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<br /> f-. ' ..
<br /> -.-_— -"_ '.''_ - "r..., ' � _.
<br /> __ `. - .t"'3�-..-�-.�- "��-�`--.�_ --_
<br /> _ ^ _a-�._. - � �. •`_-.-..•_.�...___� �..�._�_,._..�.r..a ....-.�.........__.__..,.�.,..e.._._�.,._� . .. - `�� P'
<br /> 4. • �tt� . . _
<br /> yp� ��� '.R'� ;�� ' '�:.. ....
<br />�� V� _ . • . , . . • _�l� .
<br />� 't��WPfH ali the imgmvemer�t�aocv ar hereaft�er erect�d�th�pz+cs�erty.m�d all�ts,appurtenauces,end � . ` �` r` �,��.
<br /> Cmoues aow or Aer�a prut of tdcE:gmpaty.All replac�ea►a�m mmd additiocs�hall alao be oovered by dtis Sa�rity Instrus�ent. �:~*�`t=:'�t�;.=='-,`.:.�=`-.':��
<br /> AU of tiiee faregaing is refex�ed to ua t&is Seauity lnscnundit es the"Pr�aprity." . � ` . �; ;,. . '�";"'
<br /> BORROW6R COVID�TANTS thas Bormwer is tawfuity seised of t�esta�haeby cunveyed�d has the righ+t w grsan3�ud , � �"�_-""�-��—�_''
<br /> aaavcy t�e Pra�erty and that the Pt�perty is imeacwnbered,exoegt for e�aunbaaaces of ieoo�.Bamawer wanaat�aucR�veil .. ��t:.:.-
<br /> d�fend g�ccially the dsbe to d�e Ptoperty egainst all claims�d d�naeds.sib}:ct ta aay eavom3uances of rccard. . ',. v_
<br /> - THIS SE�JRITY IIVS'IgtUN�iT cambines canifa�o�vc�snts for naiianal use and aon-imifam�covenantg wit'a li�nfte� _-
<br /> -' v •�nns by�w so�i��uaifrnm st�ari�y�a�tcav�xing�al pra�xty. ' — —• _ _-
<br /> UNIPORM COV&�I► ANTS.B�w4t a�d I.EUder cov�snt and�as folIow� -
<br /> 1.Faym�t a�IP�iasi��Inte�st;Fixp�y��8 aad�.ate C6ug.�. Bomow� shail F�mPtiN F�Y whea dee the • �:-•,.''` ::a.�=_•<,�:, ,�-
<br /> pai�ciqal of�ufl ia�an�de6i earideaced 6y dfe Nute and aay pre�ym�t�d lane c�ges dne amd�r the Nore, . :. , "::u;.; {x����`=:,�__.
<br /> ��.r....`�� - r..,.•.•
<br /> . 2.Bands t�r Taie.s�IasarnIIaG Subject to appHcab2a 1aw ar to a written waiva by Iea6er,Boraower sLall pay to ,: :`-;`:�=���°.��_�
<br />.. Lead��the day monWy paytr�uts�due under the P7ote.aat�t�e Note bs paid ia fiil1.a sam(°Finads'�for:(a)yearly ta�cc� '"''_���
<br /> aad a�eats whi�b may�tmin pri�rity avcr t�is Securiiy Ins�umeat as a tiea as the Pmperty:N)Ye:�1Y 'leaschoS�1 paymeats ,`�'.`t���-_- — r:��, ,
<br /> �gco�ieam an t�e Pto�QatY,if any.(�)Ycar1Y ha7ard or P�P�Y��(�Y�Y���.� ..'��-�`"—..�
<br /> �Y:(a)Y�Y�e iasvzanoe p�remiams.if�y;�l{�aay sums psyahle hy Ba�rower to L�der,m aooaid�ce w�h the � --�±:,��''` "'°,,;��`
<br /> � �ttavLsions of pare�apD S. m tiw of the paymea�t of msrt�age insi..+�+nrs{erm�mc.'ihese iiems are catted°Esrsaw I�ms. f� :�.-'��:
<br /> ,. •.=5?r��rr��rr�er��'� --
<br /> . Leada maY.at any t�,colle�cc and hald Fimds m�aawtmt aot to e�c+�ed the maximum aanount a teader for a fed�nlly reYsted '= '�3.�� , "�'"-�_�.,°.�>
<br /> ` muttgage joaa may require f�Bamawa's e�ow a000nmt aader t�e federal Real Fstare Settlam�ot Roced�rs Act of 19�4 a4 ' ".i"�':�,�,�,� � ,�,�".� -�°-
<br /> ameoderi fro�time to t�e.22 US.C.Sec�on Zbt11 etseq. ("RFSPA� onless anothee taw tbaispplies leser �����'�, �?`�%�`'�:-
<br /> to the F�ds s�tv a ,:;:.
<br /> � , .�--s_��._,,_:r ,
<br /> • a�ouat 3f so.I.eader may.at a�►y t�se,ooUect attd t�1�F mm�t aot to ,_ :.,�-�s f�.,�-,�.,��_. W=,
<br /> �s m aa exooed the le�amo�t I.ender may •y r f; >^r.;,
<br /> . esdmata dte amotmt of Fbnds dae an the basis of cu�rent da�a aud crasanable es6ma�rs of ex�Aues af fuuue Esciaw It�s ai :+,rt I",%`�1t`r:t�:���.����•.�'�"'�'�
<br /> - o6'�a�w3se in acoadenoe with spplic�b7�taw. ., . .� ;-''�
<br /> , r.:r... ,, ..
<br /> ,.. .
<br /> 7T�e Funds shall be M1d'm an ins�nn cvhnse deposiut are I�s�ced Dy a fe+dPral a8�r.msuu�uu�2ttY,a�eatity fincIudiag ?,'•',����`�,;,���`.._-_-:'_ _ .
<br /> I.a'�dei.if I.aode3 Lv sacD sa insputG�on)�in aay Feda�al Frame Loan Bant�.L�udet c�aII apply the F�ds to pay the Fsctow � .
<br /> ; ��:. Iccros.I�dei may not ch�rg�Bo�rower f�M1din8�$FNl►m8 the Funde.�mnaIIY�Y�B the esccaw aaea�t,�veiifying ;� �— ---::-:�--�.,:
<br /> a�e Fsacow I��ss Lmda pays Bamarca�on ase P'am�au�agg�sc�bis�p�nitg r�asaer co malce s�a c�. ',.-.� `'��`�,�:.�„:
<br /> II�awevzr.L�ea6er may req�se B�xow�r tn pay a one��ne c6IIrge far an�degead�t n�l estate tsx repotdng s�vioe u�d by ""� ' �, .
<br /> ;.r ..
<br /> I.eadet�ca�nacSoa with tbis 1nzu,onless applicable L�►w�ovides othe�s�is�iTnl�an agreemeai is made�agptit�ble 1aw ��: '�'��: • `=-
<br /> yt r a�-
<br /> F�QIICS�II '�bj�D�°v�ji�3ldFl S�d'�Qat�IP.ICQ@ICQ iD j1'dj/'�OITUW(�S'�IIIT?d25L�Z�g3 OD�1N.F'�ad$.$OTIUNQ'd� c� ,,. ,��i v �._.'.
<br /> I+��y�����$s�101YCVQ.f�13L Ia1CCSt 5�211 bL`Q�OD thC�M�'S.I�Eid ST73�8iY6[O B'�lONE�s�OaI C�$Cti�D
<br /> ��:' .:�
<br /> annual acoou�g of the fimds,shawing�aad debitv to tbe F��the pu�pose f�wbic�ea��ebit w the Fumds was � �;�f�;.. �ti�
<br /> macm.'It�e Fmjds aoe pledged as additiaaal secariry f�aU sams s�nned by this Security Inst�uc �
<br /> � ' 1f dia blmds heW By Leadei exoeed the amount�pamiite�td be heSd by a�splicable taar.I.eatder shaU aow�t tn B�a�rer faa , ':�>' ,. � . ;:,
<br /> � the exa�ss Fimds m a000rdarx�e witL t�e reqvdiemeaYS of appticabSe law.If tha ama�nnt ef ti�e Faads held isy I.ead�ei st�y time is ;.; ,;�c.,.:. :.?;{;j:....^�,;_ �:.
<br /> aat suf6cieaY W pay t6e Baaow Itaais wL�t dae,Leades tnay co mo�fy Barrawe�in wridn ,�06,ia�case Bo�rawer sh�il • ry v • t f:j-, '.':.:
<br /> g gay �,�r��;,.,,.._.�. '�_�' .
<br /> to LeaBa tbe amwmt n�y w maYe up tha de�sy. BazawQ shall maice ap s�e def�ciea�y m no m�e thaa twetva .'`�r:.;'; . ' ' �`'
<br /> ��h+P�Y��atI�lrs's sole discaeifo�. � . ;:���' ` � . ' '<�;�
<br /> � ` Up�p�ayme�t�a faD of all sums seaaed�y tbis Sec�itq Inst�ea4 I�der ahall p�mptdy rtfand L�Bmowa�►y Faads .�' �'`•: � '^..` �;; `-_�=�•
<br />- hcld Dy Irnder.If,andet p�p6 21,Leadet sbaD acx�uae�sell the Pionerly.I.mdQ,Priot to tbe ecqwts�ia�or sale of the i=r,�;���..��� .� .,�w_�
<br /> ...A.;�
<br />;°� � Ropercy.sban apply aay Fundv hc1Q hy I.ender ai ttie time of ac�ition at sale as a cndit a�mst the s��by this .:;�;.. -- �`.�. • ,,
<br />?��, , • SC�ityIl�ti7�IIL - -�-�T:ac�e�'r:,
<br /> .:+_'�,
<br /> . 3.Appfic�ttton o�Pltymmta Unkss applic�ble 1aw pmvide9 atharwls�atl paymentv tooejved 6y Laider m�p�ay�ss �"a --
<br /> 1 rmd 2 s�II be applied:S�t.to�ty p�epaymrat ch�rgcs due tmder the Not�s�.oo e�payabk ande�r�2; ,.-- -- — ---- ,.
<br /> " ����—,:._
<br />• � thixd,ta IaL�est du�fa�th,to Pt�c�1 da��d 1ast.t�►eay late cdarges dx ander th�r'�. ���. : .
<br /> ,u.�«.,,�,. ':s:
<br />;i.`r:.:` ` • �•C�grB•,Ians. Bos'ower shall ray atl t�[es.asscssmeats�cl�8es.SnGa and"u�pos[tioas ettribut�ble to the RopaLy ����' ----- _
<br /> ,,��.� wt�ich may aunia}}�iority ovea m;s socarity tnsuimseat,er,a 1�e�oSd p�ym�ts or grovad rmts.tf�►.Ba�mwer s6w pay tLese �,
<br />'+:� � o6li�oa4 in t�rs�aoars provi�ed in paiagrapb 2�or if aot paid m tLat m�ner,Ba�sowxes sLall pay them�time Qitactiy to tbe �:s.,,�,`�`"`',-.-'�._:,.R�,.����:
<br /> 0 s0 �,...—..� '
<br /> - �Il ONfEd�CIIL $OfIOWQ S�}i QI111IIj1�/ft17[11511 IO Y.fil�?I 8v Il(�CQ'S Of 3ID0".�..m'.24�O j]C�IIilQEI L�.IS�.� c.� �..��, . +�y�.. T' ���_-:
<br /> , Ba�u��a�es mese paymea�s a�ocuy.BarYOwer shaU plompdy firmis�to Le�da nceipts evldeaG�g tLe paymenty, =�_�
<br /> _ Bmmwra�.tl D��D�Y�8e aay lica whicL has prIority ovea thiv Secariry Inst�umtx�t nnless Bazrawcr.(a)ag€ees m � ��;�i; '. _ ."��
<br /> ,.
<br />: wriiing to the pu�t of the obHgation seciued by tP�e liea in a manner acceptable o�Lead�;(b)aontests in good failh tbe liea „,`��;`f; . � '
<br /> � ••,-• ..;ii.
<br /> by.or ddeads�gafiast eafaa�ement of the tIai in, ie8� D�8$ wi�iicb in the Leuder's apmion o,peiate tn pieveat tGe - •�r�`t'4...:,:�;:�;�..:� �
<br /> F.���=`•
<br /> � , mf�eat af tbe lieA;a(c)secures from tt�ee ho1d�of tLe lieo su agteemmt�sfa�3+to I.eader�vb�dir�ing t6e Iien to 4�s1.---- .�
<br /> .. ro �::
<br /> ' th�Se,.^�rIty Iastru�eat If Lmder detem�ines thaz aay part of the Propaty�S subject tfl a liea wtich may attain pr7�iry oves this ..':�._._�_ .: - _
<br />;:� aCa�;y Instr°�t,I.en�r may gtve BmroRVes a ao�cc idradfying the liea Bmr�wer sha11 satisfy the 3�a ar taice oae or m�e --.�'��"�"`_'..
<br />';Y a Y�e a c s�n s e c t t c�a b a t w v e w i t h t n 1 0 d a y s o f t�a g i v i n g o f n o t i ce. K~�� �,r�� =
<br /> �;?• �`
<br /> ?' • Form 882�p190 --- �'-
<br /> : ��eP{pCL1t��1.o: F�s2o�e � - �� '�
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