_,;� I:_,n ;j-�; �rnx (tr. r� �.0 ' "'Su�K��cY... ..r::�li� .�i�.- .'' �.5 � '�ti�lVR•1!„-"' '�.n�"��-�...._ �_ _ .
<br /> •• �'�, t�:I�k:'�'o�' e R� '.- _
<br /> , + , :n..•.:.,, . v�� ,.. _ �. .,-
<br /> _ ..c r.ti�w,wcVl4r��iu:oo.a� i s:-
<br /> . , .... ...t�' . , ... -
<br /> . .. ,�:.. .. • --.
<br /> � 92—to�ss44 - l:�.�.�.-.._.___
<br /> . �,.�.:�;w:��:h not to �xa.d u� �n�nowit . IN+d.r wr a Md��y �t.t.d mato�w �+ �Y �«r�r� �a eoROw�r. aoraw .000wK wid..ui. - ----�-_
<br /> ,� �.t �1 , t�dKal W�1 Eq�t�BMWn�t Prooduns Aal W 1074 u�nwnd�d kan tYn�b Wn�� 12 U.S.C. 2001 N s�9. (•iiEBPA�� ird�s�aiwihw Uw
<br /> '��'e y ��':'�'".�.• '; :" M�nY Wr�� o o b o l�n d hotd F�!n �n�naint not to �oMd Ih�
<br /> �.,�'•t';:..��� „� Ihat�ppYM to Ih� FuntM sM� u IM��nwuM. B �o� LMidr m�y.
<br /> �:..,,�',�,,,,;.. ., I�ww arioun� L�ndw nwy utYtit�lh� �tnowd ol� d w on 1 M b s d t d a N n n t d� �n d n u o r w l�M M tl r�1 M W�+M o f
<br /> ,�►yau„i.�•:, ludin BsorOW RMna(K othMM�lts N�000rd�rla MiMll applo�bli MW.
<br /> x°� . , �. TM Fund��h�N M h�W In�n Nutllutbn whoM d�pwlta w Inwnd bY�Ndu��p�neY� Inwwn�nqMy� a anlNy (baludnq Lmelr�N
<br /> ° `'' ': Undr It wah m Instkutloe)a b snr F�d�rr Horn�Lan Banic. L�ndK�hd�pply Ih�fwxb W p�y th�E�aow NMm. LM�dir mry not
<br /> � k •�
<br /> � ' �r�� ohup�8arow�r lor hWdhg�nd�ppyM�p th� Fund�.�nrwWY�O tM �sarow wooint, a vrNylnp th� Ewro�w It�� un{M� L�nd�c
<br /> � .GiF- ^, pay� BortowK(nt�wt on th�Funds md yiplod� Mw p�nnMs LM�d�r to nMk�woh� olw+�. Howaw�L�ndw�y nqW►�8arow�r b
<br /> ;�.d�:.'�'.
<br /> _ _— �, - .i p.y�on♦tkm ah�W fa�n Ind�P��d�nt rrl�sW�t�x r�po+lfnp s�vioe uaed by Lendr in aonrt�oNon wMh thN lo�n,�+�... .t►Ma.a.t�w �_ - - _ -----
<br /> . ., • . pro„w.. an«wk.. unlN..n .prw�i,.m a m.d. a.ppNabM �.w r�qur.. inl.na a b. p.w. �w�d.► dw na a nqulrod so v.�r
<br /> i•.•° ,'�. ,�, 8arowrr�ny Nt�t a wnMpa on tM Fw�d�.Bor►ow��nd L�ndr nNY W�„w�o�howw�w.llMt Ml�np�hal lo�prd an th�Funds. ---
<br /> � ' L�nda afNl yN�to Bonoww�wllhout ohwp�.r1 a11wN�000llnlinp W th�Fwldt�showMW a�db n1d d�bN�b th�Fund��nd ttN pwpoM �'�---
<br /> x� ' � ' ^+ � fa whlah Moh d�l�M to th�Funds wu m�d�. TM Fund�an pNdp�d u�ddUorwl s�owitY b►Y ium�wau�d by 1i�is S�awNy M�trum�.
<br /> �„•'. � °� � If th� Funda hrd by Lw�dw �otoNd Ih� �rnount� Pm^Mbd to b� h�ld by MpNo�bN I�va. Lw�d�r �h�N a000wq to Bortow�r(or ih� � ---
<br />,.. `� ' n. . exo�as Funds In�eao►dmw wMh Ih�rpukwnonts of�ppYoabM Mw. q lh��mount ol th�Fw�d�Mld bY Und�r tl�ny tin�i�nol wi�dmt =_ --_-_ -
<br /> .. . to p�y Ih�Esarow fl�wh�n dw� L�ndw m�Y a �h��r in w�fqnY� �nd� In wah oRw Bartowr�hal pay to UndR th�amau�t
<br /> ,. ' nsa.awy to mdc. up th� dMlol�noy. ea►ow�.ha1 m�k. uv th• d�ol��or � no mon tn.n tw�lv.monthy p.ym.na� a �.n�Nrs �a.
<br /> ': dboretlon.
<br /> • `• :" -• UP� P�Y�t in 1uA ol�II wm� a�a�nd by thl� S�arrMY InsAwn��, L«KM sIW prompty nAmd to Bartow�r �ny Fur� hsld b►r ---
<br /> +�"'.,"":. ,. :. - - L�nde►. R.undr pwqniph 21. L�nd�►�h�M�oquk�ar w thr Prop�AY. L�ndw�Rbr to tM aoqubMlon a wM d th�PropMiy. �hY apply �_�_:�:;—�r-_ -
<br /> .�, . • �ny Funds hdd by L�dw�t Ih�tlnw of�oqut�Mlon a�M a�ondit p�in�t th�wrns s�ow�d by NAf S�owNY In�Uwn�nL ___.�
<br /> ' � 3. AppllttNlon of P�ym�rlts. UMMS�ppAcal�M I�w provWM othwvia.rl PsYm�nts no�iv�d try L�ndK axlw p�raynphs 1�nd :�.-;�j; -_ __
<br /> , ' 2 �hH b��PPNb: Ikat�to �ny PnWYm�^t ch�uW� dw undw th� NWr, woond W�moiu�ts payabN und�►pwaynDb T,ti�lyd b hiKat
<br /> '�r�._.:
<br /> "��� dur, tourth,to prinolpal dua:�nd�st�to�ny Ut�ahrtpM dw undK 1M Not�.
<br /> ' ° 4. CharQ�s; U�ns. Bor►oww sh�Y p�y�II iwM� �s�MeMnu. alwrpM� Mia �nd Imporitlons �ttr�futabM ro th� Prop�ty whloh !`'`="��
<br /> . tn�y�tt�in p�b+lly owr this S�axlly Inswnwnt,�nd IM�hold WY�u o►Y���ts.N�ny. BortowK�IW p�y thu�obW�lbns in th� !���
<br /> ..„� manna provWad In pu�praph 2� or N nW pdd b th�t m�nn�►. Bonow�sA�1 pay th�m on tkn� dw'�t1Y to tM PKaan ow�d paymm� y„. `�
<br /> �„�}'��..
<br /> Barowor �h�l promptly luml�h to Lw�dr �1 nodws d �nounU to b� p�d w�d�r thla W�Yr+�Ph. N Ba►owa m�kN thw paymmts �--ry--=
<br /> dk�atiy�9oR0YVer shd p►Onlplly hNnbh to LM1dN r�aiPb�vfdNlCinp tM pq1111Mib. :`°,;;":.:i ;;- -
<br /> . . � Baroww�hall prampUy disoh�ra any Nm whlah hu priorNy ov�r thls S�cwWY Mstrum�nt unNs�Borrow�r: (�)�y►�a h wdtlnp to tho �-,-;;*;;;..„,._,._—..--
<br /> � . p�yment ot th�obllptllon aaund by th�Y�n In ■ m�nn�r�aapt�bM to L�ndw; N)oontwts In yood hMh th�Yw�by. a dd�nds a�inst �ai;�.ti,c,�,:�.r�;-
<br /> �nbroMnant of th�Nw�In� Mpd Proc�dM�p�whbh in th�L�ndu'�opMYon opKat�to prav�nt lh��nforowMnt d ih�Wn:ar(e)s�ax�s kan �::°s�%;_
<br /> __ - - tM hoki�r of th� NMI N �QfM111Yl1t Nib�Ol01�1 IO LNIWf WbOf�1�iNW iIN I�MII io Uds SrWii�iY {tiSfiStiii8l. S Lr�sdas datas�� tlsai ars;; �-°`�``---
<br /> p�rt of the ProC�1Y Is wbj�ot to a Men whbh m�y alWn PdorMY ovK tlis S�au�lY Intqwnmt� Undo m�y pk�Bortow�►�notic�Id�nWylnO "��,"°-,�-�`.`" °---
<br /> „ �4�;;:-_'_:
<br /> ' th�Aen. Barowor shaN MtWY th�Wn a Wa on�or mon ol th��ations wl torlh�bov�wilhin 10 d�ys ot th�pNinp of notic�. .s,:.?.,;
<br /> , �;,.r:..
<br /> S. Hu�rd or Prop�rty Inwnna�. Borrowa antl k..P u� hnprov«nma now .�Istl"p or h�ra�nK «�oted on th� Prap�ty ^•,y!, �;SKr•::
<br /> u
<br /> inwred ay�lmt loss by 11►e, h�rds Included wllhln lh�tam 'extend�d eov�rap�' �nd my othw hwrd�, Indudlnp Ilood�or tloodlnp�ior �. `� ;i�'
<br /> r;�r.;:-
<br /> whlah L�nda nqukea in�uranee. Thi�inwr�na�ha1 b�maM►Wmd in th��rtwu�ts�nd fa th�pMlods th�t L�nder nquira. 7h�Inwnnc� � v,�..:x�i;;-
<br /> ':�"` . �y�1i�"-
<br /> cuiier prorWinp the inwranee eh�ll be ahosm by Borrow�r subJ�ct to L�ndr's �pprov� whlcA �h�1 not b� unrMSOnabty wphhNd. If ,c�,,,�,�,. --
<br /> . Borrowar ldls to m�inWn covaaqa dNalbad �bov�� L�ndar m�y.n Und�r's aptlon. obWn eovwaq�to protwl L�ndr'�riphb N th� -,n,�'iCt..•4:.,._�
<br /> PropeAy In�ccorduics wkh Paraynph 7. ��;':��t�`.-":.-`
<br /> T.-�
<br /> AN Inwr�nca po�ciet and renwvus shW be�ceopt�W�to L�nd�r md�hY halud�a tlandud matp�p�caua�. L�nd�r th�l hav�th� � ., :�.
<br /> ripht to hold tha poGeJet�nd ranaw�. II Landa r�qukrs, Borrow�r �hall p►omPtlf►OM�to L�nd�►�M nratpt�ol pdd pr�mWm� �ad ron�wd
<br /> " nodcet. In th�evant ot lo�, 8orrow�r sh�N yN�p►ompt noUa b th�Inwrma w�M►md L�ndK. L�ndK m�y m�k�prool of bu 1 not . , � _
<br /> .a:�
<br /> .. . �� m�do prompdy by eor►ower. -� . . --
<br /> Unka Lwid�r�nd Barowcr othwwU� �prN N w�ifhp. Mwrana� prooNds �h� b� �ppll�d to ►ptontlon or npdr of th� P►opKty ���-�:;.
<br /> _ . .. d�m�yed, H th� ratoatlon a wp�k Is �eonortAc+�Ay IMSibM �nd L�nd�r'� s�ourNy Is not laun�d. II th� nstonUon or np�t u not � �:;1-=,:�r;:.- .
<br /> aconomlc�Ny te�slbM a La�der's aewrity woWd b� leu�d.th�k►s�u�nc�proowdi�h�Y b� �ppY�d to Ih� wms s�ound by thl�3�auity , ,
<br /> ac�
<br /> . Imtn�nt,whelhe►a�rot Ihan duo,with any�ccass paW to BaROwr. If Borrow�r�bmdc+�s th�P►opwly, a dow nol�nsw�wilhln 30 . :-..,:�`�•„
<br /> � d�ya�nWiw from Lender lh�t ihe bwnnco a�h�� olf�nd to sNtl�� olalm� lhMt Unda m�y call�ct th�Nsurmo�procNdt. L�ndw ,,-�:�,.,.�,__4
<br /> ' � m�y ua th�proeMdt to np�l►or rwtore th� Prop�tY or to p�y sunu r�eund by this S�oudty IntLum«►t,whNh�r or not th�n dw. Th� ',`^'}�:;;i T=
<br /> ..�'f
<br /> . ,:,, �+Y P���^wh�n tM notice It qH�n.
<br /> `''. ���� Unleu Under�nd Bortower otharwlte �pn� in w�IMiO. �Y�PP�� of proeNds to prkiclp�l sh�not �xtand w postpons ih�due �
<br /> � • � d+ito d th�manthly paymenit reland to b p�9raphs 1 �nd 2 a clwi��lh��rwuM of th�p�ym�nU. If undar puaqraph 21 1M Propwty
<br /> Is�cquind by Lender,BoROwa►'s riyht to�ny Ineu►anc�poYcbs utd pocwds rewltlnp kam d�rtwy�to th�Propaty piior b th��cqu4�lo� � .
<br /> shall p�se to Lende►to iha sxtent ot lh�wms�ecurad by ihit 3ecurity Instrum�nt Y�wne�Wtely prlor to th��cqubllion. 4
<br /> � 6. Occupancy, Pra�nratlon, Maintananca �nd Protactton of tho Proporty; Borrowor'� Loae
<br /> � �� Applieatlon; Loasoholds.Barowx sh•N oewpy, awbllsh,.nd us�th• P►opxty �� Bortowe�'s p�inelp.l rosidana wNhln slxty d�ys
<br /> Me►the ucecutlan ot this Sacurfty Inatrument and shaM continue to accupy th� Property�a Borrowa►'s pdnclpal realdenca tor al least one
<br /> ; ye�r �fter tha dat� ot occup�ncy, unkss Lender otherwiao�preas In w�itkiq, whkh conaont shall not ba unraasombly withho{d,or un�ess
<br /> � exterw�tinp dreumstuicss sMist which u�beyond Bortowar's control. Borrowar shall not destroy, d�meye a Nripak th�Prop�rty, �Now the
<br /> PropeAy to deterlorate,or canmit w�ate on th�P►ope�ty. Bortowa ahdl ba In do(aua N�ny talallun�cUon a p►ocaodlny, whoiha drW or
<br /> aYnlnd.I� bapun th�t In Londar's yood Wth�udym�nt aauld nault in laldturt ot th�F�opwiy a othMwls�m�tai�Yy Mp�r tM i�n omtad
<br /> by lhia 3acurity InsWment or Lendar't escurily Ntenst. Bortoww rmy an such � dd�u11 and ninstah, �s providod b pan�nph ie,by
<br /> causlnp th� �ction or proceedinp to ba dlamlased with • ruWq thB, In Lander's yoad IaNh dat�atlon, pradudet forfequ� d th�
<br /> o.....,,....�. i..�..«� r. �M� wrr�rr� rv e�hor �natrW Imo�lrmant ol th�Ifon ued�d by thla 3oauily Msqumant a Landw's sap�ky htarest.
<br /> ---- . -- Barower�hM dto bawln d�uft H Borrower. durin� the Iwn �ppYcatlon proc�ss,p�w mUui�Yy Wa�a Inrxu�te Infomrtbn or�totemw►ts
<br /> to Lendar (a lailed to provlda Lander wflh �ny awterkl hfomwUon) in conmctlo� wNh the Iwn widenoed by the No1o, IncludNp, but not
<br /> .. Nmlted to, nprQarnutlons conewnlny Barow�r's occup�ncy ot Ih� PropMy u � prine�P� re�idana. It this 3acurily Inttrumant Is an ■
<br /> le�aehold, Barowa shdl compty with�N the provlslons o1 lh� le�ae. H Borrow�r�cquk�s fa�UtN to th� Property, th�le�s�hdd �nd the
<br /> , tw UU�sh�N not marpe unleu lM Lender�preaa to th�meryer In wM11np.
<br /> I �
<br /> . �
<br /> R�q�2 01 6 Fa� �02�WOD
<br /> F1029.1M0 pfD2)
<br /> ]0+:,0
<br /> . ,:�
<br />