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<br /> . � � . [ . . . ., .. .♦ � � , 'k . : •. �.. ..5• .- ' . c!..Y`. . • f. .
<br /> . - ' � . • f ' - _ e ..n_...�_'e`r•.''r`�-�-�°�g'" h �� .X'.
<br /> ` , � ,_ �____..._�—_...._...,_�._ ._.._.___ ,..... ._----'-'- - p.i . ,��.�:
<br /> , . .. . , , . . , ,
<br /> ' ' '• ..- .__— .__,,�:.._�.. � '
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<br /> ^ rt«". �.r n�!�-...
<br /> ..` ��.._' .
<br />, 13.Nattces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in tbis Secnriry tnsuum�nt shaU Ise g�en by d.dlver�tg tt or `' '' z- -
<br /> .Y7''� yyl � - e
<br /> by mailing it by fi�t class mail wiless agglicab2e law requirPS use of anolh.er me�had_'Ihx aotioe shall be directaci to ,�_a:�.f;.�.�,�--:-.• -;�
<br /> flO�pC�O�P•C�.l7. /� Q{111C?.LO�Ci 5�' ��lB ':vr�tisi5�q;�•._.�
<br /> the Praperty Addrzss or any other addres�BorroNer desigaates b}+ Y - i.,..„-�,-a.�_ ..- _ .....
<br /> giv�a by fust dass ma7 to Lender's address stfuad heeeln or any�dress Lend�er deslgaazes by nnt�Ce to Borrower. s:a���"=`=:��f
<br /> :.r..r;.s�.». y-.....
<br /> ,s� �..�.....'.
<br /> ;..f AnY notice pmvid�fir in this Sscutity Insttu�t s�all be deemed w hstive ban stven to Borrower or Ltadtr a�en - ��„�_;,'_,.�s����'z^?��._
<br /> 5.�,� given as pxovidzd in this pa.�agraph. -
<br />=�;� 14.Gmveruing Iaw;ScvrrabDity.This Seauity Insnumtat shall be govemed by Federallaw aad the law of :�=�. s`:s _
<br /> : � the jurisdiction in v�c�the Prop�t is lot�.In th�event thzt aay pmvision or clauu of this S�ty Iastrument -- ,.��N.w,.�
<br /> �.;3 or ffie Note conflfcts wid►applicable law,such oontlicu shatl nat aife�t othtr grovi�ioas of thls Secmity Insuumeas or ;�,.-�,-_-- i 4-._ �
<br /> ,.� the Note whi�h ca�n be given eff�t without the conflicdn�pmvlsion. To this end the pmvistons of this SecurIty �--=_-._ �
<br /> h
<br /> ` Instmmeni and the Nou aze dxlared to ba seve4ahle. ������
<br /> Ir? --
<br />=i'� 1S. Borrower's Copy. Bo�rower shatl be g"lv�en one confo�d oopy of the Note aad of this �Cwiry �i,�m`�_�,.��.___
<br /> i# �. �, :
<br /> 16. H�rdans SnbsQsna�. Borrawer shall mot�nse or permit ths piesence,usQ.dIspasal,swrage,or releise � '".'�"•
<br /> 5•.� uf aay Eiazat�ous S�tbstaar�.s on or in the Pmperty. Bouower shall not dn,nor allnw ac►youa else w do.aa3►thin8 �y =�--�.__.
<br /> '��`�� two senteooes shall not appty ta i__._� �
<br />;.�?�: affectiu�sixe ProP�rtY that is ia violaiion of a�►Envixomn�ntal Law. The p►z�ding
<br /> � p� us�. or storage on the Prapeny of small 4aa�tities of Ha�dons Sabstauces tha.t are ge�ally �F.'�
<br /> .``� rec�gaiu�i to bs appropriate to noimal residentiai ases and to maintaoance of the Pr�op�rty. n�----
<br /> ; .'� Borrower shall pm�PttY give I.ender wt�ttea uotise of aay iavesdgaiton,claia0.demsnd,lawsuit or attier adion �;y ^_�--_:
<br /> •;`�, bY �Y goveramental��galatory aSeucY or grivate party iavolving the Pm�r�.}r and any Ha7andous Slibstanoe os `
<br />- Envlmnmental Law af�aich Hoaower has actnal Imawledge. If$ormwer le�s,or is naii�ed hY�Y�v� �
<br /> -== ' or regaL�ry a�ehorityv.that a�y ce�ral or other zemediatioa o€�y►HazardoIIS Shbstanres�ag the Pmperty is ; �
<br /> ay
<br /> = n�,Boaower�pmmptty�fie all ne�►remedial actions in accordaace with�Law. ::��
<br />- As ased in this rr�aga�h 16, 'Aanrdaus �st�cea' are those substaas�es defi�3 as wxta ar ha�rdous
<br /> � ,' su6staas� by F.nviranmenta! t�w aesi the fo;tar.rmg subss�o�: gasolina. kerosene, ather Sammable or wxic �
<br /> � ,. �
<br /> °= petrolu�ua��.saduas,tosie pPSticldes��h;rrbicides.volatIle solQ�s,m�te�3als cmniaining as�stos or fomiatdd►yde. �. �
<br /> pe • ,
<br /> aad�u�tive ma.tc�ials. Aa used Ln this para;graph 16, 'Fav,ir�amewal Iaw•means f�laws and laws of tha .s�,•, .�;,: :.
<br /> jusLsdiraon wh:re the Prop�ty is 2asxtod tha�t ielate to hralm,�:et3+or r.nvironm�ntal pmte�•nran. �` ,_r,;ci,,. ;
<br /> ;?r�:,4: �.�...
<br /> ` N�N-U1�3IIFORM COVENANTS.Borm�ver aad I,euder fnrther covenant aad agree as follows: `?Y*'��'."� ...:��'�:i„
<br /> '`?: 17.Assigumt�i oY�teata Boimtires uncondittonally assigas aud tr2msftts to I.�nder afI u''ie ter�s and revent�rs ,,ir"�".t'.` � °" '=:
<br /> tds , - -
<br /> .::i:':,, �. ,r•,._.f.�_
<br /> � of the Praperty.Borm�xer authorl�Lende�or L�ader's agea�to oollect the rents and�es aad herehy d�ects � ,,,,,rs"!::, :.. .
<br /> . .'; es�c]�tenant of the Pmp�.°xty w pas�a aeats to L�nder or Leader's agems. However,grior w I�der's aottx w t, ::,,• °•._„`.
<br /> i�t.�f�:e'�
<br /> ;.:i Borrower of BoaoRer'�bteacd�of aay coveasni c*r ag�emxnt in the Securtiy 1�, ,.ne„�;Boirowe3 sl�ll couect ar� , ;r.
<br /> �� �..tx�2a for the beaefit of 1�aad Borronrer.ZBis�i�t of _, ._ ,..,::,.
<br /> raxive all ren�8�a�1 r,w�ues of the Properts+'`"` , ,�`.,
<br /> " ceats oanstitutes�at�itrte assignr�.�s aad not aa assiSnmeIIt for a�didonal�ty oaly. �� ._
<br /> _ Lf IL�adcr gives notice of br�:^,;:3 Bomawcr. (a)all r�nta receivod hy Boimwer aball be held by Boaaa�wet as - -:�.�T��_.�t�, " `.
<br />":';`.: uustee�?�;bensfit of Lender only,F%�e aPP 3 i e d to t he samv s a�e d b y t he S e c a r i ry I n s t t u m e n t;(b)I.�..�zr sL�ll b,� --
<br />::`'�`i` entided to collect atd.c�ive all of the iEnts ef rhe Pmp:�y;aad(c)each tenaat of the Pcagaty sh�1l�.rc.�ali re� -,:�,..,.Y--.�.,�:=;n�r�;=-
<br /> � �`� dne aa�uapaid to Is�i:s or Lender's agcnt on Iandes's writtea de�and to�he tenaut. "'•"�';i�`�"�;` ,.:
<br /> r � ' :�r�r�,•.1,L t:c;�
<br /> Borrower I�as��eruted any prior assignmeat of the Eenss and has not and will aat r�...�iotm.2�+zd thgt wonld '� :� �:.•�'�.
<br /> � prevent Lender from esarcising its ri$hrs unda this paragraph 17. {,I,k�.:
<br /> + ' `i�y��4,�i :
<br />� �-� L�der shaU a�t be:e q u i m d to enter upoa,take con�ol of or maintaia the Propeny befora or after giv3ng notioe ,,,.?�:•. ' � ',:
<br /> '£' of b�eac6 to Boma�,�.However. Lender or a judicially appointed reoelver may do so at�y time the�is a b�. F. ���.��'•: ,.., ,. •�• ;::`
<br /> •i' pny appliration of c�s shall not eure or wai�e any defautt or iavatidau�}r other rlght or r�mec�y of P�der.7�iis � � .. t .•,- --_
<br /> assigu�ent of renss uf the Property shall termin�:e when ti�e debt secured by the Secnrity instivment is�ai:3 in flill. �,�'�;,,;-
<br /> ' �: ..,�,..
<br /> . -�--;>-
<br /> �,_`in�r...�.�:�,,
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