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<br /> - - - _��- S. H�rd or Property lnsurance. Borrower shell keep thc impravemente now exiating on c�reafter erected on the
<br /> —_ ,.,.,.,�:�•1,;g Property insurcd uguinst luss by fire, hazards includai within the term "extended coverage" und any other hsiwrJs, including
<br /> -�-<r.ne floods or flaoding, f�r which I.ender requires insumnce.This insurnnce shall be maintained in Ihe umountx and fiir�he periodx
<br /> thut L.ender requires. The insu�unce ca�rler praviding the insurunre shull tx�choscn by Bnrrowcr suhjcct 1� Ixncicr'ti upprnvu)
<br /> � which cf�all not be unreasorwbly withheld. If&tta�wer fuilx ta ms�imuin covcrUge de+criheci uM�ve. lxncler nwy, ut l.ender's
<br /> —��'"���� �tion,obtnin coveruge to protect L.ender's rights in the Propeny in accoNance with parugruph 7.
<br /> ;�' AI l insuruncc pc�licies nnd rencwulti shall be accep�able to L.enJer und shuU include u ��andurd mongugc cluuae. l.en�ler
<br /> � , —
<br /> �z„ ���� ahall huve the right to holJ the policicx and rencwalh. If I.cndcr reyuircti,Borr�►wcr xhull pr��mpUy Rlvc to l.erxlcr ull rcccipte of
<br /> - - --\ - pald premiums and��newul notice�. In the event uf lu�ti,surrawer s;iwll givu pruu�pt ouUcc w thc iu.w•a�ku curricr a�ul [.ciuler. �
<br /> ,� l.ender rnuy nwice prcxiP of lo�.r iP MH mudc promplly by�nower.
<br /> ��__ _ ��. Unlcr.r I.enJcr und&►rr�►wcr�►thrrwiu agr��in wrfting, insuru�xc pux�.��l�.hull he uppli��l tu rc�turuti�►n�►r repuir of�hc
<br /> ��_-A-2�� .,� Pro�x:ny dumugcvl, if thc rc���►ra�iun i►r rcp•rir i�crnrH►mkully fcutiiMc und l.c�ukr'ti W.wuri�y iti n��t Ic�kn��l. If�hr�c��oratiun�►r
<br /> '-� �'��'�' re ir ic:no�ec�x�omicull fcu.riblc nr l.rixl�r'.r.eruril waulJ bc kti�en��l, thc innuru�xc raxccds�hull hc u lie�!to thc nums
<br /> c:i�"_'={:�.�:. .:c� (� Y Y p PP�
<br /> r�currd hy ihis Securily Inslrumem, whclher��r not thcn duc. with any exre���id 1�► &�rr�►wrr. If A�►rruwer uhandonx ihe
<br /> `"=!'""'�`�.,.,�'k`�'*'y± Prnp�:ny,ard�m.r nut answcr within 3U Jay�► a noticc from l.cndcr thut thc in�urancc cur�irr huti��II'crcd to ktdc�cluim, thcn -�°
<br /> ����� �"° � � l..cixlcr nwy collcct thc inwranrc pr�xcrds. I.cnJcr may use thc prauxlti to rcpuir nr rc.r•t�►rc the Pmpeny ur tn puy sumv
<br /> �a�itiv.,:-a� .
<br /> :.�'. _�3,'�:� Focurcd by thir Sccu�lly Instrumcnl,whe�hcr.�r no�then Jue.The 30•duy periix! will hegi�whcn thc noticc ix givcn.
<br /> f�:�•'�.• �„ Unle�s L..ender and Bonowcr othenvise ugrcc in wriUng, any upplicution of procceds tu principal ,hull not extenJ or
<br /> _' � � � postponc thc duc datc of'thc m�nthly puymems referreJ to in purugrnphs 1 nnd 2 or change thc unwunt ��f thc puyments. If
<br /> -----�:..;;'��;��'�' uixler pa�►Kr�ph 21 tAe Pruperty h ucyuir��d by Lender,l3orrower's rfght to any insurance polieies und proceedr resuUing from --
<br /> *���!:=��;�' domage m the Propeny prior to the ucqulai�ion shall pnss to l.ender to�he extent oi'the xuma secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> �-` -:+i�-=¢*��- �-''� immediu�el nor ta the ur wsnion. `
<br /> . ,,r. _, � yP � q �•�
<br /> __�'�''---�-----r-�`��== • 6.Occupancy,PraservAtion,MAintenonm Apd Protcctlon of the PrnpeMyi Borrower's I.oan Application; Ixaseholds.
<br /> � � r��'" Borrower shall�xcupy,cstablish,und usc the Pr�iperty us&►rrowcr's principul residcnce within sixty days AQer Ihe executian of
<br /> :� ^� �
<br />..�.�,�_ � n- —"
<br />_.�,z .�,, � " this Security Instrument unJ ahull continue lo accupy the Pmpeny ns Borcower's principal residence for ut least one year after
<br /> �-�� '`�,::�:�.��:�'`'��' � the date of accupancy,unless Lender othenvise�grees in writing, which cunsent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br />-i��� �� � � extenuating circumstunces exist which �re beyond Borrower's mn�rol. BoROwer shull nat destroy, dnmage or impair the �"
<br />-='����� ' " Propeny,ullow the Praperty to dcteriarate, or cammit wuste on the Property. Borruwer shnll be in dePAUlt if nny forfeiwre =
<br />=_�'T�,��r'- '� ' s '� action or praceeding, whether civil or criminul, is begun that in Lender's gc�d faith judgment rould result in forfeiwre of the
<br /> —_ '�,- M •.• Praperty or othenvise muterially impuir the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower muy —
<br /> � ' cure such u default und reinstate,as provided in pura�ruph 18, by cnusing�he a:tiun or praceeding to t►e dismissed with a nding
<br />-""�"� �� ' �hat, in I.ender'c gaxl fAith determinaticm, precludcs fnrfeiture of�he &irrower's intcrest in the Property or other material
<br /> -� —rj<«r^ _ _�.��-�
<br /> -- . -- impuirn�rnt uf �hn tinn crcuicxl by ihi�Sc.�curity instrument or i..endcr's securiry interest. Aon�owcr shnii aiso bc in dcfuuft if -
<br />__: ,q�. •� " � Borrower,dur�ng the loan applirution prcx:ess,g�ve materially fulse nr innccumte information or stutements ta Lender(��r failed
<br />;`,`�� , " � toprovick [.ender with nny materinl informution)in connection with�he laun evidcrk��l by�he Note, incluJing,but no� limited �`:..
<br />�'* . • �y' ta,represen�ations concerning Borrower's accupuncy of�he Pruperty us u principul residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on u �-
<br />_ , leus,:lwld, Borrower SNAII romply wi�h ull the provisii�nti of the Icasr. If 8orrower acquires fec title to the Pmpeny, the �"--
<br /> leuxelx►Id and thc fec tidc shull not mcrgc unle�� l.endcr agrccs tu thr mergcr in writing. -
<br /> ° . �' • . 7. Prota:tlan of Ixnder'x Rishts in the Property.lf Bc►rrower fuils to perforni Ihe cuvenunl�unJ ugreements rontuin�l in
<br /> • � ' thi� Security Instrument, or�here iti u Iegul pr�xceding Ihut muy+ignificunNy uffecl l.ender'ti rightti in the Propeny Isuch as a
<br /> .. ;_ � , procceding in bankruptcy, probate, titt conJemn:�tion�ir fiirl'ciwrc �ir to enforce luws ur regulations), then Lender muy do�nd �v.
<br /> �--
<br /> , puy for whatever is necesu�ry to pmtect d� vuluc of�hc Pn►pcny und l.cndcr'ti righ�s in the Prapeny. l.ender's nclions muy _
<br /> , incluJe paying uny �wns .crured My u licn which hs�ti priority ��vcr thiy Sccuriry Imtrument, uppearing in court, paying -=
<br /> . reasonnble attorneys' fecs und enterin�on�hc Property�o mukc repnirc. Althnugh Letxler muy tuke uction undcr this paragraph ���
<br /> ' ' 7,Lender does nnt huve to do so. �_
<br /> � -� _ Any omounts disbursed by L.cndcr unJcr �his parugruph 7 shull Ixc��mc aJJitionul JeSt of Borrower s�:cured by thic
<br /> _ � Security Instrumcnt. Unless &irrowcr und l,�ixl�r ugrce���other tcrm+ ul'puym�nt, tlie.c amoums shull bcur interest from�he �'�
<br /> ':�y .
<br /> _'" ". dure of disbursement at the Note rutc und shall be payablc, wi�h interest, up�m nuticc t'mm L.encicr to Borrower requesting ---
<br /> . . . ° paymcnt,
<br /> 8. Mortqase Insuranee. If Lencier rcyuir��l mortgagc i�i.urancc a.u cundition�H'mukinR[he loun secured by�his Serurity - -
<br /> I�,i.-
<br /> � lnstrument, &irrower xhull puy thc prcmiums rcyuired to muintain �he mortgugr in�urunrc in effcrt. IF, for uny reuson, the �:,.f
<br /> � „ • mortgs�e inwruixe c�vcruge reyuired by Lendcr lapses or cca,cs tu Ik in rlTcri, &�rcuwcr.hull .� thc remiwm re uired to �'"�
<br /> P'Y P 4 p`,:
<br /> � "� nMain covcrage substnntiully ryuivulent tu�he mongagc:nxuru�x�pn�•iuu�ly in �1'fect,ut a cost xuhstantiully equivulern to the �^"
<br />. • cost to Borrower uf thc monguge insuruncc prcviously in cffcct, f�am un ullrrniuc nwngagc insurcr uppnw��!by Lender. If �__
<br /> '. substuntiully eyuivulent mungugc imurancc r��veruge i�n��t avuilablc,H�irrowcr,hall pay t��l.enJer cach monih•r,wn cyuul tu �
<br /> ' onc-twel fIh of thc yeurly murtgu�r in.urance nrcmium txing paiJ hy Burruwrr���hen�hr in,uranrc c����rragr lapsed �tt rcused to
<br /> be in eftect.Lender will ucrept,u�e uixl rriain ihe.c paynxntx a� a lo.� re+crve in licu �►f mortguge insurancc. Liisti rexrve �=:_
<br /> i •
<br /> • Form 3028 8180
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