' "�- ..
<br /> � 96-1��9.�� �`�
<br /> . �����_:
<br /> B. Al!future advances from�.ender to Grantor or other future obligarions of Grantor to Lender under any promissory �""°
<br /> aote,conira�4,guaraaty.or ottter evidence of debt executed by Grantor in favor of L.�nder ucecuted after thbs �:.
<br /> ' SECUrit�Itss4rument�vhether or not this Security Instrw�ent is specifically referenced. If more than ane��soa r 4`,;:
<br /> ��:. si�s this Security Instrumen�each Grantor agrees that this Secuaity Iastniment�vitl sc:wre ap future advances and ��.;;.
<br /> ` fuhue obGga�ions that are�iven to or incurred by any one or more Graator.or any one or more Grantor and �_.•._
<br /> othets.All future advanoes and other future obtigations are sectued by this Securlty Instrument even though a!1 or �''�`:
<br />� . part may not yet be advanced Atl future adtianoes and other future obligatiaas are secund as�f made on the date �=���;±
<br /> ' ''F of this Securiry Iashiiment,Nothing in this Security Iastn�ment shali constitute a commitment to make additional �'`�•
<br /> ��>..
<br /> ,��r',
<br /> , or tuture loans or advances in any amoun�Any such commitment must be agreed to w a separzte writing. ,:�:��•.
<br />' C. All obligatioa�Grantor a�jes to Lender,which s.�y tater arise,to tlie exteot noi prafitfiitcd by lativ,in�luding,bni i.:-..
<br />' �'..��� not fimited to,liabilities for overdrafts relaring to any deposit aocaunt ageement hetween Grantor and LeQder. }`�!-;
<br /> D. A!1 additional sums advanced und expenses incurred by Lender for insuring,prese*.ving or otherwise protecting �t�,'_�,
<br /> the Praperty and its value and any other sums advanced and expense�ulcurred!ry Lcnder under th�terms of �:�-.
<br /> ��':` this Security Instrument. —=
<br />' This 5ecurity Instrument�vili not ser.w�e any other debt if Lender fails to give any requared notise of the right of rcxas.rion. �•._
<br /> ��..
<br /> � 5. PAV14�t�Fi�.Grantor agrees Wat all payments under the Secured Debt wiU be paid when due and in a000rdaace �::.,_
<br /> witl:the termg ef the Secured Debt and t�xis Security Instrumeat
<br /> - �, W�►R�RANTY OF TITLE.Granwr warrants that Crrantor is or�viU be la�vfully seized of the estate wnveyed by tlus �'` �
<br />�� ' . Security Imstrument and has the right to irrevocabiy gran�convey,and sell the Property to Trustee,in trust,wit6 ---_-_
<br />.„; � puv.rer of sale.Gran4or also warrants that the Property is unencwnbered,except for encumbrances of racord. �-._
<br /> • � �t�ug g��.ldllTy INg'EF'?ES1S.With regazd to any a2her mortgage,dee�of trust,security agreement or other Gen �'_::_::
<br /> �nt drat aeated a prior security iaYerest or encumbrance on tke Fraperty.Grantor agrees: �,
<br /> , •� TQ�'s.all�ayments when due�aai to perfor�or eomply wisb.at[oaveuants• _ _ -
<br /> . . ,i. To prompi[y detiver to Leader any notices that Grantor receives fram dte►mlder. ___-..-
<br />--- - �. Nflt to allatv any madification or extension of.nor to raqaest any f uture a dvaures ua der any n o t e o r a g c e e m e a Y _�-_
<br /> secured hy the fiea daciunent without T..ender's p�or written consenG �
<br /> ' • g. CLAIINS AGaINST 17TLE Grantor��'il pay all taxes.assessments,liens,encumbraaces,lease pay►nenu,ground �
<br /> . rents,utilities.and other chazges relatin�to the Pruperty s�+hen due.I.ender may require Granmr to provide to Lender �::
<br /> copies of all notices Wat such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment Grantor will defeud ���
<br /> title to We Property against any claims that would impair the lien of t6is Secur�ty Instrument.Grantor agrces to assiga �
<br />, . to Lender,as requested by Lender.any rights,clauns or defenses Grantor may Mave ap�in�parties who su�a�ly tabar �--
<br /> or matetiaLs to maintain or unprove the Progerty. ____
<br /> . . 9 DUE ON S�OR ENCUMBIt�1otC�.Lender may,at its aptia�declare the entire balance nf We Secuaed Debt W �,
<br /> �a .
<br /> be immediatery due and payabte upon the creation o�or contcact far t�e creation o�any lieu.eacumbrance,transfer __ __
<br /> nr sale of the Property.Tihis right is subjed to the restrictions im{��by federal law(12 C.F.R 591),as applicable. -
<br />- 'T.�covenant shall run with the Property and shall remain in ef€e..-t until ttie Secared De6t is paid in fatE��1d this ,..,�;.
<br /> 5e:auity Instrument is rel��d. `�='
<br /> 10. PBOPEB'I'���ioIDI'Y'i�3Y,A�.�'ERATIIOPF5 ANID lloISPEC'II'ION.Grantoz vrill keep the Propert�:n good
<br /> � condirion a.uti�ake all repairs that ara reasonably necessary.�rantor shail not commit or allow a�y waste, � �
<br /> impairment,ar deterioration of the Property.Grantor will keep tTae Progerty free of noxious weeds and grasses. �"
<br /> �;'., Grantor agrees that the n�a�e of the occupancy and r;::�w771 not substantially change a+ithout Lender's prior wriiten
<br /> ceasent.Grantor wal not�c�emit any change in any 1+a�f�,restricrive covenant or easement witttout Lend�s prior
<br /> . � written conseet Grantor ti��4 notify Lender of all de��ds,pra,eedings,ciaims.and actions against Grantac,¢nd af _
<br /> • any loss or damage to the Property. �-
<br />�• Lender or Laa,�er's agents may.at Lender's option.enter the Pty�erty at any reasonable time for the puigose ot
<br /> inspecting tha�roQerty.Lender shall give Grantor notice at the time of or before an inspection speaifying� � ,;�.�.
<br /> reasonable purpose for ttae inspection. Any inspection of the Property shail ts�entirety for Lender's beneGt and �
<br /> Grantor will ia e�s way rrtC4«sn Leader's inspection. �"��.
<br /> • 1L Ai3TROR�Iii�'u'+I�!P�RFORM.lf Grantor fails to perform anj•duty or any of the covenants contained in this �
<br /> �
<br /> � Security Insr��izss�:•r.t.Lender may,withv,z't notice,perform or cats.�.ci�em to 6e performed.Grnntor appoints Lender
<br /> . . as attomey s:fa:.l to sign Grantor's name or pay any amount necessary for performanse.Lender's right to pedotm for � ____,
<br /> . Grantor s6pI1 not create an obligation to perform,and L.eader's failure to perform will not preciude Lender from
<br /> . exercising any of Lender's other rights under the lativ or this Security instrument.If any constructcon on the Properry is �
<br /> • � discaontinuai or not carried on in a reasonable manaer,Lender may take all sieps rteces5ary to pnotect l.ender's
<br /> secvrity intcrn:::r.ia the Property.including complet6on of the construction. �=`
<br /> � : lL ASSIGNA'I�S.I�+"�'03�LEt�S�S A1V�R�1�PI'S.Grantor irrevocably grants,conveys aad sells to Trustee.in trust for the �
<br /> benefit of Lender,as additional security all the righ�title and interest in and to any and all emsting or future leases.
<br />.� subleases,and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occu�aacy of any portion of the Property. �=''''�
<br /> � ' including any extensia�,r.�newals.modifications or substitutions of such agrczmes�ts(all referred to as"Leases")and d-
<br /> ,, rents.issues artt�profi��(.t]Ti�referred to ac"Rents").Grantor will ptomptIy�mvide Lender with tnie and correct
<br /> • copies of all�xi�tf��zzd�utwe Leases.l;r3ntor way collect.receicG,en;oy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not ��
<br /> • ��� in default undi:r�Lz tsrtns of ttiis Sectuilt�:T.is::trument. �—_
<br /> t:�rantor acica�c*�'sedges that this assignr.ter,t is pede:cir:r!upon the ncording vf this Deed of Trust and that Lcnder is =-
<br /> � �iic.SiUed to r.atify any of Grantor s tenants to ma�:.e�S^a��nent of Rents clue or to become due to l.ender.Howevet, —��-�
<br /> �• l:.ender agre+:a!:�at only on default will L.eader notit�;+�srantor and(3rantor's tenants and make demand that all tuture �=
<br /> • Qents be paid�iirectly to Lender.On receiving notice of default, .rirantar will endorse and deliver to Lender aag –
<br /> �raycuent ot t�u;ms in Grantar s possession and�vip receive any Rcuts in trust for Lender and will not commingle lhe �_.
<br /> P;�nts with�.�y other funds.Any amounts collected will be applied as provided in this Security lnstnsment.Grantor =__
<br /> �varranis that na default exists under the Ixases or any applicable landlord/tenant law.Grantor also agrees to maintain --
<br /> . and require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicable law.
<br /> �� . 13. LEASL'H(#���;CONDOMINIUMS:PLANNED UNYf DEVELOPMEl�TI'S.Grantor agrees to comply with the � .'
<br />° provisio:�,rzf r�ny lease if this Secnrity Inswment is on a leasehold.if the Property includes a unit in a condominiucr $-�-_
<br />-� �� �� � or a planne,i unit development,Grantor tivill perform all of Grantor's duties under the covenanis,by-laws,or �,--,
<br /> �, . -- regulario�i���f the wndominium or planned unit developmen� �.�
<br /> , 14. DEI�AUL�.Grantor will be in defau(t if any parcy obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make paymem when dtie. ��
<br /> _ Grantor�vill be in de faa lt i f a breac h occurs un der t he terms o f t his Securi ty Ins trumcnt or any other document
<br /> (page2o}4) '
<br /> • v,ssa�sY=�*�.u,o.s�aom.��+nEaoav�•zta,�rwn,+a�-0u�aass .
<br /> �* � . . . -- .—_---..._.._..._.... � . . • �
<br /> .. ..... ..... ......... . , . ,;• . . . . :' � • .
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<br /> • . . . ,�. • .. �; . � .
<br /> , � , �i - ' • . :y,.. � . ' ,, . _ . ; - -
<br />