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<br /> . • 17.'Ttcan.�er of the P►operiy or a@�neQctal Intet�t in BorroR'er.lf alt or any part of the Propr.rty or any in►.arest in it �"
<br /> is sold or tr,ussferred(or if a bcrteticial intcrest in Borrower is snl�d or transferred and Burrow•er is not a nacural prrson)with�ut ���,�,
<br /> ' �''• Lender's prior written rnnsent, Lender may. at its o�tion, rey�tire immediate payment in iull of all sums secwa�i by this „
<br /> ,: , Serurity Instrument. However,this option shall not be eaerise�i hy l.ender if euercise is pmhibited by federal la�v as�t'ttw dzte �,_
<br /> of tfiis Socurity Instrument. '`�
<br /> If Lender eaercis:s this opaon. L.ender shall�iti�e Borrower notice of aaaete.:axion.The notice shali pmvid�a period of not �
<br /> les�than 30 da s frosn the date the nratice is d:liv�red or maited within which Barrower mnst pay all sums secured by this �-
<br /> y ---�- .
<br /> • ' Security iiutruraent_ If Borrawer fails to pay thesc sums prior to thz eapiration of this Qeriad. Lender►niy invoke any remedies �`-�
<br />=s,. pemutted by this Security Instrument�ithout further natice or deRtand on Borrcnr•er. �'
<br /> l8. Borro�ti�er's RIg6Y W Reins4ate. If Borrower rrteets certain �ronditions, Barrower +hall have the rigS�►t u► have ��:;
<br /> , enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinu� at any time prior to the r�iier of: (a) 5 days Ior such ot4e� p:ricid as � =
<br /> � applicable !aw may specify for reinstatemer�tl befare sate uf the Property- pursuant to any power of sal� contEined in this !�-__
<br /> '�` Security Inswment:or(b)entry of a jt�dgment enforcing this Security Instmment. Those rnnditiuns are that Hnrrower:(a)pays �<y�
<br /> Lender all sums�vhich then wouid b:due under ttiis Security Instrum�nt and the Note aa if no acoeterarion had occurre�:lb) —___
<br /> , , cures any default of any other ooven�ts or agreemems; (c) pays all eapenses incurred in enforciag this S�c.urity Instntm:nt. ---
<br /> including, but not limit�l to,reasonabte aztomeys' fees;and(d)talses such action as Lender may reasonably re�uire to assure - -
<br /> �' that the lien of this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in th�Property and Borro�ver's obligation to pay the sums secure�d by �-._-.-
<br /> this Security instrument shall cantinue unchan�d. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Insuument and th: �"
<br /> , obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effe�tive as if no acceleracion hzd occurred. However,this right to reinstate sh�il �
<br /> '��� � not apply in the case of accelerauon under parugraph l7. �.j �
<br />"�'� �`• 19. Sale of Nate;Change of I.Qan Se�vdoes. The Note or a partial interest in the Note Itcagether with this Security �"�
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more tim�wiihaut prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entiq�(krwwn �:�.:
<br /> as the"Laan Servicer")that collects monthly pay�cs due under the Note and this Security Insuurnent.There a[so m3y b�one
<br /> • or more changes of the Gn�Servicer unnelated to a sale of the Nute_If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower�vill be —,
<br /> given�vriuen natice of Ni�change in zccordance with pazagraph t4 above and applicable law.The norice will state the name and __
<br /> a$dress of the nQw Lnau�5ervicer a�vl the address to which paymenu should be made. The notice will aiso contain any aiher �, .
<br /> • infom�aoiaA�quired 6r3�applirable law. � ��
<br /> � Z0. Hazardous Substanzes. Hcnmwu shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances on or in the Properry. $orrower shall c�s do, nor allow anyone else to do, anyUiing affezting the �=
<br /> •� ' Property that is in viol�tion of any Environmenlal,Law. 'T9te preceding m�o sentenzes shall not apply to the presence, use,or �_�
<br /> .'� siorage on the Froperty of small quantities of Htvsrdous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal �-=
<br /> • residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. �:
<br /> � Borro�ver shall promptly give Lender wntten notice of any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or oth�r action by a�+ —
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentsl Law �_-
<br /> � of which Barrawer has actual knotivtedge. If Borrowar teams,or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority.that =
<br /> �. any removal or other m�nodiation of auy�Iaza�datLS.Substance affecting ths Pmp;rty�s necessary.Bomm�es shall promptly take
<br /> � all nec�ssary remedia!adirs�s in a�cor+c.�noe with�ironmeatal Law. �
<br /> •
<br /> � . As osed in thi s h 2 0 "F T s.�r d o u s�u l z s t a n c e s' a.*c those subs��s defined as toxic or harLadous substances by �.'.
<br /> P'�"dP . �..:
<br /> - Environ�u,�ttzJ Iaw and the follanvnrg sabstances: gasolitw, ic�osena, other flammable or toxic pqroleum prod�uy�, toxic
<br /> _�:�";,, pesti�idr•:-an.�herbicides,volatile solv�s, materizls containina:�zstos or formaldehyde,atv.�rstdioactive materials. Ar•used in ,_ .
<br /> �`�`;::;.� this paragraph 20, "Environmentat �.a�H" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where thw Prop,°rty is lacated that �r •
<br /> � }' ' relate to heatth,safety or environmental protectioa. �--
<br /> ' �'. NON-IJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: __.
<br /> .;��: `/ 21. Acceleiatios;Reffiedies.Lender shall give notice to Borrower psios to acceleiatlun foUowiag Borrrraer's breac6
<br /> . of any covenant or agre�ment i� t6is 3�curity Iastrament (but aot prior to aooeleratimn under paragmp4� l7 unless
<br /> ' applic�bie taw provides otfierwisQ).The notice sball sper3fy: (a)the drfault; (b)the adioa reqWred to cure tho d�'antt; ____.
<br /> . (c)a date,Qot less than�0 days from the date the notto2 is given to Borro�ver,by which the detaalt must 6e s�r�d;und
<br /> " (�tGat failure w care We default on or befoc�the date specifled in the notitce may resadt in aa�ederution of ttie�smms
<br /> secored by thts Serui3ty Insiruffient an�sale of the Property. The notiu2 a6pJl fw4her inform Boseawer of tIte aight to —
<br /> reWstate afier aoceteratlon and We rIg6t to bring a court actton to assett the aon-existence of a d�%auIt or wy other
<br /> ;.,.i detease of Borrower to aocelerat�an and sale. If the ddAUti Is not cured on or bs�ioQe the date specifced in tb��otic�
<br /> . �.,,� Lender, at its optton,may reqafr�r i�emediate pxymeat in ft�l9 ot all sums securn��by tf�is Securtty ImStrument�ftbont
<br /> . furt6er demand and may invoke firL�aawer of s�!e a�d s4z�Uther remedtes pesmitted by�pp�Icable law.Lender s8�116e
<br /> . ' e�ttued to mllect all cap�s�incurred ia Qw�i�;ti�P remedies pmvide�in this Paragru�s�2�.[ns�t�g,but Qo!iimIte� �
<br /> w,ecasonab2e atto�eys'Pces and casts of tiUc c�vid.�ice.
<br /> ' IP the wer of s�ie is invoked, Tcusta��m)ri eecord a notice of defau[t in each�r�ty i��tuch asy pnrt o�i the
<br /> po m
<br /> p�perty is}�rated and sI�ll mnil oag#es aE 5ur�f�nottce in►he manner prtscribc�by z�a�,��►ab�e taw w Borrov�er wd W _-
<br /> � .. the othar�Sessons prescrjbed by ap�licu�4e E�cs. �fter the time requ9red by applicabte 12�,'�'rastee shall give public notice
<br /> of sale di ctie persoas and in the��ruscer��.�i�ed by applfca6le law.Trastee,w it hont deman d sa B orrower,s l�a l l s�e U
<br /> , • . the PropePty at pnblic suction to¢hE 4�g[iest bldicS�°a ut tt�e time and place and under the tera�s d��tuated in t@�e uotice of �,;.
<br /> � sale in one or mone parcels nnd in any order T[K:stee determines.Trustee may postpone sale ot rJ.t r,r any pane!ot the =_
<br /> - ` Propert�� by public announcement ai the time a,.-�d piace of any previously scheduled sale. Lende.r or its desIgaee may
<br /> � purcUa3r:Lfie Praperty at any sate. �-_
<br /> �:�
<br /> � �-.
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