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<br /> , , .. . ,... .
<br /> . . � , , . .. . ....
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<br /> � : .. . . .
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<br /> ...� J ��-����� 100412 09/26/1996 . `: .,
<br /> f�� �i �uas�raaiv 96 �� . , _ _
<br /> t or consequeniial.in ccsnnettion with any , ,, . ,.
<br /> n
<br /> ' .'9.Cond�cn.'Fhe proceeds of any award or ctEim fo�� . . � T.`.. , _—
<br /> ' condemnatioa or other taScing of ethe PrapertY•��r P�of any n artgr�e�d�cl wst or other�securt�'ty�agreetu�nt with a � • , ; � ___
<br /> . �i g n e�a b d s h a U b e p u d t o L e n� J • .
<br /> lien which has griorltY over tius Deed of Tn�t. __-
<br /> - 10. @or�«� PIaB Plet2assd: �arbgaa��e By a.eut8r� T�T�t a Waiv�. Extension of the ti� for payment or •r �
<br /> modiHcaaoa of amartirddoa of the svms�ecurod by this Deed of Tauft granted by l x a der to any s u c c e s�ar in interest of :,,.�- • , '-
<br /> � - Ho:r o�v e r s h a l l a o t o p e r a t e t o r e l e a�e. in an y m�atn:r. 3hr liabiliry of t�e ariginal Born�we*and Bormwer's sttcceseQax in ,. _
<br /> �`�' intenst. Lender st�all�ot be required co comsn:�Pmceedir�s against sush succestor or refi�se to ea e e�dme f or payme n t .. ._
<br /> al `
<br /> ' or otherwise modify a�nrti�tion of th:suins ses.�ured by t6is Deed of Trust by reason��f any demattd made by the ariginal . —
<br /> ured
<br /> goirower and BurroK�er's svcc�ssois in intecese. Acry fo�t►earance by I�nder in exercis'sng any rigflt or remedy hertunder. ..,;_.._., _ -- _�`;�
<br />-T� or athexvuise affnrded by applicable law.shxll uoi tr�a waivar�f or preclude the eacercise of any such right or cemedy. - --`- _- --.- , _.
<br /> .; 11.Suocesso�aad�igas Boundt�ainri and 5s�esai Yd�bSfltp:Co-sig¢sPxs. The rnveuants aud agnetuents herein � � .
<br /> n
<br /> oontain�d shall biL d.a t r 3 t he ri g hts heceunder s4�ll it�ure ta.the�.ciiee su�sors aud asstgos af Lenrt�r attd Tdorrower. • �:.;' �' .
<br /> � snbject to the provi�iaus nf p�agraph 16 hereAf. Atl wvsn2ats a�sl agseem�YS of Borrawer shall be,joint and several. :.`. ;:.�. _ . ---
<br /> � - A u y B o r m w e r w h o c�s t�;n c this D�sl of Tru..�t.buc d�es aat a�e�.vte�hr Nnte.(t�)is co-s��ning this Dzed of Ttvst o�9y m ��:;r:.:;: ..:_�.'': .:.� .
<br /> • �aiu a�camrey that Soreo�«:r's inte�est in the Pro�remmJ ta Tmstee utr]er ths ter�s o f t his D a e d a ff T t u s i. (b) i s n n t .,;...,.,. .
<br /> iL?t LEltdet 2�3II}/Ot1t2I B6TIONCf�IEi11NIei `•� �°�,s , .
<br />- person�ally liable on th�Piote ar under th�s D�d af Tn�t. und(�)a� to tlne terms of this Deed of Trust or `' `{��"�,���' ,
<br /> may agee to extend.modify.forb:ar.or mzke any oth�zcc�nmma�tions with cegard ��'-� ' , --
<br /> : D� >, :r�ru�Jad. '
<br /> .' the Note.vrithmrt that Bonower s consent an�withaut iel,.�as6ng thaE Borro�ver or madifying shis af TYUSt as m that '.. . ,,�:T,.-_ _
<br /> .1,
<br /> �`�. 8�nreowet's iuterest in the PrapertY. �f`�.°
<br />�=�4�.` 12. H4ttae. 6xcept far azry nnt3ce r�uirad vndeT applicabl: law to be given in auather nwwner. (a)anY notice to
<br /> .,:°-;�`�'`'�
<br /> Barroa�r provided for in tLis Uce�l af Tn�t shxlf tw gh��by delivsring it or by mailing sac6 uodce by certified mail ' •. �` �'���
<br /> ' addr�ed w Bo��er at th:Prop:ctl+Addres�vr at sra�atbrr adcl�s as Bormwer may desig�mne by antice ta Ixnder as '�'_.��'_.,_.
<br /> � provided hsrein.a�1(b)anY anti�m Len�rr st�all fw givr.0 by c�6&e1 unil ta I.ender's addmss stated herein or m such . . ., .. '-"'"
<br /> ' otT�er�as I.eIIdgr m3.Y d�sbn�te by notice ta Hormner zs pmvided h..-rein.Any nosice pmvide8 for in this Deed of .. � ..:�:.,'�.:,��.
<br /> ' � Tiu..n shall hs deemEd m h�.ve F�eev�ii en to Bomnwer ar Lea3cr wts.n given in ti�manner des��ated hezein. �.� =— — �
<br /> � � L�.Cova'dn8 d.��w,5ev�fL7.'i�e state a�1 la�.!I�t�sp,�licabie ta s6is Deed of Ttust shaU 6e the laws of[hr ,�- • ,-.
<br /> shsill nnt limit the a licab�7ity of Fedeial law oo this �� �
<br /> --'"`��. 'cdon in w2uch thr�PmgertY is l�sied. Ttte fireguing fie�t� PP , ,�;-r�'�' '•;'s'�'"`_--
<br />�-`; p�of Tmst. In th�evr.nt th2t�v pravision�r clause of this Deed of Tn�t or t1�e Note conflicts wit�ap�licab2e(aw. '.•�.�.
<br />,';�:�:' such conflict sball noi affect ad� pmvisions ni this Deed af Tmst or the Note which can be given effect withu�t the ;. �-
<br /> .� :.°:r,.-:.:1.j,y:.:.-�.:
<br /> ` � �o�iarng provLSion.and oo this can,i the provisions of this Deed of Trusc and the Nate are declared to 6e sever�Se.As • . _.,. , .;.�,,�; ; �
<br /> ltpbie i��u or
<br />. nsed heiein, 'cosa�• 'expeas�.ti asu3."attomeys' fees' include all svms to the e�ctent not protu'b3ted by aPP' '�'� •-: : __-
<br /> � limited herein. �>��;�; `-,�. �
<br /> 14.Borrower's Co�p. Ban���s�all b:Ct�ished a canformed capy af the Note aad of this De�1 aff Ttvst�tiie . _;;�. ,-:--
<br /> time of eaecndon or a.�s recordati.�t�ereof. '`. `
<br /> � L4. Rehabilitation Laan �'�s-'�n�t. Borrower shall fu16ll all of idormwer's abliguuons under atry izum� ..r��,. .
<br /> .P ha t,;r±�.�on, i�Pmv e m e n t. m P a i r�c a t h e r l a a n a g r e�m e n t v r i ri c�B o r ro w e r e n t e i s a u o with I�nder. Iruder.at I�a�"� �,� .
<br /> t af�r �`
<br />= opriota. �y requite Borrower to�ecute and deliver to L,e�v�s�r. in a focm acceptable to L.ender,an assi8nnaen �,• 'y�
<br /> -. rights. ctaims or defeases wfuch Borcower w3y have agains4 paivr�who supply labor.materials or setvices in comiec�an �e r •�; ..•..,.� ii.�.
<br /> with impmvements made to the Pro�etty. ..:
<br /> 16.7Yaa�er ot the Ftopaty or e Braefidnl➢mtere�in Bo9vowe�. lf al!or aay part of the Propeny os anY�� '�y r.� .�;.
<br /> in it is sold or uaaSfened(or if a beneficial interest ia Bormwer is sold or uansfer[ed and Bo�wer is nat a natatal .;�. `.��_-_
<br /> ��- person)without Lender's prior written coasent. Lender may.at its option.recluue immediate paS+ment an full of atl sma4 ..�t,,,i„,....::.:.;�;_. ;
<br /> : � secuzed by this Deed of'fmst. However.tbis opdon shaU aot be exercised by Lender if escRCise is prolu'bited bY frdetal :: � f{���������. .
<br /> . � ����;'�F�-�,i�--
<br />, l aw as o f t h e d a t e of tir3s Thed of Trust. ' ' : ---.--'a-�---�_- °--
<br /> If Lender eaera�ciiis opdan,Lender shsill give Bormwer uotise of acceleTarion.T6e aoace sLall p:o�ride a peeiod p'`! • ,;�.�,�,- •.�, '',_
<br />� „,;_. of aot tess thaa 30 dsys fmm the date the notice is delivererY na�ed within w�ich Bormwer must pay all svms secured �'`;���::..:.;r'.;:. �z _: � -- -
<br /> . t�la�;;'�; . .`_
<br /> by this Deed of Ttust. If Boaower taiLs to pay ti�ese st�s�rt�1c w tbe eapiration of this period. Le�et may imroYe any • ' ��oc •�--�:' ., •
<br /> remedi�permiaed by this Deed of Ttust without further n���ar demand on�orrower. :r.,�k�'Y`;5.,�� ..�::';--.
<br /> ._�: � NON-UMFORM COVeNAMI's. Boaower a a d l.e a d e r f a n 6 e r c o v e n an t a a d�g r e e a s f o ll o w s: '; ,�:�:.°�:_
<br /> . 17. Aacderatlon: Ranedies. Except as �nnvlded in parapaPh 16 hereof, upon Bon+du�"��rnaeB of a� �;.. �•' .;t;,:
<br /> � eo�enaat or s=ramaot of Bomuwer in this IDeed o4 Trost.lncludin�Bonowcr's faUure to paY+ �9 the aud of 10 ''?!'�. _�::e��yt�M.i�
<br /> t0 QOOP1�10D 86811�ioC '�• `�,'.• • _. , (,{�,1L't
<br /> �'t h. .. .,..
<br /> . C�iT(��59�[�Rdly i1rC�ii2s A11j1 SIII1.9 S!�l11��I/R�9�Ot�R�t I.C�dLT �LfIDf . �^� '��.�4...'�(�,:.v-:—=.
<br /> LT n
<br /> notiae to Borrower a9 pruvided dn paragaph 12 h�uP��cifytag:(1)t6e br�cL�t ��v¢he erglon req,uIIred 4o ame •}�yc.,,_, :,.:_
<br /> . ��.�� •:� -.�:.
<br /> such b�te6,C3)a dnie.nat les4 than ZO days 6u�m the d�Qhe uotteP is cnalied to C�'auaower,by�vNch s9c6 6reach ,��•��'aA';�. :;��,�;: '--A-
<br />' m�st be c�nve�fi aad f.�]�t fallm+e to wre sueh b�n eo or bdore thr date speaiSled in t6e ndioe ms►y resalt in ,_,. „
<br /> aocderatton ot t6e�s s�c�e�J Dy tt�ls Deed of 7'r�s3�,d sale af ttie Fv��e�t1.T6e aattce small fmthe� taform "�,;��:',•.�
<br /> . Bor�of t�e riqM to relnstuCe after nc�e2ern2ton end ti�rf�ht to bring a cuut3��to as�t the ooneadstmae of °��s�,:; .....
<br /> � a defstul�or any ather det�se a�So�vuwer to acoe3a�ti�n un�l sale.(P the breacb t�aurt c�d on or b�ore t6e dute ��,��,,Kk:,,
<br /> specified tn the notloe.l.eada',at l.ender's opt[�n.rumy dc�6are al!of the a�s sec�sd 6y this eeed o�Tr�,4 to t�e �:�.z-
<br /> u
<br /> immedlately due anal payabte without[ur�d�nd�nd may tavok¢We pawer ot sale and aoy o4het remsdie �.�—
<br /> pe�mfited by appiieable law. Lmdear sdail be �titted to aollect oll rr�samable eosts and e�atu�ses I�red �° _y_:?.. •-•..
<br />- ` Pur�the rdnedle provtded io thiv paragraPD 17,lncfi�dinS,Dtd no!Umited to.a+e��onable s+t¢a*acys�fees. �,�v�,��,�_:�:'.. '
<br />:5`i,: u���ot sale is iavoked,Tnater shafl record a ndtoe o!d�eWt ta escG oo�tg in w�ich the Prop�y or 1•�•�
<br /> "•r`t7�4�}�•?�i�:...
<br /> . sa�e part tt�neo?ts tor�tetl and sh�ll muU c�l�a oY such no2toe in the manner �cribed by applic�6ie [�c� eo •
<br /> c
<br /> _..�'...�-:
<br /> � ' Borrower and to tttQ at�er persoa9 p�[bed by apptica6fe law.Aft�2�e lapse of suc6 time sis Eauy be rcquired�y -: -�•. ..�f`�
<br /> .. •. �..,_
<br /> aPpllca6le law.Trustee sbaU�ive puDlk nodce of sale to t�e g�ns und in ttee manaer preseeiUcd by apptiabie , --
<br /> law.Tnstee.witho�rt d�d oa Borroc�er,sha31 sRU th2 gt+apsrey at publfc nuctton to t6e hlghcst bidder�t tltP time , . ��;,,
<br /> and place aud under tbe t�cksi8r�ted in tbe notice of sale in one or more�rce���u������ .
<br /> , may detem�ine.Tn�siee may PostPune sale oi all or any parcd ot the Pmputy by� .. _._.
<br /> . and plaoe o�any prevtously sc6edWed sa1e.I.�d�r or l.ender's desig�ee ms'parchase t6e PropFr4y et any sa4e. . _'•�•
<br /> ��.-
<br /> Up�n receipt ot payment o!the price btd.Tnatee shW deiBver to the purc6aser Trasteo�'s dced oonveying the � . � . __
<br /> , property sald.The rec[lats in the Tnas4ee's dee�ahall be prtma fac[e evidence o!t6e tr+�6 of the stateme�rts made .
<br /> � therein.Tr�tee s6at1 apply tt�prncee�of the ssie!n the Poltowing order:(a)to all re�sanable�.s end ex�enc�oY �•�
<br /> the s,a1e,jnctud;ng,but not limited to,TnuteP's tees actu�Uy tncurred ot nat more than S�k o!the�os5 saRe prtce,
<br />__ : __ ��.�lp nNQ��ra' Pees aad eo�s of Utie evt&�cei @) to aU s�ums�by this Deed of Trnst;end (c) i6e
<br /> �:_' ._— _
<br /> .. • exc�ss,if t�y,to the person or persona Ieg�11Y atiitlM ttxreto. .
<br /> • :��_.
<br /> ` " Nebraska 268762 3193 Original(Hecorda8) Copy(Sraaeh) Copy(Cuo�onor) vage 3 ots . . � �
<br /> ,...
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