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.�I�'iE= �� yu,.ck��N�y"�( ��•._ -- —•�v... ,�y:._ye,3:,;S';�•,:�.-_.r_T - <br /> �a'-- �i <br /> ���~ � „ � *ie+.y.•, y L-ti> y,',- _-. <br /> , ' µl�l;%J�! �A' • ,�� � . <br /> . ,�i .�..:�.�i�i- � <br /> .y � . ...�.- - ____� <br /> � ! i <br /> :.��.;,�,.;,� 92� io5si2 -- <br /> ���9���° �:� , _ <br /> ::��.�:��'W.� -- <br /> •�����.��� payments, which we roferred to in Parag�'uph 2�.c►r chunga Ihe umount ai xuch puymenlx. Any excesa praceeda aver an _ � <br /> --��,,,� amauntreq UI(Cd l0�fAy YII OUIYlaf1dl11�IIIdCbtal�e�under�he Note and thic Securlty Ineuument ehall be pafd tn the entity <br /> — —-- • b�ally entitled thereta. <br /> — � • 8. Feer, Lcnder may collect fec�and chu�ex ewhoriud by�ha Secrct4ry. _ <br /> �.Y� u; ,. f.' . 9. (iroundr tor Accekratlon of Deb4 <br /> • -•- ' ��..��'?:.� : (a)Dei�ull. l.ender moy,except os limited by regulatianx issued by the Secretury in Ihe cuse of Nuyment defauUR, <br /> ti����,•-�;`�: rcquire immediwtep�yment in NII of all Rums sccurcd by this Secudty Ins�rument iL• <br /> li)Barrowcr defaulla by fai8ng io pay i�full ony manhly poymeM reyuired by this Sccurity Instrument priar <br /> ' to ar on the due date of ihe next manthly puymcn�.or � -���_ <br /> `�'?''�' � (ii)Bornower defaultx by failin�,far A pedod oi'thiny dpys,to periorm any n�her obliga�innx cnn�ained in this _-_ <br /> .,.�;�4.'f�� Securiry Instrumcnt. , <br /> rs�h i <br /> (b)Sale Wilhout Credit Approval. Lender sholl.if permitted by upplkablc luw und with the p�for approval af the �_� <br /> -�'..._;x_��,,!"� • Sec�ctwy,rcquirc immedixte puymcnt in fuli of aU�he sums sccured by this Secudty Ins�rument if: - <br /> -?.:�:�� . (i)All or part of the Prapeny,ar u beneficial interest in a trust owning wll or purt of thc Property, is sold or �r�= <br /> otherwise tmnafcrred(other thon by devi�se or descenp by the Borrowcr,nnd ___- <br /> -`� � "': •�_�:,�• "° (i�►�('hc Properry is not a:cupied by the purchu�er or grnntee us his ur her principnl residence,c►r the purchaser �-.__ <br /> �'.� �'�'�'`.�"e'�'� " or gruntee daes so occupy Ihe PropeAy but his ar her credit has not been approved in ucwrda�ce �~""" <br /> ..„�,,, <br /> �• :. ::• ; with ihe requinements af tUe Secretary. '�'-'`°' <br /> � -� � (e)No Wpiver. If cireumstances accur chat wauld permit Lender to require immediate pnyment in full,but l.ender __ <br /> ._ �^'•�-•'�•.� .�,,,`;.�};' does nat require suchpuyments,Lender dces not waive ils�ight�with respect to sub.sequent evenls. — � <br /> (d)Re�uMtiono of HUQ Secretary. In many circumstances regulations lssued by the Secretary will limit Lender's ��_t-T�,. <br /> -`�".�,:.•`:•"'.�.•�, •'a righis. in the case af payment defaults,to require immediate payment in full and fareclose if not paid. This _ <br /> � ' Security Insuument does not uu�hodu accelemtian or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations of th$Secrelary. �.__ <br /> -;,���•-w�•';• � ��� (e)Morfgpge Not Insured. Borrower agrcea that should this Security Inxtrument and the note secured thereby nat <br /> _ —`-, """'�`'���� ., �'T, be eligible for inxurance under the National Housing Act within 8 months from the �-`�_y <br /> � � � date hereof,Lender muy,nt its option and nawithstanding unything in ParugrAph 9,requi�e immediatc payment in ��_ <br /> �_t�. , a full of all sums securcd by this Security Mstrument. A written statement of uny nutharized ugent of the Secretary �,,;:__ <br /> '- ",�� • ' dated subsequent to 8 months irom the date hereof,declining to insure ihis Securily -�` � <br />...�� � .,�, Inswment and the note secured themby,shAll be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwiths�anding Q,_,.,� <br />"�:::� � .,,,..,; ,, .,_ the Poregoing,this option may not be exercised by L.ender when thc unuvailabiliry of insurunce is volely due ro F�'=== <br /> �- • Lender s fuilure to remit u morignge insurance premium to the Secretury. �;�;. <br /> ?'. . 10. Reinatatement. Borrawer Mac a right lo be reinstuted if Lender has reyuired immediate payment in full becnuse �.,s4 <br /> -_r ;, - of Borrower's failure to pny an umount due undcr the•No:e ar this Security lnslrumen�. This right applies even afler : M1 i� <br />�"`�` pay+ _,,,,,;,,�„ :� forecloxure proceedings ure intitituted. 'Ib reins�ute�he Securily Instrumem, Borrower�shall tender in a lump sum all .,. <br /> .�•�f r r.��-.,� �rti.. _ amounts requ ire d to b dnQ Bortnwer's nccaun t c u r r e n t i n c l u d i n g,t o i h e e x t e n t t h e y are obli gations of Borrower under this _� <br /> "'f �� Security Insuvment,foreclosure costs and rea.tonable and wstamary at[ameys'i���u.iJ a�pense.s praperly assaciated«�ith __Y <br /> � ° the foreclosure proceeding. Upon►einstAtement by Borrawer,this Securily Instrumen� and the obligationti that it securev ____ <br /> shall remain in effect as if l.ender hud not requircd immedinte payment in full. However,Lender is not required to�ermit ��_ <br /> reins�atement if: (i>Lender has acecpted reinstntement ai�er�he commencement of foreclosure proceedings wi�hm �wo __ <br /> ' �' � ° yeurs immediately preceding the commencement of u cu�rent forecloture proceeding,(ii) reinstatement w�ll preclude .____. <br /> foreclosure on different grounds in the futurc,or(iiil reinstatement will advenely uffect the prior{ry of the lien creuted by �_- <br /> • this 5ecurily lnstrumen�. _--- <br /> '�. 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance by Ixnder Not a Walver. Extension of thc time of pnyment or _'� <br /> ' modification of umortixution af the�cums tiecured by�his Security Ins�rument granted by Lender tu uny succexsor m m�ercst p�d=_ <br /> � �• J of Borrower shall nol operute to relcase the liubility of the origmul Borrowcr or Borrowerti successor in interext. Lender �_,,_ <br /> shuil not be required to commence proceedings uguinst :mX sucerszor in imere.r•t cx refuse to r,xtend time for paymenl or <br /> • . " otherwise modify umortizalion of the sums securod hy thi.r• Sccuriry lnxtrument hy reuson of uny demund mnde by the <br /> " original Borrower or Borrower's xuccessan in in�erest. Any fi�rheuranre by Lendrr in exercixing uny right or remedy shall •_ � <br /> '� " not be u waiver of or preclude the excrci sc of uny right��r remeJy. F_""'` <br /> •• '�� 12. Successors and Assigns Rtwnd;Joint and Several l.iabllity;CaSl�ner9. Th�covenants und agrecments oP ��� <br /> � this Security Inslrumcnt shull bind und be:nefit thc surcexson und ussigns of l.ender und Borrowcr,subject to the provixians <br /> 9.b. Borrower's covcnuntx and aureements xhull ix joint imd +cver�1. Any Borrower who co-signs this �_�_�`��' <br /> af Parngruph _ •� <br /> � Seturiry Instrument but doeti not execute�he NMe: lu)is co-.igning this Securiry In,trument only to mortguge,grunt and ;:_�:: <br /> - �>^ wnvey that Bormwer'�interest in Ux�Prc,�xny undcr�he tcmis of thi.Sccurity InstrumenC(bl i.not persanally obliguted to <br /> ., puy the sums secured by this Security InstNmrnr,unJ Icl agrrcy thul L�nJer und un�+ other Borniwer muy ugree�o extend. � <br /> • .. , modiiy,forbear ar makc uny uccommod�tionx wi�h ngi:rJ a��he�rnn���f�his Scrunt y In�trument or the Note without thut �y� y <br /> . � ' .. Borrowcrk conseut. <br /> . 13. Notices. Any nuticc�o Burrower pmvidcd ti►r in thi�Securily Intiirumrnt �hall tx givrn by delivcring it or by �„n:.� <br /> �ti; � mniling it by firt clusti muil unle+s �+pplicable law myuireti u.c ��f unuthrr methal. Tlic nuticc +hull br directed �n the __�:_ <br />� Property Addresti or uny other uJdre�+l3ixmwcr dr+ignute� by n��licc Ic Lendcr. Ar�y n��ticr to Lcndcr shull lx Fivcn by —�•�-� <br /> ° first cluss mui) to Lcndcr'+i►Jdr�s+ stut�J hrrrin or any uddre.� Lcndcr drsiFnatc� hy nuticr 1u Burrowcr. Any notice <br /> � t.. Qrovided Por in thix Securiry Instrumrnt.hull tx dcemrJ t��hu�c Ixen Eivcn tn Bortmvcr�x l.cndrr whcn given ns pravided . <br /> m this purugrnph. <br />. � . � . 14. Governing Luw;tieverability. 1'hi.Srrurity In.trum�m.hall h►gu�cmed hy F�Jrr:d la�v and thr luw of Ihc . <br /> � jurisJictiun in which thc 1'mExrty i� 4x:��rJ. In thr cvrnl Ih:u any pru��i�i�m or rluu��ot thi+ Sccurily In+tn�ment or thc <br /> ., ' No�e r�n0ictx with rppliruM� luw. tiuch rnntlirl +hall nol aftcet u�hrr pn�vi+iun.nt'�hi.Srrurity Imuument ur Ihe Notc <br /> �� , which run be given eflect wilhout�he c�mllirt inti provi.ion. 'li�thi.�nd Ihr pruvi.ii►n.ut thi�Srrurity In.lrumenl and thr <br /> Notc ure declurcd lu Ix.rvrniMc. <br /> � I5. Bnrrowcr's Cop�•. liorro�►rr�h;dl Ix��i�•cn onc c�mfurmcJ r�,p���,t'thi.tic�-urity In.trumcnt. <br /> , . 16. Asxi�nmcnt of Rents. B�im���•rrunrundi�iunidl} ;�•�iEn.:md tr� l.�nder all Ihr rcnth unJ nvrnuc,af�hr <br /> ' Propehy. B�ttmwer uulhorin.Lrn�lcr��r Lcn�icr'����.rm�i��rullrrl the rcm�;md rrvr nuc�anJ hcrchy dirert,curh icnanl ut' � <br /> . thc Properly lo pi�y IM rrntti 1u Lciidcr ur Lcndrr:a�!rnt+. Ilu��cvcr. pri��r lu I.cixirr',ni�tirc ta 8urrowrr ot' Burruwer� � <br /> " .. hreuch of any cuvcnaN or agrcrmrnl in thc tircurily In•lrumenl.Burra�vrr�hall r��Uc��:uxl rrrriv�ull rcnt.unJ rcvrnur+ut' <br /> ' thr Propeny uti Irutiter li�r thr txnel�it ot' Leixlrr:inJ Nurm�vrr. 1'hi.a..iEnmrnt uf r�ni�run,lilut�+.�n uh.ulutr iu�ignment j <br /> and nut un usxignment for addi�iun:d.crurin���nly. <br /> If Lendrr�ives nalice uf hreach ti� R�irruNCr: I:il:dl rrnt.rccrivcd 1»• Nurro��cr.hall tx hrld b} Harruwrr ii.tru+lce , <br /> . . .. . , <br /> �� .._ :.�_.,. <br /> ... . . _- -• <br /> f�x benctil uf Lrnd�r unl�•.to Ix:��t��liCJ Iu thC�llniti �CCaI'Cd nY IIIC 1CCU�lI�' Imtrumcni. ii�i i.c�niei �ti iiii�u�u.:: : <br /> , cullcct und r+�reivr ull ul'Ihe rent+��I'Ihc 14n�xn�•: and�r1 r:�rh trn;�nt uf Ilir I'ropcn� •hall pa� :dl rcnt.dur and unpaid tu � <br /> . l.rnder ur LenJer's ugcnt on Lrnder:��riucn�temunJ tu�he Irnant. <br /> Burrower hus nnt cxcrwrd miy priur a.,ignmcn� ol thr nnt,anJ ha.nai and ��•ill nut Exrl��nn uny :ir1 that ��•uulJ <br /> " pn:vcnt Lcndcr fram cxcrcitiinE ils right.undrr thi�Para�r;�ph Ib. <br /> Lrndcr�hnll no�Ix rcyuir�J t��c��trr u��un. �iiAr runuul of or maimain Ihr I'ru�kny Ix(un ur alirr�;i�ing nuure ol' <br /> hrcach w Burrc��vcr. I luwrvrr. Lrn�kr �K a.�uJ�ri:dly :q�uinlrJ rrcrivrr tnay .lu.o:u:�nv umr tNri� i•a hreach. Am <br /> upplirutiun uf rcnt�tihall nut rurc ur w•:�ivc an�•drt:iult ur iu�alidair an}uthci n�lu�•r rrmr�t� af Lrndri. "1'hi.;�..ignmriit <br /> �H'rcnl�uf thc F'roprny.hall trnninatr whcn�hr drFH.rcurcil hy�hr tircurn�•In,�rum�n�i.�,:ud in full. � <br /> ; <br /> ' � i�„cr+„rd�•.�.�„ � <br /> 1 <br /> 4 � <br /> w <br />