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<br /> � EXAYBIT "A" �
<br /> Part of the Northwest Quarter� �idNd 3/�t� of Sectian T�venty Twa [22), ToNnship
<br /> Eleven (11) North, Range Ntrc� {9) V'�es,� of the 6th P.M.. Hal1 Caue�ty, Nebrastca
<br /> �''.��f: being a part of a rectang�4sas� �td�e of g�ound One Hundred Eight (108) feet by —
<br /> , "��• Faur Hundred Forty Nine (4�9� l�Ret long, situate�k i�medlately North of L.ots
<br />-. ' One (lj, Ywen4y Six �26) amd '�'�en4y Seven [27) nf Ha��rihvrne !'lace, dsaid _
<br /> , Hawihorne Piace baircr� a subdivision of part of the Norih�:�st Quarter (NW //9� __
<br /> � of Sectlon T�venty Tc,ro (22), township Eleven (11) Range �ine {9) Wes4 of the
<br /> 6tt� P.M.�.�sair! tract herein i�dng more particularly described as foilows,
<br /> tu-wlt: Commencing at the Northvrest corner of above descrf6ed tract and __
<br /> rucentng thence SoUth on' th� tiYest Itne of said tract, a dlstance of �ifty Four �
<br /> ����) Feet; thence Eas� paraltel wtth th� t�orth line of said tract, a distance =
<br /> � �(€ Elghty Nlne (89) �et; thence Norft� fFifty �our (54) Feet; thence We�t °
<br /> ' �;;�. .. a�oa�g the North Nne of satcl trwct Eighty Nine (e?� Feet�t� r�he ptace of �
<br />�_1�r�,L� beglnntnq., AND �
<br /> �� � � A retatagutar tract ��i ��:o�� L'�ted in a part of tFir� 2€�rti�vrr•�c�_Quar4er (NW�) of �
<br /> . Sectton Tvrenty-Trv� Q�L�, '�ctwnship Eleven (11) Niortd^�, C�L�r�ge Idine �9) West.
<br /> � Hall County, N�6rasfY�:� ��:r�'�articularly desc�tb�d as fc�:�rxs: Bsginning at =
<br /> the Nartheast corner v: �t �me t1) in Hawthorn� �tace, an Addition tv the �_
<br /> C6ty of Grartd Isiand, N�tir��fi�:�, rurtning Wester'dg� .along the North Une of '
<br /> i.at One (1) Thirty-Six feet t36'�; td�ence. runn�e� No�therly One Hundred _
<br /> �ight feet (10S') to'i�^z South Ii�e of i?�ttv�enix S3reet; thrrt�e rannin� Easterh� � � --
<br /> ' - �'ro�g the 5outh Ilhc.r�i� 'P.hoentx Street"'.tcP�.�:Yty-six feet (��''?P 4hence running_�..:.� . _-
<br /> � �outherly One Hun�rc� �ig�2� feet (1G�°� fi�n t�� �a.�ce af �i��inning. . . _
<br /> _., .:� . . ,
<br /> �`�f ' EXCEPTING there£� a �a�at af �d mor� par�icularig► describecY �in ' �.
<br /> Quitciaim Deed re�arded ia the L�fster of Deed,t� �fffce as Doeu,�i�nt �.
<br /> Pto. 9q-1a4218 �
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