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<br />�." 17.'1'vctnsica�al oite Psaprrt��or o Beni�Ticisil lnterest in Bomu�se�'• if all ar any part af tSte Presprrty ar any interest in it �; ;`
<br /> i..,�!d��r tr:u��fcrr�vl lur if a Ncne4�ic+al interest in Borro�ver is sold or transferred:uid Borro�rer is not a natural person)without �._
<br /> < Ie��lcr'� p r�.�r �v r i t t e n c u n ti c n t. L e�x l e r m a y. a t i t s o p t i o n, r e q u i re i m m e di a t e pa yment in full of all sunu seeured by th'ss �_ �
<br />,� : tiecaun� inEtrum�nit H���4cvcr.Ihi+aptiun�h�ill not he eAercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federsl law as of the date �
<br /> f��
<br /> �+1�h��ticouraty In,trumcot. �
<br /> (f 1.��►�t.r exrrci�r�this optiun. Le�tder shall give�rmwer notice of ac��eleration. The notice shall provide a period vf not
<br />– ��,� �►a;p, 111 d,iy, fn��u the date Ihe notice is dclivered ur mailed�vithin which Borrower must pay ali sums secured by this
<br /> tirru�uy Imuunienl.If Rurr�►��er f�ils to pay these sums prior to the expir.ition o{this period. Lender may invoke any remedies �_�:: ,
<br /> prnn�Ur�i hy thi`bcru�ty tn+tmmrnt without furthcr ndice or demand on Borrower. �:�'•�
<br /> IH. �it�tmhee's [diRf�i ta it�tnstate. If 8arrowcr meets certain canditions. Borrower shall have the right [o have �,-_,
<br /> eiih�trcaneizt uf Ihiv Si�.�urily ln+trument disrnntinued at any time prior to the earlier oF (a) 5 days (or such other periad as
<br /> ` upplira�lr la« may �perify fiir reinstatemenq bcfore salE of the Property pursuant to any poKer of sale contained in this
<br /> . tic.�nty iu�t�un►r�ru:+�r�h►emry of a judg�nent enforcin=this Security Instt�ument.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays � ``
<br /> �eitslc�;ill rt�u�ti «hid�Uicn ��uuld be due under this Security instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had accurred:{b) _ __
<br /> cur�s nny �e4ault uf nny other covenants or agreemen�s;(c1 pays a11 eapenses incurred in enforcing this Serurity Insuwnent, --
<br /> Inrl�tfin�. tia��t��f Ilmitcd to.rea�nnablc attorr�ys' fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requue to assure _ •
<br /> thJt�hr�ic�� uf titis 5��unry Instrunsent. L..�ndcr's rights in the Property and Bnrrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ' thi�+ ticcur�iy Insttuntem tihaU enntinue unchtastged. Upon reinstatement by Bartower, this Securiry instrument and the
<br /> itifiliga4iung qcrun:d hercby +hall rcm�in fully effe�.Kive as if na acceleration hard uccurred. However,this n�ht to reinstate shall –
<br /> n�►t np{�iy in Ihc r��e��f u.ticicration undcr Qaragraph i7-
<br /> 19, ti�le n�Natc; Change af I.flan 5ervfcer. The Note or a pactiai imere:t in dte [Yute(tag�ther with this Security �"�
<br /> U�tidrua��.nt1 itwy be 5otd onr or mure times without prior n�tice co Borrow�er. A sale m�y r�Ic in a ct►ange in the entity(known �1•�=F
<br /> �_;r�.
<br /> av Ihc"1.��:ui Scrn i►rr"i that cnllcrt+inunthly payrteents due undcr the Note uc�d this Security Instrument.1'here alsa may be one ��`
<br /> ur����re c'hanges c�f tRe►uan Scrvicer umelnied tu a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be _ _..
<br /> �Siren writte�t�sutice uf the change in acrnrdan�ti witl�parugraph 14 abave and uppticable law.The nouce will state the name and —.-
<br /> asidrc�+ot�hc new l.aan Senircr and thc aiGlre�� tn which paymenu shoutd �sc made.The notice�+rill also contain any other R""'�.•
<br /> infi►rn:�tiu»a�yuircd hy applicahlc Iliw. - --
<br /> � Z0. ��YIAfQUII� tiu6!,tonccs. &�rrower�hall noi cau�e��r pertnit the prescnce. use, disposal, storage,or retease of any _
<br /> Na�antau+ Suh�tance� �n� �►� in tlic Pr��perty. Bcttio�vcr shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the �''�
<br /> `� Pmpcny that iw �n viul�iinn of any Environmental law.The preceding nvo sentences shall nut apply to the presence,use,or �_
<br /> : �tarabe on Iltc Ptupcny uf+n��ll yuantitic+uf H:unrJuus Substances that are generally rzcognized to be�propriate to nonnal �m�,
<br /> • ccvdcntial u�c+and tir�uaintcnancc af thc Prupeny. ---- _
<br /> . {3�►rro«cc�It�ll prnntpily 6ive Lcndrr�vnttcn nutice of any investigation,c laim, demnnd. lawsuit ur other action b y any �_
<br /> • gu�e►ttn�ntal ur �egulataey agency or pricate party involving the Propeny und uny Hazardous Substance ar Envirorutv�.;.�E iaw _
<br /> � uf��hich f3urruti�et ha�u�tu.tt knm�•Icalgc. If Ei��rruuer learns,or is not�fied by any govemiueneal or regulatory auth�.�i�;��.that
<br /> �, any rcmn��sl ur uthcr remrdiatinn�►f uny Na�ardnus Substancc affccting the Preperty is nsc��ary.Borrower shall pro�r3y take
<br /> ' al)nc�c���ry rcntcdial ucti�tin�in itrtv�td;incc«ith Environmental I.aw. ' �
<br /> AS used in thi+ {�ara�raph 211. 'Naia�dous SubsLutces" are those substana� defiaed as toxic or haTanduus substances by ��
<br /> Envimnnnnt;d la�v �nd the fnlli►win�; tiuMtauce+: ga,oline, kerosene, other fiammable ur toxic petroleum produ.xs, ta�ic
<br /> pesticide5 a�td h:rhiridey.411I�11IC AOIYCJIlS.ntate�ials containing a�bestos or formuldehyde,a.ecd radioactive materials. As asai in �':
<br /> � th�s paragraph ZQ. "t:nvir.m�►�cm�l la�v" mcans fcderal la�vs and laws of thc jurisdiction where the Property is tu�e�that �
<br /> rclatc to he:t�th,safcty nt cnvinumu�ital ptutcction. -
<br /> F�iON-UNIFARl1!CUVCN�IN7:S Eiurra�ser und Lcndcr funhcr covensmt�nd agree as follows ��
<br /> � tl.Acccler�tlnn;Rentedicq.l.ettde�slwll�I��e notta�to Iiorro«rr prdor to ac+ceieruiion follo�I3asrower's breac[a
<br /> ot wny rn��cnant o� �rcemrnt (n tht!► ticcurlty Iastwment (but not prdne to ucce[erat�mn unater g�esgrarin D�e�less
<br /> oPpllc�ble Ipwpro�idcw othenrlsel.7'he aotice shall specifys ta1 the defauit; (b?t��an requlaetl to c�:re e���.:.'t; �;=�:'
<br /> � (c)a�ate. aat lrs.�than 30 da�y Uom tde datp Ihe nattcr Is p,i�co to Borrower,by whfc6 the defaWt maut�e amm�rft��.� �.�;..._,
<br /> (dD lftgl fnllure to cure tltr detwuSt on nr befnrr Ilx�dote speciflcd In the notice may resui!in aooeler��aQ UTA��s �,.
<br /> secured by thls 4ecarity lastrument �end wic of ihe Property.The noitcP shstU i'arther inform Ba4a�.a�er of t:oe r�ght tsa �
<br /> net�te alter acecicrotlon msd ihe f�Rbt ta►bstng o court ucllon to s�ert the non�xlstence o!u dt�'aull ar any ot6er =_-
<br /> deiettse o�lSnrroxer to�retc�attan wnd eate. Ir Ihe default is not cur�d on oc before the date sp�tfied fn t�e aotice,
<br /> . 4endcr� at (t9 upHon�mAy rcqutrr tanmcdtate payment in f�afl of all sums secared by this Security IastrummE aithout �
<br /> mr��cr acm�Ra ona mAy �m�kc Ihc pnecr of�nle onA any ather rrrnedIes per�ttted by ap�1lc�Gte la�r.Leade��9a11 be
<br /> etatttled ta collect oll er{xn�cw�rMUrrca!n punutng Ihe trmcdlev peovEde�in thls pnrasrupin 21.indaetin�,R�c�aae Ilmlted
<br /> - to.rcasanablc a4tur�uye'fccs and a►yt�o!�itic evlde�ce.
<br /> It IhepowFt of�Ie �r In►c►tccd. �'PU+t�r �h�ll rcr�NA u nn!!cc of detautt lo each ommty in wbkh any pari of the
<br /> � propesty is brntcd s�nd Fhall m�ll c+�{►icw af�+ucit�wtice 1��the manner pe�i6ed by nppfle�bie law to Borroaver an�to �
<br /> . the other perron�prrscrlbed by oppftcnt►!e luw.After tl�e time requtred by uppltcable law,Teustee shall give pa611c notice
<br /> oi raM to the pt�r�un+and In Ihe mKntx►p�•cwvltx�d by apptttable Inw.'fevstce.w(thoui demand an Borrowea,sh�Il sell � -
<br /> � the Psoperty ot publtc auctlun to thc ri�o blttBcr at the dmz and ptnce vnd under the terms designnte�in the nattce�f
<br /> s�4c tn�►nc or rnarc parccl�und lo any urAeP Trustee cirtcrmines.7'nistee may postpoue sale ot all or any psroel of the �•_
<br /> Properly fiypu 1►Ilr oannunecmrN e11he Ihne anA Wucr oi un�• pres�iously lscheduled salr. Lender or its deslgnee may __
<br /> . purcha.5e the 1*raperty ot ony wts.
<br /> .�,
<br /> .�.-_;;>
<br /> Form 3028 9190
<br /> - Ya�e[i c�p �
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