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<br /> A� g, ya�a�Ri Qe p�+operty Insurance. Borra�•er shati keep the improvements now existing or hemafter erected on the �*i
<br /> '�` P r o�e r ty insw�ed a gainst tass b y fire, har.ards iitclude�i within the term"extended coverage" and any otfier ha7ards, including •ky
<br /> tloods oc tlooding, for which Lenrler nquires insuraz:ce.This insurance shall be maintain�in the amounts an d for t he petio d s
<br /> that l.ender requires.The insurance carrier pmvdding the insurance shall be chosen by Borroner�ubject to Lender's approva{
<br /> w�irh shall not be unseasot+�bly withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described abave. [.ender may. at Lendei s
<br /> �^rk: option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's righu in the Pro�rty�n accotdarce with para�aph 7•
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall he acceptable to l.c+idee and shal! i�cWde a standard mo�tgage clause. Lertde,r "°.
<br />-� shall have dte right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lcnder requires.Borrower shall prompdy r,,,ive to Leader all receipts af �,'::{��
<br />' `,<� paid premiums aad rens�val notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt noace to Ihe insurance carrier and Lxnder. ��.�
<br /> Lender may make proof uf loss if not mzde prompdy by Borrower. � �'
<br /> ,' � �,� ,.
<br /> Unless Ixnder aad Barrower otherwise agree in writing,ir,surance pmceeds shal�be applied to restoration or repair of the �:,
<br />_ �fi property darnaged.if the restaration or repair is economically feasibte and L.er.der's security is not lessened.If the restaration or ��_y
<br /> repa'u is uot eronomicaUy feasible or l.ender's security would be tessened. the insurance proceeds shall be appfied to the sums __
<br /> �,,'�� secured by this Securiry Insuument, whether or nat then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the —
<br /> . � Properry.or does not answer�vithin 30 days a notice from i.ender that the insurance exrrier has offered to settie a claim,then =-
<br /> ^""� ` Lender may collect the insurance proceads. 1-ender maY use the prooeeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums �__
<br />�'}i�:� secured by this Security Inswment.NhethEr or not then dus.'14�e 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. _
<br /> "..� Unless Lender and Borro�ver otherwise ag�ree in writing. any apAlication of pmceeds to prinripal shall not extend or _
<br /> " gostpone tlie due date of the monthly payments refemd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amoum of the payments. If ----
<br /> ,`�g under paragraph 21 the Froperty is acqwred by Lender,Borrower's right to any insuranoe policies and prooeeds resulting from �
<br />. :< 4 damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender ta the exteot of the sums securad by this Security Instrument iF':-'=
<br /> ;'� ? immediately prior to the acquisition. �
<br />''�''i�� 6.Uoccapancy,Presgrvation.i+Isintenaace and Prote�lion of th:Property;Borrower's Loan Applicatton;Leasehotd�_
<br /> ' t Borrower shall occupy,establish.and use the Property as Barrowei s principat residence within siuy daYs after the execudon of �;�
<br /> ,..� this 5ecurity Inswment and shall conNnus to oaupy the Property as Bornower's ptincipal residence for at l�nne year after �°"'
<br /> �i. ,� the date of a�pancy.tuiless Lender atherwise agrees in writin�,which oonsent sffall not be unreasonabty uiriilt,eld,or unless ----
<br />'::bi�ii. extenuating dn.�umstances exist which are beyond BorrowePs contrnl. Borrower shall not d�noy, damage or impair the `
<br /> '�'.°`; pnuperty, aiiuw the propercy to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall lar in�efiult if any forfeiture � _
<br /> I......,,_ - -
<br /> _. :stion or procceding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in L.�nder's good faith judgment a,�;?�3 result in r,�rfeitnre of the
<br /> � L�erty or othervvise materialiy impair the lien create�by this Security Instrument ar 1-ender's security interc.�t.Borrower may �'��i'
<br /> �such a default and reenstate.as prnvided'm para�raph 18,by causing the actia[�or proceeding to be dismi��d with a ruling "�3�a:.
<br /> °������, ludes forfeiture of tfre Borrower's interest in the Property or other material .���
<br /> _ .: � that, in L�ni�r's goad faith determination, prec ,���;.
<br /> .� ,' imDairme�.f-�t�: iien created by this Security Instrum�nt or Lender'S=�writy interest. Hoaower shall aiso be in default if �-�,,
<br /> Borrower, :����g the loan a�;plication pTOOess,gave materially false ar ir,�ccurate infomiation or statements to�r.ader(or failed �;�f,
<br /> � ' ����rovide l.eeder with acy a-�.�.erial information)in caonection with the loan evidr�;��d by the Note,includin�..i5,t not limited ����
<br /> �.,;.�,.,;•; �:repr�esentatians conceraing Borrower's occupnncy of tfie Property as a principzt c��3enoe.If this Security TiT���rument is on a �?^�•
<br /> '� leasehold. �a¢�wer shall comply with al1 the provisians of the tease. If Boaower acquires �e title to the Property, the =:-
<br /> •`:;.:.� i' —°
<br /> - teasehold��t�e fee ude shall not meige vr�lr.ss L.ender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />� '..• 7.Protectioa of Leuder's IdHghts in t�ie P�opea�.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemeats contained in �•-
<br /> � this$ecurity Instruuient,or there is a legal proceedi�Wat may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Property(sach as a
<br /> ��� �` pmceading in bantwptcy.prabate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whsL:�aer is necessary to protert the vaiue of th� Prop�rty and Lender's rights in the Froperty. Lender'S ACGOI]S II13�i 'a'_:
<br /> � include payiu� any surns secured by a tien which has priority a�ar this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> �. � t' reasonable a�tomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make�e��,�..*�.Althouyh Lender may take action under this paragiaph �--•—
<br /> ;� 7.Lender does not have rrn��so. --
<br /> ° Any amo:�nts disU.;c^�� by L.ender under this para�rapfi 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower�ecured by this
<br />•'„N�:�; Security Insrnuz:ent.Unt�ss Borrower anrt Lender agree to other term4 of payment.these amounu shall be:r rU�cest from the
<br />��-='.�� � date of dist'�sement at the Note rate s+s�i shall 6e payable. with interest. upon notice from Lur;.3er to Borrower requesting ��-
<br /> �, i Qaj�illCAt. '�
<br /> 8.Mortgttge Insarance.If I.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security F�
<br /> lnstrumem. Borrower shall pay the premiums req�ire� to maintain the mortgage insarance in effect. If, for any reasan. the _
<br /> ..' �: mortgage irr�c�ance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effeci. Borrower sh�ll pay the premiums required to �
<br /> �: obtain covcra�t:substanrially e�uivalent to the mortgage insurance�n:viously in effect,at a aost substantial(y equivalent ua��1�� '�t:::
<br /> �� cost to Bomm�sr of the mortgage insurance previously in effed, fnrym an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lend�. IF
<br /> '• ;:
<br /> , substantially equivalent mortgage insurstnce coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ��•.
<br /> ` �.i one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to � �
<br /> '�• �� be in effect.6.ender will accepi,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss resetve ;,�.�.
<br />�.:ay, i!
<br /> :::;.�,.. ., Form3028 srso ��"-'
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