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<br /> -"'°"��'�"�'���°u"� TOOETHBR WITH all�he lmprovcrnents now or hercuRcr crected on the propeny,und uU caccmenh,uppunenanccg. _
<br /> ----------�-"-� and fixtures now or hemafter a part of'the property. All repiucements and udditionx shull�►Ixa hc covered by thi�Security _
<br /> __—���,.__ lnsuument. All of the foregoi�g ls referred to in chis Security inauumen[av the"Roperty."
<br /> -=__=`,�;': BORliOWER COVENANTS that Borruwer is Inwfully scised of thc estatc hemby canvcycd und hus thc�ight to gront
<br /> �-�^'-� ��: and conv�y the Property and that the Propeny is unencumbered,except for encumbmncec uf record. Rartawer wurronts and
<br /> -���� � . �.< will defend generally the tide ta the Property against ull claims und demandc,subject to uny encumb�nres of reconi. �_
<br /> '?�� .�� TFIIS SECURITY INSTRUMEN7' combines unifam cavenants for nntional uuc und nan-unifurm rovenants with `
<br /> - __ , Iimited vnrlations by jurisdictinn to constitule a uniform�security instrument covering mal propeAY• E__
<br /> ,� �.�^ � UNlFORM COVENANTS. Barrawerand Lender covenonl und ugrcc us follaws:
<br /> a�:•� u when due Ihe
<br /> " t:.•�, 1. Pt�yment of Principal and lntereat;Prepayment and Late C6arges. Borrawcr�hall prompdy p y
<br /> =="�'�'°�°�=��— principal of and interest an Ihc debt evidenced by the Notc 3nd any prepayment und latc churgea duc undcr Ihc Notc.
<br /> �:;�,,;�,��,,.;,.� --- 2. F�unds far 7lwxea a�d Insurance. Subject�o appliable luw or to a wriucn wuiver by l.ender.Borrower shall puy ta
<br /> �.�5;_::��u.�,�,�• • Lender on the day monthly pnyments are due under the Note,umil thc Note i,:poid in full,u ywn("Fundti')fnr: lul ycurly
<br /> "•� �� Y����- � °�� ''. wues and assessmentx which moy altAin priority over this Securfty Inslrument us u licn on thc Prupcny;(bl ycurly Ieuuhold
<br /> .,«t_c.:..ti:::•,e�•.n:-
<br /> `_���i��..r . puyments or grou��d rentR an thc Rruperty, iF any; (c1 ycurly hnzard or pruperty in�uruncc premiumr: Idl ycurly Il _
<br /> �'�=`�• insurance premiums, if eny; (c► yearly mnrt�agc in.r•urance premiumw, if uny: und (�uny sum, payuhlc by Bc�rcower tc�
<br /> ,;. • , Lender,in nccordance with the provisianK of parugraph!1.in lieu uf Ihr puymrnl i►f murlgug�in+uruncc prcmium,. Thcse
<br /> �=���� �'��^ items nre called"Escrow Itema.' Lcnder rnoy.ut uny time,rollccl und Ix►Id Funds io un am�►unt nut�o czrrrd�he muximum
<br /> --=°'—�°rs ��'tt.K..
<br /> - . ..,,• „ ..y� umount u Icndcr for u fcderolly rclated mnngugc b�un muy rcyuirc for Sorrowc�x c�cruw arcuunt undcr liw fedcrol Rcul
<br /> �' Estate SeiAement Pirocedurc�Act uf 1974 us amendcd from�ime�o iime,12 U.S.C'.�2f►111 r����y.("KFSPA"1,unlesr unulhrr
<br /> _"�,,;�'�'d`..'� .�". luw that applies lo thc FundY.rc�+�a Icr�+cr umount. Ii w,l.endcr may,ut any timc,cull��t und h�ld Fund�in un,�mc�unt nat t�� _
<br /> : ,.:�.,�,: •,.�;x•• °
<br /> �z.�'�.-;..::.� _.� f . �'r exceed ihe Iesser run�unt. l.endcr moy c+limute �hc um��um ui Kundx duc �m thc hutii� of current dulu und reu�nwble
<br /> ' ,�.ti:ui'�� � eatimatea of eapendiwres of fulurc G`crow I�ems or atherwise in uccorJunce with upplicablc law.
<br /> � •.��,„�;:,,.,.���#� The�nds shall bc hcld in on instituUon whose depc►silc arc insurcd by a fedcr�l ugcncy, in�lrumentality, ar entity �-
<br /> j:��• (inctuding Lender,if Lender ia such an inxiiluti�n)or in ony Federal Homc l.aun Hunk. L.ender xhnll uppiy Ihc FLnds to puy _
<br /> �� the Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Borrawer for holding and applying the Fundz, unnuully analyaing the escrow ,
<br /> �;'..�=-� �� � : ,��:-� � nc co u n t,o r v e r i f y i n g t h e Eccmw Itemg, unlcsx Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fundti and applicublc law permits
<br /> '`;� •�^ �. � Lender to muke such A cha�ge. However,Lender may require BoROwer to poy a one•time charge for an independent reul
<br /> estate tax reporting servlce used by Lender in connection with thie loan,unlecs applicnble law providex otherwlse. Unless nn �;•,-;.
<br /> "�--' agreement is made or applicuble luw requires interes�ta be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Barrower nny interest or �z,,,,,
<br /> �:_�' � '., eamings on the Funds. Borrower and l.ender mny agrce in writing,however,that interext shull be puid on the Funds. Lender �~�'
<br /> _._��. ' ahnll give to Borrawer.without charge,an annual uccouming of�he Funds.showing credits and dcbil�:to the Funds nnd the �
<br /> ::x��' � , , purpose far which each debit to the Funds wus made. 7'he Funds are pledged us additional security for ull sums secured by
<br /> r lhis 3ecurity Insdument. �
<br /> ��j -��' ""'1•�*�'"' � _ !f the Funda held by lender excePd the amounts permitted to be held by npplicable lew, Lender xhnll account ta �'�
<br /> �°. Borrower for thc excess Funds in uccordnnce with the requirements of applicoble luw. If ihe umount of the Funds held by
<br />';'��;�� � � Lender ut any time is not sufficient to pay�he Escraw Items when due,Lendcr mny so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> '��':' • ° ° such cnse Borrower shall puy to Lender the amount necessury to make up Ihe deficicncy. Burrower sholl make up the �
<br /> �_C.
<br />•- . ' � deficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymenls,ut Lender's r,ofe dixcrelion. �:
<br />.:;.-� ; �; Upon payment in full of all sums secured by fl�is Securiry InEtrument,I.ender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any
<br /> , . , . Funds held by Lender. lf,under paragrnph 21, Lender shull acquire or sell lhe Propeny,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or �_.,
<br />_- • . sale of 1he Propeny, shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums __
<br /> ' �� secured by this Security Instrument. ""`
<br /> ' " � �'""��•���'' 3. Applleation of Payments. Unless npplicnble law provides atherwise, ull puyments received by L.ender under
<br /> ' ' puragrAphs I and 2 shall be npplied: firs�, to uny prepayment churges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under �.---
<br /> -,' �� � „ paragraph 2;third,tu interest due;fbunh,to pnnc�pal due;und last,to any la�e charges due under the Note. �"
<br /> 4. Ch�rQes; Liens. Borrowcr shall p�y oll taxes, ussessments, churges, fine5 und impositions audbutablc to thc ____
<br /> " " ".,�+ Property which may uttuin pdority nver this Securiry Inslrumem,and Ieuxehold puymems or�round rentc,if any. Borrower �?;
<br /> • shull pay these obligations in thc munner provided in pamgraph?,or if not pnid in thot munner,Borrower shnll pay them an �.,,,,
<br /> ���• ' ' "' time directly to the person owcd puymcnt. Bortower shall promptly furnish to Lcndcr ull naticcs of umounts to be paid under ��
<br /> ���� s• .....�::'`. this parugraph. If Borrower mukes thctie pnyments directly,Bortower shnll prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing �;-
<br />�, .. '. the pnymems. �+=;
<br /> Borrower shall prompUy dischurge uny lien which hus priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(u)ugrees ��-
<br /> ' - � in writing to Ihe poyment of the obligulian secured by thc lien in u munner ncceptAble to Lender.(b)contests in good faith�1►e ��t
<br /> ,- .
<br /> lien by,or defends agninst enforcement of thc licn in,legal procee dings which in thc Lendcr i opinion operate to prevent the __ _
<br /> enforcement of the Iten;or(c)secure�from the holder af the lien an agrecment sutisfurlory to I.ender subordina�ing the lien
<br /> , ro this Securiry Inatrument. If Lender determines�hat any part af the Property iti subject to u lien which may auain priority
<br /> � , � Instrument Lendcr mn ivc Bortawcr a notice identifying�he licn. Borrower shull satisfy the lien ortake �''`
<br /> ovcr this Security , y S
<br /> � • one or more of the actions set fonh above within IOduys of the giving of notice. -
<br /> ' S. Hazerd or Property Insurance. Borrower shnll keep the improvcmen�,now existing on c�rcafter crected on the
<br /> � Properly insured against loss by fire,huzardr included within the tertn"extendcd covcrage"and nny othcr huzurds,including
<br /> floods or flooding, for which Lender reyuires insuraace. This insur�ncc �hull tx maintained in thr umounts und for the {._
<br /> �•:
<br /> • ' � .
<br /> ' Fbrm J028 9/90 1/wxP=nf 6�wges I ,
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