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<br /> Uales,ot�envise agrecd�in vrritin�,all insuraace prooced�sha11 be applied to the restoration or repair ef the Property ����;`
<br /> ar to the 3eciued IZeb�whethcr or not ttten due,at Lender's optios�.d�ny apptication af proceeds to priucipal s2aall nai {-
<br /> . ,�� catend or postpone ihe d�e date of ttie�ctaeduted payment nor change the amflunt of any paymeat Any excess will�Se "��.`'
<br /> �'•:?'-:.
<br /> paid to t�ee Citaittor.It the Prop�rty is asquired by Lenaer.Gruntor's right to any insuranoe policies and proceeds v��-,�
<br /> r�su(ting from�amage to iLe Peoperty befare thc acquisition shall pass to Lr�nder to the extent of the Securc�I9ebt ••,�.°�;
<br /> [mm�iatety befare the a�ltsition. ��������`
<br /> . pdy �g�TtOiV F'OIIS'B'pXE�AId9D II01�U�NCE.Utiless othenvise provided izt a separate agreement,Csrantor will nat "���":y"
<br /> ��< be req�ired to pay to Lender Cunds€ar taxes and insurance in escrow. -"`
<br /> �9. FiRiAif+I�II.R��tD�Q'�ARiD AD�D��i�I�9H,d���9EFPd5.Granior vvill provide to L�mlcr upon reQue.St,Ac+y '. -.��_�°t.
<br /> finaacial statement ur informat4an Leader may deem reas.anably necessaryr.Grantor agrees to sisn.detiver.and Gle �,���---
<br /> any additional dacumee�u or certifccations that Lender may consider necessary to pedect,continue,and pmserve �-,` � �-��
<br /> _•. (3rentar's obGgations under this Security Instrument aEtd 9aeader s lien status on the Property. R'��----
<br /> �'}.• 22. J+OI1�T A1VD QV�DVID[J�4L LI�I30,!'D'Y;CU-SIGN�I{�;SUCCESSOItS AND A�Gt�i���iJ�'D�iS duties �"•`':•�"""�
<br /> under thss Security Instrument are joint and individuaL]f Grantar signs chis Security I�ssinument but daes not sign an '.�`•`
<br /> evidence ot debt,Grantar docs so oaty to mortgage Cirantor's interest iw the Prnpecty to sec�e p�yment of the �°��r
<br /> Secured Debi and Grant,�daes nat agree w be persoually liabl�on the Secured Deis3.1�thrsa Secunty Instn�eat _�;�'�__.
<br /> � secures a guaranty betvreea Leuder and Grantor.Grantor agrees to waive anf eig6ts tEiat muy prevent Lender 6rom =_ _
<br /> bringiag any acqion or claim against Grantor aT any pazty indebted under the obGgaEon.These rig6ts may i�clude,6ut �
<br /> .,.';i are not limited to.any anti-d.eficienry ar one-action[aws.Gtantor agrees that Leader and any party to tlus 3ecurity
<br /> • Inswmeat�ay extend,raodify os maice any change in the terms of this Security instnunent or airy evidence of debi �'�_`��'_=`-
<br /> '` �' without GYantor's eonsen�Sach a c6ange will nat release Graator from the terms of this Security Insuumen�'Rie i-
<br />' �t duties and be�efiu of this Security Insdroment shall�ind and benefit the suc�ors and assigr,s of(itantor ansl I,ender. _ .�--
<br /> � �� �i. APPLICAB�,E I.A�Y;S�RABILII'Y;INTE&BP�TA7YON.7tis Secarity Instrumeat is goverued by the[aws af °�
<br /> ��� the jurisdiction ia which Lender is located,excepi to the excent othenvise required 6y the laws of the jurisdiction ��'�$�_
<br /> , .� wher:the Prniserty is tocated.'It�is Security Insarument is complete and fuUy integrated.This Securir�r Inswment may �-'�
<br /> `�'3 not be amended or modified by oral ageement.Any section in this Security Iastnunent,attacbuqeats.or any +
<br /> � agreement cetated to the Secured Debt that canflicis with applic�ble law wil!not be effective.unless tbat law expsess[y �"",
<br />' �,,_� or impliedIy permits the variations by written agreement If u►y section of this Security Instrument canaot be enforced �° -
<br /> ,_. according ta its terms,that secrion ajill be severed and will not affect the emforceability of the reffiainder of this �'`.
<br /> �. ''��; Security Instrument Whenever ased,the singulaY sfiall include the ptural and the phual tae siflgulaz.The captions and _--
<br /> :� �-� �ieadingS of th�seaions of this Securiry Instrument are for vonvemence only and are not to be t�sed ta interpret or
<br /> �;�, def ae the tetms of this Security Instrumen�.Time is of the essence in this Security Instrtunea� ��
<br /> ' � Tis, SYJCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Lender.at L.eader's a�tion.may from time to time remove Trustee acd appoiat a
<br /> •� ''�`:, saccessor trustee without any other formality�rz the designation in writing.The suocessor tYessc:e,without
<br /> � conveyance of the Property,shall succeed to a[I t��titte,pawer and duries oouFZrred upon Tmstee bq t�Ss Security -
<br /> . � �% Insm�ment and applicabte taw. �;;�
<br /> :,;�;;�: ?S. NO'ITCE.Untess otherwise requir.:d�+��aa.any notice shaU 6e givea by delivering it or�sy�a�7ing it by 6rsi class -
<br /> . mail to the appropriate parEyr'a addr��n page 1 of this Security Instrament,ar to any o:uer address desig�ated in �"�"�
<br /> • wriw:g.Notice to one gragts,�w�71 be deemed to be notice to all grantais. �ar w�-
<br /> � ' Zb� WpIVER$.Eacept to t�e estient prohibited by law,Granior waives all appiais��ent aad hamestead exemption rigttts `--- �=
<br /> •�:.:::�1; selatins to the Froperty. --
<br /> `'. ,,%,wj'. 27. tYl��i:TC�l1t4S.If checked.the fcL�:ing are applicable to this Security Instrumcnt; e�:
<br /> .''�r�` [�U�e af CadiG'I�c Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provisiou.Aluvougb the Secured Debt
<br /> ,:;:';,.±�_. may be reduced t���aera bsilance,this Secvim.t�Instrumeat w�71 remain in effect until released.
<br />.,r. •r._
<br /> •..;;t::, ❑ Constractian Lo�a T6is Sectuity Iastrc�r:nt secures an obligation iacurred for We constr�i�a of an �
<br /> `�'"' rovement on the Pro
<br />,�,:!;{�,:�ti �P P�• �k�-,
<br /> � :.,�,,��� ❑ r�aae�ag Grantor graTU:3 i:(G+Lender a security interest in all gaods that Grz�t�r owns now or in thQ `
<br /> `:;,i;:t��', futUre and that aze or wibd��e 5atures related to the Property.T�is Secur�a�urstrument s�&ces as a .��� •:
<br />. financing statemeQt and any carbon,photographic or oiher reproduc�a.rl Lr.ay be�ix�of rec,ord for pwposes __
<br /> .� %' of Article 9 of the Qlniform Commercial Code. =�-��
<br /> � �a::::
<br /> � � ❑ Biders.The covenants aad agreemenu of each of the riders c6ec���belo��.r.e incorporated iato and ��
<br /> � ':�;i:. ' —_.
<br /> � .,�, sap�l�[aent and a�aend the terms of this Security Instr�mxat.[Check all applicaC�e?:�.zes] ----
<br /> ai �_.�::.
<br /> - .. ; Ci�ndominium Rider ❑Pfi�ts.ced Unit Developmet¢�.�3er �Other...........�.,...,.... ""`�``
<br /> . .................................... �,.
<br /> � ❑ Addttioa9l Terms. -_-
<br /> ' �.
<br /> , ..�:=.
<br /> .�; _
<br /> '.�: .
<br /> . ..�.
<br /> ; I '�'`NATURES:By sigain���w,(3rantor agrees to the terms aad cavPCttmts oc��r.r�ror�ct In this Security L�ra;ro�gat and in �'._�
<br /> � t �
<br /> •. •'�.:{ � �cy attacLments.(3rantor alsn acknoaledges receipt of a wpy of this Security 1'a.ar+:nent c�:i r1r,�date stWr�s+.�m page 1. __ ___
<br /> ::;'; eirer�
<br /> (a��..U2....� .��................................09,/30f 96 2J.e�:�:G.'�.�'�F?e.:...�� _r.�. 09/30/96 --
<br /> e)MAE �BAKER (datc) (s�' ���� ARGARET �`, rJURADA ��j�' lDate)
<br /> ���-�A�BERT OURADA ��
<br />' `� �. ACKNOWLEIDG1i�IENP� ALL =_--
<br /> ��..� S'I'ATE OF..�VEBRASKA.... ... OF H................. j ss. '_
<br /> .. .... ........................... .��-.�
<br /> . ' �i�'t'rr'r 51�aT�N�1�E1�-�3��.............. .., .
<br /> a��� This inst en wa acknow ed d b re . .. . �.
<br /> '' tME`�. �AK�R a s�I1�LE ��ASOf� {(��d��'I'"iC:���t��A��A1VD"�D��A"Y"YlUI���'A�'H1f15��1�b pND �.Y,°_
<br /> . � My commission expires:'....................................r...............��......_............ .................................�FE [;---.
<br /> � , (Seal) ............. (Notary PuDlie) . ............................... ��..
<br /> _ � SOOTf G E(ISStBW ��;;f;a_..
<br /> 1Pjtae��EaR t�il.i�".-� -�,
<br /> � A ie��,rten sY�rr;�cr..s�aa.a��.�n-e���t�o,m ae-0T-nE a�s�a � (F38a 4 014)
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