. . . `. ... !. .� " . �i � .� � � .�� h . . .... �. i�.rn ._
<br /> ' ``4` _____ `� ._�..,.l._. •.y ....._. ..�_� :I:'e ��.�� a�'�..-
<br /> _ " :,v��1
<br /> � . 9�-�Q��� ,: .. w'".��. � .
<br /> �� � 17. Trnns4er af the Property or a �enefdctal tnteresQ in �orrower. If all or an a o operty or , ���""��- 1
<br /> � any �rtterest�n it is sotd or transterred (or ii a bene8dal irterest in Bortower is sold or transt2rted and Bortower is not a naturet '� ' °.,,;;.�,,• �;, . �
<br /> t: :`± �:.-
<br /> person)v�iLhwA lender's p�ior wdtten consQ�t Lend¢r may.at its option.requlre hnmediate payment in fuU ol nit sums seeured by a��` '�' '"'�"
<br /> ��,-.;..
<br /> • thfs Sc;cunry tnsfrument. Novraver.this option sh�! not be exercised by Lender it e�rcise is prohihRed by federal law as o1 the "� ` ='`�v �`
<br /> ���:_�
<br /> data of Ws Sezunty lnstrument. �� ' � �
<br /> 14 Lead�r esccruses th�s opUon. Lender shall r,na 8ortawer noUce ol acceleraUon. Tho no�ee shaU prov�de a penod ot not � � � ,�i:. .i
<br /> less then 34 Rays (rom tho data tho notice is delivered or rrziled with�n which Barrawer must pay aSi sums secured by ihis �..( � ' . '__
<br /> Security tn�-CUmnnt if Borrower tads to pay these sums pnor to the expvation ot this period. Lender may invake any remedies `•, '. . ,;�, �•; ':
<br /> perm.i�d lry th�9ewriry tnstrument without turther notice or deman d on 8orrower f�' � ;;;" _�:'�.-
<br /> .. 1�. B�lfQ47JaP's Rig45'i! to ROln�a2o. It Borrovrer me2ts certam condNons. Barrower sha11 hava the nght to have � �•
<br /> ' entorcement o1 thls Securfty fnstrument dlswnUnued at any time pdor to tha earlier ot (a) 5 days (ar such other penod as � , `
<br /> aPP aY P�Y ' P nY R Y P � .: ��� �.
<br /> licable lav� rta s tor re:nstatement) before sele o1 the Pro e ursuant to an ower of saie eontalned in this Secun �
<br />_ tastte�neen.*. a(3�)entry ot a judgment�tsiorcing this&ecunty Instrument Those condAions are that Sortower. (al pays Lender all �..E ��:_'._;";._,_7��:--
<br /> sums which then would ba due undzr th�s Security InsVument and the Note as it no acceteraUon had occuned: (b) cures any ,' ==�� ,-
<br /> dafautt ot any other covenant or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurred tn entorang thls Securfry IrestrumerR. Enduding. but ,_ � �'
<br /> r.,1 x r.�":at,t.-�dh'�`.'..
<br /> not limrted to,reasonabte attomeys'tees; and(� tskes such acUon as Lender may reasonabty require to assure that the Gen ol , . F��'�„�-4,_
<br /> :..f+�:y����?��. ,:�.° -_
<br /> - this Security Insuumen� Lertdzr's rights m the Property and Borronefs o6ligatcon to pay the sums secured hy lhis Securtty �;�,;, �-:_
<br /> -- Instrument shall cotrttnue u�ehanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securt7y InsWment and the abiigaUons sewred � �-�'` -
<br /> - herehy shaD remain tuily effecBnre as d no acceteraUon had ocatrted. Howaver,this right to reins4ate shail not appty in the case !� �
<br /> .��s;�,'( of accelera«on under paragraph 17. �: ".
<br /> ,�.�,. 19. Sa1a of Noie; Cfaange of Loan Servicer. The Note or a a panta� trteresc in rne Note (mgether vri�h this �.,��. -: __ - __
<br /> � Seairfry Instrument)may be sotd one or more tlmes wfthout prtor notice to Borrower.A sate may result In a change in the entily ��_�
<br />'Ft`r
<br />`, (Imovm as the 'loan Servlcer') that collecb monthty paymerrts due under the Note and this Security Instrume�. There a(so may ����..,�• .._
<br /> be one or more changes ot the Loan Servic� unrelated to a sate of the Note. !t there is a c�fianga ot the Loan Servlcer, tn,�--_ '
<br />:";�r.. Bortower w�11 be given vmtten noUce of the changa in accordance vrith pata�aph 14 above and applicable taw. The notice w01 :���_
<br /> %`;;, s�z t�a name and address o9 the ner�Loan Servicer and the address to which paymerrts shauld be made. The notice w�U atso � �...-.. ��.� � .'_.
<br />�.:1:,: coratn any other infortnation requUed by applica6te law. j<�^. •
<br /> .�G'.J•;'..
<br /> r �:. ,20. H2P.2tSdOUB SUbSf�tfCes. Borto��::�all not cause or permit the presence. use. �sposaf,stowga, or release of �
<br /> �,��J.��.
<br /> e, arnj Warr�rrdous Substanees on or io tha Proper:•f. Borrower shall not do. nor altow anyone else to do,anything affecting the Y!+�
<br /> a
<br /> '� F-icr�ty thai is m violation of any Environmental Lav�. The preced;ng two sentences shali not to the resence, use, or �`����
<br /> aPPN D -:.�wrc�;_Y:.
<br /> �•`�'�f•� �rage on the PrapeRy of small quantities oi Mazardous Substance:s that are generaIIy recogn¢ed to be sppropriate to nortnal �� •=��_-:
<br /> «�;�;��� residential uses and to malntenance ot the Pmperiy. —�r�r����
<br /> • ..r,�.n.u�w,..-
<br />- �'� Borrower shall prompUy give Lender written notiee of any investigaUon. ciaim, demand. lawsuit or other acdon by any •;`•'R�.t:
<br /> -,-��' govemmeniai or reguiatory agency or private paRy invotving the Property and any H�ardaus Sabstance nr Environmental Law of i:
<br /> i•;�;�; which BoROVier haa actual loiowledga !1 Bortower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authoery. Nat any �, _
<br /> �''.��f,� .�.-
<br /> • ,:+ t��a! or other remediatien ot �oy Hazardous Substance aftecting PropeAy (s necessanr. Borrower sha[I promptty talsn aU y�';._ ; :'�!.,�+:�,�?:''
<br />- n��sary remedtat actlons in aoceu�nce wiM Envtronmentaf Law. " �f�� �},. ���"`
<br /> ;.:i� ,; �,c:,'r(� �,
<br /> •'.�±` As used in thia paragraph�i,"'•�zardous Su6stances' ere those subsKances deftned as t�aic or hardrdous substa[r,�s Ly , =1'� _
<br /> 'c' C,�+'rronmental Law end the foltc:ving si:i�.�'..�...�s: �asofine. kerosene, ather itammabie �-,:dc peVoleum products, toxic �,ti ';^
<br />' �''��`• pesticldes and heibidQes,vola4ite sotvents, m=7�isis contain(ng asbestos or fortnatdehyde, and radioactive materiafs. As used in " ', 'i:� ,
<br />, ;,t; p:.^-agraph 20, 'Ernhonmenta! Law' mearss federal laws and laws of the jurisdctian where the Property is IocateA that relato to ' ,�'.�r-
<br /> icr�?�,saf2ty or Emrhranmentat prs�ion. ` ,; �-=_
<br /> -r� ��5
<br /> � �`�` Fu�N-E1NIFORM COVENAM�'� Borrower and Lender further covenazrt and agres as foIIows: ��-� �<
<br /> �.` ,; . . '�-�..,
<br /> � :' �1. Accelaration; �oamodias. Lsnder shall giva no4ice 4o Borrawer prior to acc�teration +:�,��.
<br /> . .;:�.�� foII�ng Bomr+arer's C:ceaah of�any covenant or agreement io thls Sacu�3ty Instrumen! (btr2 t�ot � i '�-��'
<br /> prlor to acceir.eatto� ucee�sr parageaph 1T unless appficable law provtdes otherwlse). Tha nt+Hce {:
<br /> � ;` ' sha41 specify:(a) tP►e d��uai�� (b) the action req�ired to cure tt�e defaul� (c)a date, noi la�a C�s�n -- __
<br /> `� t.? 30 d�s fro� the date ¢�� notic� ia givon to Borrower, by whicfi the d�ault mast be curedk•zcu0 �` �
<br /> :�.,,:I; (d) ti�ai falluro 4o cure the default on or beforo the d�ta �eclfiod.+rm the natice may restiu��.in '��:-'�''.
<br /> ,:�-�';"�:: acceta►atiati af the sums secured by tEais Security lnstrume�rmR a�d s�vl:the Praperdy.Ths rtotiee t�'��:=
<br /> :•� •
<br /> sh�ta furtiior taform Borrawer o? tf:o ctgF�4 to relnstate after acceleraFisaa and tho right to b,n�a�� a � ��-�
<br /> •.�'.;... _e_
<br /> cr�:nr¢ �tion to assert �iw non-ewis2ence oi a defauit or any cti:tneu defenae of Borr�x+sua to ---.
<br /> ' ;;;.' ar:�leralion �nd sate. «f�e defauS3 Is no4 c�ePd on or 6eiore the d� speaffied in 4hs t�otice� �
<br /> � ' tr�ades at it� optlon aaay require Icr�rr��late �.q,m��a�t in 4i:l1 ot all su�s secure�.�'ty this Secarity �=w— :•-.���µ
<br /> ;s , tnstrumant �aithout turther demand :�rr� may ir,tscCce ttr.e �wer of sate and a^.°� rsther �emedies `ar�ri�
<br /> .��.;•� permitted by appllcabte law. Lender shaU be ere�:�d 8ti ro�stice�t ap es,panses lacx�m.�d in pursuing ,i/'';�T��•:;�:
<br />, ' •°:�; � ilsa� remeQlos provldecD fi� thts paragraph 21, ir.e3rcading; t3�a� not II�rrJi.�s�9 to, reasonabio z`y�T��:ays' � �'°
<br /> ':` , /,�.and coQts of titte rw.tc�enae. �`'�—�t7
<br /> �•�� - t� tho pawer a�t s�� ts Invoked. Trustee shail record +a�natice of defauit i�a eacb �:ar�'ty tn �..�-��'�
<br /> ;"%� , ` r;i;:z_=�
<br /> wrilch any �a�4 of tha Property ts located and shall malY- �aapiea M such oo'LY.ra� ih the manno► 11+cY=-
<br /> ��'�.��5� �'� prrrscrii�ed• a licable law to Borrowar and to the olher e►sons rescribed � ��6`�Q���
<br /> .: ;. u'f PP i� p �+�S�1ic��fl law. •��.�f�n
<br /> `'� r�: l�itt�tp tho t(me requir�d by applicabte law. Trustee shafl give pubNc rraFt�� of�(�e ��ffie y��tr�a9 . ,+� : ,' : "`�.r.•,-'�,��'
<br /> � ` snd�tn tho manner pr�scribed by appllcabte law.Truatee. wiUaout d�t�.usr� en �oe�csw�r. �t�lp�a10 ���f`NtN ����� :.�nl
<br /> ,`,,� �� tfle PraAor4yt at public auctton to 4he highest totddar at ffie,time and� �[ac�s ar�d �s�r�S�r tti�t�s _ . .,�+is�s;
<br /> ; q
<br /> designatod in�i:te notice of sate in orte ar more parcaL3 ia.�d In any order Tru� dotormlrtos. � � �;��F;;
<br /> � T►us3ee m� y:as4pone safe of all ar any parcel uf tha txtn{aerQy by publlc anrsaus�cement at tho _; .�-.�.�.��.,....��t{.
<br /> -��� J time and ptace o4 aa�i� �revlousty scheduled sale. Lender or it3 dasignoe may purchase tha ����
<br /> �� � Proporty at any Qate. �-::-:4�-;�=-_
<br /> ` ' Upan recelpt of paZment of the price bid. Trustee shall deliver to the purchasor Trustoo's �-_-��� , 's`,-
<br /> dead convoying the Property.The recitats in U�e Trustee's doed sh�l Ioe prima facle ovldQnco of � � - -
<br /> the truth of the statemonts made therein. Trustee shall apply tS�e proceeds of !he sato in th� '`""�' _
<br /> � tol0awing order. (a) 4o all cost� and e�cpenses of exercising the Rower of sate. and tt4� salo, " ��^r•�"-=�'�`y-'
<br /> inclaa�ing th�e paymen4 04 tho Truste�'s toos actualEy irt�uned. no4 40 oxcood throe ' !��"r`��
<br />, 3'0 ot the prlocipal ar�ou�s3 04 thc� . ��::^-,---'-x�---
<br /> ,,.N `'-
<br /> not� at the Hme of tho doclaration of default. and roasonable attorne 's fees as ermitted b lavr. �,''�"��'� �'�^'�`�;
<br /> . Y P Y �.....,�,,f�=�a��'�'ti�,
<br /> (b� ta all sums secured by this Security lnstrumen4: and (c) any excess to 4ho person or perscros
<br /> . lega91y entltled to it. � �:��k�'�'�`�-�: �,�
<br /> - . �.: _ - . ��«�
<br /> • � � . ...;,::: >:'--
<br /> ..f ; . ,.,..,., .
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