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� <br />201.�U326G <br />EXHIBIT uA° <br />� tract of lund compri�ing a part of ttie East Il�lf of the Southenst, Quurker (El/2 SEl/4) of Sectinxo <br />`Tlventy-eight (18), Townshlp Eleven (11) Nurth, Rnage Nine (9) West �f U�e 6lh Y.I14., l� tl�e City �� <br />Grand ISIEiA[I }IaU Counly, Ne�rbska, mare particularly described as fuUu�ti�s I3L'�,ILDIq� at tl�e <br />SouWwest Cucner of Lot One (1), {� `oodlana Firsk Su6dlYlsian, suid polnt also b�fng an tl�e NnrtherE,� <br />rigLt of way liue of SYoudland Drive; I�euce runufag Nurtl�westerly along the Northerly right of way line <br />of 1Yoodland Drive, un a❑ �ssuwed 6enriug uf N 89° a9' O5" W, a alstance af Ninety Nine and NirieTenths <br />(99,y0) feeq tt�ence ruuning S QQ° Q5' S�" E ulnng the �Yesterly ri�hk uf Way line of Woodlaud Drive a <br />di9tauce uf Sixty end One Tenth (60.10) t'eet, to the NorWtrest coruer Uf L.ol Seve� (7), Woodlaud Second <br />Subdlrisiun; tl,ence runuing S 84° 59' 31" �Y, a dlstance uf S�ven HuncL•ed Ninety Seven and SeventyNine <br />FIundrrdWy (797,79) feet, to a polat pu t}�e l��eslerly line of said East Ilulf of f4e Sautheust Quarter <br />�E1/2 �E1/q); tLencr runnlag N 0{l° O(I' [}0" E along t4e }Yesterly Une of said Eust lYalt of t6e Soull�east <br />�uarter (E1/2 SE1/d), a dlstunce af Six Huadred Seveniy TLree und Farly (]ne ITuudredlLs (673.�11) <br />feet; tLeace ruuning S H9° 59' �i6" E, a distance of ElgUt �lunclred Niuety SeYen und 5eventy Fuur <br />Hu❑dredthy (�97,7a) feet, to a polnt o❑ tLe ��eaterly line of Woodlund Flrst Subdivislon; tlieuce runutug <br />S pil° �1' lb" }y ��ung We �Festerly line of Woodland First SubcUvlsloa, a distnn�e of 3ix IIuudn:d <br />7'hl� aud EiFty Thc Ilundredt4s (613a3) teet, to ll�e polUt uf hegluning. <br />