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� — �`��� <br /> � ` � .-...... .. <br /> �� , �':�,�:4� -. � - .��.—. ._.__ __ , . _ <br /> �cc !C4' _ . - <br /> • 'r• +. . . � • <br /> ` • _ <br /> ,.x.�a. <br /> '—e1.'�":.,trl�l�ria.�4.,.•,,� -- --- -- — --- <br /> ..�.�� . 92-- 1ossso <br /> ';E��`�?��� perfixlK that L.cnder n:yufrc.r. The inxurunco curtler pruvidbg Ihe Inr�urance Khull be cho�en by Bormwrr�ubJect to I,enderx <br /> �-�� =�;�=`�� approval which�hull not be unreasottably whhheld. U BaROwer fuilx tn maintaln cnve�uAe descrfhed aix►ve,Lender mey,ut <br /> � ' ----- � Lender'x option,oMain caverage ta protect I.ender i�rigMs in the Prapcny in accardancc wUh poragruph 7. <br /> ��:�'�►'� All InFUrance policier und mnewalR ahull Ik ucceptable ta Lender and xhAll include a stnnJanl mortguge claurse. Lender <br /> a xhall have the ri h�to hnld thc licies�u�d rcnewals. If Lender rc uirex,Borruwe�xhull rum tl ivc to Lender ull recei ta <br /> =� • �s,.. 'a" B P� 4 p P Y B P <br /> -.� e�•� of puid premiumK and renewul notfces. 1��he evem of'lo�ti,ponower ahull give pmmpt nrnlca to tlu: inaurunce ca�rler and — <br /> '• �� n r Lender. Lencier may mu�e praof of loxx if not made prampUy by BoROwer. – <br /> '�•••�,,;_3;,,,�;.;_�„�,� . ,:� Uoless L.cnder und Barrower otherwiM:ugree in writing,insurance pra:ceds r;hull bc upplicd ta restaration or repuir nf � _ <br /> � �,'��-.,. �-- the 1'ropeny damaged, if thc rearorution or rcpuir ia ecanamicAlly feaxible And I.cndcrk Fecunry ix oot Icstiened. If the _:___ <br /> � rcstorution o�repair ix not ecanamicalty featilble or Lenderk security w�uld 6e lessened, the in�urance pmceeds shull be <br /> � '•� � �•�•' ' opplied ta thc .rums xecured by Ihia Secu�fly lostniment, whether or na �hen due,wich uny eacesz puid to Borrower. If <br /> –��`� '� BaROwer A6undana the Property,or daes not answer within "a0 duyr a notice from L.ender thut the inxurance cArrier has <br /> �:.�..Y�,�,- . <br /> �.�.. <br /> ;�,'i'!��'�. " offered to settle u claim,then Lender may callect the inxurance praceedx, l.ender may Uce the praceeda to reQair or restore �,w.. <br /> "°.�,,a„.:,.,.. •. . the Property or to pay sums becured by this Security Instrument,whether or not ihen due. The 3Q-doy period will begin when <br /> rr'''."�,..:';`�..° h thenoticeisgiven. �� <br /> " '.. Unless Lendcr and Bortower othcrwise agree in writing,any upplicntion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> � '> postpone ti�e due date of the monthly payments mferred to in pnrogruphs 1 und 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> �� � �� �' � `�� under puragraph 21 the Propeny is acyuired by Lendsr, Borrower's �ight to Any insurunce policies and praceeds resuUing —_ <br /> "�s�`"'3'"'r.:i"{�M', from dnma e ta the Pro rt rior[o the uc uisftion xhall a4s to Lender to the extent of the sums secured b this Securit � " <br /> "�^ .s � Pe Y P 9 p �• Y Y = <br /> ' '� --.�`'�'��ry lnstrument immediutel o�to the ucquisition. � <br /> � ,_ �:.::.�:,.,L._., Y Pn ��;–_- <br /> - _ – ---__= �- - - - 6. Occupancy. Preservation, MaintenAnce and Protection of the Prope�ty; Borrower's Loan Appllcation; ,,;,.1�-_- <br /> ��Vfi��� '�'����•�- L e a s e h o l d s. B o rc o w e r s h a l l a c c u p y,e s t o b l i s h,u n d u s e I h e P r o p e n y a s B o r ro w e r s p r i n c i p a l r e s i d e n c e w i t h i n s i x ty d a y s a f t e r �'````._ <br /> � � '�''`�' the execulion of thi+� Securlt Instrumem and shnll continue to occu Ihe Pro rt as Borrower's rinci al reafdence for ut ����=� <br /> ���..��,�;;::;;y�:;,ar'��,•.:.,j Y PY Pe Y P P r��,.�.,-- <br /> i. . i,�, .. least one year nfter the dute of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be :++�er _ <br /> � s�?+i;h' „;,#; ;,.!: unr+easonably withheld,o�unles�4 extenuaHng circumstances eaist which are beyond Borrowerc contral. Hortawer shall not , ' -- <br /> ' ����' ''•� ��`;c destroy,damage ar impuir the Propeny,allaw the Property ta deterioru�c,ur commit wucie on thc Property. Borrower shall `' `� - <br /> •:,�� ;';�:'.;;..'� �� ' '•''�- be in default if any forfeiture action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lender's goad faith judgment �;:,�:;_,- <br /> ;:•z .',,,y,!,�{�f;;:i,:�.'',,;.;itt,s;: <br /> �..� ..:, ;, ; rnuld result in forfei�ure of the Property ar othernise muterinlly impuir the lien creuted by this Securiry Instrument or <br /> ; �„ . �:; Lender'r;secudty inierest. Boirower muy cure such a defoult und reinstnte,as provided in puragraph I R,by causing the uction �;�u` <br /> '�� ;�y� � or proceeding to be dismisxed with u ruling that,in Lendert good fuith detertnination,precludes forfeiture of the Bormwe�s �'� �`� <br /> ,�� ;:' interest in the Properly or other muteriul impnirtnent af the lien creoted by this Security Instrument or LendorK security �_ <br /> °•-�� •, . � interest. Barrawer tihall ulso t+e in defoult if Borrower, during the loan upplicution pracess, guve muteriully ful�e or ��s. _�- <br /> =���s.,. •.•�•-'�• inaccurAte informution or xtatementx ta l.ender(or fuiled lo provide I.ender with uny mnterial informutionl in connection with ��r��-- <br /> the laan evidenced by the Nate, including, but not limited to, rcpresentation+ conceming Borruwer� arcupancy of the �"'° <br /> ''`� � �xi;t:�.%�,. Propeny a�c a principul mxidencc. If�hin Seruriry Inuniment ih on u Ieuzehold.Borrower Hhull c�imply wilb ull�hc provixionK --- <br /> '-,.�'. •x::►::�:u.;�.a.�tx.� – <br /> �;�, , ._ ,: aT the lea�. fi i3arrouer acquir��.fc�tiile io tik i'r.��i7y,tiie ie+�.ehuid�►�id tht fer�{de,Lrli�wt oK�gr wdran Lcu�k��g��� �°,„°° <br /> lo thc mrrgcr in wriiing. ��_. <br /> ' • 7. ProtecNon of I.endcr's RlRhtg in Ihe Nruperty. II' Bi►ROwcr f'ailn tu pertiirm �hc cuvenunts uncl ugrcemcnlc �....�„ <br /> , ° conluined in this SccurHy In�lrumcn4 or there i� u Icgul pnxeeJing �hai may xignit7cunUy uffect Lender: rights in thc �' -- <br /> ' Propeny Isuch un u pr�xceding in bunkruptcy,probatr,for c�mdemnalion or forfeiture ur lu enfo�rc luwz or regululionx),Ihen <br /> ''" �� . Lender muy da und puy fi�r whulcver is necrs�ury to prote�t Ihe vulue oi'�he Property ond Lcnder;rights in the Property. `" -^ <br /> : . �f,:�,, ,.,;w Lender's actionx moy include puying uny sum>>crumd by u licn which ha,priority uvcr�hi+Seccrity Instrumeut,appeuring <br /> t . � M court,paying rcaxonablc ntiorney�'i'ee,unJ entering on the Propcny to muke rcpuir..Although Lender may take aclion �–'–� <br /> � under thi+�purugruph 7,Lcnder doex not huve to do x��. <br /> , , Any umounts ditibur.r•ed by l.cnder under thi�parugruph 7 ,hull ikcume additioncd Jebt of Borrower secured by this �';(_;;�_ <br /> " , " Security Inslrumenl. Unless Borrower und Lcnder ugrce�o othcr trrm,of puynienl,these umuunt�shull beur interest from the –��.. <br /> dute of disbur.,emcnt at the Note rutc und shull be puyuble,with intcre�l, upon notice from Lender ro Borrower reyuesting �..�= <br /> • u ment. �_•'�," <br /> P Y �-y_:.�-.:. <br /> � • , 8. Mortqage Insuranee. If Lender required mon�u�te in�urnnce u�u conJitiun of mr:cing the loun secured by this ,�,;;��°:. <br /> ':;.,., Security Instrument, Borrower shnll puy �he premium.rcyuired �u muintuin the m�irtguge imurunce in eff'ect. If, for any ..�, <br /> � ' reason, the morlgoge insuruncc cavcrugc rcyuireJ by Lender luptic, or ccusex to he in cffect, Borrower shall puy the •,i.,l;��•.,_ <br /> '� premiums reyuired to obluin coveruge substumiully cyuivulrnt to �hc mong:ige insuruncr previously in effe�t, nt a cost �.,,.r•.,:, <br /> - substantinlly eyuivalent lo the cost to Borrowcr oi'Ihe mun�uge in,urunce prrviously in effrc�, from an ulternate monguge ,::`�= �`-•� <br /> � , ' ' insurer upproved by Lender. If sub�ti�n�iully eyuivulent mortguge inxurunce coveruge is not u�•uiluble.Borrower xhall pay to •:' .;.� <br /> - � Lender each mon�h a sum eyunl to one-twelf'th uf the ycurly mongugr insurnnce premium t►�ing puid by Borrower when the .�'.',`��r <br /> • ' inxu�uncc coverage lupxed or ceuud lo Ix in effect. Lrnder will accrpt,u,c:uid rctuin ihrse paymenl+as a I�iss reserve in lieu --_ <br /> - • , ' of mortgage inzurunre. l.oss reservc paymen�s muy no longrr br requiRd,ut Ihe oplion ot'Lcndcr,if morlguge insurunce _- <br /> . � coverngc(in thc umoum und for the prricxl th��t I.ender rcquire.)pruvided by un in.urer uppraved by Lender ugain beromes -. <br /> uvuiluble und i�obtuined.Borrowcr shull pay Ihc prrmium.rryuirrJ to muimuin mortgu�c insurunce in effect,or to provide u ��r.,=r. <br /> ". . loss rezervc,umil�hc rcyuiremeni for mon�u�!e intiuruncc acci�rdancc wi�h uny writ�en ugrcemcnt between Barrowcr x1'�,it.- <br /> " , and Lendcr ur applicublc law. �'-"�'.;'- <br />- • 9. InspecNon. Lcndcr or ils u�!cnt muy makr rriu�►n:ible cmricti uFxm unJ in.�xc�ion,of the Prupeny. Lcnder�hull - <br /> � give Borniwer notire tu thr time of or prior to an in+�xc�iun+�xrit'yin�rea,unuMc ruwe ti�r thc in.�xrtiun. <br />: , 10. (:ondemnatiun. Thr pnxced,of any siw;uJ nr cluim firr d;imaEc,,direc��ir rcm�cyurmi�l,in connection with uny <br /> Singlc Fumily•-Fannlc MWC/p'reddfc�fur l'\IFOR�1 11tiTNU\1k\1'..Unilnrni Cu�rnani. 9/911 rp��.���?��J����g�•�� �f <br /> � � ��rra�Int�Hueinn.�Fmn�.Inc ■ I • <br /> • T��IInkr1:n11.liqU57PA39;11]YA%RIIF7111•1171 E <br /> � ; ., • , � <br /> , 1 <br /> 1 <br /> . 1 <br /> . <br /> t Al'/ <br /> �_ - <br />