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<br /> � " � 8. Assf�nor h�rsby covenent� and warranb b the Aaipnee thet(a) A�ipno� he� not executed eny p�for ��._
<br /> • � eselpnm�nt ot the Lsas�or o1 ib�Ipht,dda and inte►ea thereln or the rentals to ecc�ua thereunder,(b)As�lqnor hes not o�;,�.��F=--
<br /> � � .� p e r torm s d eny ec t or exec u t e d any In e tru m s n t w h l a h m i p h t p r e v e n t t h e 1 l s a l p n e s h o m o p a�a tl n a under en y of the terms snd _
<br /> condldonsh�wt,orwhlahwouldllmltthsAssipneelnwchop�rctlon;(a)Aaignorha�notacceptsd►entunderlheLeaaefor � �''""'�:'—
<br /> on �
<br /> � � n anype�iod sub�q uent to the cunent period tor whlch ront haa alr�edy bacome due and payaWe;(�there is no delaup now _
<br /> � •• ex(eNnp underthe Lsase�and(e)Assl�nor has not executed or�ranted any modiflcation or amendm�nt whetever o1 the Lease . ��
<br /> .. a ' �ithsr onlly ar k�wriUnp�xcrpt w sM torth in Sah�duls B,and fhat tha l.eose is in full fo►c�and Nloot �-.-_.— _
<br /> �',' _ s:�.
<br /> �� .:- : :�-- —:�.
<br />- �� 1. Asaiqnee hereby�rantspermlasion W/1selpnortocoAect upon,but not p►lor to accrual,all renls,issues,d�sits j•* f
<br /> ' �� ' end proflts hom the�ald Premises ancl to retefn,B�d uae any enJoy the same,but reserves the ripht to revoke suah perm salon � •,.,�<-»..,,,�.T,��:..-
<br /> ` etan�rtlme,witho�withoutaause,by noNcelnw�idn�WAssiqnorbycerdfledmaileenttotl�eaddressherefneRerprescribedfor � " ,.. .
<br /> �� sendinp notices.In any event,such permission b Asai�nor shall be eutomadcally revoked upon default,by Asaipnor in the �-
<br /> � paymentof a�y of tha Obligedons aecured hereby or fn the pe�fornnence of any obHgetion,covenent,agraement herein,in said � .�.
<br /> ' mo�t�ape or deed of truet,in the Lease or i�any of the Oblipationa aecu�ed hereby,or in eny aecu�inp dxument given in �,�,•. �,���
<br /> conneadon therewith,(all oi which wlll be�eteRed to herein aa"Default").In the event that the Aesipnee ahould revoke auch °������
<br /> permIsslonoreitertheocouaenceofaDelauN,theAssignee,meyetNsopdon,aRernodflcaUontoAsaipnor,bycertiliedmeil,to � , ,
<br /> ' the address herainaRer prescribed lor sending nodces,direct any or all of the tanants of the Premfaes to pay to Assipnee,lfs .� ,:�.�„
<br /> egente or Its attorneys,such rents,fseues, proflfs, revenues, depoalts,�ights and beneflta as may now be due or ehall � -�;:T,.--�-�-
<br /> hereineiterbecomedue,andAssipneemeycollectthesame.Thealfldevitorw►ittenstetementofanohicer,agent�orettomey � �
<br /> ' olAssipneesteUnpthaNherehe8beeneDetaultchallconstNuteconoluslveevidencethereoLendeny tenenttootherperoons �=T-•�
<br /> � . te authorized and directod to rely thereon.The Assignor tu►ther ap►ees,that in the event thepermiaslon to use and refain the � ;'':"' .
<br /> �enfs,Income,issue s,de p osits end proNts,ahould be tarmineted or upon the occu�ance oi a DefeulR to immediately turn over ��
<br /> - to Asslgnee,et the dme and in the manner requested by Assipnee,all aecu�iry deposits or other monlea depo s i t e d by L e s s e e s .:. •.-. -
<br /> � of the Premisea in eccordence with the provfelons of the Leases. � � �
<br /> .�
<br /> i =
<br /> � ' 2. Notwithstanding the pravislons of paragraph 1 hereinabove,upon or at any dme aRer a Default,as defined
<br /> " � hereinebove,the Aesipnee,at its optlon,mey decl��e all Obdpallonssecured hereby immedietety due andpayable,end may,at � -y�
<br /> ita opdon,without notice,and if eny auch ObIlgaUons be secured by deed of truat Irrespeadve of whether e decleratlon ot � �•o
<br /> � . � deteult under aeid deed of lrust hes been delivered to Truatee thereunder,exercise all�iphta and remedies contefned in eaid � r;:,'r,�[
<br /> mortyape or dead of truatand without regard fortheadequaay of aecuriry forthe Obligadons hereby secured,either In person . ���
<br /> or by apent wlth o�without brinpina any acdon or proceedinp,or by e receiver to ba appointed by a cou�,enter upon,feke i •
<br /> ' po on of,mana e end operate said P►emlaea or eny paR thereoL make,enforce,modify,end accept the suRender of r.
<br /> i Leas�ea,obtaina�dev�ottenents,llxormodity�ents,anddoenyactswhichtheAasl�needeemspropertoproUectthesecu�iry ' �;-
<br /> -__-- - ; hsseof,sndslihsrwltharu!lhouttalcingposaesslonolthePrsmfsea,ln!leownneme.�uet�x��fh�►wi$ecollectendreceive f _-- . ,��,
<br /> all rents,lasuesend protita,includfng those pastdue and unpeid.any apply the aeme,leas coat and expensea of operaUon and �..�r-��'
<br /> collecdon,Includin�,but�ot Ilmited to,payments for wa es and payroll taxes,compensetlon of manapiny aqent and other � �.`�•
<br /> management coats and expenses,real estete texes an�essesaments,water,sewer,and sfmi�ar charyes,insurence and f �
<br /> , worker'a compensation premiums,ground rents,cuatomery real estate commissfon,end reasoneble attomey's lees and court �� :
<br /> costs,upon eny Obligadona secured hereby,and in such orderas the Aesignee mey determine.The ente►ing upon end teki�g
<br /> possesebn of the Premises,the collectfon of such renta,issues and proffts and the applicadon thereot as aforesafd,shell not j
<br /> cure or waive any default orwaive,modiy,or aftect noUce oidetaultunder oafd mo►tgape ordeed of t�uat or invalidate any act ; , .�'i
<br /> done pursuan!to such notice.Aasignor hereby releasesenyand all clalms which ft hasor might heve againat Aaslgnee a►ising •
<br /> out of auch collection,manegement operation end maintenance,exceptiny the NebiNty ot Aasi�nee to account for amounts ; . .,.�
<br /> collected and expended by IG � . -
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> 3. The Assignee ahall not be obligeted to pe�form or dfscharge, nor does it hereby undeAake tope rtorm or ; ;a
<br /> dische►ge,eny obllgatfon,duty or Nabflity under the Lease,or under or by reason of this Assignment Aasipnor ahell end does � . . ,
<br /> � hereby egree to indemnly the Aasignee agefnstand hold it harmleas hom eny end all IlabfNty,loae or damege which it may or !
<br /> might incur under the Lease or under or by reason ot this Asslgnment end of and hom any end all clalms and demand
<br /> whetsoever which may be asserted ayefnat it by reason of eny alle�ed obligetion or unde�teking on its part to pertorm or fn the , -•;r �
<br /> dfscherge of any of the terma,covenants,or agreements confained in the Lease;should the As9ipnee fncur any such IiabfUy,
<br /> loss or damape under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment or in the defense a�ainat any such clalms or ,
<br /> ' demands,the amount thereoi,including costs,expenses end reasonable ettorney's fees,together with interest thereon et the
<br /> highest rate set forth In eny of the Obligatlons secured heroby,shell be secured hereby end by the seld mortgege or deed of .
<br /> t�us�end Asalgnor shall reimburee the Assigneetherefor Immediately upon demand,and upon the failure of Asai�nor so to do � . .
<br /> d�e Asei�nee may declore ell Oblipatlons aecured hereby immedialely due and payable. '
<br /> 1. Until the Obligatfons secured hereby shall have been pafd in full,Assignor covenants and agrees to keep leased
<br /> et a good and suificient rental the Premises and upon demand to hansfer and asaign to the Assignee any end all subsequent
<br /> Leases upon all or any part oi such Premises upon the same or substantially the same terms and condlUons as are herein
<br /> � � contained,and to make,execute,end deliver to the Assignee,upon demand,eny and all instruments thet mey be necessary or
<br /> � desirable theretor,but the terma and provisions ot this Assl9nment shall apply to any auch subsequent Lease or Leases �
<br /> ' whether or not so assiqned end trenaferred.
<br /> � 2. Assigno�shall,upon request of Assignee,tumish it a complete list as of the date of the request of all Leases and
<br /> other tenencies ot the Premises in such roasonable detail as may be requested by Asaignee.Further,ff requested,Assignor
<br /> + shell deliver to Assignee executed or certifled copies of all Leases and other written agreements,correspondence,and
<br /> memorande between Assignor and Lessees and other tenantsseriing forth the contractual arranyemeMs between them.Such
<br /> � requesta may be made at any reasonable tlme.
<br /> n r�_�+�....���u..�..............itl..1....e..e.....Ie.Cn1.��Jn 0 hn�nfn oholl nnf Inuol{11010 nr�MorM In OnV�nAllnol fho
<br /> u ���o�a����v.v �o.a.��p.,v.. ........................ ........_....._..-----. _..__...._., ........_. .._ .
<br /> . fleneral aasfgnment of rents and leases provided tor herein.
<br /> d. Upon the peyment in lull of all Obllgatfons secured hereby, as evidenced by the recording or lflfng of an
<br /> , instrument ot satfstactbn or(ull release of said mortgage or deed of trust,unless there shall have been recorded another
<br /> mortgage or deed of trust in favor of the Assignee covering the whole or any part of the leased Premises,this Assi�nment ahall
<br /> . become null and void and of no ettect
<br /> � iAii Aqraemen� ��ies �� ubt�q�qon v,hirh ih� Trus�o
<br /> � CC8/0 5i11B ?t DQb;hr m�urr�d�ar �h� Curppl. 01 nylinp Nnprcv�nrs
<br /> , � Rc+l Edal� �n wMcb �Ae C,�snucnan SQWf1�Y
<br /> InIC�MtI {f �{v!n
<br />