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<br /> �� �� �. grop�yR�, In�trance. Borrower sha11 keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erecced on the ��
<br /> ��'�
<br /> ptoperty, insured against loss by fire. hazards irtcluded within the tenn "excended coverage" and any other hazards, including , �K.
<br /> floads or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance•Thu�nsuran�5�►����°�n���he amounts and for the periods
<br /> that l.ender mqnires. The insurance carrier Oso'nding the insucance shaU be chosen by Borrower subjeca to Lender's approval .
<br /> which sha11 not be unreasa�=�ably withh.�21d. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage descn'bed above. Lender may.at Lender's ��-
<br />...� option.obtain coverage ta protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragiaph 7• ��
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be a^ceptable to Leudsr and steall iuctude a standard mortgage clause. Lender `�^�;
<br />-? sl�all have th�right to hoid tftt policies and renewals. If i.ender requires.Borrower shall prompdy give to Lender aU receipts of �: ,,-+,'
<br /> << p�d prem:�ns atcd tenewal notices•In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carries and Lender• �-£�;_-
<br /> Lender may make proof of lass if not made prompdy by Borrower. ---
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing,insurance praceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> p�operty cfamaged,if the restoration or repair is economicaliy feasible and Lender s securiry is not lessened.If the restoration or -"..-„.�,
<br /> rep�ir is no:ecouomirully feasibie or Lender's secu�iry wouid be lessened.the insurance Pmc�s s1��be aPPUed�°�e�
<br /> � secured by this Security Insuum�nt, whether or not then due. with any eacess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abaudons th� _, �_
<br /> " groperty.or does nvt answer writhin 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurarice carrier hss offered to settle a claim.then ,,;�
<br /> Lender may ootlect ths irsurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restorz che Property or to pay sums ,_�; °'
<br /> secui+ed D y this Security Insuument,wheiher or not then due.'fhe 3[Rday period will begin when the notice is given. �,;,.,�
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicatio�o f pm c e e d s to p r i n c i p a l s h a 1 1 n o t extend or � • .
<br /> pastpane the due date of the monttily payments referred to in pzr�,Q.rapl�s 1 and 2 or chan�:�e amount of the paSnnenu. If ��i<• . .
<br /> uader paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by I.ender.Borrow�*s�ght to any insurance po:��s a�►d Pm�ee�s resulting from .,°:{;s•
<br /> damage w the Property prior to the acquisition shall g�so I.em�==zo the extent of the sums se.a�ecl by this Security Instrnment ,`,•.,�.::
<br /> t` imme�iately prinr to the acquisition. f-'"'
<br /> 6,paupanty,Prc�ervaiton,M$intenaace and PcatectFon ot the PropertYt��oWer's Loaa ApplicatEon;I.easehotds.
<br /> . -.�,f•`':
<br />;.,..1 W�='�•.
<br /> Borrotiver shall accupy,�1ish.and use the PropertY as Borrower's principal residencc with��sixtY daYs after the execution of
<br /> ,,r.�, this Securiry Insuument ansl shall continue to occupy the ProperiY as Barrawer's principal�°..��:.ence for at least on+e year after �.�-�
<br /> •t. the date of oaupancy,unless l.ender otherwise agrces in writin8.a+hich oonsent shall not i�e�nr.reasonably withheld.or untess
<br /> :�,t extamating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower s control. Borrower shall no� destroy. damage or impair the �
<br /> ;. praperty, allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Prape�y. �now$t sha�l6e in default if any forfeiwre _�_`
<br /> ?, action or p.ra:xeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that In Lender's good fait6 judgmen:r.onld resalt in forfeiture of the
<br /> ° ' property ox c�therarise materially im�iTM�e 1'sen creaie3 by this Security Instwment or Lendr�'s security interest•Borrower may —
<br /> cure sucts a default and reinstate,as pra�dzd in Pz�r,�-"+aPh 18.by rausing the aaion or proma�sn;w be dismissed a+ith 8 m1inS �-
<br /> that, in Lender's goad fa�th detern►ination, preciw��o�eiture of the Borrower's interest �the Pro ' �w� or othea material �.
<br /> impairment of the I Iert a�by this Securit3+ I��►sment or Lender's security intenest. �':vwer sha?i�sa be in default if �--
<br /> Boaower,�ring the Ioan application process,gave n�aterially false or inaccurate informad�sti.•cr statements to Lender(or�3:lad �
<br /> to provide Lender with any materia!information)in wnnection witfi the loan evidenced by w��:vote.inciading,but not t�esc�l � ���':
<br /> to.representatians conceming Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a principal resideace.Tf this Security Instrument Fs on a __ __
<br /> ��,?'' leasehold, Borrower shali comply with a11 the Prov�sions of the lease• If Sorrower acquims fee ade to the PropertY. the
<br /> ^ " leasehold and the fee 6tle st�all not merge untess i.ender agc�ees to the merger in writing. ��'
<br />='`�f�'` 7.Protection of Lender's Rig�2s ds�the Froperiy If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained�n
<br /> -' ' tlus Security Insirament,or there is a��gal proceeding that may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Praperty(such as a
<br /> proeeeding in bank�uptcy,probate.far condemnation or forFeiture or to enforce laws or r�al;�tians).then Lender may do and
<br />���,� '` Qay for whatever is neaesspry to protect the value a`the Property and Lender's rights in Lu PropertY• 1�nder's acxions may �::
<br /> � '� sucr.� secured by a lien whi� .�;as priority over this Sauriry Instrpa►ent, appearic�s in oourt. P3Y�8
<br /> include Qaying anY
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on tbe Property to malca repairs.Atthc�1Lender.::...�r take aaioz�r.dsr this pa[�g;;a�& , �
<br /> - � 7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any emounts d'ubursed by Lender under this par3gaph 7 shall becoyne additi�.��: �9ebt of Borrower secured C^y r:hi� ��°
<br /> �� Security Instivment. Unless Borsower and L,ender agee to other terms of payr�e„t,these araounts shall bear interest from the �_,
<br /> � , date of disbursement at the Note rate and shaU be payab2e, with inter�est, u�u�notice from Lender to Borrower requesting v
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.h2artgage Ynsorjtnce.If LerYt�x required mortgage ins;;rau�:e as a oon�::ian of ma&'sag the toan secure8 by this Securiry —
<br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the;�-a�iuns required to mzi�ca.:�the mongage insur��!:�in effecc. If. for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage Tequired�y Len�er t�es or ceases to be in ef_''��.Borrowe-shall pay che premiums reclnired to _
<br /> '� obtain coverage substantially equivalea:to the�ce��gE insurance previouslv i;e:{affect.at a oost substantially equivatent to che �
<br /> �...i' r,..._,
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effecx. from an�l.ticr�r�te mortgage insurer approved by Iznder. if
<br />,::���� sufsstantially equivalent mortgage ius�rance coverage is not avr,iJ:�h➢e,BorrowEr shall pay��a Lender each month a sum equa!to --
<br />`;,'' �;� one-twelfth oY the yearly mortgage insurance pt'emium being F�id.�y Borrowe:when the i�.*ance coverage laysed or a:,.�ro3 t�
<br /> `' be in effect.l.ender�vi0 accept.use and retain th�s payments as a loss reserve ir. lieu cf snortgagc insurance• Loss r�,�i►'e
<br /> _ farm 3028 919Q
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