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<br /> . . �F -
<br /> we, Lo��n E Marittn and Vlsg[nia K Mari�g 19usband and Wifes As Joint �eaants � e�-s� _-
<br /> d ���.
<br /> "� . .ITmstor? \ rR��.r�,.,---
<br /> �:;--�-:.--°__
<br /> � under the tolovring Deed ot Tnist to be entered into amoay Truszors. [Vaiional Bank af Commerce Trust and r_,F—�,_
<br /> �.:;�.
<br /> � � Savin s Assaciatien 13tb& "O° Stre Lincaln IJE 68508 I�;s,:�.�;;�_
<br /> ('Trustee'). �=_=--
<br /> rc--�
<br />` .:,.:'Y: �..��
<br /> ' �� and The Overland Mational Bantc of(i , nd Island �_,,..f.
<br /> �• ' (•geneftciyry•j covedng the prapelty descn�oed betovi herehy seimov�tedge that it is understood thut {a)the Deed of Trust to ba ��
<br /> �� executed by Trustor is a trust dead and not e moRgage and(b)the pawer of sate provided tor in the Deed of Trwt provtdes
<br /> s�'ostanUaliyy dilfererst dgMs und abGgatlons to ttie Trustor than e mortgage in the event of defauri or brFad►oi obltgation. �``���,
<br /> .. , �-.�:�—
<br /> Trustor admowiedges if�this Admowted�nent was made prior to the ex�on o1 the Deed of Tnist. �
<br /> Facecuted and dEl'rvered this 9th day of . 1SJ6 �_�.��
<br /> _ 7� �h'a' — ���`.:
<br /> -.� � � �Logan E. Maring �
<br /> � Trustor
<br /> ��// � �, .
<br /> .. �' A _�A (/ � .� � ~ -
<br /> ' '�'�: r.�co� T•�..-c=� rcf`i ia K. Iarin9 _' ---
<br /> ..,;.:; �-� � .
<br /> � DI�ED OF Y�tUST •`�;�,,.�
<br /> __�$�.—-�-
<br /> , �:. _
<br /> '' �w:, T
<br /> • � 7Hfs D�ED OF 7RUST('Sewrity InswmenY)ts mede on Ocl�`CSer 9ih 1996 �_:-
<br /> �a uu„�tor ts Laaan E Marinca and Viminfa K M°�In Husisand anc��Nife As doint TenaMe , �� ,,
<br /> . (
<br /> Borrower')
<br /> TT�e vusir��s Na4ionaf Bank af Commorce'F►�n�L•�n�d Savtn4�Asso�tation. 1�i�t.{��Sj�The 6eneflciary is ���-
<br /> . NE 6t�� � .rr�3idi is organized end ex[sUn9 --
<br /> The Oe nd Na'donal Bank�f rand t � u1�.�yest Thiad Sireet r,•,,.,• .
<br /> �� ••• under the laws ot Tho United States o Amut�:n. .end whose a,d�ess ts�
<br /> �3ranef Isf nd E 6Q� 1 (•Lender'). '����`,i��.�. ���_>-..
<br /> �a;a�.�x;,:,..
<br /> � Borrower owes Lender tFcn prtnc1pa1 sum o9 Sf Four Thousand S ven Hcuu3+:ad and 00100 � '�:;r•rr;t;;�:•-
<br /> ±. ` � Dollars N•S$64 700.00 l. Thls debt la evldenced by BoROwer's nata � ,.��i��`,+ �„
<br /> •'�r`+ dated the same date as this SecurIty m�.m,m�m �'Note'�, whlch pro���Aes for monthry payme�s. rvith the PoO debt, ii not pald -
<br /> ear(ier.d�,s:•9nd payabte on November 1.2016 . .
<br /> • • This Securiry Instrument secures to Lender. (a) repayment of the debt euidenced by the Note.wf:h interest. and tilt renewats.• .' •
<br /> . � extensions and modifieaUons ot the Nate: (b) the payment ot ell other sums, witt� interesl. advanced under puacgaph 7 to .�',��.,.
<br /> :;..� protect ths security of this Security lastrument; and (c) the pertortnance o! Borrower's covenents end a�eements. For this :`.
<br /> . .f�� puraesq Qartower krevocably cyanta 4t:d conveys to Trustee. In tcus� witA power of sale, the tollowing described property _;-._,-;-.,::
<br /> tocated Its 19'�i) Caunty.Nebraaka: �
<br /> , �::s
<br /> A trad at ir.rd campdsing a pari o1 Lot Four(4)and atl 01 Lat Three(3),Fatracres SuDdivision,located in tha Souffiwest Quarter ��;;-;.�,'':
<br /> � (SWtl4). ct Section Ti�ro�(S). Township Eleven (11) North.Range Hine(9). West of the 6th P.M.. HaD County. Nebraska.moro •r�;.,,y;,._.._ -.
<br /> pat'dcularty des�ed o:,toflav�s: 8eglnning at the Southwast Comers ot seid SecUon Three(9).thence running NoAh aiong the '�i•.�, .•:,
<br /> ' West{;ne o!satd Sedlcn Three(3),a distance of One Thousand Four Mundred 6gfst.y!�Syx and�ignt Tenths ItC88.B)feet:tltenae g,�;� �. .
<br /> deltecUng�ight 91°29'S2'and runntng Easterty paraltel vrith the South line of satd�on Three (S),a distaoce ot Six Hundred =='
<br /> � � Five and Thirteen Hun�edths (605.13)Feet, to the actual poinb of begfining, said patrii atso being the Souttrnrest comer ot said ��.:...
<br /> Lot Three (3�. Falracres SuOdiuislon: thenee deitecling left 91 29' 52' and running NoRhedy along the West fine of sald Lct
<br /> ' Threa (9). Fahacros SuDdivtsion. e distanee oi Three Hundred Four and forty Two Hundredths(304.42) Feet, to the Southea:t __
<br /> � comer o1 sald Lot foar (4). Fal►acres Su6dlvislon; thence deltecting teft 88°Q9' ZO'and running Westetry a distanee ot Three �;�,�,T-
<br /> � Huadred S"�xty One and Thirty Seven (361.3n Feet.to the Southeast wmer of Lot Tvro(2).Jessica Subdivislon; lhence de4ecting _ -��
<br /> �. right 88°04' 39' and running NoRherly along the Eastedy line oi Jessica Subdivislon and its extenston, e Qistanee ot Three
<br /> Hun�ed Two end Thitty Nine Hundredths (302.39) Feet. to a polnt on tAe NatAMy Nne ot sald Lot Four (4). Fairacros
<br /> Subdivision;thence detlecting dght 91°34'93 and runn'rng Easterty along the Northerty Gne o1 satd Lots Tflrea(3)ftnd Four(4). �----
<br /> fairacres Su6d'nriston.a distance ot Six Hundced Eigt�ty Tvro end Nin�Three Hundredths (682.83)Feet,to the Northeast comer —,_— -
<br /> o} satd Lot Threo(3). Fa(racres Subdivtston:thence detlecUng rigM 8 28' 32' and tunnSng Southetty atong the Eastedy Gne o1 �..:;�,_
<br /> • said �ot TAree (3), Fairaaes Subd�Ylsion. e m�tance o! Six Flundred Eight and fVinel� One Hundredths (608.81) Feet. to the ,,,�, L���.-
<br /> Southeast comer o1 sald Lo!Three (9). Fe{racres S�bdivision;thence deflectittg rtght 91 31'28' and ruaning Westerfy nlong the ^'4���
<br /> Southerty line ot sald Lat Three (3). Fatraaes Subdivision.e distanco of Thrafl Mun�ed Twenty Qne end Fifty One Hundredths �'��
<br /> (321.51)Feet,to the acNal pcint ot beginning. '____ _
<br /> . -.--- �
<br /> -��s:
<br /> �-.�_:.
<br /> � wmct� nas tne address of 82� Eilenstine Road .Grand fsland. .. ., _
<br /> �� +
<br /> tuebraske 68801 ('Property Address'): .:
<br /> ... ,p a � ��._ ��
<br /> . . ccrm 3p2B 9l50 NE9�LM1S�fA S:nqc F1m:!y FN.•AA6Nlt!C VIFOAfi1 itJSTAU6:El�T �- y�-;"'
<br />� . . . a���6�MG r3R6� �:3� • :,f 5 , .. .•
<br /> . � .
<br /> y615i
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<br /> ':.i?..i`° �rx�.- - - -` .-.`.. �.:�� .. - . .n• _ - �.� ..
<br /> r.w�raw.�+u���rau } • .'R' .. � - _ . .. � . . . _ :�� � . . _ . . . , .
<br />