone the dutie date of d�e muntblY PaYm�ts�to in Paragra�hs 1 snd 2 or cbaage the amouai of�ach payments. � ��ti;;
<br /> . 12. Borrowu Nmt Re*,e�sed:Forb�rance°B�A�eade�Nui o Wi�dvcr���tanoe of Pa:tlal Pl�ym�Extmsian of the �-
<br /> .
<br /> ' r„�,,,�±� b I,eaJarw ,�:srzr��,�;
<br /> dme fc�:�aayment or modi8caitan of amorli�don of the sums saur��t��t� Secarity B�� Y - ---- _ __..=
<br />