. . �I•. �a.` <. + . ' , � ' c2 . • • . . . . .. _ . .. ; ., ..... .:t .,4 " .I � 'K C+ c.�.
<br /> , - . a.` . ; . ` . , ' ' . ' ;C. . . ... . ... ' . t ._ � � . -} - �';.c.
<br /> ' ` .. � � � � r � � - �...._.___.�..�,_ '_3 ---._.. . ;`` ', .4 '_� -
<br />` ��� •��y7i�� • • ..}.', �� .v � �.�:
<br /> .. •�
<br /> ` • � . ,
<br /> b�3a�t�e sam�p�aperty c�mmonly�wn as: 1122 NortPi Pi ne . Gran� Isl and. !�� Ft8801 ' � ;� ; . � �� � •4�
<br /> (•Frope:cy Addme�7. ,."��.. - - -_ -
<br /> . ,:�
<br /> �. TOGEI�iE�t atuh all the I�pmvements aow or�tteaftcr enaad on the pmgerty. and all eascm:ats.rlp,hta. a,PPurt��raen .. "�`.`. ��,`:-,
<br /> `�f, aad rents,alf of wLidi si�sil be daemed to be and remat�u p�of the propsrt3r covezed bry this Secarity Instnim�t. A19 ef ttt$ , . " , —
<br /> foregoin�,togethu vatD stub Pmp°aRY(a�the le�ho2d�state if Wis Seauity ,*+t n*- is on a Iease�oId) a�caLod t3te ` .'•� •
<br /> - .p��3+. , �`ti"_.�-'�,.."`-�r:� —
<br /> � - ' < <• ,,,_
<br /> Borrawer covea3nts that�aaoerer is tawfnlIy seised of the�ate hereby oonveye�and bas t�e�igiu¢o ms��s�, - , --
<br /> grant and oomiey the Pcoperty. aad that t6e Property is uam�mbered, exue�t for encambr� of reasrd. Bortoc�� •� � ' .';�.��,
<br /> �vazraats aadt ooi�enanrs that Soira�rer will defead geuerally t�e Hfle to th�PmgeitY agaiast�ll clai�aa�dem�ds,subjert t� , .�. , ti. u
<br /> enanrs • ;,_, °.'�� . .,_::.�____
<br /> . ea�mbianoes of ieoord.Boao�rer fuYther Q�aa�nts,rzg��apci oo enants ag foitows: ,:,��.,.�;;.�=L.�-r:' -
<br /> 1. Fugenert a!Priad�l and�taest.�aaow�r sti�l�ia�FaY when dae the principal aafl interest inde�tcdtiars ,_�, _z,_�: '-_�:
<br /> �d all ot6er c�uges ovidesjoai by tits Note. ::�:- x;:.�::.:��,�,_:,�: �
<br /> - 2. Fmnds tor Taus an6 i��++�•+� If requi�d bY Iundar,ami sabject to applicab2e law.Boaawer shall pay w Irndet . .. .. "�++�:,r,;,�,•.
<br /> on the daY��Y F�aie due under the Note,�mtil che Note is paid in full,a svffi(°F�mds�)for.(a)9eariY taa�s sasI z w'---m-�:'�`
<br /> ,.. asse�ents cvhlch may azEain prio�ity over tLis��earlry Insnumeat as a tieu on the Property;@)g�riY lea�eho2rl paymx�m ctr '':;w.�.
<br /> groand�enLs on the Fcaperty,if auy: (c)Year1Y hazazd oa P�P�Y�P���:(�Y�Y��-�P�. - '--`
<br /> �. r;._..,::
<br /> if anS►;aaa(e)yearly mortgage insuraace pceui*n�a. if aay. 'ih�e iums aie cal2sd'Eccmw EYems.• Irnder may. �s�y - :4 y . :�`�-_
<br /> time.collect and hold Fnuds!n aa�omst aot w eaccced the ma�mm ama�mt a leader fos a fed�xally related mnrtgag+n ban .__.'_-, '� -
<br /> ' may rec�aice for Boaaw�r's esr.�ow aa�000nt�mder dze fedezal Real Estate St�ti�t Pro�as Act of 1974.as a�teu�led fi�m � R`.�"� _•�-.
<br /> time to t�e, 12 U.S.C.Sec�iaa 2601 et s�q.('RESPA"),uWess aaatlier law tbat appliea to the Fimds sets a less�r amotmt. if ___ _ —� ��,,,:
<br /> sa.I�m�Y,at�Y nme,callect�d Iioid Fnmds ia aa amnvnt not m eaceed the lesser amount. Leader may esdm�t}t�s '- -__��� �.
<br /> -� -�;;-�.
<br /> • amo�t of F�mds due on the basis of ca�ment dua and reasona6te�imates of exp�nditures of�Esciow Items or otk�wir� '�.�.,.�
<br /> . ia acxordance with applicab2e law. � �.' � .;-_��-.-_`°;
<br /> . The Fuada shal!be held in an instiauion.7iTi�se deposits are iasund by a feQeral agr�cyr.in.�rramg,r�iity�or�tFty .���";;4
<br /> � (�8 I�der,if Iender is sac�an tns3itution)or ia aay Fedetal Hom�Loan Bank. Lender sfiall appIy tLi�Ftmds w pay �;
<br />' � ' : the Escmw Items. Ireades may nos cbarge Boau�ver for holdtng and agplying the Fi�ds,annually maaiyr3n$the asaow "~- '-�.
<br /> =_ .acca�ant,or verit�ring the Fscxaw Items,uatess L.ender pays Eormv�ec inierest oa tl�e FuBds and agpltCabte l�w germa�its I� ;�;.. �`':,�:� ��
<br /> . w malce suc�a charge. I�ovrever,I.ender may:equiie Boao�rar w pay a aae-time charge fvr an ind�zeal�st�� � --_ � � ;� .;:' ; .: .:_ ,
<br /> '� 's � sepo�th►g service ased 1sy I,eader ia connsx�oa with Wis loan,unless applacn6l,�tarp pmvldes o�,iiesvrLse. kJi�lw�.,.s an agree�oent 'i�T�'' '�i • :� �.:
<br /> : .1< �made ar Lcable Iauv rr� m�rest W be aid.Lender sba}1�at be�equi:�i:so Banow�an �ztu�t or an �".. . .�
<br /> app' .-quires� P Pa9► Y � .#�::��;:,;��:..
<br />' ��,i: � �. : t�e F�mQs. &iormwer�£Lender may ag�in vurlting.hovrever.e�ai intens-�s5all be paid on the FnaPs. tr�der st�xl4 gva ': . �.,
<br /> , zo Baitutamr;.�vithaut charge,aa�1 racowntmg of tt�a F���v�ing crrdits and debits w the Funds and tfle put�no�:t3rr ;�• ��;
<br /> . '�, 'wh€c8�L��ebit w the Fimds�ras�.adz. The Fimds ace pledg��s addidonsil sewrity for uU s�ama seraued by this�j ��
<br /> • .rnctn,mv�t, • . . ���:c;`,ry
<br /> �;
<br /> If thE�unds Le�d try Ieoder e�the amaantn petmttted to be Leld hy applic�ie taw, I�s�3�c fitcalt aoaa�s to . _''-�'
<br /> , _'�; � Boirower for the excess Fands In acxard�tce wit3�the r�u�of app]icable law. If the amotmt�t3st�tm�s b�ii�t�ip - ��:,';,''""
<br /> I�AdCf&t 8�l t�IDE IS IIOI SUffCICAL t0 Q3jI tLC FSCI09J IfCIDii t�l$1C7D d1I6.IQIIQCT ID3}/SO IILY�S+y'B:3 .a��ux ani¢ing,�u£,�s ' . "�� :'
<br /> such case Bormwcr sLaU pay w I.�nder the am�mt n�oessasy� tr�m33ce up the defcefeac��. l�orm�s�s�ai1 m�se t�9hs �`���� �°."r�,;�:�
<br /> deSdenc��ln no mote th�,twelve montSJY Paymenta.at Lender's SeL�disccetc��. . . �,��"�=.::�
<br /> �;�; UDon Paymeer3�S#aD of all sums seaued by tl�iis Security insm�cnt,�,ender st�all pmmptIy refinti:�uo Boirower auy ��'�' - -
<br /> � ;: Funds he2d by Lendsr. t��under Paragrapb 18. I.ender shaU scqatre or sell the Property,I.ender,Prior to,ttte arquisittoa ar ��.:�:_"`•�..�:.-'�-�..�.
<br /> :�' sate of tha�P(.r��ap�ie�rt,�y,�.}sh'aall app23►suY Fuads heM by t�eade:�e��as civ�e of acqu�sitton az sale a4 a credit against dui�mms — ---
<br /> .:� ��WJa�7GY4ll�....LLW�4t� . � . � " 4:
<br /> 3. Appl�s�tion oi Paymaats.All payments of,�si��S�m�mtec�t naived by Ltnder sitnll 6e ag�tii��s pmvid�ia
<br /> _� the Nou.If Bomnwer a�res I�ender any late chac�,cx ot:es�ees or chmgea("other d�arge�7, �hey wiFf:l�n payab2�upon . �..'�:.`' L,,.,
<br /> �. dtmaad of Leader.Qntess pm�'bflted by law.th��lii�ian ef Paymenta maY be affected by tho imposirion aF oth�chaTges. - �s_
<br /> 7berefom.PaYm�nta of other cLargas,whether paid to 1.�3n addition to the manWlY PAYment mr separazely� N�1Y.be - -� •s...����
<br /> applied in a manaer at the absolut�cdiscreti.on of the Lender:1�,-:ower agt+aes that I.euder ra�,�aFF1Y�lY Pa3►��� 'Y�:�P ,'��.. _ -
<br /> � � w�der paragraphs 1 aad 2.either first co amounts payable un�4°aragcaph 1.or flrat w an:.wzta payab2e an:f�x Far�€�2. °� �`•'�� �
<br /> 4. Prtor Mortg�t#g�a a�d Iked�a oi�i C�Bes.Idess.l3mrrower rfr�]!:perfo:m all of Bormwe�"�x�s�.i,ga�ons under .",.�"!� ``��`�"
<br /> any mortgage,dad af mut or other securiry agrament wIth a tiea whic����iority over tbls Secutity fi�ti2aaaeat� iP aay, . � -"'�
<br /> ; inciuding Barmwer's coven�ts to malu paymcnb when due.IIc�wet shaU pay or ca�ue to be paid aU tar.�,nsx-�^,m.�ancl ..,�,,r.,:;.,:�.V
<br /> , ��-�` :,�;�:� —
<br /> , �� �r:;i��a:',.
<br /> • •i HED6tA8KACFEDOFYF3USTc�aonOrigiva2 - Rr�rxard .`;r=i��
<br /> ; M4�3-4HE ra�sa� ����Q���� �� s
<br /> �., . .K.�-,,
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