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<br /> a� �. . . .. W�� L.�wnnc�W �1Nc�and $.Jarc�Hak� Hu�b�nd ane! —
<br /> �� .. ('Trutlors•1
<br /> ' h
<br /> `�'�� und�►th�fobwinp DMd of Trust to b�wrtw�d Nqo mwnp Truitors, Ar�nd R Baaok. Attom�y a! i.aw
<br />_ ;`� .. .1'T�u�t�.•),
<br />_"v,`� �nd Ov�rimd Natlond B�nk - _ .
<br /> Y.��,":- -__.. .... _ (•BmNlal�ry') oowrinp ih� prop�rty daaW�d iNtow h�nby�aknowl�dy�that fl Ia undertood ihtl (a)ths Dsed of Trust to =-�-
<br /> ••�. bs nt�:rted by Tn�ator b •qust d�d�nd not• mottp�s and (b) the pow�r of aal� provld�d 1a in th� DNd ol Trust w ^�=�':
<br /> ..•;-�~� , -- proyida subsW�thNp dNNnnl riphu �nd obY�tlono to tha Tnistor th�n a mottpe0e h th� �wnt o1 d�hult a brroh ol � ,._, •-•-,:
<br /> :� . ' obiq.yo�. ��, -
<br /> `; �i,''e11L�. �'
<br /> , ' Trustar�oknowl�d�et that thls Acknorvl�dqm�nt waa rn�d�pbr to th��x�atllon of tho DNd o1 TnuL -
<br /> ' �. Ex�aubd�nd d�W�nd thla 24th d�y oi .k�M �.��—•
<br /> � ---�-�--
<br /> ��'y�-=
<br /> Trusta TnMa VWIYfIC� . w�
<br /> ', / , ,� . -
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<br /> �, � Lt1t�d►� .,.
<br /> -. — -- -„�-'::�nn:;.-
<br />- ;: Trustor Tnntor , pyC � � °+�
<br /> • , .. �'` ��� ,
<br /> DEED OF TRUST �+���ei�illLf�
<br /> p_.��--
<br /> �1hfi.CE'�x.:. -'__.
<br /> . ' �1:,1`� -
<br /> +'�'"'.�-�i`;--
<br />. , r �`-__
<br /> THIS OEED OF TAUST('3ecurily InslrumenY) ia made on Juno 24th � �982 . �`�_1r �
<br /> " ,. Th�buatu is��wr�nco W Hako and S Jovao Heko . Hu�b�nd and Wifo _ --- t� -„'.�:. '� -
<br /> , .. (•Borrow�r•). :.-...,«;;'�.
<br /> Tho aust.�la Arand R Bs�ok. Attornov et I.�w - ! � ����'�'�,�_.
<br /> (•Tmstae').The beneflc�ry Is l • ...,«•�,:'
<br /> .° . � OvYrland Natlonpl Bank , wMch Ia organizad .nd.�Unp � " :f�..,
<br /> � under ih�I�ws of Th� UnRod Stat�s of Am�rlc� , and whosa address It 304 W��t 3rd Stroot `�_
<br /> A2'�..
<br /> : Orand Islaed NE 88801 _ �.�°"d°'��, r s".
<br /> r Borrowar owa�Landar th.piincip.��um of Throe Hundred Thout�nd and 00/100 '�"�m
<br /> � OoUars U.3.i 300.0 0.0�0 __)• 'rnis debt la evldenced by Borrower'n note �r I ,�'�•.
<br /> (
<br /> dat�d th�wme date�a this 3ecurily Iminiment('Noto'), whlah provldes for monthy prymeMs, wllh th�tuN dobt.H not prld � -
<br /> esrYa,due snd p�yable on J41x,1 1997 �
<br /> � •• • Thla 3acwity InaWment necures to Lender: (�) rQpayment of the debt evldenced by the Note, wflh interest, �nd�A ranew�ls, �
<br /> � extenalons�nd modlAcaUona ol the Note; (b)the payment of all other auma, wtth InteresL edvanced under paraQraph 7 to �
<br /> � proteat th�aecu�ily ol thla Secu►ily InaWmenC end(c)the pertortnance of Bor►ower's covensntn and ayreemente. For thle
<br /> � , purpoae, Borrower irtwocaby prants md conveys to Trustee,In trust, wHh power of sale, Ihe IoUowinp dasc�i6ed propetty
<br /> , locatod In Hall County, Nebreskc .
<br /> Th� No�th Half of the Northoast Qua�tor (N 1/2 NE 1/4) of Soctlon Thirtaan (13), in Townahip Ton
<br /> (10) North, Ranpe Ten (10), Wost of tho 6th P.M., oxcopting a ce�tain tract of land da�cribed In
<br /> D�ad r�cordod in Book 135. Paga 193 and a cortain tract of land doscribvd In daed racordad as
<br /> ' Documont No. 79-004582 of Dood Fioaord� of Hall County. Nebraeka.
<br /> I
<br /> _. .�
<br /> - .. ---- - -- 1
<br /> whkh h�a the�ddress W Rt 2 80x 108, . arand Ioland. __
<br /> irrrt �n
<br /> Nabracka 8 8�('Property Add►aas'):
<br /> � �p o e
<br /> . Form 39YB 9/90 NEBRASKA SMqie Fumdy fNMWFHLMC UNiFMHM �NSTRUMENT � :-'�
<br /> �
<br /> F1318.1M0 110N1) �aqr t ot y
<br /> �
<br /> oft�nl�'
<br /> . .�♦ . _.._ _
<br />