„ . . . . . .. .
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . .. ..
<br /> , ,� .�•._--� ----- -• ��-- - �.�,_._."�'....�._�__r�._� __--_ . ---- _.___ -�� , . �``
<br /> . _
<br /> , . ,.
<br /> . , � � , � _
<br /> ,., ,
<br /> ..
<br /> ; u� ✓^ �^'�•`t � : -
<br /> c-: . � . -,
<br /> �.<i ' � . . � : . ;�`:.
<br /> �� . 1�. �OdTOVYCT'� R1��13 t0 Rllf��t�. it 8orrowet rtteeis e�affi4► candit�ns. Borto�v�r 3haU hava the rlght to have
<br /> � � entor�t of thfa SecurRy fnstrument diseonttriuod ai any tlme Prior to the aartior of: (ay 5 QaYS (or such oU1�r pertod es aAA�� . . '�F�•�- ... ” �`;
<br /> : �• . .���w
<br /> � L�w rtsay aDee�y tor rsinstatement) Dsfaw sato of the ProD�Y Ovrsuant to any pavrsr ot sala conte1ned tn thts SecuritY mstrum�r or •, ��
<br /> (b)antry o1 8 juBQ+neni enforchp this Seeur:tY Insisttment Thoso tond3tons ate tRBt �o�rower. (e)PaYe Lendet eD sums wAieh thE�r► ' • ., , j. :
<br /> ^ wan�l be dua unQ�r tAts S'swri4Y trisuument end th� Nt,�as tl rtv acaa�ation h¢d occuaed: (D) cures any dstauR ot any other 4 :: �
<br /> ; covanent or a�rowna�es: (e)FaYe a��ses kuurrs4 6e sn'drGat�tF�is S�euP�tY [nsWm�L hebd3np. eut eot �m�ad w. �oasonset�� �. ,
<br /> ' • nttotrta�'tws�and(d)qica=uah�ctton as Unthr may rtrwa:�:�t� rt+q'afa W essure 4hat ths Gan o}tnis Securft�r Insuumon�Lcndofs � f '�-
<br /> i r(pAt3 trl ths PrQperty ana 8arta�a o�rq�tb�i ro Fay tt►U suma caxa�tri by tli�S�ure�r �h�����m as 8 no 8�ektation , .. ` ` ' . a�•
<br />_ .� rohaa4oment by Basmws�.this�ray lnstrum�ni and tha abF�2ti:.��a�srA hc�8y , - '�
<br /> had oecureod. Howa�rar.t�+�rtpht t�rainstBin c f��na i tXDP 40 6�t�D�"+����n�^�R��� t�. Q1°+ ,
<br /> �9.�0 Qg N�LOi C�8[Y�@ Of�.Qiii)�87�t11�. 711D H�9 ff. �i 9� ��t tn tho l�at9 ItOBLthor wRti thlS S8�7t3Y C� .. .,`� .. ..
<br /> Inatrument)enay be sotd onA or m�ra ttm:s eviplout Prt�t no'c1.�o m BaRtr�►�mr. d sai�rtmy ra3uR in a chunge vf the antity(Imo�vn as Me� . ' ,. ,
<br />- q,pp�y SCfvtCCt� t�1IIt Cofl?cis mIIta$ti�j PIYTr�S dt�f uRLI�!t� RlU�O£�ld ttti}S2CUtdy InSfilmkxit. TROtB&1GO m:1y CO Ono or more _, 'r?ia"�-=-' l -
<br /> �4 ehsnaas of tho Losn Sssv'�eer unrc:�d to a s�o?tha t�o:a 1}thuro is a altn8o of tlGO Loun Sanrtcer.Borrowar v,�be yir�n rrrRtan ; .;. ._.. , .-- .
<br /> .� �: •�,,: . , `�.sr•� ,
<br /> ; ne�lce of U►�chanya !rt aeeordxncQ w#�pruT�ra,pA th aba►g��d s�PLix�4t�tarv. lAn not�o e,r£1 smta Ns nama end address of tho� � �`..
<br /> e U �� �''��``'�• ;
<br /> rts�.v!an S�vicer�nd the eddrsss w whfcn Oa�sn�is sflauid Bo m�. 4hD no4lea wfl cUso conTtth any othor tnFarrnsulon re�uired by '.r„t• �y .• • . —_
<br /> : �p6eabl�faw. .:. .-.:. :- '�._ ::. .�
<br /> � �{ 20. HaBrrdovs Substnrtcem. Borrorr�r sNa9 n�cauaa o:p5m8 th�pr�se�eo.uso. dtsFosu4 sw�a4e.or�et�as of eny ...� .
<br /> tho Frcpelcy tnnt :�,,,����, s
<br /> Harardous Substrr►s�on or fn ths FhoysatY. BArtowr6 ShaO nai do.nar t�ww anyane efss to do,enlN��l1��9 � , -.
<br /> � Ls b vto�Uott ot snit ��motttel tAw. ThA P�d'np hvo s�+ioc:oaa �flaA nQt sDP�Y to ttie presenoo. uso. w statiIIo on tha Q� t:.;���
<br /> � Property of sm9D q�su�as of Hamrdaus S+�b�nc�that tue tl���''j crr,jr�hud to he aPP�P�to nartnal restdenHnl uses and to �� , : -.--.--....--
<br /> c . �, _ '
<br /> mae►7�nce et th�ProyertY• ::+�. - ' '
<br /> • Barrower sha0 OmmP�'!9�a I:a�d�urri.!a^�nffi�ot Finy imr��#ir.i.e'a1m.demand.lawsun or other ecHon by any Qovemmentai � . . ., �..�"'�,--L•';�-
<br /> or�(ntotY ap�ncY a O�s P�fr�svotru-a thi►Propsrrty anA aan Hiu�'rduus Subst�ce or Emrtramm�siml Lnw of wAich eormwer has � .'•_'y4„� . ' ��_,
<br /> r'
<br /> ectuat knowi�ct�a Ii Baisowcs bFmc. or a noti�d bY a�P 4awcnsrw�if�1 nr reyuUtory a�ttharitY. that�rty rsmovaf or other remedi�tion � ;.;_.,��. • �'-'-�ay��
<br /> of �ny Ha�rdaas SuDshu�ce affettk�fl 8�a Prapat� � n[�a"�F• dv�rowar shatf prompUy take e,[I rsocorsar7l �ert►edlal actlona in � � ,.�`�'T='
<br /> aaxxdanca waN EmlronmenTal law. _� �-�-,�_
<br /> h 20. 'Hamrdous S1��iv�° F.ro thoso substnnces d�ad as tOttia ar hn�r�dauo subsmnces bY� , 1'��;',!�:.:,: ,
<br /> ils usad (n thLs Para?+zD artd •„' . . _ .��";���—
<br /> E[r�nrt�snffiI Law and ttta PoIIowin�l SubBRant�s:pasa�A b3rtrmot0.othsr�rt�4�w to�dc�etmi�m�P�ducls.Wnic p6sticides '�„�i;.:._,..,,._�:...._� -� -_
<br /> ` -� •-
<br /> •,;� R�tDiCkfes.voLzlite soM�ts. � CentaSning ssb:,.zYpe or tOnr�sihyQe. end radioectiue maietiats. As used in fhts Fac�raQh 20� .;,+�---(, {..�,.i.� ,. —
<br />- z!
<br /> �onmsntal 4ara' msans tcdss�al faws an d l�wx o t t h�h u(�d�t%o n w h e r e t h o P r o p a a t y t s i o c a t e d t h e t c o t�t o t o hostttr, s a t e t Y or '.,,� . "'. ,�=;_—_
<br /> `-'T�' -_-
<br /> : : .. ' :�._t�__=-=
<br />' .-:�;� Btivlfbtlf7WfllII!pfpt�SGl10O. � ,
<br /> . �,��c..i..`��, .
<br /> :'_;: NON-Ud�IIFOiLki COVENAMS. Borrowa and I�nder futfher covertant and a�as to9ows: -YxA.r°. . �•_9 i�. -
<br /> . 21. �lccete��n; Remedtea Le�ader st�aii �ive nottx to Bonower prior � sr.�eteretton tollowte�� ,,.. •
<br /> �I� ' BorrowePs breach of any cove�ant or a��eement In tiUs Secu�iCy e��'+@n4 (but not prior tn - '.?'°..,,�,. :� i ��
<br /> . � The notice sfiall eaI <�f�:�-. . :� ; .
<br /> . acceteratlon ureder para�rap6� 17 uc�i�s e�pltcslale law provid�o�@ta�rc�j. � � .:,.t._ _. . , �. .
<br /> -. �?: _ ,
<br /> . ' ` (a) the detaut�, �)the aatlofl �e�rt��c� 4o cure 4i�e de9wt� (c) • dc�. c�� le�s than 30 dsy�trom th� � {�;�k. ., .
<br /> �i:ts�Y� � �.,,�, :
<br />����s . ' =�z�- � I';
<br /> - ,� : date the na9�� Bs pfven t�o BoR�ure�¢r�Y wh[cPo fhe defaaiit must be eu�e�;�nc9 �c�D that 9aiture to cure ts :>;
<br /> 9,� y �� � ''�
<br />�:,,�,�� th� detautt e�o �� bttora 9he d�t0 �2cifted in the na4tee msy resuit in accc�t¢$s9tos� of the sater�s ; __ µ ..�t. ----
<br />., ��r.. sc�ued by fhia Security InsWmen4 anc9 a�e of the Pro��rty. The no4lce �hali fupther Infomo - �, .',���.� --
<br /> ,�..�.,
<br /> ;,��.;.;. E�.��er o4 tD�e right to retnsta4� aft�r accctY��i�n �rcd 4� r1�l�S t�,bQira� a eau�t ect�o� to eaa�rit t1�e '...r' ..,.��`.';��..(*i
<br /> �,:-, ns.�dat�n�o'�a dzfauQB ov eny o�er d2�z���:�vrovre�t�ac���i�n an� aa�o. 14 U� d�t�u9�ia ��. } ,,�.
<br /> �.•�,�',.= no4 cu�e�8 �c;� b�a�rrp t�3 d�t� �e�i�xdl 1¢� 4pa� n�8dc�. L�t� a3 Em�3tto�o �ssey re�gsefp� t�a�edlat� .:_.�-_:�jr� `��:�,�
<br /> ��:;-,,:r� a��e+� a�a ��. mZ a�t surr,� ae�ccc� �y uaza sec�s�i t��-��t �w�� �� ae�d e�a may _ .. - -,.-.,�::,� �
<br /> ienv¢dt,� tBse �me.�g.v o! �a44 eotd a� 4�ttte: rent�dles petmit2�d by ��1iCt�4o tmva. 6.ere�eP Gh�11 bo .,, '• r',�
<br /> t :��,..
<br /> ��,;Q� t� �;� �;a �e�eses inwrred tn purwin� Me remed3c� �r�vt�ed in thts para9raph 21, a�^ y� �.
<br /> ° tnchadDa�,but nmS tic�tt�dl ts�.reaaonable att�neya'te�a and caIIto oB t�ji�e evid�nca. ,. - —
<br /> . :`�`. If 4he p�wer of aale Fs irtvoke�.t Tru�tee �hatl �ecord a nofl� o�d�fault in each aount�l in which �.. „"�'".��.,-.._
<br />,....;_+,��}� �• .
<br /> �'th eny part ot tf�e Property is bcatr�# mr�.� e!�!I m�il co�tes of such notice tn the manner preserib=d by --- �- F., ...,�: .
<br /> Ilcabl� law. Atter tha t14ne k..�-,.:.ti'
<br /> . e�ppltcable taw t4 B�rr���er and � L1.he other peraons pte.scribed bY �PP � ,.��.
<br /> requtred bY apPUcable law, Truatee �efl Q6ve pubitc notice of afe to 4he paraons and In the maamer 3r.;��:. , . --
<br /> ..� ��cribad fay apDiicabte Iav�r. Trustee.�rltDa¢u.�t danand on eorrower.slail�11 the ProperiY at public . _
<br /> ,� �r�an t� the hl�hea�b[�der at 4he tlm� ascdi ¢fhce and under tto� tkc�ns deslpoated In the �ottce o! �, ' ' . `
<br /> � �ale In one or more pareets�nd tn any oTder Truate� determinea '��cstee may pos�or�o safe o4 �II �y
<br /> � ` �; or any ptucel of tl�e Proparty by public nnnauncement at tt�e t�n:e and �In�e of any prev1ousty �� .,.
<br />`: ±;fi�, <. �cheduted aate. Lender or its destDnee may purchase tt�e Fhr��erty at any aat�- '�'�'`"-
<br /> � � Upon recalpt o1 poymer�4 of the price bld. Trustee al�all deli�ea � �ie �r��uaer T►u�tae'� dee�
<br /> �.:�:_-. :-a:-
<br /> �a,��r�� ..:;:_
<br /> .._ convaytn� the Prapertit. Thi e recttats In the Truatee'a deed st�a6o ��eia�na tacte evt�ence o4 the tru4h ;� cS;.. ,_-"_:_.�.__ --
<br /> �p roceed�at t�so eate Im t4�e toltonring order. ���a��,,-m
<br /> •�i��s�• of the statement� ntad� thereln. Trustee eiiotl pby the p e t ��, , _,,._.._,�..__ . ,..
<br />'�:,.,tt��� •
<br /> _•:'�,�� (a) to all coa�an� �xpenses o4�alftay tl:n power o��e, e�� tit� �ste. Inctudin� the paymeM o8 �'t,,:.e-• .'{f� .;,,�.
<br /> .�ti,
<br /> ��_ � the Truttea'�4�nctudty Incuv�� r�c�t t�excded � % 09�e principa! amount ot the note ;�'���t:
<br /> �lT'y':-•-•-'..
<br /> at 1fie tlme ot fhe declaraUon oi da4�n�L�, �9 rcaaont�ble atiarney'a tt�ss ao permtfted by law: (b)to dl �� ' . .. . ._ ��:;
<br /> .;�,�,�;,., .. �
<br /> sums secured by thta Security Ins�acee�r�;� a�,�D (c) any exces�t tta nhe p�raon or per�o�rs le�atty :•:����`�'.,, i
<br /> ' enfJtted to It �,�-�_--�� �''
<br /> -: ... . ,_�,:
<br /> Y2. REt�ti�i@y�tiC@. 11P�Daf�t c9 aU stur+s r.c��d by thti�uBC+trl�►Ins�mltii.l�nder sh�l r�w�1 tructM t0 reCOnwH _ r�a_ ��''_Y�� -
<br /> h� . . '—'-_
<br />� th�Property ertm Qi-.a11 surrender t�b Sacur:y r,r�,un�nt end eA notes sv[�scf:a dobt secursd by thi�SeeuriY Instium�nt M Trua4ee. ,;i„„�'t�:� �..,,. ..
<br /> . Tniatea ahall rscatsvay th0 PraportY without+�.�ui'J,y and wlthout aharyo t0 titu Warsan Ot persons toguily entiWl to iL SuCh porson ar .••.,,�,��,f�;��.'`:�.'•::_-'.
<br /> - i..'� " �a__���+•:
<br /> persona s�aq pay any recoMaxlan cosb. �t 'c. .�..��.
<br /> p9'<:.•- .� —
<br /> :tl�yf�a::., .,,�._•'•.�C.k:r_,
<br /> tfl�.�9�.,.•iy:�Y�i.='.
<br /> 23.Sulms9bEu4�Truatee. Landnr. st �3 opiion,mny from th�e to thne remav�Trustw end appoht a succassor uustee ta .,�17;' ;,.;,,••�
<br /> _ � th •+��?•�+���'
<br /> 4, +•
<br /> . ar►y Tnistaa apAohtad hticeunder by an instrument rocarQai b the coucrty b whkh thb SeeurRy InaUUment Is recordeA. Withaat .�� .:�� r�q��.1,�;;�t�
<br /> co�sveyaneo o!tM Proporty, successor trustoe shaH succeed to eN the t�.Pa�►and duU�s coniertod upon TN�toe h�e1n end ty ; 1�'���� '
<br /> }.�';�e:,�l
<br /> •o0rcao�.�w. ,• . , �:.�,, .
<br />_ _ Z4. ia�Qti�at}Of I8R4IQC9. Borrower req�ce�ts tAat coA�ot tho notk:as of dataut and sale be sent to Bovewera address j,,�.: .
<br /> � whiCh b tM PropirtY Addra�9• �1�' ' . . .
<br /> 13. Rtdera to t3�(s Secueiiy Inotrumen�. II one or rtwre rldcrs aco executod by Borrowei end recorded tog�4hor w8h —
<br /> �{����y(��qum�nt.th�Ccvennnts and a�reernonb of euch 6uCh ddor shu(!be hCOrporaLSd i�to end ShaD omend and supA��t .
<br /> tha eovanants and asnements o!this SeeurMy tnsbument as u the rtder(s)we�v�part a1 thb Sacur3y tnstrumant , . . , —
<br /> � • . I'-:
<br /> Form 302E 91C0 ( _ . � ,�
<br /> _ � ..� .5�.;,:-�,--:
<br /> F1020.UN0(7/Y01 Vsg�{O1 b .
<br /> _ L.
<br />_-- + —°°
<br />