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<br /> . . r . , : , . . .. .�..
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<br /> contiicts wfth applira6le law, such co�fl!ct shnfl not affect other provsions ot this Seaurity InaQument or the Note which can be f�; `�";,;`;;�;x=. "�"*`. �� r.�
<br /> 7t��:.� ^ ,'�p�_+:
<br /> glven eftect without the conflicting provision.To this end the prov�sions ot Mis Seeurity InsWment and the Noto are dectared to ,�v�s�s?�Y�=.a��;�;«`- = .
<br /> � he severable. ;+' • .�y. --� -
<br /> 'r .
<br /> 15. BORG1N91''8 GOpy. Banower sha!!bs given ane contortned co 01 the Noto and of this Sectt�i Instrumeni. ,,�-k:�,�. ;��.,�•t� ::<'=:°=�
<br /> PY tY .��>>, •� = _
<br /> '�-���tii`or-;;> .;:.`,'�;y� -
<br /> 16. Hax3rdou8 SubstanCee. eorrower sha11 not causo or pemut the presence. use, disposal, storage, or retease ot • y . � , _`�'
<br /> any Hazardaus Subsffinees on or in the PrapeAy. Borrovrer shaU noi do. nor altow anyone e{se to do. anyth:ng aftecting the , ��?•`•.� "._
<br /> Properiy thTt is in viotation ot any Env�ronmental Law The preceding iwo sentences shall not appSy to thv pre,ence. use. or "���`'�'• �-
<br /> • storage on the Property of smaU quantiUas ot Hazardous Substances ihat are generalty recagnaed to be appropnate lo nortnal ' ." '`� ' =,��1 ��
<br /> - residentia!uses and to maintenance of the Property - --.r - : "
<br /> - Borrower shatl promptiy give Lender vxitten notice ot any i�vestigatian. daim. demand, tav�sutt ar other atUOn by any ��r .- s--'-=-�°`" `
<br /> ovemmen�i or re ulato a enc or rimrate mvolvin the Pro sn6 an Hazardous Substsrtce or Envvunmental Law of ' �s�'k'"'' "
<br /> S 9 �Y 9 Y P P�h 9 P�Y Y , , �.,�`-:r'' :
<br /> • which Berrower has acWai imowtedge. if BoROwer leams. or is aoti8ad by any govemmenta! or reguiatory authonry. that any y.;,�,�,,._-.•-:::-�:.:, '�
<br /> " removat or other remediation ot any Hamrdous Substances aTfecting the R►ope�iy is necessary, Borrovrer shall promptly take all �' , • � �-��" � __
<br />- necessary remedial adions in accardance with Environmental Law. '� �"-'`''�"' , ��
<br />. . • ��s.?r�-� -.j.
<br /> As used "m this paragraph 16. 'Hazardous Substances'are those su6smnces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by ' -r. •
<br /> Environmental law and the foflowing substances: gasoime, kerosene. other flammable or toxIc petro(�um praducts. topc � �'�-•'--•_
<br /> pesticides and herblddes,volable solvents, mateiials co�taining asbestos or fotmafdehyde, and radioaGive matertals.As used in �`���F�_���.
<br />�.;:;�'�; the paragraph 16. 'Envuonmental 4aw' means federal laws and laws ot the jurisdiction where tha Property is bcated that relate ?�, , �• .:.`;•.',,;..
<br /> °`� to heafth.safely or envimamental pmiECtian. - , -
<br /> riu.�m"e;
<br /> NON-UNIFORUI COVENktdTS-8orrower and Lender further covenatit and agree as fotiovis:
<br /> ' ;'::��:
<br /> 17.AssignmeM of Rer�ts. Borrovrer unconditiar�ally assigns and transfers to Lender afl the rents and reuenues of the
<br /> P►operty. BoROwer authorizes Lender or Lendei s agrnts to coQect the rents and revenues and herehy directs each tr�ant of tha
<br /> .,... �''.'+`
<br /> „ Property to pay�t.e rents to lendea or Lenders ageats. However,prior to Lender's �otice tu Borrawer ot BotrowP.t's hreach of �� •� •� " �'``��:_.-,._
<br /> arry covena�or agreemEnt tn the Securdy instrumem Oorrawet shali coliect and recelve all rents and rovenues af the Pmperty
<br /> •'� as Uvstee tor the 6endrF. of lender and Borrovuer. 7L-�s assignment ot rents constitutes an absohrte asst�m�t a�sd not an ,� —�
<br /> F �-
<br /> $�}�_ assignment tor edditian�.�uriry oniy. y-� ' •�� ��-
<br /> '� If lertder givea naiv�r of brrach hs '3orrower. (a) aU rents received by Borrower shaU 6e heid by BorroweJ as trustee tor 4" ' ti•�'r
<br />��:fwi . ;:�•,, , t�:,
<br />.i,f;�, bend'R of Lender only.�fr_ap�IIe�:�C:e sums secured Dy the Security fnstrumete� @j L�nder shaft be erditled to collest and , �•c� ?�,�•- ,•,
<br /> • receNa all ot the re.�►ts al`tlr.3 PropQriy; and (c) each tenant oT the Property sh:�u �ay all rents due and unFai� to Lender or ��,,�J'._..'1:'".��6��'¢A�,,.? :�•,
<br /> ..t,it¢�_� ,
<br /> Lender's agent on Lend�rr,,vrtien demand to the tenani � �s� �-�'``
<br /> r.-..,`�,,�. ',`;, . ;._<
<br /> BoROwer has not�rzrassd zny+�:cr assignment of the rents end has not and will not pertortn any act that wautd prevent • �,,f�1,v;:. � :.: ,
<br /> Lender irom exerc(stng fts dghts us+`r�--:�I.s Peragraph 17. � k� �
<br /> 4� ,. ;,.. .
<br /> Lender shan noi be required to e::a upon,take controi of or mE..�in the Properry be(ore or after g(ving notice of breach t� � '�'�'�
<br /> ':-�. .•.�.�
<br /> • Bortower. However, Lender or a judidally appo(nted r+.�iver may do so at any ti.�rie there is a breaeh.My apFti�tlon o1 rents ,. ;• s"��b°
<br /> � � shall not cure or waire a�ys �efault or inva7date cny rY�r�dght or remedy of L�al�s.This assignmerrt of re�s �D�th3 P�OpERy ' .:� ?.,-`� ;,'
<br /> sha6 termfiate when th��:seaired by the Secu�irr Urt�ument is paid U�fuU. �' � "�•�� �
<br /> �r �.,, ..�,yrr, J „ ::':.
<br /> �1 ' .,,.:r..
<br />,;9,"•1.' r,.,;.'�.,
<br />;:,�,�•tb�`; 16. Foreclosuc��taaedur,i� � Leasder requlres immedlate payment in full under Qaragraph S, .f�`.; t`� ••,:;:�;, 'f.'�
<br /> `�.,-1. Lender may inva+� �he pav�tar of saio �usti amy oiher remec+tea permitted by aR�flcabla taw. s"` �; � : �'
<br /> n .
<br /> ".'•� Lender shall be or.f�ied to coflect all �.x�nses tncurred In �snrauing the remedte�, ;+�7avided lo ,.�'�r��,• T�. .•.'v-.f�`
<br /> � - ffiis PaTagraph 9s�: dnctuding, 6ut nat E�:r�i2ed to. reasor�abte a4tomeys' fees and �'.s of titt� r-�,'`�� `.> . =�`'`, '. �
<br /> , �-�_..::�;�..��.,n,r+i+ir.,
<br /> �� evldoncs. ' - °
<br /> • ff ti�o power a� sate 1s invoked, �'rustee siiall c�cord a naUce of defautt tn each count�tcs ��� '` � ��
<br /> which any put of the P►operty is tocated and sSu�tE mail copte� of such notice tn �tes m�n^rq7. �.����;,;,.• :. ";;
<br /> prescribed by ep�+L��ab1e law to Borrower and to ttie other persons prescrtbed by aq,�f�r.«�Te faw. , ,•��=" ,T�:,;.;:�,�:-:;�.P;,:.:�,:..:��
<br /> : ARer tho time raqr�t�d foy applica64e la�o; Trustae shat� give Qa�'blic nattce o4 sate�9i�ce:�orsens '. �;;�•:':`':� ;�,�;��:•:.~��;
<br /> "• �� and in tfie tn�nner prescribed by appli�,'bte lavi_ Trastee, without demand on Bor+raArvr, shai�seil -= --.;�_.-,,�._:_
<br /> �,'I� the Proporty a! pubttc aucQicn to th� highast biddeP at 4he time and ptace and undor tho lorms �lf;:,:;: ._���
<br />,'..,,;� destc�nated in thg aotice of �!g in one or more parcels and In any order Trus4oe determtnes. - """' "�"=""'�
<br /> .; Truste� mry pofi�ne sale af all ar sny� parcei ai the Property by pubfic announcemasnY a4 tho ��'�•�r•Y,�r:��, ;,.,..
<br /> � time and laao d° an reviousf sc�cr�:a4ed sate. Lender or its dest nee m �r+-hase the ;: �•- � • •' ••�•' '=�"=-'
<br /> P Y P f+ 9t aY t�no. • a,�.�,`""";.y_�-a:.::y:::� z`"-:
<br /> Pro�oRy at any�dia. --
<br /> ' Upon recelp! of paymeM of tha pdce bid. T�stea shap dellver to the purchaser Trustee`:� �- ' �� � �� � � �•
<br /> � deed conveyitsg the Propet4y.The recitals In the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie av9dence off ���=-� —
<br /> ..� the truth ot the ytatements made theretn. Trustee sha�i apply the procee�s af the sale in tho ��=������:�':`'ffi=
<br /> toilowing o�dur. �a) to all cos4s �nd expanses of euerclsing 4he power Af salo. m:*�r! the salo, - _ �`"':'°;�.;1`--
<br /> incfuding tha gs�ant of the Trustee's feea actually tncuned� not to exceed three 9'0 _'�•1:`� -w• 1-•.=.°
<br /> '. of ti�e principa! amount of the note at the tirtie af the declaratlon of defautt, a�d reasonabte ��T '� ` ���•• �`�• ,-°��-�
<br /> •:�';ti attomey�' tees as perm(tted by faw; (b)to aI! sums secured by this Socurify InsBrue�9nt; and (�) .R*���y�j�;���:_. .'; �
<br />�'�'"��4 any excoss to the paraon or peruons logaf�+ontitlod to tt " ' �il".�:�-: --
<br />� �° �}� If tho Lsndor'a Interos4 in thla Sflcur[�y tns2r�mnnt ls hstd by the Secretary and ifs�a Secretary •�'-T"-�'�. --
<br />'''' • requiros tmmedialo pay�er�t tn tvii under Parngraph 9. the Secretary may lnvok�tit� nonjadicial �? ��.�._-
<br /> `�`� pawer of sato provtcted in 4hfl 5in�lo �amily Mort�erge �oreafosare Act of 1J94 ("l�c�`y (12 U.S.C. ��w —
<br /> 3751 e4 seq.) by roquos4ing a torectasuru commi�onnr destgnaYed under tha Ac4 2o commonco - '
<br /> forociasure and 4o amll 4P�o �roporQy as provtafud tn 4ho Ac�. �6o4hing in the precedt�g sentence F�n���;,,"`�:�,-�".�
<br /> „ shall deprive thv Sec�etary ot any r�gM� otharw�se available to e Lender under thia Paragraph 18
<br /> � or applicai�le law. ,�, ;;,�:�:=- _
<br /> �::��..��,,�:;.—,
<br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon peyment ot aU sums secured by this Security InsUumenL Lender shal request Tnutee to ' �" �'�t•
<br /> -�'-��t.-a��c�--x;�°
<br /> b�v
<br /> _ . reconvey the PropeRy and shFill surrender this Securiry Instrument end all noted evidendng debt secured by thls Securityr ��,�'�� _.
<br />;' Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shail reconvey the PropeRy without w�rranty and vmhout charge to the person or parsons legalty j� r � � -
<br /> enUUed to ft. Such person or persons shall pny any recordaUOn costs. � �4 A�C'�-'��� `
<br /> , . � � i°-°,
<br /> � :gyt,�rdG;9,55� �,o.. a•�i � ". __ �_. ._ _�. •.¢!_.
<br /> ; .
<br /> ��� ", " . . � ��.w:
<br /> ,�. .—
<br /> � • - ... � . � . , � ,. ` . �u.. • . • . _.-` . . ��. . �� ' . ' � . .� , , _' , . . ,' ' .
<br />