�,a,�v a,x�arrcoc� coru�ns R aA,rrcoac ����� iooaao 10/10/1996 , u .� ,�`
<br /> 4.Cortsf�un.The precePds of any award or�m for damages,dia�ct or comequential.in cemaQCdun wlth arey . --
<br />� c,�oaci�mnadan or oEher taking of th. Pm�.rty. c�r part thereaf. or for com+eyance in lie�nf condemnasion. are 6e�by . «.< ;.
<br /> • a,ssig�d au�sha116e paid to Lender.s�bj:�x tu die tenns of riay�nngage.d�i af awt o���ther security agr�eacent with a ` . _ .�"i'
<br /> t'aen w8ic�d�s priorery over this Dte�1 of Trust< � , .
<br /> � • 1Q. B�rroov°ar 1Yt�! Relea4edi d�mrDea�tetr� B7 Lsnd:er Ntu a Walver. Extersion of the tims for pay[�nt ar . �. .�°�
<br /> ; mnciifccation of amonizadoa of the snms s�cund by this Qeed of Trus3 gtantsKl by ixndea m any su��cessar in i�terest csf - � -
<br /> Eoreowtr shaU aot aperate to retease. in a�+manner. the liability of the otiginal Barmvrer an�i Borrnwer's succ.essnrs in ' ,'�. F�
<br /> interest.l.en�e.shafl mt be required a�com�p pmceedin�s agaiast such succe�r or refuse tn ra�te�d timte for paymEat ' ' �
<br /> ' or o�erwi�e mod.ify amottistion of the sums secured by this Doed of Trust tr�y reason of any demand m�de by the ariginzl , . , . : ..� .
<br /> gorc�vrer�ti�srrawxr's svcc�sors in interest. A�+farbeaiznce by ixnde�in exercising si►Y right ar remedy h,.-reunder. � . . � , .�'
<br /> ',. ar othenvis+�afforded by applicable law.�al!aat be a wliver af or prectude die euercise of any suc6 ri�lst or remedy. � .�, �
<br />--, ' l l.Succ�rs aad Assi�s Fdnuad.J��sand s�vEra1 Ua�SliQy;Co-s9�. 'fhe covenan9s sud agree�ffis hetein -
<br /> ...
<br /> �-
<br /> -� con[ained shall 6i�.ar.d the rights he�uuder shall inure co.We c�dve s�u�sso:s and sss�igns af Ler�er an�Porroe:er. �-== ="--:--�_
<br /> �bject to Ihe provisions of pasagraph 16 t�reof. Ail oovenants aad agcements of Bncrawer st�Ji he jaint aad several. _�. � ,
<br /> puy gonawu who co-signs tttis Ue�d of TnLSt,bua ds�es not execute the Note.(a)is co-sigrdng this Deed of Tn�ss only to , .. `
<br /> . grdnt and wmrey that Baarower's intztest in the Pro�erty to Tr�utee uuder the terms a�this Beed of Tnut. (b)is mt . '. � � • _
<br /> , �::= -, .,
<br /> ge�onslly liable on th:Note ar undet this Deed of Tnut, and(c)ag�ees t[�at Le�r and aay othEr Bomnwer hg�v�der , . .: . - .-
<br /> ;-�d•;:.::
<br /> � may agtee to extend.modifY•forbear.or mahe any other aa�mmodations widh re�ard tn the tetnas of thjs Deed nf Tmst or �:: ..�...�
<br /> au ,::.�y��.=-
<br /> ' the Note.withaue that Borrovrer's conseat aud without reteas�ng that Borcow�r or t�o d i f y i n g t h i s D e e d o f'f n u t a s t o t h a 4 , -� -
<br /> Borrawer's i�ecest in the Pra�e�ty. ;`%��' _
<br /> �, � lZ.Nottce. Exce�st foT a�►�ot[ce tequized uIIder app�Cdble 13w to be given iti Smt6t[mannp*.(a)anY natice to _, �:•�. �__.��..
<br /> Boaawer pTUViQed for in this DPed of 1'nut sball be giv�n by delivering it or by mailinS such notice by certified a� "� , : •.� -,w°-�'• -�_-
<br /> addzessed to Bortawer at the Pmyerty Addmss or at s�ch aiher address as Bonawe�may designate by natise t�Lerdxr as <•.._� �.-. .,r
<br />=``,' aov�ded here and uotice to Leader sball be givea b y ce:tified mail to Lender's add�ess s4ated herein or to such .�;.�•�'�.a°
<br /> p in. N)�Y c tifi : � ��'
<br /> ;•• other add�ess as Iender may designmse by untice ro Borrov�ee as pmvided hemin.Aay natice pmvidtd for in this Deed of :""'5��.
<br /> . . : ;�.-,.
<br />`�:•.�.,, Ttust shall l�e d�med to have been giveu w Borrower or Le�der when givea in the manner desiguated h,rein. . . � • '`--
<br /> . ':.��--
<br /> ; �: 13.Governf�g 1�w;SeQera6�litY.The slzte wd iocal lav�a�plisable w this Deed of Trusi sha116e the laws of cQ�e , . �__ _ _--
<br /> jntiss�dinr�in which the Pragerty is located. Ttie fotegoing ssatenca sball�t limit tLe agplicability of Fe�etal2a�v w this ,�.`?M�:`°�_� .
<br /> ' Deed o�TraSt. In the event tlnat any pmvision or claase of this Deed of Truss or tme Nate con8icts with apPiicable law. f . .- '� :�,-
<br /> such oon8iet shall nut affea ather pmvisians of dus Dced of Ttust or the Note which qn be given effect without the � � � -
<br /> ' .� coa&sdng grovisianE.aad m this end the�rovi�ons of this Beed of Trust aral the Note are declamd w tse severabte. As .; ��,;,`�..U;`
<br /> �Y'. .
<br /> :,- uset!herein. 'ca�ts°, `�°-a�es"ans� �attorueY�s fees'inslu�e all sums to dse extent ant protribited by applicable law or �� °-
<br /> `;�.'., limited herein. ^ i ��� ��
<br /> la.i3orrower's C�y.@nrrnw.r s'�a!!b2�umishe�a c.+aaf�o�med copy of the Note an+b of this Deed of Tnsst at t�e _ ``,� . -
<br /> �� time ufacecutian ar�a recordzw�ca�ereof. . ,
<br />� , IlS. Rehab�i�UTi� Loan �entt. BcFr.r.rs�er shaU fnlfill all of BoTaower's ebGgitions im�der aay haffie •,•' '�'• °_
<br /> �: ..•��,.
<br /> Tehabitir�..�un.i�Pmvement.rep�ir ex other I�u�reement w h ic h B orrower euters into v u i t�l e n t t e e r. l.e r j i e r.a t l a u d e r's '�•;;�; ,
<br />�`' � apdor� m�y raq�ire Bomuwer to r�.rxate and deliver ro I.�n�. in a form aaeprable m F ender.an a�ignmeut ofr any ;�{ �
<br /> ' rig�.�i�i:�s or defeases which Ba�zovrer may have ag,ain..�t�es who sapply labor.malrsFals ar setvices in wnn�ction ` '� :xi __.
<br /> witgt i�rements m�e W the Pro�rty. � . _
<br /> �;:, 16.T�ran�far af t�ee Pta�ty or a Bea�'teiW I�eresc!n Barmwar. If all or airy gazt of tbe Pmperty or zay inte�est ..
<br /> .;f., oy �• .-
<br /> .,�;,' in it is so l d or a a n s f e r c e d(or i f a b e n e fi c i a l i II t e r e s t i n B o i r o v r e r i s s o t d o r a a n s f e n e d a n d B o i m w e r i s a o t a n a h n a l •, ' .
<br /> ' QBI'SOD)WIt�1011t IlLdCI's prior�vritten consent. Lender may.IIt ILS 6pt10D. i�jUliC 1�t''ue PaY�i[�Im CIIU Of 3I�SIImS • .�,r �w=.=�.
<br /> secared by this Dced of Trvs¢. However.this aption shall not be exenised by Lender if exoc�ise is pmhi'bited by fedeial .�.�_�
<br /> � law as of the d2te of this Deed of T�t. :•_: .__�_
<br /> .. '.1..� If LenYder exerc�:s this opdon. Lender sha11 give Bomnwe�mttce of acselera�ion.11�notice shaU provide a petiod �::�.,:'.�_=_
<br /> :. of�ot less tbw 30 day�f[om the date the mtite i�delivered ar m�iled.dtirin�vhicb Bormvrer muss gay ail sums secared ;--�;=.
<br /> � ��:
<br /> ";�r by this Deed of Trc�.I�8orm��r€ails W pay these sums prior w the ex�zrrdon of tflis periad.Ler�iCr may imvoke anyr ,-.' �•`,�,T_,_�:--
<br />;�;,Z:�`�:• remediu�L.,esmitted isy W:s Deed af Trast withont furthsr nntice or demand on Borraarct. _ -
<br />•.;���,,_,� K�1-UMPORI!�COVENAN'�'�. Borrawer and Lender fanher covenant and ag�e as foilows: , : � �f-T-��
<br /> � 17. Acoderr�a� Yt�tedte9. Exce�t as pmvtded [n para�apL 16 Qc�eaf. apon Bono�s�'g �fi c4 any �.� :-;r:,� .�_:•:�:,_•:
<br /> eovemnt or a�a�n�of Borrawer in tmts Dad ot Tr�t,imcJadin�Iiormwer's iW�as to Y,,l�q t�e�ot 10 _"=°;'"
<br /> � �"--�mn,.:�:
<br /> caiend�r daya ai�r r,fieY are dae.an,Y saQas sec�red bq this Dad of Tn�st�I.eader bv�ur to accdasiion aP�il�tve ---- _i�'""�
<br /> aottea to Bormwer as pmvtded ln p�ra�aph 12 hereor sped�'yin�: (i) tDe 6re�c2w fZ$the actloo�+equs�to cam+t '",T'-.---.—," °---
<br /> ,�,., .
<br /> sa�;b brac63 t3)0 date,aot Irae than 20 days fram the date the nathe ts emiled to QeTrowe�.bg whtcb sucb Daeach ;,�,,t?�j.y�;�<,:.�;.:--__
<br /> • mctst be cured;aru�t(4)tl�t faEl�e to aue suob brPSCO on or e2Yare the d�fe spe�fted in tLe�may rr�tt i� ' �.t-?:�;�-a•�=;:s-�
<br /> +r.r,,�,.,,, ,..
<br /> acadcrattoa of t��s sec�red by ttais�ed dP'I1rust and sale of t6e�rope�rty.T6e notiee a�II[art6er i�dwRn • :1 ��.,
<br /> Bo��ottt�e af�t to rd�hte aRe Qaoefl�tlo�and the rl�ht to 6rin��oourt aetfon w assat t�e aon�ist�ce of ''�'�,'Y'
<br />-� � a�C c,s t�y athxr�ef�s oP IIs�er to a9oel�tnn aad saie.U the bnach ts aot c�ed o0 or be[ore the date .. �*t,�::�::
<br /> �frt r�e ndlcG L�de9r.ot Leadar's optian,may declan aD ot t6e sim�se�vurd by tNs Deed of'Q'n�to be . ;r•';y
<br /> . �ts �.ta. ..
<br /> ., i�e�l�CC�due�d payabte without fmrtt�daa�nd and may i�oke the pow�ot sale and t�at6er remedies -_- -=--,�._
<br /> � �' ed b u W�ble Isw. l.md� sltAil i�e eotitled to coliect all emsonable casts aa��� incu�red tn ��r'
<br /> r ,�:, ,
<br /> P�� Y �� ��
<br /> • , pu�sutn=t�e remcsilb�n�vlded ia tlils�ar�b 17.i�JndlnB,b�d mL:ttiu;ted tor neasonaWe��aeys'fee9. .. • • �,t'�: �,'_�
<br /> ,,:;�;,��kr�{r�'�`t....
<br />. .'�.�r' U th�power ct1 s�e Is irsvoked.Tn�stee shat!�a nattce of dd'ault in c�a6 arrmty in whlc6 the Prm�rty or ,,.. . t�+�,�.....::.
<br /> some CaxR thesr�Y E� lor��z3 nnd sball mail copl�ot suab aMic�in the mnnner�u�sibe8 by applicaste law to `.f,.,�4�;`,�",,,.. �' '
<br /> .• � Borrow�and to t�Mha pe�sons pres�Sbed by appll�te ts�w.Aftee the tapse ot such time as may 6e r�qidned by ...�:�iy'�.�-,ti:•.".r:'--
<br /> .. aApIteAble faw.'�r�ter shaU�ive publle aoYtce of s�le to t6e pasoc�and in tbe meni�er prescribed 6Y apPllcable ,�---
<br /> taw.Tnata,wit6o�danand oa Borrower,shaU sdl t6e Qrop�ty at pW�lle a�ction to 4he W�st 6tdder at the time ���� � '_ �'�'�'
<br /> � and plase and�mder the t�s degi�eated in the nalice oP sale In one or ffiore pat+ceis and in su�arakr as Tnstee ' . . `��.
<br /> may det�mine.Tnra4ee map pastpone s�1e of aU or ar►y p�roel of t!�Ptoperty dy�u6llc nnnotmceme�t ai ttie time . � � s
<br /> . and pLce ot any prevto�ly sc�edWed�ofe.Lender or i.eader's dcsl�ee rnsy{ew+ehase the P�op�iy at any s�1e. ' . i
<br /> . Ugoa rec�tpt of paymeat of the p�d�e bld,Tn�stee s6a11 dettv�r tv tf�e parc0aser�'nstee's deed conveyIng the , ' � ,
<br /> �P�9 soiQ.T6e reciWs in tt�e 7'n�stee's deed shafl 6e pdms P�de�✓idwce ot t6e tn�b dl t6e statements made . . , ,
<br /> te
<br /> . tha+eie.Tn�stee shaU appty t�e pruaeed9 of the sale tn tbe[ollawinS cedes:(a)to all ee�sona62e�osts and espense.s of � �`
<br /> the�ale,iadudtng,birt noi lymtted to,Tn�st�e2's Pee9 a�ually ins�rFCt c,Y not nsorn than S�of t6e g,ru�+sale prtce, �
<br /> ' �£97iLD�2 flf�On4IL'9B� Ye� �d co�of title eviden� (b)to all s�s scc�ed by this D�a8 Tr�ct; �d(e) 3Re � • � . �
<br /> � . exeess,iP ssny,to the psrson or p�soas teg�lly e�t[tied t6eruo. {
<br /> l_ °
<br /> � Nebraska 268762 5195 Os'iginal(ReCOrd�1$I Copy lHrsneh) COpy(CuBtomer) Page 3 ot 5 � .�� '.
<br /> • . .. �9�
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