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<br />�: '�` 9G� i���5 .,�
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<br /> N._'
<br /> � • 5.. �Ltsatd ar Property lnsurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements rtoar exiseing or h�reafter erected on � �.�_
<br /> t��a Fs�cFet�t insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended a�verage"and any other hazards,
<br /> i�Gli,idir�Q�t�aads or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance.This insurance shall be rnaintained in tAe amavnts
<br /> 3a�f�ze t�'���eriods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier pruviding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower ,.
<br /> '�,`<< sEii�jecr.fir.Lender's approval which shall nat be usireasflnably withheld if Borrower fails to maintain coverage describcd . �� �
<br /> abc+Trs, �,es:der may.at Lender's option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in ths Property in accordance with �rr ,
<br /> ';t:� Farat��Ph 7• '�;':�_.:.�
<br /> ' - t�t1 ir.se�ance�licies and renevraIs shati be acveptable to Les►des and shall inciurla a suuidard morsgage clause. - -
<br />':.�,�; f�ender shati have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borro�ver shall promptly give to ,�,.�.
<br /> t;,�adr.r a!�receipts ai paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Bonower shall give prompt notice to the �:s'.°�=-^
<br /> -���`t Yirsuraace ca.+rier and Lendet.Lender may make proof of loss if not mads prumptlq by Bonoe:rer. �''=_-__
<br /> ' Unless Lender and Borrower othernise agree in n+riting,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair ��" "�
<br /> ;;��;;% of the Property damaged,if the reswration Qr repair is ecoaomicatly feasible and Lendes's security is not lessened.If the �� -
<br />'::�`•;' restoratioct ar t�pair is not ecanomiea}ly fc�sible or Lender's sc-curity would be lessensd,t6e insucance proceeds shall be ��:'`-'
<br />?;'il� ' apptied to t�:e sums secured.by this��.;rs:rr Instrumer,t,anc�-ti��r.or not then due�with any egceas paid to Harcocrer.It =-_ _-
<br /> �r:��:;:
<br /> ''� Eorrower abandons the Fro or����.'��+er,�i.thin 3Q��s::notice fmm Lende;�t the insurance carrier has t.
<br /> , gzrty, t;��.-•. ...
<br /> ''• ' �z�ed to settle a claial� ., _ ; (,�`�:'
<br /> tl�.�Lxnde.*�;�x ,�edb3�:��r��.��.�a-�.:,��n.�x�c F.��:r may �the proceeds to sepair c�r ,r,.�,,.
<br /> T�S.w.C S71A F�lt'.rfjF'E'�'r".7f G.i�DB�'F�:tIIS 5:..7".�5.^.°���L�3:3�`'.j3�'SJt��'1�`.1,�1.YC�Y[1?E11Z.+i�"r•4'1Cf��s naz t�z^.�ue.The 30'day p�riod+�u: i(e �.�t
<br /> �j�s?_.-
<br /> ,..` �w�c�:VJ:.��c�.xi:=t�iw. ' �`���ii`:�,4;�:
<br /> ,,,'.,. L� s. a w � '� i1'C.�'�.�_�"'dI "aCeECa 00 .11C1 SZI'dtj':�t¢3C�:C:::.�1,' �tir�� ��'f=
<br /> ' ;�,. UaIc�s�r��.=.,��i;�a��a ��snsi�ap,ree_�ar� ::�.,..a7�,�? P Ps` P� Yn�•,s.
<br /> �.:: �,:
<br /> �:1;��?i7, pcx-�or.�t2:o,�,��a�cf�.°reranthlyPaS�nr►entsr�:�re.��i:p�s�aPhsS�^_��tracl^au:,�,ers�amount��t2ic�}�:��. ��'�;fj�=
<br />:' ''� 1�,_�der pasagaph 21 t�rz'�roperty is acquired �-TLur�3er. Borrower's ri�.a� �y insurance polic•:es m;.,3 proceeds .
<br />': �:,;., '
<br /> re�altiug from damage w t�Property prior to the a�,7sition shall pass to Ler,3er to the eatent of the s�naens secused by _�,' .
<br /> ��••s'�� this Security Instroment immeadiately pnor to the acquisition. _'-
<br /> �a-�'..._,.3'.:
<br /> ���-��:: , 6.Qocupancy,Preserva4ian,Maintenans�eand Protection of tde Proparty;Bono�se�s Loan Application; ��:
<br /> '� �,��' Leaseholds.Borrower shall occuQy.establish,and ose tAa Properr�as Sorrovler's principal residence within sisty days ��---
<br /> � after the esecution of this Security Instrumer.t and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal �..
<br /> ' residence for at least one year atter the date oi occupancy,unless Lender otherw�se agrees in writing,which consent shall �___�__
<br /> not be unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating c�rcumstamea esist Earhich are bayond Borrower s control.Borrower
<br /> shall not destroy.damage or impair the Prnperty.allow the Propetty to deteriocate,or comsnit waste on the Ptoperty. �""-����
<br /> Borrower ehaU be in default if any 4os[eiture action or proceeding,whether civit at criminal.is began that in�.ender's --
<br /> • good faith judgment wuld resutt in fort�itura of the Properey or otherwise maierially impai�the lien created by tAie L�-��
<br /> � Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower may cure si�ch a deiaul;and reinstate, as ptovidcd in
<br /> � , paragra�h 18. by causing tha action or praceediag to be dismis�ed with a ruling that, in Lend°r's good faith ■'iiii`�
<br /> � determ�nation.precludes forteiture o4 the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material impairn►ent of the lien
<br /> created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Honower shall also 6e in default�f Borrower,during �°�=
<br /> the loan applicarion process. gave materiaUy false ar inaccurete informatian or statemenu►to l.ender (or tailsd to _
<br /> provide I.�ader with ars,v rreaterial information) in connectton with the loan evidenced by t[ne Nota.inc3uding,but not ___
<br /> , } iimited to,representatiors conceming Borrower's or.cupancy oi the Property as a principat residence. Ii this Security -
<br /> � •' It�ttument is on a leaseh,�P¢l,Bonower shall comply with a11 the provisions of tDe tease.If Botrower acquires fee title to
<br /> the Praperty,the leaseholr3 sad the f�title shalt not merge unless Lender agrees w the irterger in writing. �:
<br /> . 7.Protrction of I�de:'s Rigbts in 4he Peo�erty. If Borrower fails to perPorm the covenants and agreem�nts ■�-
<br /> �ontained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding tAat may sigmficantlq affect Lestdes's rights in the
<br /> • �'tnpetty (auch as a pr�u:.►�ding in baNcruptcy. pznbate, for condemna��rua or for[eiture or to �aa�orce laws or • -
<br /> �
<br /> mc�ulations).then I.end�c s;�.,ay do and pay�or�vI..s.te�ees is necessary ta psa'��c.he value o4 the Prope�y7 and Lender'a �.�y.• .'.
<br /> � sigf►ts in the Praperty.Le::+ier's cctians rn�y irtcY}.�:Ee.gaying any sums secvr�d by a lie��rhich ht�s pTios�ty over this �,�a�t{�".
<br /> : Secur�ty Instrument,aPpearing in ocr:rrc.;,a�ying rzas��abte attomeys'fees anA entering m tlh�Pmperty to make repairs. _ --.=�.-
<br /> . �:.`,;' Although Lrnder may takrj ection ur.ci9s this par��a��:7.Lender doea not have to do so. ----
<br /> ' �': Any amounts dis�cur,��by Lender under this r,aF.sag,eaph 7 shall become�3ditional debi ot Borcov��r secured by this ��'"'
<br /> � ' �.xurity Instrument.�.t��;t�s Borrowe:and Lender�gree to oiher ter�ms of�tayment,these amounts s:`�31 bear interest
<br /> ``���' #tfzm the�a,�:��f disbursemant at the Note rate and shall be pay d'c;r.,with inter�st,upon notic�trom Lendes to Borrmwer �'�'��_-
<br /> ' � seqaestir�taf.,�tmen� � `'
<br /> S.?�a�re+gage Insurance.lf Lender required mortgage ins�:�an:e as a wndition oi making the loan secured�y�t5s � �
<br /> �-°-•"
<br /> . '' Security ldstrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums requised to maintai.:��i e mortgage insurahce in effect.If,far any --
<br /> . r�son,the raortgage insusance covetage reqwred by Lender lapses or a�to be in effect,Borro:��es shall pay the
<br /> � _"�� gremiuma required to obtain coverage substsntially equivalent to the mortga�e insurance previously in effect.at a cost
<br /> . � substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the most��he insurance previously in effect,from an altsrnats
<br /> �' �,;� mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If suL•�tantially eqwv��C.znt mortgage insurance coveraga is not available,
<br /> �. ' 4 $ottower ehali pay to Lender esch month a surte equal to ane-twelfth o4 the yearly mortgage insutance premium Being
<br /> � . paid by Borrawer whan�tTie insurence coverage lapsed or ceased to be in etfect.Lender will accept.use and retain these
<br /> payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage �nsurance. Loss reserve payments may no langer be required.
<br /> . . .:� __-
<br /> i
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