, . . 'lr -�?T=iv+�-=�r'r. —
<br />_ � � '[�/1'..� . .. � , • . , , . ' ' . ," . .. . .. ' . . . � _ .4 - .
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<br /> � �r--�- --� � .. . :�- _..r" --„ _
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<br /> ' ,: r"°__....�.._� ' � • -� .... ' r- .. � . . . . . � y -.. , T .
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<br /> .,� � � �. ` A{�t.. ' .• � ..
<br /> 96- �°��� � }_.=-__=� "�
<br /> payments�ay no longer be required at the aptin�of i.�ndes,if mortgage insuiance oove:age(m the smount and for the Et�siod ' <" � .� :,f_
<br /> thsu Leader�uuesj pmvid�by an insurer nppmved by i,euder again b�omes awdilsb:a and is obcained.Hoirower sl�all pay the . � . --
<br /> prea�iums requIIed tfl coa�tvn mo�gage insuranx in effect.or co provide a toss reserve.aaW tAe re��eaneat fer moatgage .. ��`.`� .. , ,F"
<br /> .,. _
<br /> ins�uaace wds in�cor+dance wiW any writtrn ageemeat beiweea Borrower and Lead�r or applicab2$law. . . —
<br /> 9.L�s�e�an. Lender er Its agent aiay maice r�asnnable entr�es upon end'mspecti�ns og the Phsaperty.Lendc�aham gtve � -
<br />'���<" Ba�ewea nntice as the rime of ar nor t�an' n � ,,::, `i`
<br /> P � �P�� �YmB reasa�2e cause for t�inspec�n.
<br /> 10.Cond�t�n. 'Itis proce�ds of any award ar claim for darnages.di�ect o� conseyviwasl, in oonnectian vrit�i any ° - . .-. _
<br /> --. ansrl�nna�tinn nr oi4t�s lESi3tg of 8uy g�t Of Ihe Fmg2rty.nr for canveyaseoe in]iw uf c�deaaaa�a,are�eby a�i�aud - . ,---.. -
<br /> shaD�paid tn I.cnder.
<br />��y;:U 1n t�e eveait of a mtal taldng of the Prapeity,dre prooeals shall be appliod w the sisms sxured by tbis Secariry Ins�vmeat, ''`-�-�-- '= "
<br /> � • whether or not then dae,with eny exoess paid to B�+uwes.In the evem of a gartial tairing of the Aropet¢y in which t�e€air a�ar;ce� �� '. ° . � -- _ ,�
<br /> :�, •:;:•-�:.�v; _
<br /> vatua of the Pnopaty immediately befare the mkmg is equal to or grea�a t�the amoe�nt of the smms�ed by this Security ,;�.�::;,,.,.;_�, :.
<br /> Insirumeat immedianely be,for�the tatcing, unless Boaower and Lender os�erwise agiee in writing,the su�v se�td by this - ..---���`:
<br />;%a;;;: Secauiry Ins�uum�nt shail6e rednced by the amnant of die pmoeedv maltiplied by the foBawmg f�action(a)she w1a1 amo�etof ,�._.;.;�;- . '"•'':�:-
<br /> � i�e sums se�ed�tedistelq befote t4C t2icing, divided bY @)the fair market value of the Property immeltiatP�y bef�e dse '.�=�r_"'-`��=�� -
<br /> �&�Y batance shail be paid to Boaower.In t�e eveat of a parilal taking of�e A�p�ty in wtucb the faa marloet value of tRe j-�.�'��v-
<br /> P�+ape�ty i�cedisrely befaQe tha tabng is �ess than the smo�t of the s�ms se�are� Immediately befoae t�e ta1�g,mlcss '-�''�`�i�
<br />�, Barrawe�r aad Leadsr otheravise agcee�writmg ar�less applic�ble law othawise vi�s,ihe ��.��'�
<br /> sanos sec�ed by this Seeauity Instcnmeat witetber�nat the s�s ace thw due. � F��sbatl be a�glied eo the . � - -
<br /> . �,S...a�r�
<br /> ` �1bC p[OpPi'[S►IS B�OIICd 11j1 B�nOVV2J,QY F�E�QOUCC Q)j!�' fl[O�d}dNW�J fb22 thC Cf1D�II�£C�G'dS LD Ul&:i0 8D .�, P
<br /> '� awffid or setile a r.la�fQr damages.Bmmwer fa�r�n�and w Leader with:,���ys af�er the date tf�e uQt��ae�a givee�,Lender � �,°`':^��;;---_-,—
<br /> is autharr'rrr.eed o0 ooll�ct and the aq i^� �ther to restora�a:�ar of die ar C��sa�ns su� �:
<br /> < d $PPh► �+ �'�. � PeoPeatY �.,��'a�,
<br /> by this Secmiiy tnsdr�ai.wt�ih�a�t�due. `:�,,' ,:, `. .,
<br /> Untess I.ender aud Bon+ower otherwi��ree im�S,aaY aFPiicatinn of prooecds m p'�'� ;shall not e.u�d ar�e ' :ir •:'.
<br /> the dne daEe of the munthly PaYm�is�'erced w in�apDs 1 sud 2 or chaage the amo�nt of s.�paym�. - ..,.. ' .,.�r,>=i;
<br /> 11.�er Noi Rcieased:Far�e�r�uce�g tt�rde�No4 a W�Iver. Exaeasion of tt.e t�e for pa�ar moGiScariaz► �-: ;_
<br /> . a�a�a�a of the sams soe�ed by d�s S�r�a�uw.saeat grnnoed lry Leader to aay soev�oz ro mr�t of Bmrrorrer slsall ' ` ':T ��i:`
<br /> not aper�o�s�ejease the liabitity of t�e origmai Boimw�or Baimwe,r's suocessars in iniaes�JL.eader sdaD not be requa�d to � : � ,�;�'
<br /> oammeace]�-�cexd'�ngs agai�ut eay sueeessor ia intfrest ar sefuse w eaoeud t�e f�pay�t ac at'�e:wise mcxlify amort�at�.�a of . , 4..- ;�_':=
<br /> the stuus s�c�ed hy�his SeanitS►Insirumeut by reason af aay d�mand made by t*Q ougu�ai S�srower or Baaower's sucoe�xs ' `+�
<br /> IY!'.'. •f e .
<br /> � ; 3; fi0`'�t.Any f�be�ae�e by L�dei iA ea[ aII �:•_*=.:. �. �.
<br /> �S Y�1 or remedy shaII t�cL:+brt:w R�i.vrs of or pteclade the exetdse of any ;•t.
<br /> . a�htarr�edy. �i�
<br /> ' lZ.�is� ��r�;�,IIyin3 mr.�several Ltab ' C : i - , f„`.�` ,.�.- :s� .
<br /> �".� i:r�5:. o�signets�. ltte tx,-�83lmts 8ud egrrCPmenis of td�3 �*';`,, „�,.1, :,
<br /> '� . SeGUiry TA�vtrtgni's�s?i�:nd aasl�rs�the saoccssats�d as�ns of Le�Wer aad B��,sab�ct tn the provislC�ra¢� '�U��r;,r�r,',J": ,
<br /> h LT. T3ittlootC�'& COv2a8IIL4 8Ad r. ����` .
<br /> paia$mp agxeemeatv shall be iamt aud seve:al. Any Bflarawet wL+o co-sign9 1Lis See�m'try •�: :::
<br /> _ Insuannmt bm does nu�ex�tfle Note: (a)is co-�g tt►�s Sccu�tY��Y��8�+8�au�coavey��a
<br /> u
<br /> ' . B�rmwa's int�st ia the�petiy�mder tfle tams of t4is Seeurity InsWmeafi(b)is not Pe�sanallY obli�d yo PaY t�e s�
<br /> PlSd ]�E '�-;.
<br />: see�ed by this Savrity�tasuumeafi and(c)a�oes thac i,eaaer and any orher B�nwer may ag�e m excead.m,odi�►.€ort�t*.+or , .-�.�
<br /> 8 �r
<br /> ma1�e�y a000mmodanoaq witb�d w the t�ms of this Sc�auiry Ias�ameat ar the Note wifl�aut tLai�awds canseut � ' ;�.�.. ` -
<br /> ,: <'.' �3.l.o a n G�e�. I f t h e Ioan s e�a r e d by t h i s S e c�u i i y I n s r r�e nt i s s u b�ct w a law whicD setc maaimum lo�a cf��rs,
<br />. aad thai 1aw i�finaity intaprcted so that fhe interest or othc�loaa ebarges caliec►�fl ar w be wlketed In c�anne�don with the�oan _I�.
<br /> s excacd the pamiited t�io�,ihea:(a)eny sacb ban c�arge shall be reduced by�amaaat necessary t�iodnce the cbaaga ta tLe � ._r.f;.�.;�y�-�: .:
<br /> ;" Fe�mi�4limi�aad(b)�nY sams a1�adY collected f�m Baaower wlilch exceeGed pvmitt�dllmits adll ba ief�ad�d to�arro►a,� ': ��`��'
<br /> ,, Leadv may choose oo malce tbis�m�!by reducmg the prmcIpal owed tmdet the Note ar by mai�g a dinet payme�1� '''�_
<br /> � � Boaower. U a refimd teduces p�pal,the reducdaa w71 be t�eared av a partlal DrepaYma►t wIttwnt aay prepaym�t cfi�ga —" =��
<br /> .�:, tindet tbe Note. ..;::
<br /> ndef
<br /> �;��•..,- _. �
<br /> ��. � 14.Natices, My aadce tn Bomnwu pmvided far in Ws Se<auity Ins�rr�eat sl�a9 be givcn by deSivering it or by mailing it �.,.�:_
<br /> ���.._.,
<br /> ' � by fnze clug cna�anlesg Epplicab�t�w requires use of anotl�u m�hod.'Ihe noti�sl�aU be dirc�ocd w the Property AdQ�.ss av �.�'_:.'�-
<br /> aay Wher addresg Bamower desi�ates by aat�oe ro Leader Any noticce to Lead�r st�all be givra by fast elass matl tv LencZe�'s ------_ - :��--'`-
<br /> . adcl�es4�st�aesein �any other addre�Leader des�ate,v by notice to Bamwer.Any aotioe providcd for m tl�i3s Security -- =-- -.-- -
<br /> Iasonuaeat sha13 be deemed to have beea givea to Barrower ar Lender whs,n givea as pmvt�d in tLis D�a�csp�. - �,,',��.�.�..��`:
<br /> l5.Govtminj Law;SevaabiGty. 'Ihis Soc�iiy Insu�ent shaD be govemed by federal Iaw aa� tue Iaw of the ;:�'"�'
<br /> 3imsdicdan In whlch the Prapaty is tacated.In the even2 that any provision�clavse of this Sec�ity Insuumtat nr the Note °. .. .
<br /> canflicts witb apglicab2e�aw,sucl�wnfllict shall not affect other yrovistans of thi4 ,.. `'..' � �� .:
<br /> " m effoct witl�out the cnnt]icdn �tY Ias�neat az the 1Vote whicL caa De
<br /> � �`� ` �' 8 D�v7s�n.To tbis ead the provisions of this Secariiy Iastrumeat md the Nou are declated to ,.�'"`•�,'�`--_
<br /> ' 6e seve�able. �'�,�4"�`."""�.-- -
<br /> . ! . �R �:��•rt�^r.'-_._t:
<br /> � ��- ��
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