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Exhibit A 2 0110 3� 0 0 <br />to <br />Deed of Reconveyance <br />Patrick Rentals LLC as Trustor and Caroline Goc as Beneficiary <br />Luts One (1) �nd Ei&ht (8), ia Blcxk One (2}, in Nagy'a Addltiaa to Ehe City uf (?rand istand, k�atl <br />Cauuty, Nebraska and I.ots P'our (i�� Five (Sj� 5ix (6y, Seren {7), and Ei�ht (8} of the Couaty Subdivision <br />af the Iia�f (WI/Z} �,� �he Sout6west (�tu�rter (SWI/4� of Se�:tian 'Ten (10),�iA Town.ihip Elevea (3t) <br />Nr�rtl�, R:ange Kiae (9j ��'�t u[ the 6t6 P.l�i., Iia![ County. �tbraska, nnd ih�t p;irt o[ Lut (4) oC Couaty <br />; tiabdl.i�to�! boundad An�! tfearr�brd Y� fo!!c»t� Cammrnci��! at tlte SoutGwest Cncaec ut E.�t Eight t�) <br />oC aaid E:ounty Snbdirisiuu, runaing thence i�t a Southrrty directEon alang the F:xsteriy bonndary line <br />nf Nag's �ldition to the Cit�r of Gr,tad Utaucf, Nebras[ce, $9.? F'eet, tEte� �foRk SI'33' (ll°�S' East) <br />d5l3 Feet ta thC Sc►uchenst Cornar aF said Lot El�hi (8) in the plact ut tomsiencttnent, except�ng. hori�er•er� <br />frpiu sa.9d E.ot �[L8t E�� t�nd that part of Lt�t Yine (9), atwve drscribed, +� tract af grcund moce <br />pa►ticu4rly deaccribed (Q Wnrrauty Decd rec�rded fn Bank 175, at Ynge 353, o! t3� deed record,ti uf Hai! <br />Countr, Nebraska. <br />�� � <br />a tsxct at IbaA in Lot 1'hr�e (3) of the Count�r S3bdivisioa uf tise West l�stf of the Saut'�we�t Quarter <br />{6�!!/:.1Wfi3} ot �eecclFun Tea (1{�), TUwn�hip Etevea (!t} N�rth, R�age �tine (9) Webt u[ the 6th P.M, <br />�Calt t'uunty. Nebraslw, naw In cbe ctir or ��� ��n� and mora �artiruFrrt� drscribed us foliows: <br />3t�;innutg st ibe S�vthe�st Cornet of caid Loi Thtee (3)� i6ence running 1YesterCy on the Sovtb licte ot <br />xuid Lnt Tan�r (3) a disEancr u[ Ei�hty.Two end Five �CC[1ttL4 I�S� PCCt t0 f�l! SOIFLIIW�SL COI'I2fC' O� SdJd <br />Lut 'Fhrec (3); thrau:e runnlr,g Nertherly aa the 1�'ai tine af �aid LoE T[srre (3) u d�stance of ()ne <br />Nundred T4l�ty"iko (132) Feet io the Nurthwest Cocaer af said [.�t Three C3); tltence n�r�aing <br />5oulkrasiertr a dlatnnCt aF Uae ftundttd F�ty-five (Z55} Feet tu ttTt poiat of Dr�nnlceg. <br />Aiti il <br />:3li ot Sevea (T) nnd p,srt of Lot EigEu (8}, $[ock'fh;rtsen {13}� Yoitte's AdditFon to the City oi Crsnd <br />tslaad. Hult County, i�tbra�l�, raore Purlicut:�tly deseribed w5 fc;tiows: E3�inning at � point c�ai th�s <br />5uuthe�y ficne o[ �aict [.at Ei�ht t8) and Forty-iYiue i�) Feet 4Vo�tarir fram tht Sauthe,uteriy Corner <br />o[ said G►t Eig6t t83; thenca running r�rthwesterty a d'astance of 'Ti��rty-thrre and 71�enty6te <br />II��t2ndtha (33.ZSf ��ee; tv the Northr+�sterly Corner of said t.ot Ei�hE (S); thrnce running <br />SuglhwesttrEy on the l�octhrrty liAe of said Lot Srv�u Cn to t6e Southerly iine of �id Lot 5even (n: <br />tbeacr runaf� E�astrxty �a the Southerjy �faes ol snid Lats 5cren (7} as�d Ef�►t (8j a distaace of <br />Focty�i �ad S[x Tcntfes (4b.� Ftet {v the �wtat of t�glaatn�. <br />��� . <br />A trnct oi taad ta 8tock 'I3irteen (l3), Voitld� AddtGon to she �ty oi Grand Islaad. HaII Countr <br />l�I�braslut, more particutarfy Qescribed as tolk,ws: Be�,inoing at tbe itu�thwestrrty Corner ui [.ot Four. <br />(�, s�Ed Btsxk Thirt�ee (t3); thesice cunnipg Sorttt�rnsterty an the 1�4esteriy Gne ui sai3 t.�t Four {4) a <br />distance ot F rxty-thre� aad SixtyscYnn Rundrediba (43 .b7j Feet Ca th� $battntesterly ( ot��er o[ �pid Lut <br />Faur t4); iiteace runnins �;sstertr on ihe Soa:herty tine of said Sir,rk '[�irtees (i3j a distanc-� of One <br />Yius�dm! 5creuty-Eight �ad Se�raty1�Fre (t78.73) Feet to i6e �Yorthrdy itrn o[ the pluried altey ia �aid <br />Bto�k Thirteea (]3}; t6�nce ruaning lVe�ct6eastertr oa ttt� Northerty lin� uf said alRey a distaacs ui <br />TkfcE�-iinr aad "l�raly-Ffvt Hundrrdths► (39.15) Frrt; thrnce ruanfn� Nocthweaterty a dist�nce of Ttvo <br />ISundred'I'hirty-�Fre uud'I�venty-FEre Yl.u�dredtl�s (23315) te:t tu the �wint of' begdrtntng, , <br />Ai�t d <br />A tract of fa�d in VaitIe's A�dition to tI�e Citr of t;raad tataad, Hat! CuanEJ►� Ne6raska� and Dein� a part <br />oi Cherry Strrxt therein� aud rttor'e p:i titu[qrly ddscribed ns� fnilt,wy: E3rginainQ at t�e Nnrtdwe.aterly <br />(;tjrnet of G►t Four ��l), Ei[t>cfc 7'ttirit�n {i3), suid Ynitlr'�► Adclilium, lhene� tt�nnin� SAUt�tttiaterly a <br />a�c����� nr �:i�,e c�n� r 'ert tu tht ;Vorthea�teriy Curuer o[ E.ot Uar (i). Btock One tl), Na�ry's Additioa <br />t0 t4e Gtr o[ GrAnd tsland, !'!ai! Countp, Yebra.ska; thoace running Eastcrlr oa the North Gne of Lut <br />(3ae p) ot t6e County Subdivi�ioa al ihe West Hatt oE tl�e Svuthweat Quarter (WI/ZSWlj4) ot Sectiou <br />T:n (t0}, Tmraship Elevrn (itj Nrxth� Itisngt Yine (9j V4'esi of the 6th P.M., Hut! Countr, Net,cmka, now <br />in the Cih of (:ruad i�lund, \Tebcuaka, � distance �� Niaety-�►ne und S�veateeu HundeYddut (91,17) Fr�t <br />t� the Soutttwesttrly Coraec of Lot Foue (4), Block Thirtrxu t13). saEd Yaitie'� AddttEua; thence rureniag <br />Nerthwestertr oa the �Yestecly Ilcx of satd Lot Fauc (i) �t dlstuact nf 'Fo�•tliree sad SGc(y-sevea <br />�Iundredt5� (�3.6� Feet to Ihe poEat of begiani�. <br />