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<br /> -- -- .�� - S� Il��d or propnty laaunnce. Barcower shall kecp tfie improvements naw ezisting ar hereaRer erccted on thc
<br /> _-=_-_-z���-°„� �` ' property insurod aQainst loss by fire, hazards included within Ihe term "extcndod coveruge" and any other ha�Ards, mcluding
<br /> _ ._—, _ � floods ar flooding,for which I.�ender requirea incurance. This insurance shull he maintoined in�he pm�►untti and fur the pe�lod�
<br /> tlut Lender requires. The insurunce carrlcr prc►viding the iosurance shwll be choticn by &�rmwer wbject lo Lcnde�'+approval
<br /> -- = which�h�ll aot be unreasonebly withheld. If Botrowcr faila to muintuin covcragc cleccrib«i uix►ve, l.ender mi+y, at Lendcr's
<br /> `���'� option,obt�in rnverage to protect Lender's�ights in the Propeny in ecccirdanee wlth paragraph 7.
<br /> _`�:� ,. :m:tc�.�y.rs.
<br /> ; ' � `�� '') i'A_.� All insurana polictes and renewals shall be acceptable m Lencicr and sball include a slandurd m��tlgage clause. L.ender
<br /> �= shpll have the righl t�hold thc policies and renewals.If Lender requires, Bormwer shall promptly give to l.ender all rcceipls of
<br /> �� pafd premiums and renewnl nMiccw. In the event of loxs, Bnrmwer shall give prompt notice to the inaurance carrier and L.ender. _
<br /> , � ' '`,. L,ender mey makc praof oi losa if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> '� Unlcss I.cndcr and Borrower othenvise ngree in wri�ing,insurnnce procecds shull bc applied to restoratic►n or repair of thc
<br /> Y�r��„��A�t ..,� Propeny dameged,if Ihe restoration or repair ia economicelly feasible and Lender's security is not les,ened. If the reslaration or
<br /> '—----—"—!'"s; repair ia not economically feasible or Lender's securily wauld be lessened, the insurance'proca�ds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> r-���-� secured by this Secudty lnstniment, whethcr or not Ihen due, with any cxcess paid to Bonowcr. If Borrowcr abundons the
<br /> .- -a;;_�A���='F`��' ' Pmperty,or dces not enswer within 30 days n notice fmm Lender that the insurance carcier hes afPered to settle a cluim,then
<br /> �...!Jf:.""'a`�
<br /> t..; Lender may colkxt the inaurance pracceda. L.ender may use the procceds ta repair or restore the Property or ta pay aums
<br /> r;� .. '�_, .�,.•�,.
<br /> .., • aecured by thia Socu�ity Inatrument,whether or not then due.7'he 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> '�� Unless Lender end Borrower othenvise a ree in writin an a lication of race«is ta rinci I shall not extend or
<br /> .�'" M B• Y PP� P P I�
<br /> ���::'�bt,�:� postpone the due date of Ihe montbly paymcnts refcrccd to in parngrnphs 1 und 2 or change the amount of the paymems. !f
<br />-- - ��"f''--�����x- uoder parngruph 21 the Propeny is acquired by l.ender. Borrower's right to any insutance policies and prcec�da resulting from
<br /> -- `.-:�P..r-�-,�:�,;.,. U
<br /> >>`«�r�'�:•��;��"',.`��%'`;r � . damage to the Pn�perty psior to the acquisition slwll pess to I.ender to the eatent of the sums securcd by thia Secu�lty Instrumerrc
<br /> --_ .�^_r__:;;�':�4,�s4.�;�:__.,
<br /> - � ,, i , immediately prior tu tl�e acquisitbn.
<br /> `'��'"��� 6.Occups�ncy, P�aservwtion� MaintenAnce And Protectlon of the Pro rl i Borrower's I.oan A Iicalfom I.easeholds.
<br /> ..—.�r�.;a , � . �a Pe Y Pp �
<br /> -- �������" • �•��. Borrower shall occupy,establiRh,und use the Propeny as Borrower's principal residence within sizty day3 after the execution of
<br /> Y� ,
<br /> ",;.� „ �; � ? " this Security Instmment and shall continue lo occupy the Property as Borrowcr'�principal residcnce for ut least ane year after
<br />-__—�'� • , the date of occupancy,unless Lcnder otherwise Agrees in writing, which cansent shall nat be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> ��.�1' � A. " , extenuating circumstances �xist which are bcyond Borrower's control. Bc►nowcr shull not dcstroy, damage or impair the
<br /> — ' ' ' ' Property, allow the PropeAy to dcte�iarate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in dcfault if any Porieiture
<br /> ���:; K���� • action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in l.endcr's good faith judgment could�esult in forfei�ure of the
<br /> ����' .�;�. Property or otherwise materially impair thr licn created by this Security Instrument or l.cnder's securiry intercst. Borrower may
<br /> j'�!°=� ,A � cure such a default and reinstate,ar provided in paragrnph 18,by causing Ihe action or procecding to bc dismissod with a ruling
<br /> �� � that. in l.endcr's goad fafth detertnination, precludcs forfeiturc of Ihe Borrower's interest in thc Property or other materia!
<br /> ?''_�`_� -'�""'�'�'�;`'' -- impairmcni of ihc lien crested by this Secudt�� lnstnssmnt or Lendcr's sccerE!y interest R�►rnwPr ahall alc� F,e in defnult iP
<br /> ��;:,,��.- Borrower,during the loan eppllcation process, gave materially false or inaccurate informution or statements to l.ender(or fuiled
<br /> °;''L ` � to provide Lender with any material infornnation)in connecti�n with the loun evidcnced by the Note,including,but not limitod
<br /> " �. .� to,representatians concerning Borrawer's occupancy of the Property as u principal residence. 11'this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> � �� � _ . • leasehold, Borrower sl�all comply wi�h all the pravisions of the lease. If Borcower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> � • leasehold and the fec tide shall nat mcrgc unless Lender agrces to the mcrgcr in writing.
<br />_;.•;'.,. , ,
<br /> .� 7.Protection of Lender's Ri�hts In the Property.li&�rrowcr fails to perforn�the covenunts and agrecmenls contained in
<br /> r`T � : �� °� • this Securfty Instrument, or therc is a legal praceeding thet muy significandy affect l.ender's rights in the Propeny(such us a
<br />_��:���; � ' proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or tu enforce luwti or regulations),then Lender may do and -
<br />,:.i. •�.� � � � pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property anJ L.ender's rights in the Property. l.ender's ac�ions muy
<br />;`� ' include paying any sums secured by u lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument, �ppcaring in court, paying
<br /> - , ., reasonable attorneys'fecs und entcring on the Nroperty to makc repairs. Although Lcndcr may�ake uction under this paragrsiph
<br /> - ` • ' , 7,Lender does not hnve to do so.
<br /> • , Any mm�unts disbur�ed by l.ender undcr this puragraph 7 �hall hecome udJitinnal debt �if &xrower secured by this
<br /> -' ` ' � Security instrumcnt. Unless BoRawer und LenJcr ugrce to olher tcrmr of paymcnt. thc,c um��untti shull bcar intcres� from the _
<br /> �„i�..�. � - • ' date of disbursement ut the Notc ratc and shall be puyuble, with interost, upon notice from l.rnder to Borrower reyuesting -
<br /> . payment.
<br /> •� . �- 8.MortgAge Ingurance.If L.cndcr reyuircd mortgagc inwrancc u�r c�mJitiun of ntaking thc laan.r•ccurcd by this Sccurity
<br /> o � �� Instrument, Borrower shull puy thc premium, rcyuired to maintain �he monguge intiuranrc in ci7ect. It', for nny rcason, the
<br /> _ ' mortgagc insurance covcragc rcquircd by l.cndcr lapscx or ccuscs to hc in cffert,Bo�rowcr sh•rll pay thc prcmiums rcyuirai to
<br /> • : •,.'. obtain coverage substantiolly equivalent to thc m�►rtgagc insurunce previou,ly in cffect,a� •r ccnt.ubs�Ln�iully cyuivulent to the
<br /> ', cost to Borrower of the mortgage insur•rnce previ��usly in effect, frrnn �n ulternulc manEagc inwrer appr�wcd by Lender. If
<br /> , substantially equivalent mnngnge insuranrc covcragc i.r n�it avuiluhlc,Burrnwcr,hull pay to l.cndcr c•rch month a sum eyual to =
<br /> ' ,, one-twelfth of the ycarly mortgagc insurance premium hcinF paid by &,rrowerµ•hcn thr in,urancr rovrr•rEc lapWxl or ceased tu -
<br /> . � be in effect. Lender will accept,uk vnJ reluin theK paymcnt.as a I���. rc�ervc in licu ul' mongag� insurancc. l.ass reservc
<br /> , � Form�02� f/�0 �
<br />. , Ppe 3 0l 6 �
<br /> MC,9018-NE/3
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