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<br />--- -2�1iO3254. --
<br />t ecta/ Description
<br />A tract of land comprising o par� of Lof Thirty One (39), Motthews Subdivision,
<br />locoted in tfre tVarthwest Quarfer (NW�/4) of Secfian Twenty Seven (27), Township
<br />Eleven .(11) North RQnge Nine (9)_ West of fhe 6fh. P.M., in fhe City of Grand lsland,
<br />Holl County, Nebraska, more porticula�ly described as fol%ws:
<br />Beginning at the soutfrwest corner of said Lot Thirty One (31); ther�ce running
<br />northerly on the 'west line of said Lof Thirty One (39), on an Assumed Bearing of
<br />N00°12'06"W, a distance of Three Hundred �ghty Seven and Farty Six Kundredfhs
<br />(387.46) feet, to the northwest corner of soid Lot Tlrirty One (31); fhence running
<br />S89°20'28"E, on the north line of soid Lot Thrrty One (31), a disfance of Three
<br />Hundred One and Thirty Three Hundredths (309.33) feet to o point One Hundred
<br />T'wenty ��20.00) west of the northeost corner�af said Lot Thrrty One (31); thence
<br />running S2T22'S8"E, a distance of Two Hundred Four and Sixty Fve Hundredths
<br />(204.65� feef, to o point on the� south line of sord Lot Thirty One (31), and llzirty
<br />and Five Hundredths (30.p5� feet southwester/y of the southeast comer of said Lot
<br />ThrFty One (31); thence running S62°49'35 on the south Jine of sard Lot Thirty One
<br />(31), a distance of Four Hundred Forty Two and Ninety Five Hundredths (442.95)
<br />feet, to the pornt of beginning and containing 2.380 acres more or less.
<br />TRAGT 2
<br />Leqal Descrlption
<br />A tract of land camprising a part of Lot Fhirfy One (31), Mafthews Subdivision and o fract of lond know os Thovenef's Ice Pond,
<br />oll %cated in the Northwest Qua�er (NWl/4) of Secfion Twenfy Seven (27), To►vnship Eleven (19) NorEh Runge Niae (9) Wast of the
<br />6th. P.M., in the City of �rand lsland, Hall CounEy, lVebrasko, more particularlX described as fol%ws•
<br />Beginning at fhe southwest comer of said �ot Thirty One (31); thence running norEheoste�ly on the soutlrerly line of said Lot Thirty
<br />One (31), on an Assumed Bearing of N62'48'35 o disfance of Hundred Faty Two and Ninety Five Hundredths (442.9�) feef,
<br />to a point Thirty and Five Hundredths (30.05J feet soufhwesterly of the soutlreast cromer of said Lot Thirly One (3�); thence running
<br />N2T22'S8 a disfance of Two Hundred Four and Sixty Five Hundredtfis (204.65) feet, fo o point on the norftr line Qf said Lof
<br />Thir(y One (31); thence running S89'28'S4 on fhe north line of scrid Lot Thirly One (31), o disfance of One Hundred Ttventy
<br />{120.OQ) feet, fo the norfheasf comer of said Lof Thir(y One (31); thence running Al00'96 a�stance of Twenty Two ond Eleven
<br />Hundredfhs (22.11) feet, to a poinf e utherly line of Lot One (1) , Bu�ch Third Subdivision; fhence runninq S89'32'40 on
<br />the southerly line of Lot One (1), B�r�h�u�a�ivision and its extension, a distance of Five � Hundred Seventy Eght and Thirfy Seven
<br />Hundredths (578.37) fee� fhence running S00'14'53� a disEance of Two Hundred Sevenfy Five ond Fifty Seven Hundredtlrs (275.57)
<br />feef; fhence running S68'S0'S5 a distonce af Two Hundred Nineteen and One Hundredths (219.01) feet; thence running
<br />S3TZ1'48�l; a distance of lhree Hundred Seventy .Fighf and Forty Fve Hundiedths (375.45) feet, to a come� of Lot Two (2),
<br />Frrethome Estafes Second Subdivision; fhence running S8152'S9'�V on the northerly line of Lot Two (2), Frrethome Esfotes Second
<br />Subdivision, a distonce of One Hundred Forty Three ond E'ighfy Hund�edths (143.80) fee� thence running S77'27'4$ on the norther/y
<br />line of Lot Two (2), Fi�eEhome Estates Second 5ubdivision, o disEance of E'ight and Sixty Seven Hundredths (8.67) feet, to the
<br />norfhwest comer of Lot Twa (2), Frrefhome Estotes Second Subdivision; Ehence running SAO'17'19 on the west line o�'�Lof Two (2),
<br />Firethome Estafes Second Subdivision, a disfance of Elghteerr and E"ighty Six Hundredths (98.86) feef; fhence running S75'32'11'�f; a
<br />distonce of Four Hundred Sevenfy Six and Twenty Hundredths (476.20) feet, to a pornf on the east line of Lot Twenty Frve (25),
<br />Mofthews Subdivision; thence running N00'04'38'1�1; on the east line of Lof Twenty Five (25), Maffhews 5ubdivision, o distance of Three
<br />Hundred Ninefy One and Ti�irEy Hundredths (391.30} feet; thence running N63'19'35'E, on the southe�ly line of Lot Three (3) Mil-Nic
<br />Addition, a distance of Fiffy Two and 5even#y Hundredths (52.70) feef, fo the poinf of beginni�g and conEoining 11.516 acres mo��
<br />or less.
<br />