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<br /> of Borrowtt's covenaats and agreeaxnts under tttis Setvriry Insuument and the Note. For this purpose. Borrower -" �
<br /> irrevocably�rants and conveys eo the Trustee.in trast,with power af sale, the following descrihed pmpPrty located ; '";`a•.:
<br /> m HALL Counry.Nebraska: , ',
<br /> -, (15'j Of t0T TiiEL{dE (12j, BLOCK TN8 (2j, FIRST ARTISTIC HOtiES ABDI�IOfd T8 � �L-�-��-'•
<br /> _] :-��; . _.
<br />. '.Fa:��
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<br /> �L1— �' �_
<br /> 'JSRS'}.:%
<br /> F���;�::�
<br /> � �ich has the address of 925 S EDDY STREET,GR6�11D ISLAND [�.c�l, �%�`�`�� �=
<br /> 1°
<br />� �eb�aska 6�80i [�v�=� ('�pem'Address'); ��,3 '`'. ��:`.;rti
<br /> ':�� TOGETHER WITH all the improvementa ua�l or hemafter erected on the PmPenY� and all easements, �:��
<br /> appurtenancas aad fiuures naw or�fter a part of ti�prageu}+. All reptase�rats aad ad�litioas sha11 also be
<br />�:,s cove�ed by�this Security Instrameat.AIE of dte foregoiag is refer�aa in this Sec�uriry Insmcmeat as the'ProP�Y•� �.��
<br /> ` BOL�.�OWEIt COV�VANTS t�at Bomavrez is lawfally seiz�sd�f the estate hereby conve�es!aad has the rIght w ,�:'
<br /> �a�ci cflmrey the�erly and taat tne I'�rogeny is unea�nrra;,eAc��t far�mh;�tt�of record.Bor�er ��r---.;-�
<br /> ; j .;„�
<br /> . •�rraas �ms� will defend generalty the tirie w the ProPertY agaiast all claims and de�ds, sabjsa: r� aay . •,;.,,,�`�-.: ,,
<br /> ' ; --
<br /> �c�:�-^��of iecord.
<br /> '' '��..^URITY INSTRUMBNi'i combines uniform covenants for nztion�use 2ud m�-uuifo�cnvenants ; ', ..��
<br /> •� �mh li�.��a�iiy�aurisdict�on w cnnstitsue a r�iform securiry �f ar:�tsng real property. '.y�k��
<br /> ��. instmm r
<br /> k.,�
<br /> ,��y: BOIIQ:ilRC'��F115i�fIC:OVEfl2IIt 1[l�SgIL'8 8S�3�i.�i7S: � �'? .'' ,
<br />.�f���'�yr. - • . . r .
<br /> ���; IJN�;Illi C�b'�'t(�.����'� V( �"e .�
<br /> ,it�<< ' • ;; �:
<br /> '"� 1. Y�yment of P�, ��ud 1a4�Ct�rge. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and � .' .
<br /> °:�.; iare�est on;the debt evidenced by ihe Note and late d�rges due under the Note. � `.`�
<br />� 2. 11�fo�61y Payme�t of T�xes. fiasm�ace �,3 Other Chac�es. Eoaaw�z sha11 incln8e in ear� momtily u �:
<br /> paymeat,together with the priacipal aad interest as set forth in the Note aud any laf.�charges,a sum for(a)taxes aud "i:.� ,.� . .
<br /> � spociat asstssments levied or w be levied against the Property, (b) leasehold payments or gro�d r�ats on the -z
<br /> :_,� ' PraPertY,aad(c)Premiums for insvrmce required under para�rapb 4. In any year in�vh�ch the I.ender must pay a :`��• `�
<br /> ' mortgage ins�raace premium to thc�Sxretary of Rousjng and Urban Developm�t('Secretary'y, or in any yeat in ;'./�s •'
<br /> t � _:
<br /> '__.��" wi�ich svcb.premium would have been reguirtd�f Lender still held the Sec.viitK Iut�uument,each manthly payment � � -'� '
<br /> ::iy,��..� s8all aLso igclude either:(i}a sum for the ananal mortgage�pre�inm ts lye paid by Lender w the Secretmy, � - - -
<br />-,..��r.i. ---
<br /> �:T`�,:z• or(ii)a moathly cbarge tastrad of a mortgage in.,ruranca premium��is Secutity Instrument�tield by the Secretary, � � T:'� -
<br />:;'4��;y'; ia a reasonable amonnt to be deteimiued by the Sec�etary. Exc�t for the mnnihIy c�arge by the Secieiary, these
<br /> �. items are called'Esct�avi Ilems'aad the suma paid w l.ender are called°Escrow Fimds.• ����..
<br /> '"!. Lender ma}r,at any time,col4ect aud ho2d amounta for E4emw Items in an aggregate amoant not to e�,�1�e —
<br /> � , ma�dmnm amfluat that may be rcqvirtd for Bonower's escrow accaunt andei the Real Esta'�e Settie�nt ProcOdures _ . -
<br /> Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. Secxton?k01 et seg. aad implemeatin�regulations, ?A CFR Part 3500. as they may be •
<br /> amended from time to time('RESPA°).eacepi that the cushion or reserve pesmitted by RESPA far uaanmsipated '���'�
<br /> ' disbwseaxnts or disbnrsements before t�e Borrov�er's payments are available ia the account may not b::i��e+d on . �tst��x`: ..�•',
<br /> amounts due for the mortgabe in.�rurance pnmium. _ ,: �
<br /> � t. i�� . -
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