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<br /> •`
<br /> (S �� Oab�Y�� �A:'�..I"iM:��?'�
<br /> `�� all or'as�t oi t�e Prope�y i�so2d ��x�
<br /> � p (i)All or past of ths Fza�a�ty.ox a bs�:ial int�es�in a oeu�t awalnII p • __�.
<br />--� oi othta�vite tra�sf�ned Pa�t'ast 2�.w I+�j�r.wi�e or desc�i).aad = ='-T:`.,''�
<br /> � ('u)1�,�agEtty Is r,�L rs:at�d bY tHe gu�;eT°r 8ea$te�as Sil�ar t�r prL�g".!�.or the '�-�-��,y.-,,
<br /> '�" �u�as�r nr g�s2�d�s Eo ox�y t� �rogerty but Lis or her cndit ha� nQt be�n approvad in ��
<br /> gaoord�cY#h r3r,ca�s�of�ar�iaaasy. �"�`.�M�
<br /> te)r'o if�rdv� U Ciat�Qac���'vt�g�rmi3 Iendtr to teq+��immediate gaymeat in fnll.but �_- - ;
<br /> ` Leader das a�3 rier�.����,I�li$r�+aes nat cv�iv�it�rigt�v�ith tee�ect w snbsequ�ev�. �:=�T�,;..-.
<br /> , ` (�J��H�1 g��J•��+�m zegulu�ons is:e�d by ths S�ay wi11 limit t.;__.-_,s.:�T
<br /> �f Lr�ll.°c's rig3�ts.In��dt�def�Its.to srrF.�se i�a�ins�PaYme�t in f�tU aad fotedn:e if mat =_
<br /> � paid.'ISis 5ec�uitY I�^u�b�s�t aush�zi�a�e�Eion er fo�rdosate if nat pr�ittc-d by tegututians �'_,_:_-:_
<br /> .� of tae Sa�stazy. _._
<br /> �Srt (�)bqartgags 1�Za�t�ar�i.�J:m�ser o�r�s that if�s SEr�ity Instram�at s�r!thz NaYS�u�t� _- --
<br /> .t; ��-
<br /> .�,�: m be etigible for ussusec,�sim�'uer:t�PFan�nal Hausing Ac�with�a 60 days from tha daoe liano� 1s�der ���,-_
<br />.���>�` say, at its o�i�. n4`ure�x�in fa�l o€r.11 svms c�wced by t�is S� In�.�► =----
<br />'`�,�� v�r�itita�rb�i 2u.�a�Izmc3��:Stb��y dasefl snb�qu�a3 to 60 drya fmm t�date�� aw�*�•._
<br /> .,r �g ca i�91� S�iy Iteauu� ap•d tbe Afate, sLall ise deemed aonsdasivz prooY o� such .�_
<br />,.�,,� �Bgibl�itg. N�e�;r�B�= �h$ fotegutng. tIIi� �sttan ma]► aot b� eastsised by Lead� w➢ssa the �%�'�:
<br /> ,: �w�b�tY a4�m.'�iff saL:ty due co I�nd�ee's�tQ remit a�mt�insur��to thss �-�6.-�--
<br /> F<<,� �.�y __�;:. _.
<br /> ;:�� io.��.��g��a c����r.�a�����ymeas m twi
<br /> ba�rse of Borrower's f��tn pa�m�m�am¢t d�w�ee tht Note or this S�cuiity g��� __-�.._,�::-=�
<br /> �µi �v�a8er fo�clasur�gsaoadinSs�xe Ir.�ciuued. Ta ieinsta.e the Secarity Iasteume�t,Boaower alnll t�det i�t a .."�`
<br /> 'r~ Iirmp s�all��equ�ced w h��oarea's ac�ooant cflae�iactading,w tbe e�cns thzy ate abl3g�iiamg of """'_F��'
<br /> ,»°j'� Baaower mder d�is Sec�iry r^�*�"-•-,'n,f.�eclosmre wsts aad�an2bl�aac!wstom�ay uwts�ys'fe�+a�1 e�pm� �r�'.f.�
<br /> ':;r� pmperly assoctated�vls�t�fo�au��ir�;.9Jpon re�e�meat by Ba�awer.ti�is S�itY�aad '��u:.�:;"�:
<br /> ` :.�:.
<br /> ths obligatttias th�Y it �ect�s� a�ais in e�as if Leader had n�'t re�s'sr� �odia�e pay� im t�l. ` s��'.:.
<br /> Iiowevar. I.ender is � ts�uit'ed � �mit tei�t�i i� (� I�nde� h� �txPte� iein�tate�t � the '.-'�f'�
<br /> ?f�•..� comm�u of fara�c�p�Lrs within!wo yeam i�ely P�ding the co�t of a o�msat =-`�'�=-:_-
<br /> ,{;;��; . �__
<br /> i;.j� faiee2�c gt�oceeding, (nj �t w�l pse�Inde f�edosu�.on diffece�ot gto�s in ths flmue. or (ii�
<br /> �d+ ' remspt�will adve�ly�ffect thc yiiarity of aLe t's�t ca�.r�i�*tisi�S�ity Insttumeai• -------
<br /> •�,��. ---
<br /> ,�F' ll.Boimwa Nart Rel�sed: Fat�noe IDY p.�3e t�Yat a Waiva: B�sion of th�tims of pay�i or =_-----
<br /> . ti' modi8t�on oY a�moidrrtion of the su�sec+ued isy tLis Sec,vrity 1ns�ament griniod bY L�dei w aay auooessoz tn _
<br /> �' iateist of Bomuwu si�ail nut apezate w nlszse ths li�biliry of t�oi's�inal Bamawer os Bon�wda s�roo�wt in .. .:--
<br /> .-�'��` intcrest.t.ead�x shaU nat be t+equi�ed w oa�proaediag agai�.st aaY suoceswr�n fintecest or�efluse to euead �`
<br /> '����. zeawa of ray
<br />�.:,i,,: time for paymevt or osl�etwtse mod�'g amo�of tl�e sums savted bY this Sa�ity In�nmomt b�Y --
<br /> � demand m�Ge by tbz a�atl Bc�rawar or Bona�er's waxss6is ia iffiecest.Anyy fo�lyy ts.uc�er in r�ng E ---,��,
<br /> oay rDght or nmedy sfi�n�:(x awaiver oYor p��tbt a�ise of aay rtg�t as�anedY• �j��z;
<br /> „ , IZ.Saoo�an�d A�Ba�Jd�t a��retW ldabtIIty+Co+�i�o�:'iiu naveazau an8 a�ts ,,,�.,_�_._Y-^
<br /> of tLis SaauIty►Ia�cum�t s1�a11 bi�!anA 6ersfit the�aoee�sass fnu�assigas of I�dcr aflA 13cr�awrr,�jp�tis t�e �-:�
<br /> � pmsdsbna af p�giep3�9(b).BonoWer's oavenanrs aad eg�eua�ms�sLall b�3oint su�ceveuNl.[�►�mr.w�c+ � - -
<br /> .. .�.f �gL��Li SdWltj!Iatt[!�2�IIt dOtB LOt E7[OWfE t�C NG9C'.-(�fi�IS�O-3I�D$t$�E SOCU2�3�'�+4M�i tD �,
<br /> ! moitgage,gc�et aad aoavry tLat Bosmwer's iate�erx fre t8e Pmperty�ader the tetms of this Securiry i�ts�mm�;(b) __ --- -
<br /> f ; is not pasa�ily abliS,�ted to pay�e a�ms s�anod by tWs Socurity inuuamr�an�(c)agoea th�t I��sr a�d mY r-=��,,,�l_
<br /> .r� at�er Boimwer mry s�gree w e�ea�.madifS►.forb�or m�Ire any►2asom�ndations t�ith�so the t�mis of this
<br /> t � '.-__:__
<br /> . Se�miry I�1 ot the Noi,E wi�ow th2t Borro�ver's oaa.,�
<br /> -��,;. .
<br /> r �' '�
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