. . . •< _ . . u ... .. .. . �: . ._ . � .<; .
<br /> . . - .�y_::.ti_,W.. .� . � ��t -r. - -�
<br /> . 4� Y ` ._._..� � '.�.`�� '-S,0.-b._. f , _ .
<br /> ot�-.
<br />. . �� • :'4'.'�i
<br /> - � . / •
<br /> then w ina�st payable on the Note.and then w ttw principal of tlie IQate. . • ° .. ` . : •� ;_
<br /> . � 4. Prtos Mortg�ges aad Deeds oY'�ru..°t;CdsrBes;Lier,�. Bonavier shall p:xfom►ail of Barc�cv�s oD4igatioas uad�any. , �.
<br /> atortgage,deed of es�st or other sec�ity agraeane.nt ai2h a lien that t�as priarity over this Deed of Tm�1.inc3udi�g fl�aawds covenanss _ � '` ,�.. . .
<br /> . �to maYe�y��uts'v,lst,m due. Bonower st�zli pay or cause ta be paid�taxes,assessme�ts and othar chaag�.fu�es aad imiwsitims �;:��,��,��,:,.` ``
<br /> ' atin�nmb2e�Q t����Ftvj�tty wtrich may�tt�a ptiarity over t�'tis Deed of Tcnst,and Leasehotd g�asni4 nt�amd Rnts.if a.ay. , , . �`°
<br /> <_
<br /> g-�' . 5.�nd�ce.Bom�wc�sh�1U kcep the improvements aov+existutg or hereaft�erecsed on t�ts Pro�9.y insuredagaia�t , -
<br /> . �sby�e,ha�rds included within rl�r te;m°ee�citended coverage",and suc�ather dar�ds as Lend�a may teqaase�nd in such am�tsand . �„ , � ,
<br /> .,'. �for such peaiods as I.euder may raquse. . :'
<br /> � The ivsaraace casier grovi�g ths i��mance s�ll�chosEa by Baaower s¢bjxct tn appmva�by Ira�du;�ovided thai socD ,� •`' �• .�--..
<br />:. -� � i _
<br /> agpiuvals�altaotbennreason2�lyvrithh�ld.Ailinsu�ancepolicies�r►drerisv�alsthawfs�llbeinafonna�t�ewLxanderandshaU
<br />�_' . �include a�cdard mortg�ge cL�se in favar of and in a foim accepfabfe to I.ender. Leuder sh3ll dave tha ri�ai to hald th�polic'ses anc! " '. .. � `'' � �.
<br /> . , reaewals thaeo�sabject to tAa t�ms of any martgage.deed of crust o3 o�er=eciIIity agreemeni with a tien w�r.h ras grim�Ity over tMs `•�.:��.-
<br /> �, Deedof'TrasG �
<br />. . In the event of Ios�s.BmroY�r sb�ll give pmmpt notice w the iusursnfle r�aierand Lendea.I.atdra mt�y makep�of of Ioss if not " �� __�;;_ _-
<br /> ,-- matie PmmPdY bY Baraower. ::�,��:.:.;c.,;:s•• _ . .
<br /> If the Pt�peStY is abandmaad0p Aomn�ver.or if Boaa�aeaf�s t.�resgond w I.e�derin 30 days fioan t�e data aotioe is m�edby '"�"`"t�����'
<br /> _ s�r�:.�. .
<br /> = Lender w Bosroaer that the irtsuss�nce camer offers to settic a claim fer insc�rance benefits.Lender is authari�d to collect and appty tha � .�--- -_
<br /> ins�ance prooeeds at Leudrs's oprion eitder to the iesEaQation ar tLe repic�rf the�.rspe�rty a to the smns�by this Mont�B� .' --- --- t�=
<br />- 6.Pireserostlon and 1Nlaittt�9ncz of Peope�t93 Le�eha�3�.Co�o�s;Plann�L1ni!Devett4praeats Batmwet sItaD '�`'" . - . -
<br /> keep the L�z�Y in good reDa�r a�sT�not commit waste ai�i�'�detPaimatian of theProp�ty an�sballco�ply crith �� ,.
<br /> ` the pmvisi�ns of any lease if this IIe�c�f'hnst is on a leasehnl+d. I#t�is Be9ds,E�mst ia on a anit in a con�or a pl��it r�.=�=�
<br /> - . .° thi �.
<br /> .F � :,�:�,�----
<br />' development, BotmQVea shall pei6oan aIl of Bo�rowei's ob��s�;i�<uaclaYation or cov�c�o�8��8�Q .:,��,,°-__
<br /> c�dnmi�u►arplan�dGnitdav�lapm�nLthtby-lawsandregulari�asca�'t�c�:.rtaminiamorglmmedunitdevelapment,�doonsritu�ni -.. ,-:� _.. ..,; ,._`�
<br /> docamenis. . :.��- _ �
<br /> 7.Pratcc�tonoll.ender'ssesarity.IfBoua�werfaidstn}�'�thecoveaantsanda,greem�tscant�airjed'mthisDeedof� ` {� . �.. �,�� ^-��-
<br /> � ,or if any aaron or grocesdin8 is cowme�°a'd which mater'ralty a6�1".,:nder's interest in ths Fiap�t.y.thEa I.ead�at I.e�dx�s op�Inn, � •t� � ,h':`�.
<br /> •,'`� • ,t�--.:::�
<br /> '... apan notice w Baaow�ar.mey rcmlc�suc�appearauces.disb�s sac�:uurs,'��teasonable aumn�feP3.ansitate sueh aaron es :.�, .,y�' :
<br /> m
<br /> �:A.�,�,M,em,a�ndiuunofmaking�la:�sa�eBDy�isDadof . .�� ,.,,'.
<br /> ,' isnecessarytnpanuc¢Leaddsint�e.at IfLegdsrrequizesmaat8s8 . +�r , f,:. : _
<br /> �• Ttust,Bmiowershaflflpaytheptemi�nsie4ueseedtomaintainsvchis.�^�cet�c��cemu�ilsucbtimaasthe�entafarssx�insuiaaoe . ' �'.
<br /> � t •�'..� .
<br /> _ a�2 as appl'u�ble law. '•J. ` :
<br /> taminates in acxait3�a.with Hotrou�z's aa�Lendefs writ�cn b , �.�:.. , ? --
<br /> : A n y a u��r.��m s e d b y�e�p u i s n�u t m this p a t a�,a-i�mt�th�eon.c^t tt�Note ia?e.s�ll baoame zdCtidmtal ;��.% . :� '_
<br /> iad�e6tedcessofB�a:�xavedDyehisMart�f�.L��2essba�uvreraAd���tooth�rteamsofp3yss�t,�sue�n3as�aIIbe ` #�._ ����`.�}:. �
<br /> :v��..:�" :v �.,
<br /> gayabte apQn�_mr,ri¢�fm�I.ender w Bor�uc��qae�Ein3 Fay�er.t t�i. i�IBthing wn�in t��aph 7 ahaD zeqaire ; ��-;+�: ae
<br /> ' LeaC�tmfir�gnp esgense aQ t a Ye tiz►y a c 3 ion t h e c e u n d e r. • 1°r�;��,�; ��i ``:_
<br /> � . B,t�ec�on.Lea��mny�Tceazc.�asew6e�ea�nrsiatsl��naacqs�anandin.�ectFonsofthsPrap�ty.P[anrtd�i!tf�� 't�,;;����.�,�i.�� �-.:°
<br /> � st�ri giv2 3d'o¢mwpr nodce b¢fo3e any sacb���9�`��cuaa6 ttuzaeF�re1�ff tn I.ea$�s inias�st in tl�e Ptoperty. � .,�' _
<br /> 4. C�d�nattaa. 'IBe�aceeds of anf E.r� ar c.�ftn d .�c.diroct ar c�qntati�.in eo�an ar�h ssny `.-.
<br /> : .;;�; ,. �
<br /> _ c�demnadanozotherta'�ngofthePmpr�y,aparctl�ezeo�azfazoa�vc�rs�i�I3��ofoa�Q�ton,aie�ebya�dands�Ube ..�.,r,: ;�::•
<br /> .3:-.
<br /> � . . paidtoLender,subjectwWEtaimsofanymangage.deedofm�sto�o�carxa�i��r.�eesaentwithalienwhirbtu�pliadtyov�cthisDeed =�s ,--
<br /> ' of Tcast. "'`""
<br /> . 10. Borr�x:�'Vot 19te1�9;Farbear�nc�By E.�u�F1�s�ti e Wt�� Bxtea�an af time f�r payment�madif�3a�n of �—,.-
<br /> � • ama�atianofthes�rs�tru[edfiythlsD�edof'I�astBanntedbyLeJSB�ttoac►yr,�r,oea.^+orinintemstofBa��rs�alluoto�atetonlease, :�' ``
<br /> a ^�,:�
<br /> l�:_
<br /> ' in any manner.tLe tia�itity of th4 oanginal Bonowa�d Ba7,rowds sacoeasm.rs i�s mtesest Lendes shall n�t be�d w ca�meao3 •,�:,•.
<br /> ' P��ed�ag�inStsuchsu�oce�urozsefuseroexteudtimefazpnymra3araL.�vaemo�ityam�onofthtsumssacaced6ythisDoed '- �
<br /> ' o�'fYUafclsg�r.eason of any de�tmd mude by the ariglnal Ba�aowec:ns+f Ba�ro�m�Yt s�s in is�t Any fotbe�anoe by Laidtz in ' �'�""" "`°`
<br /> '�,: : : „a ,^` genyrIgfitoreemedyh�ounQes.orothezw�seafford¢dlr�►s�i'.eta�:Fhallnatbaawaivesafarg�ct�dethe�xez+cisaaPany ;•..,<. "''sf�
<br /> . �,.���-,-_,-
<br /> suchr�jtta�ody. --:�_';
<br /> . .. il.Suecessore�ndAt�I�nsHoundiJainB�SevepulII.l�bi�ity;�o�ae�.'ibeoavcn�atsaudagee�eaisbaeinaonta�aed - . .--- - .y,y
<br /> • sha]lbind.andtherigbtgheammdeps�llinarew,therespectivesaccessoa�amdinrrsig�sofl.es�trsndEoao�ver,subjectwt�e�mvisiaa4 �� : .•.. £�%'
<br /> -:-:_-�•-. *:�.+�,� .
<br /> - of p4ua�aph 16 herenf. AII o�v.;�ts and mgxeeanents of�u�rovra shnl]t�e,�c�.it and severnL My bmmwer who co-s���s ttds D�ezd af �.__�.._�.,�,:
<br /> .. Tta�baidoesnat�3ethpi°i�ote.(t►)isco-siSninSthi9DeedofTitu�tuc'Jj'TOj.T}.'AT148IlGG�Y8�11�33LB�1ION°,.,�B�TPl�S�ID1IlOP1Q�yl i.r.,_^;':.�;:=.:�i'rr
<br /> � . . to Tmst,ee�der tS�;�s of this D�ed of Trus�(b)is nos pc�son�Liy ii:�tr�a�ilb�Note ar aade�r tWs Dad�'Sms�aaQ(c)a�nets ths�t _�u;;.� :
<br />. I�enda�a�danyathesBo�rnvezmayagreetoextcnd.modify.foa�.�cb�azyoth�xacoo�modaflanswi�ra�rdWthecermsoftLis �:=.�-��':�::
<br /> , en
<br /> ' Beed aG'Pi�xt or fhe Note witl►�t that Bairowe�'s cons�ta�nritimut►t2r,�g that BrnmvreT ar modifyIng diis Detd of'IYuitas W thai - .: '..�;....
<br /> '. Bcmvw.�s�'s interest in ih2 Prap�cy. -
<br /> -�' ��`..;:
<br /> ' . 13�.NotYae.�.u�tforany�soticeceqaireduudr�a�.*pli�skePav�tr�ixig�v�nina[wthermaaner.(a)anl►�ieecoBonoweapravided � �,:;_-..
<br /> for ia is'�Deed of'i�u�t sh�]1 Dt giv�by deliveting is nz tsy mniG�a�tea�iCe by catiHod a►ail Sd�e.4Sed so Bono9��at dte Froye�t.y . ,,,�,�„�iY.
<br /> Addr�nr.�t snch other addross as�amawes may dasi�.�t�Isy naci�x ta L:nder as pmavfde�6arein;atsd(b�aay notioe to Lenda sh�U� ��rta`�v��
<br /> r:.;i`1.'�s:r_...:a...
<br />'.. given ut•uliling by ceatitiod m�Do I.en�r's address stated Iv�:in ari�s�xh alher address av Lea�a mE►y desigrmte by nati�e to BmmNer ,{�i ,�
<br /> b {,;. � �,;.�. .
<br /> ��'{`.��.'�W_`
<br /> as ptovided herein. Aap notice provided far in this Dea3 nf'Tru��thuu lie de.emed tn have been given w Bamu�srer m Leadxr cvhe��iven �:,����..,�
<br /> in th�maaner desig;;atcz�dasin. �::���---::��:'
<br /> �,3.Gove.rn�ng Lnw:Sevev�bnity.The suur�c�d teG+i lno,s�p?icable�n�is�of Tmsc shaU br�ha taws of�he j�uisdicaan �.'.. � 4:, __
<br /> in wtuc�e.tf�P�vperty is tatEne�.Ir�the event that anY Dm nsian or ciann�of this Deed oi'IYust m the Note canflicC�with appiirdble taar, = _;=,�: _^
<br /> � suche�flictshallnotet�ectot�herprov6.sionsofthisDeedofTmotortLtsNoiewhic6canbegivp�effectwidtontthtconflitxingprovision. ,1:�L:;�.�;:v._,
<br /> _ �s.....
<br /> end to this end the prorisinns oi thls Doeed of Trust�d tho 1Vata mv declared m be ssveaablz. As used here�.°costs°�°e�cpen�es"�nd -�_. .�c:__,
<br /> ^suorneys'fees"inclndo�Il s�s►s to the extene nat prohibitec➢by�piicaWe law ar limiud herein. •.M,-:<: �.• • : -:,,°
<br /> �" 14.BoTm�wer'sCayy.Bmroweashallbefianishedsoonfd�aedcopYoftkeNoteandofthivDe.edof7Yu�tattisetimeofexecutiun : . • i'�
<br /> � ar after recorda�an daeof. , .- . --
<br /> � 15. ReflaDilltetlon L.o�o Agreeffien� Borcouer shald fulfill all of Brnrower's oblip�tions under any�ome refiabil�tation, .. . ' ` �
<br /> ' imyrovement,repaiur or oih�r laan agreaneat whfcb Barrmve�enters into ait6 Leader. Lender.at Lende,r's opilon,may reqaire Bo�rotver ' . � ;,�
<br /> ' ' toexecuteanddelivertoLer.�r,innfmmacceptubietol.endea,anas�ignmentofanyrights.claimsordefe�seswhicA�atrowermayhave � ` ,
<br /> . _,
<br /> �„__- arainst n�ara�v aho s�ugpty laba.ro�rinLs or s�vir.es in co�earon wirh improvem�ts made to tl�e Property. •
<br /> . --_ ' —
<br /> • 16.Transfer otthe Prapea4}►or a Benefieial In4�rest in Borro�rer.If all or arry part of the Pcoperty or am+incerest in it is sold .
<br /> ' s�+c,.,ssatxe-�umn.wu�om•»� • � �
<br /> . , _ . -�----�--»-� � � ' . . .
<br /> . . . � . . ..-. , .....�. — - . . - . _ _ . . .
<br /> -- .. _�•��f , _ j .. .�, , ��' � � ' ,. . , . . . , � ; '
<br /> ' S�.o���.m:;.i����,r, • . , . . '
<br /> . . _ .. � � . ... . . • • .. . . ' . � � • . � , . .. � • . . • � • . . •
<br />