. , . . . . . � � ' � . � � .. ,. - , � ..
<br /> � . . �' � —
<br /> `• , t . � (' f_ ;' ` . : . • . • � � �, _ ... t , f s+�. 3 , _
<br /> _�.�.' � �—_.1..�_._..�— _,. .� ....__.�_.r. ° --- _ _._—.-�- - ._ . _ . ... . .._-- ----------�--n . � j.. - _
<br />: g�- `��;: �F� .
<br /> �. �71 ��.' � .. � .
<br /> � - E . � � �
<br /> P�Y�ts m�y no longer be�aqu�zed,at ttte oprion of Lend.r.if mortgage insu�nce soveiage(in the tunount and for the peaiad t • . . ��-
<br /> thu Le�td�ar raqulr�s)Prm+id�bY at►iQS�uzr�aved Dy Iaader stgain becames ava►�ab1e and is obCain2d.�mrowet s9a]I pay tae � . �:': •. --.
<br /> p�md�ms req�ired to maintain rnartg�ge iasut8ase m efieet,or m provide a loss res�ve,uan'1 the requir�neni fa��itgage . � _
<br /> insu�noe eads in acoQrdanoe arit��ay a��meat be�w�Buaow�ar aad Lemder ar a�ble law. � : , ' . � :
<br /> .'`� 9.Iaspe�tice. Leader or iss ageat may mats rea�onable eauees up�n and insp�s of t�e�p�ty.E.eadcr sR�al1 give `�,.�., r
<br /> Baaow�aoti�e a1 the time of a�to an�n specifnn8 ceasona�k c�se for the ins�xion. .�. � :° .�.,��..,
<br />�-i 10.Coa��mna Y�n. Th e g m c e t d s o f aay a w a r d or c l a i m f o�d 2 m 2�e s.d'u e c t o r c a a�u e u o a l, i u o o n a e c t�a w i t h a n y � . , . ,
<br /> � r.oude�natian or 6tP�r�lting of any p�of ihe Pmperty.o>fc�oonveysnoa in Ii�u oi oaadxa�aaYion.are he.�3r�d s,td �- -- . .. --- .
<br /> sbail be pai�to Leat� , ' ., ..
<br /> ' In the eveut of a mtal taYing of the Pro�eaty,the p�s sball be applisd to the sums s s c a r e r d�y t h i s Secuaity I n s�n a a�.,aL. �.--.�-
<br /> ��:--_--_ .
<br /> �_; whetha�nut tt�dus.vritP►anY�P3id t�Hoaawee In the eve�of a p�rtil taking of t?ee Fe�o�iy i�whic6 the f�r ma�� _' .-... : - -. - . ._
<br /> � value of the Propesty�n�med.taL�2Y befoie tt�tal�g is equal m er greatu tlian the am��of the sums secazed by this Seaniry _ . _ . .-� . --:',;-3
<br /> `, insnuaneat immedtatetY befare ttc talcing,vnl�s B�awu arjd L�der athe�+ise s�ee in wririmg,the s�s secured by t4�is • .�. � - .._ -�.::r.,;- ;
<br /> Saauity Inst�ent ah�be redmced Ey tLe�na�.mt of the ptooePdc mui6plied by tLe folbwiflg f�aaran:(a)the toral amoaat af <'�;•�., _ -.-_.�---.::
<br /> dte sums stxvnd i'm��a��,tP'y befare the�g, divlded bY(b)the fair market va�e of th�PrapQty innmrdi9sely Defa�ths . -�-�-• -_-
<br /> t�kt�ia�.Any�alsnoe s6all 0e paW to Sarmwer In t�eveat of a paitial mYmg of th�piropetty in whis6 thr fau mazket vaWe of ths ':',``-.r.,�-~�'r
<br /> �H � ^�` •a.t_�,i lA:.:L?✓.I!'.
<br /> piqljS�id[SI �OIS t118 i9YIDg 1S ZCS4 i�D t�YE F14UUitt Of f}LB SIIDIS SEqIICd 1ID�l3LG� �OI��C �$s� �,�'��,�f.'�''�-'r�--,� .
<br /> �OYIOWOT SE�T.Cii�d O�.'t?dOV7LSC�8L'fiD V1llitil$�I UII�SS�151�1C�VD Qi�C[W�C glOY1�4.f�IC�9 S�fl2 S��fD t� ;:!,"34�:,, v���_.:.�
<br /> SQID3 Sd��y i'�4 SC�IIy Il7S$L1IIlCat W�tQ OT AOt th°SQBL4 f1S8 t�Il d1tP.. ",yR�`�"`�:•'�� r�
<br /> : � If the PrapeRy is abaadoaed by Boaowu.�if,eftrr�tice B L�der tn Haaower t�at the candamuor offels eo malca an ���ts S�rr;�,�� .x����w•�` _
<br /> Y ���� '•,l'�'�` z��.:..
<br /> ° aw�a..N.�y.o.r seule a cdaim far damages.�oaower fm7s tu r�rpoad t{o I.en��30 days aftecr the dafe the aotice�is,�giv�m,L� �;�'f �.�t�f "�;��- , -
<br />. . !J�{IY3W�W�W11RL C�4������Qi��t GlY2�W LYLilL�JNI N�i YY Ol��y M�WG llWatil� ,1,�✓ � 4':.:..... •..;S'r..:`.�£
<br />— by�$p�p�►�CII�,tVTS:�'Ef U7 UOI f�A Qlt� ;.$ �. � -''
<br /> ,y.,r
<br /> • UnSess Leadrar aad Bo�mwa o�sse agcee ui arii�8•�Y ePP�of pso�ds to p�Iacipcal sLaU noi exGa�or Lmstpoice �;':�, r. . �''''��
<br /> � the due dat�of the�t�Y PaYmea�refe�w m p�ag�aphs 1 aad 2 or d�aga i�e amovnt of s¢cb pay�eu�s. t� � y�:,.."��
<br /> .i.
<br /> iL BorroWer Not Itdeased:F�ee�y I.endar Nat a��Vaivcr. Fxtrasiaa of the dme fa�paym�t as c�difi�on ,,.__
<br /> = �; of mn�ortir�taan of the svms se�ed bY tbis Sec�aitY�nunent�aat�d by Y�eader to any svoo�sar ia umtere�t mf Hc�wer shall `!�:_
<br /> .�F.
<br /> :� not opaaie to cetQa:a the lia6��'rty of the aa�ginal BoaoQ��ar Banowea's su�cessars in intrzest Le�dcr sht311�ce Qe�r�ui�ed to _" :
<br /> .J.:
<br /> 8D S'ItCOeSSOl 1D 1ntRIE3�071CL�Q9E W C�2IId�I1C f0I jA3yIDtnL OI Oin?1WLS6�Y tffiffi�"�7�trOI1 Of :���
<br /> oo��SS�� Y
<br />`�.,� the aoms socQred I+Y►d�is Secarity lastrumeat by�easoa of any demand mad$by tPe uriginal Barrower or Ba�cawe�s soccessors ' '.,:,��: .,`
<br /> Y . ..�;:��
<br /> <:.t�r:�,
<br /> _ m iate�t Any fa�beaaauoe by L�endez m ex�iging any right ar zemedy shaII not be a waives of os p:ecl�de the a�of my .: < ��y-;�;. .
<br /> �'• �IZ.Sn�ssora a�Ass�gss IIam�l;Jo'�at�r]Sev�l E.�SL^�'s3ya Co-saga2is. 'It� oovea�ts �d agrecmerr� o� t�ss , .,'�.: .,;�
<br /> ;� Sa;�iry Insuumeat st�aa91 bind �6r�fit the succes�s��.ssigns of 1�dar and Bmmwer,subja�t m the�c�ns af �` �i`'• `
<br /> ,{ 9 la '' ��� •�.
<br /> ���':`. 17.Bo:ma�r's coveaaais and a�eemeuts sliall.F�jaimt aad scve�l. Any Bmmwa whs co-si�s r,lus S�y ..`��'. . ic�,: .
<br /> p�h . �:?�,,-':�'
<br /> . IacOrumait bnt dss�not e�cecute the Nat� (a)is ao�sign�ng this Sec�uity Ins�ameat oniy to ma�ge,g�ut a�convey tha� • ,�s�,�y:;•
<br /> f,R
<br /> Barowa s mtaest in ihe Propercy�des the tesmg af tlus S�urity Instrumeafi N���P��Y�8�m FaP�� ���.. :, t�.'Y'� ,:
<br /> sor�ed by(his S�a�►tnsUtmo�fi en�(c)a�s that Le[sd�and any oihes Bor�a�et m3y�ee tn e.xtend.ma�fffYs fi�b2ar ot :.`,�`�.�.
<br /> mal�any eccouunadations w�b regard tfl the traras of thi.s S�iry Iasnvment or the Note without that Barm�wer'a cau� � �'';_—�
<br /> ,s : �`_"':�:" ..._
<br /> . � ` 13.Lo�Churgea If the joon secur�d by tbis Sec�i�"y Iastnm'�e,nt is sabjxt to a law which det�m�xi�um Y�tIIa Charg�s. �,�•+��`.•::�,�;:;
<br /> `�",' anA t3iat Iuw is f�ltp mtupr^�,ted so tbaa t��Intr�t ar o�ser Waa ch�c�lkcied ar to be collected 9n o�necdan aritL the Wan .. } �"'�-_
<br /> ',;a�',i ..�r'�� ...
<br /> ::;�.,, e�weed flne pe�r�xC?smits.thea:(a)any sad'a r�us caarge sh.w be r�it.�E ay a�amouat ne�ess�vy s�reauce the charga w tne. �.--.:_..
<br /> �nnivad limig aod(bD�►Y s�s atready outfa:s�l from 8arsa-�,:er wh;ctt r�rr3eoded penaiaod Iimlts wm be nfimdod w BaQawer. :r:�;=�....
<br /> . {•,
<br /> {,,�. �..__
<br /> � L�dea taay choase to m�ice t�is refimd by�g th�C�rJ�m�t or,r�3�mdes the Nate ar hy matdng a Qicect paymeat w ,; � •,,. `'.�,;�,-,
<br /> . . Ba�mwrr.If a re�imd reduces prin�ipal.t�e cr�3r;ctinn v.�tp:�ied aa��tial pm�aymc�t wi�o�any prepaymeat effi�ge 4�:ti� -`_..._-
<br /> • �nider 1heI�ot� .:���'�-'-�:. :.
<br /> � _ 14.Notiots� ltuy notice to Bomnwer piau�ii�i for icw this Seauity ru�meat shall be givc,n by deliv�ng ii or by m�7mg it . . _....:
<br /> fry fusi c�a�c�s u�tess appli��b2e taw requ3res use of ann�ter method.'L•*se ttotioe shsll be di�r�to the Ptopaty Addresa or ° . •
<br /> ' ` my�c�tfr.er a��arrowe:designates by nat�ce w Le�der/���r mor.ca w Leadar st�ll be�vea by fast class m��Leudcr's �`' � �:���i..�"� '.
<br /> ;�;.�.,; addre3s stas°.�fi�or any oihe,r address I.endea des�D:a C<y r.as�oe c�a Baimwer.Any adtice provlded fas in this Security - �j,,,�-_
<br /> ��,,;, ;;';; Iasdummt shaltl�:iee�ned to have been giv�to H�rmwer or Lendrx�vtm.m�given as pravide8 u�this par�aph. ���r, '�
<br /> �r e�. 15.GovtrAl'�L11vvi&verabIIit'. 1�tff 3t.;..uiLy inct�ime�t ``� �.e gavelned by fadesal tax and tJto taw of the "%1:��:�; •
<br /> ,;�.�,.i_. . �. �Nt; '.
<br /> j�uisdidioo in which the pcoperty is 1�carea Iu cLe ev�i tirai any pmvLmon ar ctause of this Secan�iy�Iastnuaent or the Note �-
<br /> , eonttiGS with apDlieable law.sach conflict shaId�:at affect�tir�r provisions of this Seeuriry lnsiiumtat or the Note which c�be �'a�°
<br /> given effect aithout t6e conflicHag pmvi4ion.Tcx�is end 9�e gravisions of this Sec.uriry Insuumeut mod the No�a�e daclaned tn � .�•�
<br />� �'��� beseve�able. .�F,, �;F��`_.
<br /> ,{ .t�.
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