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<br /> ToZcQ�er wi�all�e a��l�ete�tu be�.aad�i cav�auus in aU ILs Uqo dzeQ�r�nuiny wlth eaW cea!cct�e�.a�nta�o reats.issues �`'":�
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<br /> � �D pro8�eri�ins @erxfram at�r daflult is F,^.�#or�at�aco of any coveatat or cou�ition hc�ei�watalnd:onG u�uracm Qus ti��tmew perfeet tacl �?:.<
<br /> � eku eacept far�fl�raorc�o. C�'�- `�.
<br />. . Dtittin�tho thae�Dis mo�tgate ls�force�e mo��rn earaa: —_
<br /> Fira� To psy a!1 tues ead spesial assessments ievted ag�intt eaiA pra�t�e9.tnctudin�ill tua and usessmann�levt:d uqursu?3s mort�aYe. �
<br /> ' or tso debe ae�ued by Qds mor�aBe• ��.'`!.
<br /> Second. To Icap ail�uitdings ds_reoa insnred�Yaiust tosa by Rro,lirAmin�and wmado in some wmpany.w l:xs�ecv.'e�i�y tl�ea�1
<br /> a ut
<br /> . Home FeG�ral ea &Loan As.sociatlon of(irand Wanfl in tha sum of S 65,000.00 . fos tLa baaaf�t efi•t�e eiW ��_
<br />��`' Associ�tion,aad its sucas�ara or assiyas:aad w dvrwsis said policks airh aaid Aasociation.and shsill not camm3t or su3ftr a�f v�p�on said
<br /> :� .:, " premues.and shall put u►d icap said ra�l esrlu bwldings and i�mve�ents in gaod oidc�.
<br /> • 'Itiird. To paY or eause to 6e paid to QL.Homx Pederal Savinga @ Laaa Assocnaion of Graad tslwd,�sccc�so�a aa asai�o.�e sa� �
<br /> �-�•
<br /> . susu of S $� F� T�OIISAND A2� HO/300 ����• - ---
<br /> . . � payable as foIIows:
<br /> DII13: ,7pN8 1, 3997
<br /> • �D�therean payable.aacord�to the ter�r aa�effect of E'�s ane cemm tIISt mo�aSe note of szid�a'ri'�ag.Uet+em�,��� o_
<br /> ,� •+�, tDese�.�eqW. Afte�mai�uitY satA 6�mfl�raws�t�nst at Qre ra�JF�per cent per au�nm. • — �
<br /> ,.' "�• a�ea dae.or if tLe 6a�7dings an said pre���cat��s above p�o.Wcicda uci d)tt� '��
<br /> y...x. .
<br /> If said tues a.ad assessmentv are.nnt Psi� u
<br /> �::..;�4� of s�ld interest is aot paid whendae.Sien sald wa�f��t sball beeome dae;,nm��=�'s'y.at�e opdan of 9ie sa�stf��..*�:�^tatio2,ar��.71f�t��ar �� �
<br /> . `�t 5
<br /> �"•
<br /> dtaw auerest u the�ate of nme per aat per amsu�. �,":
<br /> �:,� The mo�or(s)Qereby ass£�(s)w sa�m�rtYs�ae an c�ww tacame ar;smg u wy aa�av am�es�s��c�npertp+r�c�usteb�+ ��
<br /> • � . audwrlse s�id mort�aSee or im a�ent,at its opdon.agan dsfaull.p c�Ye cbuge of said PropertY�nd eollect aU rtnts ard icca�s A1nrt€JUsa ud
<br /> � .,:: ' �
<br /> • appty the s�me to the paym+ens of mterest.Ptinc�ui.�as�raase P�"'Wiums.tues.assess�ents.seDairs or i��+avedeuai acce3snrg�c�9�eq sai�
<br /> im
<br /> � .';; PmpertY ta unantable conGidon.or to other��c R��aYma�ts Pmvided ior 6sreiu or in�e note henby sa�s�d. Th:a rect assi�mau�aIIl � ••
<br /> : �� ea�mae in force unti!the unpai0 bz[�ace of said�e ii�Hilly pai0. TLe talcing of possessian Aereunder sEaII in�s mnr�er pa�eaect oa tmi�l s�f+� � ..
<br /> , mortga�ee in Q�coIIecaion of said snms by torec'ros�:ra or oQ�ru�. —
<br /> ' � WheQ�er aaid debt became,a dve 1ry tapse of t�e.or by a�:m of the faitura of the puty o8 the first pan to ca�p�j s+i�in scr�+yasdaoa
<br /> herem.the said Home Federal Savings&Lom As.act�tloa of Cr��l�t�.d.c'L�• �sars aod assigns.s�ll have tLe dg$�w begtar�is+t�tcWsvre
<br /> � •'.`'� of this mort�ye ut aaro on th�ahale drbt he�s�r.cured.aa0 ta ir�:2:�:��^i�,cm taxes.s� -_.s.��^f°.'^^�*'*'^°9r��;'�a�r!caat�;9�'�:0�7l ---
<br /> . :•'!•�: it or r�em;or said Assai�clan.it�successora or a..�^:�as.may f��e only as w C1e snm put Gue.wit�'iniue!' w t2t�m,o:�qp6F►or�e
<br /> ,: di�p:m�Em:nt or imptirment of Q�e lien thareof. _____
<br /> . Md tss aaid first pury aad�ho m:lcers of said note.es�o=�clfY a�e aad deciue thst Qie sepat�esttoe oq eacL amd��et�•Ltm o?�m. �_...
<br /> ', iacludlne 6atL that a�N owned aaA�at hereafter acquired.is F1eAged ind bound for the Qtyment of Q�e debt hertby seasal.
<br /> ,;•:..,. ARer the caauncnume�of a�r suit in faectosara Q�e pia�tiff therein ahs11 be entiitled tn the immeQ�te D°gaeasba.o9said pt+tmUiES aad
<br /> �e sypoW�ment oY a receiver�crefor.not witLstwding�y may be the houusttad of tha occupant ond nat ai�.i�tar.d�g�o par�aa•W4td�fde�91e
<br /> �' dtb!msy 6e solvmt.and the fust puty Aereby wasents to the appoint�nt ot a Receiver upan thts producdna o?thfn 1udamir�.w.tiwuc a•.hcr =,__
<br />� � evideaco.
<br /> � �� 7�e foregoing coadidons aed agreements.all aad aiqgular.bein8 tiil1Y Pcrformed.this wr►veyarice sLnl]�o w:d.cci:utriise m be and � -,
<br /> _ remain in f4U force aad efYect. °"'
<br /> . �_�
<br /> Signed this
<br /> 9Tt3 day of OC.°I'OHSR. 1996 A.D..
<br /> . . ' �.� P�s = _
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<br /> tQIDlJ1ND II.Dc3R'� I! .�1 �__
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