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<br /> , " . `S .. ' `, . - . t ,} , . . - .. , Y .� ( � - -. �'ti ' ' �} 1� <j� ,
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<br /> TSII
<br /> ��- ����� �. �
<br /> �iP�_
<br /> 17.Tr�ussfer of tiie ProPertY or a B�n�da1 In4ea�es4 in Borsa�ser.lf all or any p:�rt of the Pmperty or any in!erest in it �
<br /> is sold or transferred{or if a benefic�a!interest in Borrower is sold or transferred nnd Borrower is nat a natura!person)without � ,.^
<br /> .' Lender s prior written consent, Lender may, at :cs option, require imme�iate payment in fuU oi all sams sccurc�1 by this �^.^
<br /> y,� r. Security Instrumsnt.However.this option shall not be eaercised by L.euder if e�ercise is prohibitcd by fcaleral law as of the date � -�
<br /> ' of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> If ixuder exercises this option,Leader shall give Sorrower nouce of acceleratian.The n��tice�tiaii provide a perioJ of not M
<br /> le.ss than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Born�wer mu�t psry atl +urt�n +�cure+1 by this _
<br /> �; gecurity Instrument. Tf Borrower faits to pay these sums prior to the expirati�n of this perial. L.cnder m�y inw�Sce any eemedies
<br /> - •n�b � • Instn�nt�rithout further r.ouce or demand an Borrower. ri ti1 �u have ��.`�'`�
<br /> perau y �+�Y
<br /> • 18. Bocrawer's Rig6t to Reiastate. If Barcawer meets certein conditions, Borruwer �hati have the g
<br /> • enforcement of tUis Security Instrument discontinued at any time Prior to th urearl�et o:�nu) S`�dY pti`��'i��`Y n�incPd in this •�r�-��-:-�'°
<br /> - appiica�'.� law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Properry p Y P ��,��___:_
<br />� Secrsitti•Iasuvment;ar(b)entry of a judgQ►ent enfoicing this Security Instrument.Those conditian+ar�that Borrowcr: lnl pays `
<br /> S ►
<br /> ` Lender al4 sums a 1�'.*then would be due under this Securiry Instrnment and the Note as if no acceterati�m Itad accutred: (b) �;.;-
<br /> `•:,,;� c u r e s an y defariY�::an 3�other covenants or agreemen►s: (c)pays all expsnses incurred in enforcing this Szcurity Ins�rument. ,-.
<br /> including.but c�x Iii�uEed to.►�easonable attorneys' feac;and 1 d)t a kes suc h a c a ion as L e n d e r m a y r e a s a n a b l y r e q uue so assure � '
<br /> •.':r� that the lien of t�is 8ecarity Iastr�ment, Ixnder's rig�ts in the Propert}+and Borrower's obtigatian to pay the sums secured by �
<br /> E,. � �rity � �ha1i continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secunty Instrument und the
<br />' , o�a.l�i�s Secure�i h�ehy shail remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred.However, this right to reinstate sh�ll ��
<br /> ! n�a}s�ty in the c�z af accelerarion under Paragraph 17. ----•
<br /> ,�'< �',� t9. Saie QY P�� Change of Loan Ser�+ice�'- T'he Note vr a partial interest in the Note (together with this Sccurity :�.._�n
<br /> P�
<br /> Inswment)ma�be sold one or more ames without ptior notice to Borrower. A saie may result in a change in the entity Iknown �
<br /> �s tst Q^Loan Servicer")that ca`.Lects mondily paymenu due under t[te Nate and this Sesurity Instrument.There also may bc one �:^_
<br /> . o=m�changes of tlie Loan S�n�cer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a ct�ange of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> � grr��s-rittea notice of the c�e in accordance with paragraPh 14 above and applicab[e law.'She natice will swte the name a��d - .
<br />',t ��;; a�s of the new Loan Servi:.ec and the address to w6ich payments shculd be made.The rtotice wifl alsa contain any c�ther s--•;-.;
<br /> :',t" '�.^.tormauon required hy applicable taw.
<br /> .„• 2p, �ardoas S��nces, Borrower shall not cause or permit the pmsence, use, disposal. storage. ar ielease uf any
<br /> Harandous Substances �c�v%in the ProPerty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the ___
<br /> ` ' Property that is in�iolation of any Environmeatal Law• The preceding two sente�ces shall not apply to the presence, use, or '� '
<br /> ', �. s t o r a g e o a t h e Pro g e r t y of small q u a ntities of Hazardous Substances that are generally reco�nized to be nppropriaie tu norma)
<br /> �•.-..
<br /> ;,.::� ' residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> .:',,,f Bairower s��;l�l prompfly give Lender wnuen notice of as►y invesdgarion,claim, demand.la�vsuit or other uctian by any �,.
<br /> .•����i govemmental or:c�atory agency or private parcy involving the Praperty as�d any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law = _
<br /> .'}° of�nich Borrower has actual Irnowirdge. If Borrower leams. or is nonfied by any governmental or regulatory autPtotity.that
<br /> any re�:oval or other remediz=ia�of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrotver shall premptty tnke ---_
<br /> " aL ne.�es�ary remedial actions i.n.accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ',;� :�s used in this paragraph Z�, "Ha7ardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by ,. '��
<br /> `��� Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or toxic pettoleum Qraducts. toaic ��
<br /> : pes6cides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials wntaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive mutenals.As uECd in �
<br /> this paragraDb Z0, "Environmentai Law" means federal laws and laws of the}urisdiction where the Propeny is lc�cated thnt
<br /> � ' relate to health,safety or environmental pmteciion.
<br /> � NON-UIJIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further wvenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Remerlies.Lender shal�give nottce to BorrowFr prlor to acceteration followtag Borrower'�brettch �
<br /> ` of any caveaant os agre�►ent in thfs Security lnstcument (but aot prior to acceteration under pnragrAph 17 unks9 ��_.M
<br /> appifcabie!aw�rovtdes other�vise).The nottce shall specify: (a)the defautt;(b)the nctian eequired to cure t6e default; .
<br /> � ''`',° (c)a date,aai 4�ss than 30 days from the date the notice!s g[ven to Ba�rower,by wbfch tbe defaWt must 6e eused;and �y
<br />� � (�1 sfiat fallose to cnre s�e¢i�nit on or before t6e date specifted.in t6e notice m�y resalt In acceieeation oi the sum9 �—•_---
<br /> • �+acmmed by thLs Secu�dt9 L�meat and sale of the Froperty. The rtotke st�ll farther infurm Borrowee of the rt�h4 to �,
<br /> � �3state after acceieration�ihe right to 6dng a court action to assect the nornexlstence of A de[a�ult ur any other �
<br /> ``�� defease of Borrower to uccei+�atton a��sale. If the detoult is aot cured on or before the date specttled in tHe ttotke,
<br /> ' '����� Lender,at[ts option,may requts�i�9%ate payment(n tutl of ail sums secured by this Secuetty instrument withouf
<br /> further demand and may invo�ce tfle�u-��r of sate and any othes remedies pxrmftted by applia36le law.Leadcr shAtl bc �_• '-
<br /> ' ernitte�t to co�lect all expenses f,�r"'�-.��P�nB��remedies pmv[ded in this paregrnph 21.inctading,bnt not ltmtted __
<br /> � W,reusonable attosneys'fe�.a�3 p�.��Y dtle evideace. -_:_
<br /> ��t, If t8e power ot sale is���.ted,ec�stee s6a0 record a notice of defautt in eath county in whtcb any pnst ot Ihe �u
<br /> r ptoperty is located ond sfia11 maiD¢o�:ss asq suc6 nottce in the manner prescribed by applicabie law to Sorrower and to
<br /> � `f 4'` t6e ot6er peiss �e IicaDie law.After We t�me requtred by applicuble law,Trust¢e sha11 give pubik nottce �
<br /> :,.,y�i � rescribed b9 aPP �_
<br /> of sale to the persons and i���e mannQr prescribed by applicable law.Tn�stee.w(thout demand on f3oe�awer,shzll sc0 �-
<br /> . • ��roperty at pubUc aaa��m:ta the highest bidder at the Nme and place and under the terms deslgns+ted!n the nottce ot �
<br /> •� �8n oae or more parcets�n�in any order Tn�stee determines.Crustee mAy postpone sale of all or uny parcel oP the =__
<br /> • p,raaerty by �a'�ic annou�m�oent at the time and plsce of as�y pmvtously scheduled eale. l.ender or(ts d�fgnec may __
<br /> � pmc6ase 4�IAre�erty at any sale.
<br /> ' �-;?� ��
<br /> ' �.
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