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.r • <br />2011U3265 <br />E�CH[13IT °�.�� <br />d Irac[ ol land cumprising a part of Uie East Iialf af the SouWeast, QuArker (El/2 SEl�d) af Sectinx� <br />`flventy-eight t2B), Towns}aip Eleren (11) Nurth, RAnge Nine (9) West oF tlte 6lii P.hl., in the C'ity a�t' <br />�rand Islnnd, NaU Caunty, NeUrasha, more pacticularly descriUed as fallows I�egiuning at tt�t <br />SauWwest Carner oF Lot Oae (I}, �'y f p0(�ISAa FI['St SUbt�JY1910D� suid palnt ulso b�ing an tlie I�Iorthertg <br />rigLt of nay liue uf �Voudland Drlve; thence runulag Nurtdtirestcrly along tbe Nortlierly rigLt of �Yay line <br />af 1Yoodland l�rive, �n �n asyumed beariug uf N 89° �9' OS" W, a dlstance of Nlnety Nlne and Nlt►eTenlhs <br />(99,H0) feet; tt�ence ruunfng S DO° Q5' S�° E along tiie �Vesteriy rigUl uf Way line of Woodiaud Drive a <br />diytauce uf Sia;ty an�! One TentU (60.1Q) feet, to lhe AtortLwest cnrner uf Lol Seven (7), Waudlaud Sccon�t <br />5ubdlrisiun; [l�ence runuing S 89° 59' 31" �Y a dlstunce uf S�Ven �Cundred Nluety SeVen aad SeYentyNine <br />tlualredtLy (797.79) Feet, to a poiat o❑ lue �i�esterly line of snid East Ilulf af kUe Southeust Quarter <br />(E1/2 SE1/�); thence running N Ot)° 0{1' QD" E afong the Weslerfy line of s�id E�st li�i( of tha Soutl�east <br />Quarter (�1/. SE1�4), a dlstance af Si�c Hundred Sevealy Tl�ree and Fariy nne ltuudredllis (673.d1) <br />Feet; iLence runntng S B9° 59' a6° E, u distauce of EIgLt t�undred Niuety 5even And Seventy Faur <br />Huadredth9 ��97,7a1 Feet, to a polnt on We �YCylerly line of WooaluUd �+iCSt SUbt�lVi&loq; tl�eace ruuniug <br />S OQ° O1' 16" W alaug the �Yesterly line af 1'Yoodlavd First Subdivlsion, a t1lstAUCe of 3ix Huudn:d <br />Thlt and FlRy'I'tiree Ilundredtus (b13a3) fee[, ko the polnt uf Ueginning, <br />