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<br /> . , incatpoiated into an�sh�ll be deemed Sm�ead asrd sup{,rt�rrcat t�e Mattga8e.D�of Trust ar Serurity I?�l(the �,."V'�-$�-,=Y-��,-�H�-
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<br />.. °gecmrty Iast�a�mcnt"}of the�me da�g�re�U�t�e Emdcasigaed(d�ce°Boiroms'')m secure Bmrower's Note En � .�` �F =� . --
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<br /> ' HOMS FSDBRAL SAVII�TG�x G. I.41LDT ASSOCIA^rIQ13t OP G�tAND ISLAND • .M.•.� b. ....y - ---
<br /> (t�18�QQP� ;�r;' �S- . .
<br /> ;p; of the same date and coveting the�+aZx:r�d�xs7ssd�e�e Seca�y Instrument end lor,ated ax _ _ �� .��:.��'_.:,;:._
<br /> . _ ,.,,.� ,
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<br /> - 1-4 FA1d�.Y COVENAN'f'S. In addirifln to t�CC coverants aad a,�sa�Ls made'sa the Secasity Instru�ent, ;' . . .� .. •-^��� .. :
<br /> . Bomawer nnd Lender further wve�sant a�agfx as foHa,-ns: `�,. '.-�-.,•.:.'_',.��=�:
<br /> ' A.ADDTd'dONAH.PIR�BE�LTY SdJ�J�C'i''�O'&'�SECUItITY L'�IS�'SL�i�'T. In addition w d� �`
<br /> Piropetty descdbed'm the S�cu�ity Instctunemt,t��m3l��+faa f*,ems are ad�ed to�.•L�tr':��ty de�'iPtion.ffitd sLall `�• :�`-=,:_„y=_
<br /> ����.�DuLd+n �'T:�nces and goods of every �=�`^��
<br /> ' aLSO oonstinu+e the Propaty cov�d by t�e Securitgr " � ��'" -Y� ---_ • .,n�
<br /> o ar or intcrnded t i��3 ia pnnec�o�wit�the Pro�esty, ` •,�.
<br /> aaIIu�wbatscevea anw or he�mafter Iocated m, n, ar�d. � �Sm ekctri�itY.B�+ ',,�..�f�Y.
<br /> ��*..d�g,bat not limiied w,those for tke p�uposes of s.�lyung az cC�t��.�g�. 8• _ ,� - '='
<br /> �r�ta�air rnd lig6t,&e pieveauon aud�xtinguis}�u8 aFG�s,se�rity'and ascasg ck�uol appaiat�,ph�bmg, '�"'- �;`:'
<br /> ati .ce ��washeas,�Y�; ,�. ' ,;,, ,
<br /> i�it�s,avatez heaD�s,�vata etos�ts.�ranB�s,susve:r,.m.frigsaarnYS,dish�vas8e�s, r.,_ `�,,,�. .� ,�-:, ,
<br /> �w��gs,stoim windows,swtm doo:s.st�eas.bluxds,s?�ad�:s.c�s aad cartam mds.attached aeurmrs.cabmet� ��t.-�,'; '_',' �-
<br /> ,��., ;:
<br /> panellmg aad ava�hed t2oor cov�gs aow oY h� atlacLed aa che Ptoperty. all of whicb, azclndin� i.� . �.:,.
<br /> replacemeats aad s�ditioa��,shall be deemed tn be��n a p�i of the Progaty cflv�aed by the Seauity '�
<br /> d�sa�'bed in the Sec�riiy �__t(or the taasthn� ''.`�.:",.'.►�`. � .
<br />.-, rrsr,m�,ani All oF ihe f0te$va�tugedte:wi�t$e A�crtY r� �maai .:
<br /> ess,�� the S�riiY Instrarv�z is an ss feas�hoi�as�e°fc�retl w in this 1-4 Fa::�Zy Risiea and the Securi�% _��� i�,y;��., _-
<br /> I�uume�tas�"�ga�y." V r- .'� :
<br /> B.USE O P�OPEltTY:COI�LIAI�IC��'I�LA@�l. B�t�ow�a shaII ant seeZs. 2�ee w or maYa a ,,, ..,a ."" +��.v
<br /> ' - .��.�.
<br /> c�ge in the a�e of the Propeaty or im wnmg class��am,un2ess Lasdar has ageed m weidng w the c�xuge. '� ;�;�,�Y:
<br /> E,e�wer shail campxy with � Taas, ord'maases. rrgaWians an� ro4affements of aay gavemrnwml bod� ��-�_.'
<br /> . 4�tc�IetothePl+operty. _ ----���-�
<br /> C.S1JBO�ttlIIVATE I.IENS. E�cce�s as gcs�iued b/fede:al ta�v.HmmwcJ s6ad!noi allow aay lien infeiiar �: ,
<br /> ` w tha Seaaity Lasttdmeat to 6e perfeca�againct tite Pcaperty►witt�uc Lecr�er's po�Or arrltt�a parnisSit�n. �r.'"�q �;--.
<br /> : D.RE1V7T T1,d�SS INSiJRANCE. Botmwer sdut[maiiut�n�s•s�{afa��rnt bss in eddition w the od�er -:;:.:...:;�•_�:�
<br /> � � -
<br /> ', s.. ba7ards for wluca�uranoe is s�aaed by Unifosm Cavcnatei 5. .� -- y--�----
<br /> E."BORRp�GER'S Fc:�'TO ItEl1�IS°i'A'i'E"D�.II.�i'E�. Uaifatm Caveaaat 18 is dele�d. �._ �. 4 ,,..,
<br /> ' F.BORROWEIt'S mCCUPANCY. L1nless I�er and B�rower othe�cvtse a�e� m wririag, the f�sst , �;
<br />� � senteace in Uaif�m Coveaa�t 6 coar�mmg �iosmwer's occupancy of the Prapeity is delet�d. All reinaining �� _ _
<br /> oovenants and�ents set fa�th in Uaifaim Covelwnt 6 shall remain in effect °"'' °n°-
<br /> .. . ,�.:;;a;.�s
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<br /> /JD(J,LTISTATE 1•4 FAYILV iEYti�R-F�nrnt�Mi�1FrsQCtu Waa Ilt�itorm Instrvmsnt F°iII�8��� v^�?'
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