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�011U32�5 <br />�. <br />- <br />- � "? .�,,:,. <br />..�. <br />...�._ <br />�� <br />� <br />0 — <br />� �� <br />a = =fNA1dCING STATEMEidTAMENDMEMT <br />N i' WSTRUC7IONS (front and back) CAREFULLY <br />�==& PHOPIE OF CONTAC7 AT FILER [optionalJ <br />� �-648-8026 <br />�� � ACKNONILEDGMEN'f' TO: (Name and Address) <br />� � <br />�� DIVERSiFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC Z <br />14010 FNB PKWY, STE. 400 � <br />OMAHA, NE 68154 Z. <br />'� <br />I� <br />I��: <br />����! <br />s <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />� � <br />� f . �. <br />� � �._ , <br />O <br />� � . <br />c� <br />�� ' <br />--+ <br />� <br />� <br />'� (' -; � <br />e <br />r` �- <br />O � -. <br />I"Ql <br />rr'i �� <br />0 <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />,� <br />� <br />-�o <br />� <br />(V <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />F-� <br />N <br />�7 <br />� <br />�� <br />o -� <br />C D <br />z m <br />--� <br />-� p <br />O � <br />-Tt Z <br />= m <br />n m <br />r � <br />r b <br />Cl) <br />� <br />D <br />�...i v <br />cf� <br />� <br />THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR PILING OFFICE USE <br />1a. INITIAL FiNANCING STATEMEN7 FILE # <br />200412063 HALL COUNTY, NE 12/16/2004 <br />"— 2. �/ TERMINATION: E <br />3. CONTIPIUAT <br />cantinued tor the adi <br />to be filed [for recortl] (or recordecq in the <br />-�. <br />'� <br />s.�. <br />`� <br />t- <br />v <br />ctiveness of the Fnanct� Statement idsntifled above is terminated wlth reapec t security interest(s) ot the Secwrad Party authorizing this Term(nation Statement. <br />fveness of tha Financing Statement ide�tifietl abovs with respect to security interesi(s) of the Secured Party authortzing this Continuatfon Statement is <br />pedod provided by applfcahle law. <br />4. ASSiGNMENT (tull or partial): Give name of asaignee in item 7a or 7b and address ot assignee in (tem 7c; and also gtve name of assignor in kem 9. <br />5. ARAENDMENT (PAR7Y 1NFpRMATION): This Amendment affects Debtor Qt Securetl Party of record. Check only �t10 of these two boxes. <br />Also check ppg of the foflow(ng threa txizes ,�! provide appropriate intortnation (n items 6 antl/or 7. <br />CHANGE name antllor address: Give current record name fn Rem 6e or 6b; aiso give new DELETE name: Give record name ADD name: Complete item 7a or 7b, and also <br />r <br />IIname ('d rsame chanae) in item 7a or 7b a�d/pr rrew address (if adtlress chanqe) in Item 7c ❑ to be deleted in item 6a or 6b. ❑ item 7c: also complete items 7d•7a (if apqlicable). <br />R f:i IIaRFfJT GF(:hRl1 INFf1RMATiC)N• <br />OR <br />7c. MAILING <br />CITY <br />7d. TAX 10 #: $SN OR EIN ADD'L INFO RE I78. TYPE UF UH(iANIGA I IUN it, durua�w i it�rv vr vn4,Hrviu. ��v�n <br />ORGANtZAT10N <br />DEBTOR � <br />8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERAL CHANGE�: check only � box. <br />— Rescribe collateral ❑ delated or ❑ added, or g(ve entire❑restated collateral description, or describe coliateral �assigned. <br />ID #, it any <br />NONE <br />9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AN1EtdDMENT (name of assignor, if this is an Assignment). If t�is is an Amandment authorizedby a Dsbtor which <br />adds collaterei or adtls tbe author(zing Oebtor, or if lhis (s a Termination aulhorized by a Debtor; check here n and enter name of DEBT4R auttrorizing this Amendment _ <br />92.OH(iAN1LAllUN'J NAMt �� <br />DIVERSIFIIEEll FIIVANCIAL SERVICES, LLC <br />OR 9b. INDIVIpUAL'S 4AST NAME FIRST NAME M(ODLE NAME SUFFIX <br />CODE <br />0 <br />N <br />O <br />l---� <br />}--+ <br />0 <br />W <br />N <br />� <br />CJ'# <br />0`�/G <br />1Q,OPTWNAL F{LEH HEYEtitNGt UA I H <br />108284-002 PANOWICZ TERM <br />. <br />FILING OFFICE COPY—NATIONAL UCC FlNANC4NG STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 07l29(98) <br />7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFdRMATION: <br />
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